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Nurt SVD
issue 2
The Opus Aid "Ad Gentes", established by the Conference of the Polish Episcopate, for ten years serves the Polish missionaries with great dedication. The Opus supports missionaries in the implementation of the evangelization, medical, charitable and educational projects. Thanks to the donors and sponsors, the Opus co-financed to 1 642 projects for the total sum of 6 951 690 PLN. The Opus gives annual grants to lay missionaries and Fidei Donum priests. In Poland, it is occupied with the missionary animation and formation, promotion of the missionary ideas and it engages children and youth in the help for missions. It organises nationwide contest "Mój szkolny kolega z misji" for children and youth from primary and secondary schools.
Organizacja Opus Aid „Ad Gentes", powołana do życia przez Konferenqę Episkopatu Polski, od 10 lat z wielkim zaangażowaniem służy pomocą materialną polskim misjonarzom pracującym w wielu krajach świata. Korzystając ze wspaniałomyślności ofiarodawców i sponsorów, do tej pory współfinansowała 1 642 projekty na ogólną sumę 6 951 690 PLN. Dotyczyły one pomocy medycznej, szkolnictwa, ewangelizacji oraz pomocy najbardziej potrzebującym. Organizacja zapewnia roczne zapomogi dla świeckich misjonarzy i kapłanów Fidei Donum. Na gruncie krajowym Opus Aid zajmuje się formacją i animacją misyjną wśród dzieci i dorosłych oraz ukierunkowywaniem młodych ludzi na pomoc misjom i misjonarzom. Jednym z przykładów tej działalności jest ogólnokrajowy konkurs pt. Mój szkolny kolega z misji dla dzieci i młodzieży szkół podstawowych oraz ponadpodstawowych.
The article presents actions of Caritas in Poland designated to prevent poverty among children.
The need of being purified of sins, reconciled with Got and willingness of having the wrongs committed repaired, has always been present not only in Judaism and Christianity but also in all other religions. The Old Testament shows the Chosen Nation’s sinfulness, the mystery of its iniquity as well as the ability to do penance and be converted. Various peniten-tial practices are its expression. Among them a distinctive place is given to fasting, prayer and almsgiving. The Old Testament speaks about Got who is full of mercy and forgives those who repent and shows them His love. Jesus began his teaching with the call to repentance and penance. Christianity has accepted penitential legacy of the New Testament and that of the first Christians, creating numerous pious practices and devotions for the benefit of the spiritual revival. In the course of the ages the spirit of penance in the Church has developed and in various ways enlivened hearts of the faithful. This article deals with the spirit of penance in the Old and New Testament. It also analyses penitential liturgy and ascetic practices that were in support of spiritual revival. The final part points to the most popular contemporary penitential acts and devotions that prompt repentance among the faithful.
Not only in the Old Testament, but in the pagan religions we meet with many forms of penance for sins and conversion. This raises the desire of reparation of evil done and liberation from sins. God in the Old Testament very often called to conversion both individual persons as well as the whole community of Israel. He revealed His mercy, kindness and graciousness for people whose sins remain unpaid by excusing of the sentence. The readiness to forgive sins of those, who repent and the will to bestow them with peace fully expresses His kindness and mercy. The author in the present article discusses the necessity and nature of penance, to which the just and at the same time merciful God urges his people. Then, the hardness and impiety, idolatry and resistance will be shown, because they brought the right punishment of God and shut out the possibility of forgiveness and reconciliation. Finally, the common penitential practices and penitential liturgy in the Old Testament will be discussed, as they express the desire of sincere conversion. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving became in Christianity the main practices, which serve to obtain the forgiveness of sins and rebuild the communion with God.
Chiesa non riduce sua attivita caritativa alla filantropia. Aiuto offerto da parte della communita ecclesiale ai poveri e bisognosi appare come testiomonianza di fede e carita modellata e vissuta nel stretto legame con Cristo e il suo Vangelo. Il lavoro dei dipendenti e dei volontari di Caritas caratterizza lo spirito di solidarieta evangelica, senso di giustizia e responsabilita. Seguento magistero della Chiesa sul ruolo dei poveri della Chiesa, in modo particolare quello che parla dell’opzione fondamentale per i poveri, che influisce sulla Chiesa odierna e la fa testimone dell’amore di Dio, posiamo enumerare i certi tratti caratteristici che decidono sull’identita eccesiale delle opere di carita. In nostro articolo parliamo soprattutto della stima e difesa della dignita dei poveri. Insistiamo sulla necessita dell’aiuto integrale (non soltanto materiale, ma anche psicologico, giuridico, sociale e religioso). Sottoliniamo l’importanza delle opere di carita per autenticita dell’amore del prossimo, che Chiesa di Cristo proclama e vive ogni giorno.
