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Tadeusz Boy-Zeleński aux yeux d’Antoni Słonimski (Chroniques hebdomadaires 1927-1939)Ma communication se situe dans le prolongement de ce que Czesław Miłosz a défini comme une excursion, un déplacement a posteriori dans la Pologne de l’entre-deux-guerres »  Elle se justifie par le souhait de stimuler notre imagination sur la base de documents écrits de l’époque. Les Chroniques hebdomadaires d’Antoni Słonimski font bien partie de ces documents susceptibles d’éveiller à l’heure actuelle notre plus grand intérêt. Qu’est-ce qui m’a fait rapprocher ces deux personnalités de l’entre-deux-guerres : Tadeusz Boy-Zeleński  et Antoni  Słonimski ?  Ce qui réunit profondément ces deux écrivains polémistes, Boy et Słonimski, c’est l’humour, l’esprit brillant et le ton satirique. Mais l’enjeu principal qui reste au centre de leurs combats est le libéralisme éclairé et anticlérical, le progressisme social, le courage réformiste, la sensibilité sociale et le rejet du pathos national, de la fausse solennité associée à la pompe. Dès le début Boy-Zelenski y apparaît aux yeux du polémiste comme un puissant rénovateur de la société. Quel regard peut-on porter, au final, sur l’action de ces deux défenseurs de la société démocratique moderne pris dans le tourbillon des événements provoqués par la montée généralisée des nationalismes en marche? Quelle place leur écriture occupe-telle dans le panthéon de la littérature polonaise ? Voici quelques questions auxquelles j’ai voulu répondre dans mon article.
Źródłami innowacji są te podmioty, które tworzą sposoby zaspokojenia po¬trzeb innowacyjnych, czyli tworzą rozwiązania technologiczne lub organizacyjne. Z kolei źródłem informacji o innowacjach są te podmioty oraz zasoby materialne i niematerialne, które dostarczają informacji na temat możliwych do wykorzystania w danych warunkach rozwiązań technicznych. Należy jednak pamiętać, że w interesie poszczególnych źródeł in¬nowacji jest dostarczanie na rynek informacji o udostępnianych przez nie rozwiązaniach technologicznych, ponieważ stanowią one niejako „produkt”, który oferowany jest na rynku i ze sprzedaży którego źródła innowacji czerpią dochody. Z tego też względu źródła innowa¬cji najczęściej są również źródłami informacji o innowacjach. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie, z jakich źródeł informacji o innowacjach korzystają współpracujące przed¬siębiorstwa przemysłowe z województwa lubuskiego w latach 20010-2012. Ponadto chodzi także o skonkretyzowanie, z jakich źródeł informacji o innowacjach czerpią przedsiębiorstwa współpracujące z konkretnym rodzajem partnera. Z kolei podstawową hipotezą badawczą ar¬tykułu jest stwierdzenie, że prawdopodobieństwo nawiązania współpracy innowacyjnej po¬między przedsiębiorstwem przemysłowym a pozostałymi uczestnikami sieci dostaw jest zdecydowanie wyższe od prawdopodobieństwa nawiązania współpracy innowacyjnej pomiędzy przedsiębiorstwem przemysłowym a podmiotami ze sfery nauki.
The sources of innovation are those enterprises that create innovative meth¬ods satisfy the needs, or create a technological and organizational solutions. The source of information for innovation are the actors and the tangible and intangible assets, which provide information about the potential for use in the conditions of technical solutions. Note, however, that in the interests of the different sources of innovation is providing the market information about available technologies because they are somehow “product”, which is available on the market and the sale of the sources of innovation derive income. Therefore, the most common sources of innovation are also sources of information for innovation. The purpose of this article is to indicate what sources of innovation information benefit from cooperating industrial enterprises in the region Lubusz 2010-2012. Fur¬thermore the article is spelled out, what sources of information about innovations derive enterprises cooperating with the specific type of partner. The basic hypothesis of the re¬search paper is to determine the probability of establishing an innovative collaboration between the company and the other parties to the industrial supply networks is much higher than the probability of establishing an innovative collaboration between the com¬pany and the industry stakeholders from science.
