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The purpose of the article is to discuss the latest change that has been introduced into the legislation regulating the right of necessary self-defence. The result of the said amendment is adding a new editing unit to the content of article 25 of the Penal Code, i.e. § 2a, which provides for impunity of a person excessively exercising the right of necessary self-defence in a situation where crossing the limits of necessary self-defence occurs when countering an attack involving forced entry into a flat, premises, house or an adjacent fenced area, or where crossing the limits of necessary self-defence occurs when countering an attack preceded by forced entry into these places. This study presents not only arguments of the drafters which they used to prove the validity of the analysed solution, but also points out some doubts that might occur in the practical application of this regulation.
W artykule zarysowano konteksty społeczne, polityczne i edukacyjne, w jakich odbywa się – wpisana w podstawę programową – edukacja patriotyczna na lekcjach języka polskiego. Przedstawione zostały wypowiedzi nauczycieli polonistów na temat rozumienia przez nich sposobów kształtowania postawy patriotycznej, a następnie wypowiedzi uczniów liceów, którzy zostali poproszeni o refleksję nad własnym poczuciem patriotyzmu i zainspirowani do opracowania scenariusza filmu prezentującego cudzoziemcom Polskę. Obserwacje wynikające ze zderzenia różnych punktów widzenia prowadzą do wniosku, że daje się zauważyć brak satysfakcjonujących efektów w kształceniu świadomości patriotycznej młodych ludzi. Na koniec przedstawiono propozycję wykorzystywania aktualnych wydarzeń i dawnych tekstów literackich w nakierowanym na ojczyznę kształceniu polonistycznym. Słowa kluczowe:
This article is devoted to selected problems of a retributive and utilitarian idea of just punishment. It draws attention to the traditional controversies related to the philosophical and legal explanations of the aforementioned justice, which are also eloquently reflected in the field of criminal liability. The analyses conducted reinforce the belief that the attempt to define justice (also the justice of punishing) belongs to the most intriguing challenges of the contemporary times. The doubts identified within the retributive and utilitarian idea of punishment do not provide a clear answer to the question of what components should be attached to the ‘ideal punishment’ identified with a just penalty. Therefore, the question arises whether the pursuit of an explanation – what in fact is a fair punishment – should be based on these concepts, or whether it would be more appropriate to seek new concepts, capable of being accepted by the modern justice-related penal approach.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcono wybranym problemom retrybutywnej oraz utylitarnej idei sprawiedliwego karania. Zwrócono w nim uwagę na tradycyjne kontrowersje związane z filozficzno-prawnym objaśnieniem wspomnianej sprawiedliwości, które również znajdują swoje wymowne odzwierciedlenie na płaszczyźnie odpowiedzialności karnej. Przeprowadzone analizy utwierdzają w przekonaniu, że próba zdefiniowania sprawiedliwości (także sprawiedliwości karania) stanowi jedno z najbardziej intrygujących wyzwań współczesności. Dostrzeżone wątpliwości w ramach retrybutywnej oraz utylitarnej idei karania nie dostarczają przy tym jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jakie komponenty powinien zostać wyposażony „ideał kary”, uosabiany przez karę sprawiedliwą. Stąd też pojawia się pytanie, czy dążenie do objaśnienia, czym w istocie jest kara sprawiedliwa, powinno opierać się na wymienionych koncepcjach, czy też bardziej oczekiwane byłoby poszukiwanie nowych koncepcji, które mogłyby uzyskać akceptację ze strony współczesnej, sprawiedliwościowej myśli penalnej.
The article describes an example of an excerpt from a program / proposal for project activities by Shawntelle Nesbitt around books from the Canadian ‘Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers’. In the context of the proposed core curriculum for the Polish language, formulated by Krzysztof Biedrzycki, the values of the didactic package for Canadian schools were discussed. In Canada literary education is closely related to civic education, as well as other educational goals (Character Education). Foreign solutions were indicated as a valuable example for the creators of the new core curriculum for the Polish school.
