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Na przełomie XIX i XX w. ruchy reformatorskie w USA próbowały dopasować amerykańskie ideały do wyzwań czasu. Postępowe podejście podkreślało konieczność reform. Często podnoszona w dialogu publicznym kwestia chińska była przedmiotem rozważań Sądu Najwyższego, Kongresu i federalnej władzy wykonawczej. Chae Chan Ping v. United States i kolejne sprawy ustanowiły doktrynę consular non-reviewability odnoszącą się do prawa imigracyjnego i wyznaczającą zakres kontroli sądowej dla decyzji dotyczących przyjmowania imigrantów do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Wzmocniły one również doktrynę plenary power. Możemy postawić pytanie czy orzeczenia Sądu Najwyższego były zgodne z ideami amerykańskiego progresywizmu. Niestety, Chinese Exclusion Cases nie były kompatybilne z wizjami postępowych reformatorów i odzwierciedlały raczej antychińskie nastroje niż dążenie do reform.
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the American reform movements tried to match American ideals with the challenges of the times. Progressive attitudes highlighted the necessity of reforms. The Chinese issue, often risen in the public dialogue, was the subject of deliberation of the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the federal executive branch of government. Chae Chan Ping v. United States and subsequent cases established the doctrine of consular noneviewability referring to immigration law and delineating the scope of judicial review for decisions concerning the admission of immigrants to the United States. They also strengthened the plenary power doctrine. We may ask if the Supreme Court judgments were in conformity with the ideas of American Progressivism. Unfortunately, the Chinese Exclusion Cases were not compatible with the visions of progressive reformers and reflected anti-Chinese sentiment rather than an aspiration for reforms.
Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego USA często wyznaczało granice amerykańskiej polityki rasowej. W pewnym sensie decyzje Sądu Najwyższego odzwierciedlały ekonomiczne, polityczne, kulturowe i ideologiczne wartości ówczesnego społeczeństwa. Orzeczenie w sprawie Plessey v. Ferguson było symbolicznym ustanowieniem doktryny separate but equal. Było również ważne z punktu widzenia federalizmu amerykańskiego, gdyż dotyczyło autonomii praw stanowych w kontekście regulacji dotyczących spółek działających w stanie. W latach 50. XX w. część orzeczeń Sądu Najwyższego wpłynęło na amerykańską politykę rasową i utorowało drogę zmianom w kontekście rozwoju praw obywatelskich. Decyzja w sprawie Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka była zwycięstwem ruchu na rzecz praw obywatelskich. Postrzegano ją jednocześnienjako wzór dla kolejnych spraw. Sąd Najwyższy Stanów Zjednoczonych odrzucił prawo do interposition. Uznano, że uprawnienie do uznania ustaw federalnych za niekonstytucyjne nie przynależy stanom, lecz sądownictwu federalnemu.
The U.S. Supreme Court jurisprudence has often delineated the borders of American racial politics. In some way, the Supreme Court decisions reflected economic, political, cultural, and ideological values of the contemporary society. The decision of Plessey v. Ferguson was a symbolic establishment of the separate but equal doctrine. It was also significant from the perspective of American federalism. In the 1950s, several rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court influenced American racial politics and paved the way for changes in the context of the development of civil rights. The decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was victory of the civil rights movement. It was perceived as a model for the subsequent cases. The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the right of interposition. It was assumed that the power to declare federal laws unconstitutional applied not to the state but only to federal judiciary.
The reception of common law in the United States was stimulated by a very popular and influential treatise Commentaries on the Laws of England by Sir William Blackstone, published in the late 18th century. The work of Blackstone strengthened the continued reception of the common law from the American colonies into the constituent states. Because of the large measure of sovereignty of the states, common law had not exactly developed in the same way in every state. Despite the fact that a single common law was originally exported from England to America, a great variety of factors had led to the development of different common law rules in different states. Albert W. Alschuler from University of Chicago Law School is one of the contemporary American professors of law. The part of his works can be assumed as academic historical-legal narrations, especially those concerning Blackstone: Rediscovering Blackstone and Sir William Blackstone and the Shaping of American Law. Alschuler argues that Blackstone’s Commentaries inspired the evolution of American and British law. He introduces not only the profile of William Blackstone, but also examines to which extent the concepts of Blackstone have become the basis for the development of the American legal thought.