When studying literature on the issue coopetition it may be found that this issue has become more and more popular in recent years. However, this finding was not confirmed in economic practice. Reluctance or concerns about coopetition result from caution and distrust of Polish entrepreneurs in relation to other players on the market. In the previous socio-political conditions this approach was successful. However, the current situation forces small and medium-sized enterprises to draw attention to the strategy of “sleeping with the enemy.” In this context, the objective of the study was to answer the question of what factors influence establishing coopetition in south-western Poland in a simulative or detrimental way.
vol. 17
issue 1
Analysing the literature dealing with coopetition on both national and international levels, one cannot help but notice that this notion has recently become increasingly more popular. The same cannot be said however, of the notion of coopetition from a practical point of view. The empirical results obtained using the probit model. Analysing the influence of customer sectors for the researched companies it can be noticed that having customers in transportation and trade sectors stimulates the establishing of coopetition. Analysing the influence of relations maintained with the supply network participants it should be pointed out that only having close relations with competitors can positively influence entering into coopetition. Other kinds of relations maintained with competitors influence coopetition negatively. Coopetition is also positively influenced by maintaining only the necessary relations with customers by the industrial companies from South-East Poland. Lack of closer relations with customers forces the industrial companies to look out for other enterprises that can aid in further development of the company. Maintaining only the necessary relations with suppliers influences coopetition negatively. Considering the distance between the participants of supply network, having suppliers and customers located outside Poland influences coopetition negatively.
The publication of Cinnamon Shops precedes by just one year the Nobel Prize in medicine given to Hans Sperman, who a few years later, in 1938, proposed a crucial experiment of removing from an unfertilized egg cell its nucleus and replacing it with the nucleus of a cell of an embryo. From our present point of view it is hard not to notice a prophetic bent of Schulz’s fiction even if Jacob’s experimental assumption does not quite correspond to the process of cloning as we know it. Also Father’s ornithological experiment is a key component of the narrative structure of the Cinnamon Shops as a kind of frame that consolidates particular stories. The mystical student of the matter does not renounce the discourse of science even though the order which he creates becomes more and more fantastic, while he suffers from the metaphysical and anthropological anxiety about the alien handicapped creatures.
Regional Innovation Policy in the Sense of the Secondary Theories of Regional DevelopmentDue to the unique characteristics of the innovation process, the government plays an important role in its stimulation. However, the adaptation of national innovative policies to regional and local conditions is the responsibility of regional and local authorities. Sustainable development of the region will be achieved only if its stakeholders such as business, R & D units and the relevant authorities are involved. The primary task of the public authority is to coordinate activities and to create a favorable climate for economic development in the region. Both primary and secondary regional development theories define multiple sources of economic growth. The main objective of this article is to show the role of local government in the development of regional innovation policy in accordance with the secondary theories of regional development. Secondary theories are based on the following primary theories: the economic base theory of W. Sombart, the growth poles theory of F. Perroux, the A. Marshall’s industrial districts theory, the theory of industrial clusters of M.E. Porter and the J.Coleman’s theory of social capital. Due to the limitations of this article, the text describes only some secondary theories of regional development. These theories come from the economic base theory of W. Sombart and the industrial districts theory of A. Marshall.
Regional innovation policy in the light of institutional theory of regional developmentThe purpose of this article is to show the potential behaviors of local governments, which stimulate the development of innovative business activities based on a specific set of institutional theories of regional development. The basic hypothesis of the research assumes that the regional authorities should actively formulate regional innovation policy, and then implement it.
vol. 18
issue 1
The main goal of this study is to identify the impact of firm size and its ownership on innovation cooperation in medium-high and high technology sectors in Poland between 2008-2013. The most open for innovation cooperation are large and foreign enterprises which mainly cooperate with foreign and national R&D units and universities.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu wielkości i własności przedsiębiorstwa na współpracę innowacyjną w sektorze średnio wysokiej i wysokiej techniki w Polsce w latach 2008-2013. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że najczęściej współpracę innowacyjną podejmowały duże i zagraniczne przedsiębiorstwa, które głównie współpracowały z zagranicznymi ośrodkami badawczo-rozwojowymi.
Research background: There are two main directions for the research of the national innovation system (NIS): the international comparison of macro data from national statistic offices or specific micro research restricted mostly to analysing selected issues. There is a lack of empirical studies regarding the national innovation system as a whole based on micro raw data and using statistical models. Purpose of the article: To identify and evaluate the impact of the triple helix (an input and output approach) on the NIS in Poland, including internal interactions between industry, science and government. Methods: A questionnaire surveys were conducted by the authors over the past five  years in 6,284 manufacturing enterprises. The multifactor stepwise logistics regression forward was used to evaluate what, where and how effectively the NIS institutions in catching-up and medium-sized countries such as Poland are working. Findings & value added: The NIS of Poland is a complicated and non-mature system. Some parts of the network are effective, while others are not. It is noted that cooperation between enterprises stimulates innovation to a greater extent than cooperation with scientific institutions and public administration. The vertical supply chain is the main driver of NIS in Poland. Domestic scientific institutions have an impact that is often short-term, fragmented, and non-continuous, though it can be strong from time to time. Strangely, organizations with low knowledge potential support industry innovation activity more efficiently and in a more organised way than science institutes, excluding foreign ones. For catching-up countries, this is an important bridging of the knowledge gap - it turns out that the quantity and quality of domestic knowledge in the national innovation system is inefficient. Scientific institutions need to achieve sufficient critical mass to stimulate innovative activity. The value of the conclusions is underlined by the fact that the analyses were based on micro data, which allowed to capture the relationships between the different elements of the triple helix.