W artykule został opisany przykład fragmentu programu / propozycji działań projektowych autorstwa Shawntelle Nesbitt wokół książek dla młodego odbiorcy z kanadyjskiej serii Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers. W kontekście propozycji podstawy programowej do języka polskiego, sformułowanej przez Krzysztofa Biedrzyckiego, omówiono walory pakietu dydaktycznego dla kanadyjskich szkół, w którym kształcenie literackie łączy się ściśle z edukacją obywatelską, a także celami wychowawczymi. Zagraniczne rozwiązania wskazane zostały jako wartościowy przykład dla twórców nowej podstawy programowej dla polskiej szkoły.
This study focuses on the issue of general directives of the sentencing for infractions. In that regard, the study not only makes a reference to the statutory wording of the said regulations but also draws attention to the traditional interpretative controversies related to that issue. Furthermore, the article presents that view that although translating prescriptive provisions into practice is not an easy task, the existence of the said regulations prevents the adjudicating body from crossing the borders of discretion.
This article presents basic reservations concerning the prescriptive status of general prevention. Concerns reported in this respect are related not only to its formulation in the act, but also to its substantive meaning. In the light of the findings, it is concluded that the sense of general preventive effect is already sufficiently reflected in the statutory penalty. Therefore, it would be right to add that the “needs to develop legal awareness in society” (Art. 53§1 of Penal Code) referred to in the Code at the jurisdictional stage are satisfied by the very moment of passing a sentence, which de facto confirms a certain penal reaction provided for in the Code. Therefore, it should be concluded that even the total omission of the general prevention assumptions — expressis verbis — in the current codification would not exclude their presence in the process of rational sentencing.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi rezultat badań ankietowych, które przeprowadzono wśród sędziów­-karnistów, orzekających w najwyższych instancjach krajowych (tj. w Izbie Karnej i Wojskowej Sądu Najwyższego oraz w sądach apelacyjnych). Zawarte w nim informacje przedstawiają poglądy wspomnianej grupy badawczej na temat racjonalizacji ogólnoprewencyjnej. Zaprezentowane w tym opracowaniu analizy pozwoliły na sformułowanie kilku wniosków. Na podstawie zebranego materiału ustalono, że sędziowski wymiar kary opiera się na racjonalizacji wielodyrektywalnej. Z udzielonych odpowiedzi wynikało również, że przy interpretacji dyrektywy ogólnoprewencyjnej uwzględnienia wymagają nie tylko elementy pozytywno-, ale również negatywnoprewencyjne. Warto też zaznaczyć, że jako czynniki determinujące treść wskazania ogólnoprewencyjnego ankietowani wskazali najczęściej własne doświadczenia życiowe oraz zawodowe, co niewątpliwie odbiegało od propozycji wykładni dyrektywy ogólnoprewencyjnej, wyrażonej w Uzasadnieniu do projektu kodeksu karnego z 1997 r. Ponadto w wypowiedziach respondentów dostrzeżono także wyraźne zdystansowanie wobec ewentualnych ingerencji nowelizacyjnych w treść art. 53 § 1 k.k. Jak można przypuszczać, tego rodzaju zachowawcza postawa odzwierciedlała najprawdopodobniej wieloletnią praktykę powoływania w uzasadnieniach wyroków dyrektywy prewencji ogólnej. Powyższe informacje stanowią tym samym materiał poznawczy, pomocny przy weryfikacji dotychczasowych wyobrażeń czy obiegowych osądów, jakie sformułowano na temat dyrektywy ogólnoprewencyjnej w doktrynie oraz w orzecznictwie.
This article focuses on selected problems regarding the evolution of the punishment process. The starting point remains the assumption that regardless of the historical period, every palpable form of injustice related to a violation of a certain area of goods has resulted in an intervention approved at the given moment in history. The study notes that in the early pre-state period, seeking a remedy for wrongdoing was a private matter of the victim (or their family or clan) who could in that wayavenge on their own the injustice they had suffered. The process of publicising criminal law that began at the end of the Middle Ages has marginalised the process role of a victim in the possibilities to seek the remedy. However, the vertical criminal law relationship has, over time, changed to some extent. The privatisation of the justice system – especially noticeable nowadays – makes it possible to see that consensual methods of resolving conflicts caused by an offenceessentially contributed to the reversal of a certain historical process. That reversal was certainly intended to “reveal” the victim, and thus to return the conflict resulting from the offence to its “owners,” i.e. the perpetrator and the victim.