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Mysterium iniquitatis

Uomo odierno spesso non capisce che cos’e il peccato? Tante volte parlando dei peccati usiamo linguaggio che sembra piu estetico che etico/teologico. La visione del peccato, presente nella cultura contemporanea e diffusa anche tra i credenti, talvolta sembra falsa, povera o addirittura ridicola e percio poco utile per descrivere in modo suficiente tutta la realta del male. L’articolo descrive realta del peccato cercando di ricuperare dimensioni piu significativi della realta del male nell’uomo. Partendo dal declino della consapevolezza del peccato, decritto nel magistero degli ultimi papi, si cerca rispondere alla domanda: che cos’e il peccato? dove cercare la sua origine? e quali sono le sue conseguenze per la nostra vita terrena ed eterna? L’articolo presenta visione biblica del peccato e il modo di presentazione del male nella tradizionale e odierna teologia morale. Soprattutto si sottolinea la dimensione religiosa di misterium iniquitatis - che e una realta non comprensibile senza chiaro riferimento alla misericordiosa figura di Dio, del senso religioso del cammino d’uomo e della sua ultima e decisiva predestinazione. Insomma: non possiamo mai comprendere il mistero del male presente nell’uomo senza prendere in considerazione la storia di salvezza, anzitutto il mistero della morte e risurrezione di Cristo. Grazie alla misericordia divina, il mistero del peccato dell’uomo si trasforma nel mistero della pieta. Cosi la visione cristiana del peccato non porta ansia e paura appesantita dal pessimismo e mancanza di speranza. Il mistero del perdono offertoci nel sacramento della penitenza da Cristo Risorto ci ridona la forza di sentirci peccatori pero riconciliati ed amati da Dio. Percio la Chiesa, in Sabato Santo, con piena voce canta l’inno di gloriosa vittoria”: “O felice colpa”, lodando non peccato ma Cristo Redentore.
Dopo il peccato originale l’uomo peccatore non e stato abbandonato da Dio. Alla schiavitu del male, miseria umana e morte, viste come conseguenza e manifestazione del peccato, Dio contrappone il mistero del perdono e della Sua misericordia. L’articolo presenta in modo sintetico la dottrina del sacramento di penitenza visto soprattutto come il primo ed abbondante dono di Cristo Risorto. Penitenza, praticata sin dall’origine della Chiesa, in ultimi decenni sembra vivere una profonda crisi. In Occidente, questa crisi si manifesta soprattutto come trascurazione della confessione sacramentale. In Polonia invece, dove ancora tanti fedeli si confessano, la crisi si fa sentire nella scarsa consapevolezza della dimensione religiosa ed ecclesiale del sacramento del perdono. Nonostante i grandi sforzi pastorali, sembra che Chiesa odierna non ha ancora superato la crisi del modo di celebrare il sacramento della penitenza. Cominciando dalla storia del sacramento della riconciliazione si sottolinea piu importanti linee di sviluppo della comprensione del modo di valutare e praticare la penitenza nella Chiesa. Infine si ferma sulla sintesi delle linee del rinnovamento della disciplina e dottrina penitenziale. In modo particolare fermiamo la nostra attenzione alla dimensione sociale (ecclesiale) del sacramento della penitenza.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 18
issue 2
197 - 210
The Opus Aid „Ad Gentes” is an organisation which made its impact on the Polish missionary society. Numerous initiatives for the missions made it recognisable and trustworthy for the faithful who supports the missions by its means. The Opus, being a branch of the Commission of the Polish Episcopate for Missions, collaborates willingly with another organisations, associations, foundations and church movements which bring material and spiritual help for missions. The Opus is an important partner for the missionaries in their evange-lization, charitable, educational and medical service.
Caritas of Elk Diocese celebrates the 25th anniversary of its activity. From the beginning it helps in a material and spiritual way to the poor and to those who are in need. Caritas runs many specialist units. Caritas takes care of the development of Caritas units in schools and in parishes in its diocese. Spiritual-ity biased on faith is what distinguish Caritas from other nongovernmental or-ganizations that bring help to different social groups like: poor, sick, elderly, orphans, homeless, unemployed and socially excluded because of their poverty. The main motive for Caritas’ activities is servant to the poor people in the same way we would do it to the Christ. Reference to the Christ, imitation of Christ’s example, his respect for poor people and to the spirit of solidarity and brother-hood with poor are the main points of reference in spiritual formation of Cari-tas’ employees and volunteers. Caritas of Elk Diocese takes care of ecclesial identity in its works of mer-cy. Caritas takes care not only of material and spiritual forms of help but also about christian character of its activities. This article talks about basic spirituality of Caritas, mainly the need of religious and moral formation of employees and volunteers who works for Caritas in Elk. In reference to the latest states of popes it was shown the evan-gelic sources of Caritas’ spirituality, moral imperative of the responsibility for poor and attributes of the church’s charitable activity such as: unselfishness, respect for the human’s dignity and its rights, gratefulness and solidarity.
