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In this article I compare Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics and Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction. I try to demonstrate the similarities (focus on language and history), but moreover the differences between them. The core issue is the problem of the other, which appears in the works of both authors. Two perspectives are applied: concerning the notion of text (or tradition), and referring to the field of the political. Gadamer strives to communicate with the other (text) in the mutual understanding, although he has no hope in finding a final sensus communis. Derrida emphasizes the difference underlying every thought, as well as situations of understanding as such. As a result, their visions of democracy differ – subtly, but essentially.
Nowadays still not well known, Konrad Fiedler was an extremely original philosopher of art and an inspiring follower of Kant. He created a theory of art’s autonomy and his pioneering thought contributed not only to the formalist theory of art but also and foremost to creating an epistemology that later became a foundation of theories of art stressing the uniqueness of seeing and raising the status of visual representations. The artistic way of seeing, according to him, undiscloses the principles of how the world emerges from nothingness of chaotic sensations – it is the way of seeing that presents „pure visibility”. According to Fiedler, this way of seeing is the basis of each true artistic creative act.
Everyday practices of perception are popular not only among common recipients of the arts. Even complex analytical procedures can be stereotyped and repeated. On the other hand many amateur practices of reception can offer unexpected and inspired experiences. It is important to ask the question of to what extent everyday practices of perception act as symptoms of competence in culture and why they become obstacles in the perception and creation of symbolic culture. Practices of perception may be chaotic, unorganized but as forms of action they must have the intent of achieving some goal. The dynamic of such an action is rooted in the core of personality.
n the article I discuss the conceptual problem of other minds and different approaches to mental concepts. Firstly, I introduce the conceptual problem and argue that solutions proposed by theory-theory and direct perception approach are inadequate. I claim that mental concepts are neither theoretical terms nor observational terms. Then, I consider third option which states that mental concepts are dispositional terms, i.e. they concern particular patterns (stereotypes) of behavior. Finally, I argue that dispositional approach is to some extent coherent with phenomenological account and that phenomenological concept of embodiment can improve this position.
The concept of narrow content is still under discussion in the debate over mental representation. In the paper, one-factor dimensional accounts of representation are analyzed, particularly the case of Fodor's methodological solipsism. In methodological solipsism, semantic properties of content are arguably eliminated in favor of syntactic ones. If “narrow content” means content properties independent of external factors to a system (as in Segal's view), the concept of content becomes elusive. Moreover, important conceptual problems with one-factor dimensional account are pointed out as a result of analysis arguments presented by J. Searle, S. Harnad and T. Burge. Furthermore, these problems are illustrated with psychological and ethological examples. Although understanding content as partially independent from contextual factors allows theorists to preserve content properties, it seems that understanding content in total abstraction from external factors of these properties is implausible. As a result, internalism is rejected in favor of externalism.
In my article I reconstruct the main threads of Robert Stalnaker’s book Our Knowledge of the Internal World, which focuses on the problem of our epistemic relation to our experience and the relation between experience and knowledge. First, the book proposes an interesting view of externalism, which combines classical externalist claims with a contextualist approach to content ascriptions. The approach accommodates some important internalist intuitions by showing how content ascriptions can be sensitive to the perspective from which a subject perceives the world. Second, Stalnaker proposes a theory of selflocating and phenomenal knowledge, which should be understood in terms of differentiating between real possibilities. The puzzling upshot of this elegant solution is that it commits one to the existence of possibilities accessible only from the first-person perspective. Finally, Stalnaker presents an argument which shows that our knowledge about our phenomenal experience is no more direct than the knowledge about external objects. Stalnaker’s claim that by merely having an experience we don’t learn any new information seems, however, too strict in light of his contextualist approach to content ascriptions.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono dorobek geografii francuskiej, jugosłowiańskiej i czechosłowackiej w zakresie studiów nad osadnictwem letniskowym w strefie górskiej. W krajach tych zjawisko „drugich domów" ma długie tradycje, a w strefie górskiej znajduje się 1/4—1/5 wszystkich obiektów. Wśród zagadnień badanych przez geografów szczególnie wiele miejsca zajmują społeczno-gospodarcze uwarunkowania i następstwa osadnictwa letniskowego, a także związane z tą formą osadnictwa zagrożenia dla środowiska przyrodniczego.
Recenzja książki: S. L. J. Smith, Recreation Geography, LONGMAN GROUP LTD., London - New York, 1983.