Participatory democracy is one of the potential directions of development of the system of social organization. The search of opportunities to improve the current system results from the incompatibility of the present solutions to the times we live in. A significant impact on the devaluation of the system of representative democracy is the development of technology, which results in a faster flow of ideas (the Internet, elimination of barriers to communication). Thus, for several years now there have been made attempts to create different types of communication platforms on the axis citizens-the authority. Solutions of this type progressively enter the democratic practice. Therefore, most probably in the near future, there will dominate the expectation of varied platforms of public consultations, especially “public consultations on the Internet”. This will include all administrative levels – from the national (referenda via the Internet), ministerial level (specific consultations within ministries) to the local government.
Rozwój szkoły prawa natury w dobie Oświecenia wpłynął na europejską myśl prawną i sprowokował dyskusję nad metodami interpretacji prawa. Francuska i niemiecka jurysprudencja w XIX w. rozwinęła różne podejścia w zakresie metodologii, odwołując się do historycznych, społecznych i wielowymiarowych aspektów, podstaw i źródeł prawa. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja oraz porównanie kluczowych idei, charakterystycznych dla ewolucji głównych stanowisk dotyczących metody wykładni prawa, jakie pojawiły się na gruncie francuskiej jurysprudencji w XIX w. i pierwszej połowie XX w. Pozytywistyczna szkoła egzegezy dominowała we francuskich studiach nad prawem od początku XIX w. W połowie tego wieku pojawił się nowy trend poszukiwań badawczych. Przedstawiciele tego nurtu rozważali pluralizm metod stosowanych w badaniach naukowych nad prawem. Podczas dwóch ostatnich dekad XIX w. i w pierwszej połowie XX w. we Francji obserwuje się rozwój tzw. szkoły wolnego prawa (libre recherche scientifique), której inicjatorem był François Gény.
The development of the “natural law” movement during the Enlightenment era has influenced European legal thought and provoked discussions on the law interpretation method. In the 19th century, French and German legal scholarship developed different methodological approaches referring to some historical, social, and multidimensional aspects and foundations of law. The article explores the evolution of the main scientific positions on the method of interpretation of the law which have appeared in French jurisprudence in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. In France, from the early 19th century, the positivist school of exegesis dominated legal studies. In the half of the century, a new trend of scientific research was developed. The representatives of the current have pondered pluralism of the methods applied in legal research. Then, in France, we observe the rise of the “free scientific research” initiated by François Gény.
The “natural law” movement provoked some discussions on the method of interpretation of law within the European legal thought. Diverse methodological approaches referring to some social, historical, and multidimensional aspects and foundations of law were developed by French and German legal scholarship at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The present article focuses on the main scientific positions on the method of interpretation of law present in French jurisprudence. Since the beginning of the 19th century, French legal studies were dominated by the positivist school of exegesis. Scholarship and legal practitioners sought the opportunity to rebuild their authority. It was accompanied by the attempts to prepare a new theoretical ground for the legal order. Then, some representatives of a new trend in scientific research considered pluralism of the methods applied in legal research. Raymond Saleilles postulated the need for the evolutionary perspective in legal science. This approach appears to be similar to the concept of the law of nature with variable content adopted by Rudolf Stammler in Germany. Since the last two decades of the 19th century, François Gény, the supporter of a greater flexibility in interpretation of a legal text, developed libre recherche scientifique. He questioned the idea of autonomy of the legal science, calling for its integration with other disciplines.
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