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In the objective article one made an attempt presentings of the absorption of measures from the European Fund of the Regional Development through the region West Pomeranian. One evidenced potential barriers and also appearing problems in spending of Union measures.
Artykuł porusza kwestię pozycji prawnoustrojowej Rzecznika Praw Pacjenta, a także jego zadań i kompetencji. Autor dochodzi do wniosku, iż Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta nie jest ty-powym ombudsmanem, a jego działalność jest ściśle podporządkowana władzy wyko-nawczej, co zaprzecza niezależności charakterystycznej dla potencjalnego ombudsmana.W artykule zastosowano dwie metody badawcze, takie jak analiza systemowa oraz insty-tucjonalna. Subsydiarnie zastosowano metodę historyczną oraz obserwacji. Jako tech-niki badawcze użyto analizę treści aktów prawnych, analizę tekstów opracowań specja-listycznych oraz analizę innych dokumentów.
The article deals with issues related to the legal and systemic position of the patient om-budsman, as well as his tasks and competences. The author concludes that the ombuds-man is not a typical ombudsman and that his activity is strictly subordinate to the executive, which is a denial of independence characteristic of a potential ombudsman. The article uses several research methods, such as system analysis and institutional analysis. The comparative, historical and observational methods were used subordinately. The re-search techniques used in the article include the analysis of the content of legal acts, the analysis of the texts of specialist studies, and the analysis of other documents.
The article undertakes the issue of innovative policy. It shows that this form of poli-cy is typical of public policies, being characterized by a suitable life cycle and referents. It examines relations between innovative policy and industry, science and the govern-ment. One finds that innovative policy is a stimulator of the development of the economy in a given state.
The article presents basic relations which happen among Europeanization and the public politics on the example of the politics of the cohesion. The author makes the broad exploration objective concepts and also postulates determined conclusions and recommendations.
Artykuł koncentruje się wokół problematyki wskazania podstawowych zadań wybranych organów administracji publicznej w zakresie ochrony cyberprzestrzeni. Zwrócono uwagę na podstawowe dokumenty ponadnarodowe i krajowe, a także wyjaśniono rolę i zadania administracji publicznej w obszarze ochrony cybersieci.
The article focuses on issues arising from the delimitation of responsibilities and tasks of public administration authorities in protecting the cyberspace. Considered are basic official documents, both supranational and domestic, in the area of the cyberspace and of information networks.
The participation of Poland in the Union’s military missions was dictated by a conviction about the need of a common, solidary cooperation in solving problems on a local, as well as international level, especially in the situation, when local issues could transform into a problem of a wider, so regional or global nature. Ensuring a state’s safety and strengthening of the position of Poland on the international arena, as constant purposes of our national policy, required joining in any international initiatives that were supposed to serve as a realization of strategic national aims. Due to the fact that different processes and phenomena happening in surroundings, regions and in the world influenced by the Polish safety, Poland had to actively participate in these actions. The active membership of Poland in foreign missions had been creating conditions that favor economical development and a progress of civilization. The participation in missions lead under the aegis of the European Union was also a realization of allied commitments and they were the one to constitute the credibility of Poland. The participation of Poland in the Common Security and Defence Policy can be divided into two periods. The first once embraces a time, when Poland was not a member of the European Union and, to be honest, its participation in a decisive process under the CSDP had more of a personal nature of engagement into lead missions. Therefore, Poland activated its military forces in military operations, as well as civilian ones, of which there were more. A second period is the time after 2004, when Poland had become a member of the European Union. In this case, we had a formal right to participate or make decisions ands not to participate in certain initiatives of the European Union. In operations that had national forces involved, it is possible to notice happening there processes of the Europeanization. Generally, they were based on taking over soft regulation aspects elaborated on a Union’s level and implementing them in actions of Polish organizations. Even though under the CSDP decisions were made and are made in an intergovernmental way, in situations when Poland participated in operations lead by the European Union, it has always adjusted to the dictate of Brussels. It resulted from an operational, organizational and logistic subordination of the Polish Military Contingent. To sum up, it can be assumed that even in a policy considered as a field with many flaws, there still are ongoing processes of Europeanization based on taking over elements of soft laws and in some cases – hard regulations as well. In this context, Polish armed forces received some “best practices”, learnt to act in completely different conditions and fields that made their adjustments and taking over good practices have some kind of a socialization nature.
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę funkcjonowania systemu kontroli administracji publicznej w Polsce. Wyjaśnia pojęcie kontroli, różnice występujące między kontrolą a nadzorem oraz innymi formami ingerencji w działalności administracji. Określono w nim również podmiot i przedmiot kontroli, wskazano na instytucje w polskim systemie prawnym zajmujące się kontrolą, dokonano podziału i klasyfikacji kontroli. W ostatniej części skoncentrowano się na pojęciach audytu oraz wynikających z niego implikacji dla funkcjonowania samego systemu administracji w Polsce. Zaprezentowano kontrolę wykonywaną przez sądy i starano się bronić tezy o funkcji kontrolnej sprawowanej przez te organy.
The present article undertakes the issue of the functioning of the control system of public administration in Poland. It explains the notion of control, the existing differences between inspection and supervision, and also with other forms of interference in the administrative activity. The author also defined the subject and the object of inspection, identified institutions exercising controlling power in the Polish legal system, divided and classified control. In the last part, the author focussed on the notion of audit and the resulting implications for the functioning of the Polish administration system itself. In particular, the controlling power exercised by courts was presented, with arguments supporting the thesis that these organs perform a controlling function.
Safety and defence studies have a very short history, as they were created quite recently. Hence the possible assumption that research methods that are used in them are in a sowing stage. In spite of it, there are researchers that decided to undertake a variety of explorative challenges and they try to use different research method, very often choosing them in reference to investigated reality. Therefore, it can be assumed that the methodology of safety and defence studies has not completely developed (yet). Borrowing methods from different sciences is a very difficult venture which causes situations when research results are false or they do not support any of the stated hypotheses. In the objective article, a review of research methods used for now in safety studies has been made. Of course, it can not be suggested that they are the only and the best ones. Actually, scarcely the quantity of conducted researches and investigated issues can let researchers make an observation which method is a leading one. For now, researchers try to look for accurate solutions for them and the investigated matter at the same time. It is very similar to a promotional work (such as essays, researches). In universities, where degree dissertations and Masters’ theses are being created, different research methods are used to apply to them. It happens quite often that the used methodology derives from pedagogical sciences. Some of the universities use research methods borrowed from political sciences. Another ones use methods that are quite sophisticated and very often draw from a variety of scientific disciplines. To recapitulate, one can hope that it is only the matter of time until together with maturating of the new discipline which is safety and defence studies, some methodological patterns will also be created.
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