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Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu przedstawienie możliwych przyszłych wyzwań doradztwa rolniczego, związanego z coraz szybciej zmieniającym się rolnictwem oraz jego otoczeniem. Wskazano tu przede wszystkim na takie aspekty jak nowoczesne technologie produkcyjne, zmieniające się trendy konsumpcyjne czy coraz bardziej ambitne cele polityki rolnej. Możliwych przyczyn ewolucyjnych czy nawet rewolucyjnych przemian w rolnictwie i praktyce doradczej może być jednak znacznie więcej, dlatego zwrócono także uwagę na potrzebę uwzględnienia rzeczy nieprzewidywalnych. W konkluzji stwierdzono, że najpewniej przyszłym głównym celem doradztwa będzie taka edukacja rolników, aby samodzielnie byli w stanie reagować na coraz szybciej zachodzące zmiany.
This paper aims to present the possible future challenges of agricultural advisory in relation to the ever-changing agriculture and its environment. The following aspects have been pointed out here, above all, such as modern production technologies, changing consumption trends and ambitious agricultural policy goals. However, there may be many more possible causes of evolutionary or even revolutionary changes in agriculture and advisory practice, therefore the necessity of taking into account the unpredictable has also been highlighted. The conclusion is that in the future, the main objective of advice will probably be to educate farmers in such a way that they will be able to react to increasingly rapid changes themselves.
Celem artykułu było wskazanie przestrzennego zróżnicowania wykorzystania wybranych instrumentów wsparcia w ramach Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2007-2013. Badania przeprowadzone zostały na poziomie powiatów. Wyniki skonfrontowane zostały z poziomem rozwoju badanych jednostek administracyjnych, ich stanem środowiska oraz strukturą agrarną.
The aim of the paper was to indicate spatial diversification of the use of selected support instruments under the Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013. The research was conducted at the district level.
The work presents the result of research on the farmers' own labour costs in the agricultural holdings selected according to their economic size or geographic location. The analysis was based on the FADN standard results, minimum subsistence figure and minimum standard of living. The research results have shown sharp differentiation of the possibilities to cover own labour costs on the agricultural holdings of different economic size. The minimum standard of living was found in the agricultural holdings falling under at least 'medium small' size class, and the minimum subsistence figure was reached by at least 'medium large' farms. Without subsidized operations, mainly EU direct payments, the minimum standard of living would be reached by the farms considered at least 'medium large'. This proves that production factors engaged by agricultural holdings falling under lower economic size class and those beyond the scope of FADN observations are used ineffectively and do not provide support to farm family. Additionally, large regional differences were demonstrated as for the dependence of own work costs on the EU Common Agricultural Policy instruments, particularly direct payments. Agricultural holdings in Malopolska and Pogórze macroregions are the least dependent on the EU support, while those in Pomorze and Mazury macroregions are the most dependent.
The article deals with questions connected with the possibilities to cover the cost of own work in various types of agricultural farms. The author draws attention to methodical difficulties in defining the real cost of labour in the context of agriculture's specific role in the highly developed economies and the specific character of farms obtaining incomes from both agricultural and non-agricultural production as well as assistance from public sources. The article also presents the results of research conducted on a sample of farms covered by the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), which attest to significant differences in the possibilities of farms to cover the cost of own work without endangering their development chances. Only economically strong farms are able to cover the cost of all production factors, labour included, and to ensure at least a simple reproduction.
Practically application of genetically modified organisms poses a relatively new issue which causes a lot of controversies because of potential opportunities and risks. They are also subject of discussion, both among experts and general public. Therefore it is necessary to provide reliable information about modified organisms and about favourable and unfavourable consequences (environmental, health, economic and social) of they ap-plication. It is also important to recognise state of knowledge among potential and actual GM consumers. It was a goal of questionnaire research carried out on the group of 80 people. They revealed that in many aspects knowledge about GMO is relatively limited and depended on the level of education. Respondents with higher level of education have usually more information and simultaneously reveal more criticism in relation to their knowledge. There was no relationship between the knowledge of GM food and the place of residence.