Research background: Contemporary research on industry concentrates on the relations between enterprises and their environment. Research on industrial structures conducted throughout the world, including Poland, are not extensive and limited due to the confidentiality of statistics. K. Pavitt (1984) was the first researcher who evaluated the relationship between industry structure and innovation activity. According to Pavitt, innovation dynamics and trajectory depend on the structure of domestic industry and is unique. In Poland T. Rachwal (2010) determined that over the studied years, changes in the indicator defining diversification in industrial divisions were minimal, but at the same time there was an observable fall in the importance of traditional divisions, such as the production of clothing, textiles, and the leather. In contrast, divisions as the production of metal, rubber, and plastic goods increased their share in terms of employees, as did furniture and vehicle manufacturing. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the paper is to identify sectoral patterns of innovation cooperation as revealed by data on about 5209 Polish enterprises. The authors attempt to find the answer to the following three questions: (1) Is the domestic aggregation sufficient for stimulating innovation cooperation in the Polish industry? (2) Is there any sectoral heterogeneity in innovation cooperation? (3) Are enterprises representing high technology industries the most involved in innovation cooperation? The main goal of the study was an attempt to seek out the directions and influence of various industries on the innovation cooperation of enterprises in Poland. Methods: Empirical data that served as the basis for conducting calculations were collected with the help of a questionnaire survey sent to industrial companies throughout Poland. A total of 5,209 properly completed forms were collected. The average rate of return was 11,6%. The collection was held over the years 2008?2013. The methodological part of the study was developed using the logistic regression method based on probability theory of the study. Findings & Value added: The study has shown that the higher the technology, the more often enterprises cooperate in the area of innovation. The research has not only shown the specifics of the domestic industrial system as well its level of technological advancement, but it has also taken into account the significance and input into the analyzed system.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest problem oceny wpływu strukturalnego zróżnicowania przemysłowego przedsiębiorstw na ich aktywność innowacyjną w Polsce. Autorzy starają się odpowiedzieć na trzy zasadnicze pytania: po pierwsze, czy agregacja krajowa jest wystarczająca dla zróżnicowania aktywności innowacyjnej w polskim przemyśle; po drugie, czy przedsiębiorstwa z różnych przemysłów zachowują się odmiennie w zakresie prowadzonej działalności innowacyjnej i po trzecie, czy oraz w jakim stopniu przemysły zaawansowane technologicznie są częściej zainteresowane aktywnym kreowaniem wiedzy lub pasywnym jej transferem do krajowego przemysłu? Głównym celem badania była próba poszukiwania kierunków i siły oddziaływania różnych przemysłów na aktywność innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Cześć metodyczna opracowania została przygotowana na podstawie modelowania logitowego bazującego na rachunku prawdopodobieństwa. Prowadzone badania wskazały, że kluczem do akceleracji badań i rozwoju w Polsce jest stymulowanie tej aktywności głównie w podmiotach zaliczanych do wysokich i średnio-wysokich technologii. Sektor niskich technologii istotnie ciąży i ogranicza możliwość aktywnego kreowania nowych rozwiązań w Polsce. Pasywny transfer wiedzy powinien być tylko w ograniczonym zakresie wspomagany w przedsiębiorstwach zaliczanych do tych technologii. W pozostałych przemysłach transfer wiedzy cieszy się wysokim zainteresowaniem, bez względu na typ działalności. Na tym etapie rozwoju gospodarczego zaangażowanie w procesy badawczorozwojowe ewoluuje w kierunku wysokich technologii, inwestycje zaś pozostają domeną szerokiej grupy przedsiębiorstw, o ile nie dotyczą technologii tradycyjnych.
The subject of this paper is the question of assessing the impact of structural industrial diversification of companies in terms of their innovative activities in Poland. The authors attempt to answer three basic questions: Firstly, is the domestic aggregation sufficient for diversifying innovation in Polish industry? Secondly, do companies in various industries behave differently in terms of their innovative efforts? Thirdly, are technologically advanced industries more interested in the active creation of knowledge or its passive transfer to domestic industry and to what extent? The main goal of the study was an attempt to seek out the directions and influence of various industries on the innovative activities of companies in Poland. The methodological section was developed using logit modeling based on probability theory. The study has shown that the key to accelerating research and development in Poland is the stimulation of such activities, primarily in the case of entities in the high and medium- high technology sectors. The low technology sector is a significant burden and limits possibilities for the active creation of new solutions in Poland. The passive transfer of knowledge should only be supported by companies included in these technologies to a limited extent. In other industries, the transfer of knowledge generated significant interest regardless of type of activity. At this stage of economic development, research and development processes are evolving in the direction of high technologies, while investments remain the domain of a broad group of companies unless they relate to traditional technologies.
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