The purpose of the article is to discuss the institution of consensual discontinuation of proceedings, in force since 1 July 2015 (Article 59a of the Penal Code). The study focuses in particular on the legal character of this solution and implications of the codex allowing for its application. For this reason, statutory conditions were analyzed, related to a) the violator, b) the act committed by the violator, c) victim’s behaviour, d) limitations regarding the possibility to use the discussed institution.
This article brings attention not only to the need for a distinction between penalty and its functions, but also to the nature of the tasks posed before the penalty at the stage of imposing and executing the penalty. Based on the example of imprisonment, it has been proven that at the stage of execution the assigned to it objectives become limited to the completion of the reasons of the individual-preventive nature. Further part of this study also relates to the Supreme Court resolution of 26 April 2017, which accurately pointed out that while adjudicating release on licence from the rest of the sentence, criminal purposes, present at the stage of imposing the penalty (referred to in chapter VI of the Criminal Code), must yield to individual-preventive reasons.
This article discusses chosen terms regarding issues of judicial sentencing. This analysis pays attention not only to the term “sentencing”, but also the role of factors which directly affect its results, i.e. importance of the principles, guidelines and circumstances affecting the process of judicial decisions on applying a certain penal reaction. The conclusion indicates the importance of non-legal factors which play a part in the process of judicial sentencing.
This article addresses selected issues related to the status of the minor and the ju­venile from the perspective of criminal liability. While analyzing the issues indicated in the title references have been made not only to Article 10 § 2 and 3 of the Criminal Code, but also to Article 54 of the Criminal Code, which contains two specific directives of the judicial imposition of asentence on juvenile offenders.
The author offers to use the creative activities of blackout poetry and found poetry to interpret works dealing with the subject of the Holocaust. She presents a detailed scheme of applying this form of work during lessons with students. She argues that such a solution can be an enrichment of traditional interpretation, it also allows to stimulate the creativity of students and engage them in the didactic process.
issue 320
The subject of this article concerns the issue of fair sentencing. In order to introduce the essence of a just punishment, the study presents its three models, which have been established with a great contribution of the achievements of criminal law and case law. While highlighting these models, the main focus was placed on the selection of statutory indications that should be helpful in making legitimate judicial decision on penalty measure. The observations suggest that the most convincing viewpoint seems to be the stance in light of which the interpretation of “just punishment” should not be limited to a strict analysis of the provisions under the general directives (Art. 53 § 1 of the Polish Penal Code), but must take into account other indications for judicial sentencing. In addition the fact that the subject of this article is very sensitive also leads to the conclusion that any attempts to create a textbook definition of a just punishment are doomed to fail.
Stating the signs of moral corruption is one of the grounds for the intervention of the family court, as provided for in the Act on proceedings in juvenile cases. Despite the importance of this concept for the application of this regulation, the legislator has not defined moral corruption directly, limiting themselves only to sample enumeration of unacceptable behaviours of the minor which may be indicative of the existence of this premise. The performed analysis shows that from a theoretical point of view this concept is indeed flawed but at the same time – from the perspective of practice – it remains the most operative.
Stwierdzenie przejawów demoralizacji stanowi jedną z podstaw interwencji sądu rodzinnego, jaką przewidziano w ustawie o postępowaniu w sprawach nieletnich. Pomimo doniosłości tego pojęcia dla procesu stosowania niniejszej regulacji prawnej, ustawodawca nie zdefiniował wprost czym jest demoralizacja, poprzestając jedynie na przykładowym wyliczeniu nagannych zachowań nieletniego, mogących świadczyć o zaistnieniu tej przesłanki. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że pojęcie to jest wprawdzie niedoskonałe z teoretycznego punktu widzenia, ale jednocześnie – z perspektywy praktyki – pozostaje ono ujęciem najbardziej operatywnym.