Artykuł stanowi próbę ukazania sylwetki i działalności duszpasterskiej św. Jozafata Kuncewicza, arcybiskupa połockiego, pierwszego męczennika unii. Odwołując się do curriculum vitae świętego, autor prezentuje go jako gorliwego duszpasterza, ojca dla powierzonych mu duchownych i wiernych, którego stałym, celem dążeń było odrodzenie moralne i duchowe swej diecezji. Jozafat widział potrzebę reformy Cerkwi połockiej i pragnął jej dokonać poprzez podniesienie moralne duchowieństwa. W tym celu posłużył się katechizmem, przygotowanym na wzór katechizmów Kościoła zachodniego oraz regułami życia kapłańskiego, będącymi przypomnieniem zasad obowiązujących w Cerkwi na Rusi.
The article is an attempt to present the figure and pastoral activity of Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz, Archbishop of Polotsk, the first martyr of the union. Referring to the saint's curriculum vitae, the author presents him as a zealous pastor, a father to the clergy and faithful entrusted to him, whose constant goal was the moral and spiritual revival of his diocese. Josaphat saw the need to reform the Polotsk Church and wanted to achieve it by morally uplifting the clergy. For this purpose, he used a catechism, prepared on the model of the catechisms of the Western Church, and the rules of priestly life, which are a reminder of the rules in force in the Church in Russia.
L'articolo viene pubblicato nel 400° anniversario del martirio di San Giosafat Kuncewicz, arcivescovo uniate di Połock. L'autore presenta il profilo del Santo ed i suoi contributi alla riforma morale e religiosa del clero e dei fedeli dell'arcidiocesi di Połock. Mostra i metodi di evangelizzazione preferiti da Giosafat, consistenti non solo nella predicazione e nella catechesi dei bambini e degli adulti nella chiesa, ma anche nel contatto personale con i fedeli. Giosafat era un maestro della parola. Predicava il Vangelo non solo nella catedrale ma anche nelle strade, nelle piazze ed ovunque la gente vivesse e lavorasse. Fu uno zelante sostenitore della rinascità della Chiesa uniata attraverso il risveglio morale del clero. Per vincere l'ignoranza religiosa del clero e del popolo, Giosafat compose un catechismo. In esso ha spiegato in modo chiaro e trasparente le principali verità della fede, nonché le preghiere cristiane ed i santi sacramenti. Diede anche al suo clero istruzioni chiare: regole di condotta. La vita operosa e piena dei sacrifici del santo fu interrotta dal suo martirio nel 1623. Nonostante il passare del tempo, egli rimane un modello attuale di pastore completamente dedito alla sua missione religiosa.
For 10 years, Bishop Jerzy Mazur SVD held the responsible position of the Chairman of the Polish Episcopal Commission for Missions. The authors of the article consider his most important initiatives and achievements as Chairman of this Commission. The article is published in two parts. Part 1 begins with the presentation of the missionary profile of Bishop Jerzy Mazur. Then, the authors discuss his undertakings aimed at strengthening the mission structures and integrating the mission environment in the Church in Poland. They pay attention to mission animation and formation activities as well as mission cooperation with the Pontifical Mission Societies, religious congregations, diocesan mission groups, foundations, Catholic movements and associations supporting missions. Special place is given to the importance of material and spiritual support of missionaries and assistance for projects carried out in missions. In Part 2, the authors, among other items, present Bishop’s initiatives on mission outreach through media, both print and electronic ones. They also mention initiatives regarding the participatory involvement of laity in missionary service. Finally, they consider two most important events for the mission environment in Poland, namely, the 4th National Mission Congress, prepared and conducted by the Bishop, and the Extraordinary Mission Month.
For 10 years, Bishop Jerzy Mazur SVD held the responsible position of the Chairman of the Polish Episcopal Commission for Missions. The authors of the article consider his most important initiatives and achievements as Chairman of this Commission. The article is published in two parts. Part 1 begins (Nurt SVD, no. 1, 2021, p. 8-42) with the presentation of the missionary profile of Bishop Jerzy Mazur. Then, the authors discuss his undertakings aimed at strengthening the mission structures and integrating the mission environment in the Church in Poland. They pay attention to mission animation and formation activities as well as mission cooperation with the Pontifical Mission Societies, religious congregations, diocesan mission groups, foundations, Catholic movements and associations supporting missions. Special place is given to the importance of material and spiritual support of missionaries and assistance for projects carried out in missions. In Part 2, the authors, among other items, present Bishop’s initiatives on mission outreach through media, both print and electronic ones. They also mention initiatives regarding the participatory involvement of laity in missionary service. Finally, they consider two most important events for the mission environment in Poland, namely, the 4th National Mission Congress, prepared and conducted by the Bishop, and the Extraordinary Mission Month.
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