The article presents maximum range of paradigmatic word-formation as suggested by linguists who have studied that type of derivation. The author reviews their opinions and gives her own definition of paradigmatic derivation understood as a word-formation process. This process produces a derivative which differs from itą stem in that it has an inlexional paradigm; there are no affixation morphemes in the formative and their functions are usually taken over by inflexional elements. The derivative paradigm is differentiated from the stem paradigm under the following conditionss 1) there are different endings for the stem and for the derivative? 2) the new paradigm which replaces the stem paradigm is not determined by inflexional or semantic factors.
The article deals with three problems: Firstly, it discusses the interpretation of the word-formation “stem“ (here the author tries to define what the stem is: whether it is the whole periphrase, the word-torn or the lexeme if it is the lexeme - what primary function has it got as a part of speech). Secondly, interpretations of the derivative are reviewed. Most often the derivative is interpreted as a lexeme there is also the problem of its primary function as a category. Thirdly, the article deals with the problem o£ assigning meaning to formatives. The author, contrary to A. Bogusławski, speaks in favour of assigning meaning both to formiatives and to other elements of the texts which have no loose connection with other segments of the texts.
In the contribution, various ways of syntactic description of those connectives and particles that are obligatorily followed by personal endings are discussed (e.g. czyżby “interrogative particle (in dubitative questions)", gdyby "if (unreal past)", żeby "in order to"). A number of solutions (inflexional, lexicographic, syntactic I, syntactic II) are considered. Their evaluation is made from the point of view of an automatic syntactic analysis. Priority of given to the last solution. Preteritive forms of verbs, such as, for example, przyszedłeś "you came, lit. come + Past + 2 person sing, masc,", miałem "I had» lit. have + Past + 1 person sing, masc.", usually described as agglutinative, are suggested here to be treated as analytic, i.e. containing two words: a past participle and an auxiliary. Needless to say, an auxiliary can always precede a participle, In particular, the above mentioned connectives and particles must link with the auxiliary.
The problem can be very well illustrated with the results of the analysis of the distribution of masculine noun endings (Norn. Pl.) and the results of the discussion on the position of the ending -owie in the form system of that particular case. It appears that, contrary to previous findings, the distribution of that ending is based on a formal rather than semantic principle (it is added to nouns belonging to only two categories: 1) Christian names and surnames, and 2) names of family relationship). The use of this ending is limited to those word classes in which Nominative forms and other endings would increase the number of homonymic unite of the language. The changes in distribution of this case have not finished yet but they require a certain modification in the description of Polish decciension system.
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Morfem a znaczenie

The notion of morpheme was introduced to language analysis in the age of comparative linguistics and has since been an ambiguous unit. It can be obtained from words combined with each other by derivational relation» also in binary synchronic analysis - from groups smaller than word families. Modern linguistics uses the morpheme as an element originating from words of different meaning and comprising all the meanings of particular word forms. Because of its ambiguity it cannot be used in language description» so far no efficient metod has been found to combine the meaning - or meanings, rather - with the morpheme. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the smallest meaningful unit of a language not as an ambiguous unit but as a unit of uniform meaning. In semantically uniform words we can distinguish between common and differentiating elements bat only in the sense of the form.
The article deals with three problems: Firstly, it discusses the interpretation of the word-formation “stem“ (here the author tries to define what the stem is: whether it is the whole periphrase, the word-torn or the lexeme if it is the lexeme - what primary function has it got as a part of speech). Secondly, interpretations of the derivative are reviewed. Most often the derivative is interpreted as a lexeme there is also the problem of its primary function as a category. Thirdly, the article deals with the problem o£ assigning meaning to formatives. The author, contrary to A. Bogusławski, speaks in favour of assigning meaning both to formatives and to other elements of the texts which have no loose connection with other segments of the texts.
In the present study I analyzed some aspects of the program of logical empiricism. I devoted particular attention to issues such as demarcation criterion, protocol sentence or logical syntax. These issues have been considered mainly through the prism of the work of Rudolf Carnap, while the contribution of other representatives of the Vienna Circle was rather kind of argumentative background. Mentioned philosophical trend had to stand in the closest possible touch with science. Therefore, fundamentally discredited metaphysical issues as meaningless. According to the author, such a radical distinction between sense and nonsense is unauthorized. Key neo-positivist postulates themselves are based on certain metaphysical assumptions.
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