Rozwój techniki warunkuje coraz szybszy postęp poszczególnych sektorów gospodarek, a w konsekwencji ich systemu jako całości. Agrobiznes staje przed wyzwaniem sprostania rosnącym potrzebom konsumenta w kontekście jakości żywności. Jednym ze sposobów zapewnienia wyżej wymienionej jakości, opartych o digitalizację procesów, jest technologia blockchain. Wykorzystywana w łańcuchu dostaw w niektórych krajach, takich jak np. Chiny, gdzie rzecz dotyczy importu wołowiny z Australii na rynek azjatycki, zapewnia wyższą jakość żywności i tym samym zwiększa konkurencyjność producentów zaangażowanych w tworzenie sieci. Wzrost konkurencyjności gospodarek powoduje, że dotychczasowe starania o klienta przechodzą ewolucję na każdym rynku, w tym na rynku żywności. W artykule zaprezentowano nowe, dotychczas nieznane na polskim rynku żywności, wykorzystanie technologii blockchain. Wyjaśniono pojęcie, opisano schemat działania, przywołano przykłady wykorzystania sieci na innych rynkach i obszarach życia człowieka. Opracowanie ma charakter przeglądowy, opierający się na dostępnej literaturze oraz przykładach rynkowych. Celem opracowania jest zaprezentowanie możliwości wykorzystania innowacyjnej technologii blockchain w poprawie funkcjonowania łańcuchów dostaw.
The development of technique conditions faster progress of individual sectors of economies, and consequently their system as a whole. Agribusiness has a challenge of satisfying the growing needs of the consumer in the context of food quality. One of the systems of ensuring food safety based on the digitalization of processes is blockchain technology. Used in the supply chain in some countries, such as China, that imports beef from Australia to the Asian market, provides higher quality food and thus increases the competitiveness of producers involved in creating the network. The increase in the competitiveness of economies means that previous efforts for clients evolve in every market, including the food market. The article presents new, hitherto unknown on the Polish food market, the use of blockchain technology. The concept was explained, a flow chart was described, examples of using the network in other markets and other areas of human life were recalled. The study is of a review nature, based on available literature and market examples The aim of the study is to present the possibilities of using innovative blockchain technology in improving the functioning of supply chains.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie zróżnicowania potencjału produkcyjnego w poszczególnych krajach europejskich oraz zmian zachodzących w latach 2008-2016. W badaniach wykorzystano dane FADN określające potencjał produkcyjny rolnictwa, natomiast analizę przeprowadzono za pomocą miernika syntetycznego, który skonstruowano przy pomocy metody TOPSIS. Analiza obejmuje lata 2008 oraz 2016.
The aim of the paper is to indicate the diversification of the production potential in European countries and the changes taking place in 2008 - 2016. The studies used FADN data to determine the production level of agriculture in selected countries, while analysis was carried out with a synthetic meter, which was constructed using the TOPSIS method. On the basis of the results obtained, four typological groups were extracted, on the basis of which the level of agriculture in the selected countries was determined.
(Title in Polish - 'Ocena funkcjonowania i skutków wdrazania programów wsparcia inwestycji w gospodarstwach rolnych z wykorzystaniem funduszy UE'). The article contains the main conclusions resulting from the evaluation of the impact of the investments co-financed from the EU structural funds in 2004-2008 on the development of farms. The analysis was made on the basis of a random sample of 30 farms which were granted the aid for investments under the Sectoral Operational Programme 'Agriculture...' and the'SAPARD' Programme. The farms were divided into four categories according to the value of investment outlays in relation to the value of fixed assets. The analysis was made in respect of the main production lines, the resources of land, labour, capital, the level of income derived form a family farm as well as the productivity of the factors of production.
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