The article concerns Vilnius Academic Nativity Scenes, which were created in 1921-1926 in the environment of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Vilnius University. Performances were created by both academic teachers and students. Nativity scenes were satirical and divided into two parts: traditional and current. The article presents the silhouettes of the creators of the Nativity Scenes, as well as their influence on the character of the performances. It also depicts the main themes of Nativity Scenes, such as: aspects of academic life, conflicts in the artistic milieu of Vilnius, as well as important political and cultural events. The article aims to present the importance of Academic Nativity Scenes in the Vilnius University milieu, as well as in the cultural life of the city. 
The aim of the article is to determine whether statutory indications of sentencing enable the court – and if they do, to what extent – to make the correct choice with regard to the type of sentence. The analysis leads to the conclusion that although the normative presence of the said regulations prevents the courts from exceeding their discretion, their practical usefulness is highly doubtful. An attempt to translate the meaning of the said provisions to the specific type of sentence turns out to be an extremely complex process. Additionally, there are controversies regarding empirically confirmed cases when during sentencing judges make reference to an informal penalty classification in the form of their personal knowledge or life and work experience.
This article focuses on the legal nature of the civic duty to report an offence (Article 304(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure). Assuming that the solution does not constitute a classic example of lex imperfecta, it is concluded that the breach of its provisions might produce effects only in the sphere of moral judgements. While reflecting on the so-called imperfect norms (norms without sanctions), the analysis concerns not only their legal nature and compliance with the requirements of the principles of legislative technique, but also the possibility of compliance with the current provisions of law being motivated by both an external compulsion and an internal compulsion arising out of the authority of law or persuasive and educational processes. Furthermore, based on the analysis of the civic duty to report an offence in terms of criminal trials, it is concluded that the mechanism does not merely create a regulatory framework for rewarding active civic involvement in crime prevention, but also mandates to count on loyalty of that part of society which has internalized certain norms and values correlating with the requirements of the criminal legislation for the public. It also implicates a need for sanction on criminal law.
The present paper was devoted to the issue of general directives of judicial sentencing. Assuming that such a status is held by the indications enumerated under Article 53 § 1 of the Polish Criminal Code (i.e., the degree of culpability, the degree of social harm of a criminally prohibited act, individual prevention and general prevention), in the present paper attention was devoted not only to the essence of the mentioned indications of judicial sentencing, but also to their actual role in that process. The performed analyses allowed for formulating a conclusion that extra-legal factors, following from knowledge and experience of the adjudicating body, do not remain without importance.
Knowledge about Polish-Jewish relations, especially during World War II and the Holocaust, is still insufficient in Polish society and is burdened with many stereotypes. Polish language education in its compulsory dimension does not allow to take up this difficult topic, so in secondary school it is worth to discuss Monika Sznajderman's “Pepper Counterfeiters. A family story” as supplementary book about memory and identity. Its overview should be carefully prepared and the students should be prepared for reception. The method suggested in the proposed didactic activities is primarily critical thinking. Thus interpreted, the literary work gives young people a chance to distance themselves from national myths about Polish-Jewish relations and to prepare them for conscious participation in social and cultural life.
Wiedza o relacjach polsko-żydowskich, zwłaszcza w czasie II wojny światowej i Zagłady, jest w polskim społeczeństwie wciąż niewystarczająca i obarczona wieloma stereotypami. Edukacja polonistyczna w obowiązkowym wymiarze nie pozwala na podjęcie tego trudnego tematu, dlatego w liceum warto uczynić lekturą uzupełniającą książkę Moniki Sznajderman Fałszerze pieprzu. Historia rodzinna, opowieść o pamięci i tożsamości. Jej omówienie powinno zostać starannie przemyślane, a uczniowie powinni być przygotowani do odbioru. Metodą w zaproponowanych działaniach dydaktycznych jest przede wszystkim myślenie krytyczne. Tak zinterpretowany utwór daje szansę na wykształcenie w młodych ludziach postawy dystansu wobec narodowych mitów dotyczących relacji polsko-żydowskich i przygotowanie ich do świadomego uczestnictwa w życiu społecznym i kulturalnym.
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