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Celem pracy jest próba określenia wpływu instytucji wsparcia biznesu na działalność innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw średniej techniki funkcjonujących w regionie łódzkim, zachodniopomorskim i w Wielkopolsce w latach 2009-2012. W pracy założono, że aktywność innowacyjna analizowanej grupy przedsiębiorstw powinna rosnąć na skutek kooperacji z instytucjami otoczenia biznesu. Prezentowany zakres badania dotyczy innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych należących do sektora średniej i wysokiej techniki, charakteryzuje innowacje na poziomie firmy i uwzględnia dyfuzję do po¬ziomu „nowość dla firmy”.
The aim of this study is to determine the impact of innovation support organiza¬tions on stimulating innovation activity of medium technology sector in 3 Polish regions be¬tween 2009-2012. The secondary objectives are: (1) the determination of knowledge transfer mechanisms in the process of cooperation (2) the determination of forms of innovation pro¬ject financing. The paper assumes that the innovative activity of the enterprises should in¬crease as a result of cooperation with innovation support organizations.
vol. 16
issue 1
Most domestic companies from the SME sector cannot afford to bear the risk of unsuitable technological, market and financial decisions related to innovation activities. The risk of failure can be significantly reduced by entering into a cooperation with customers standing at a much higher level of innovative development. The main goal of this article is to describe the process of gradually increasing the innovative capacity of the Polish family business that has been achieved through the cooperation within the global industrial chain operating in the field of public service vehicle industry.
Praca przedstawia wyniki badania, którego celem jest określenie wpływu odległości od konkurenta, dostawcy i odbiorcy na aktywność innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw reprezentujących przemysł średnio-niskiej techniki w Polsce w latach 2008–2013. Zakres badania dotyczy innowacji na poziomie przedsiębiorstwa i uwzględnia dyfuzję do poziomu „nowość dla przedsiębiorstwa”. Działania innowacyjne uwzględnione w badaniu obejmują inwestycje, w tym nakłady na badania i rozwój (B + R), implementacje wyrobów i pro- cesów technologicznych oraz współpracę innowacyjną. Badanie obejmuje 2301 przedsiębiorstw. W pracy założono, że bliskość geograficzna dostawców i odbiorców sprzyja pobudzaniu aktywności innowacyjnej, podczas gdy bliskość konkurentów sprawia, że skłonność przedsiębiorstw do podejmowania aktywności innowacyjnej maleje. Część metodyczna analiz wykorzystuje modelowanie probitowe, dzięki któremu można określić prawdopodobieństwo podjęcia danego działania innowacyjnego w funkcji odległości do danego partnera (konkurenta, dostawcy, odbiorcy). Analiza pokazuje, że wpływ odległości danego rodzaju partnera oddziałuje w różny sposób na częstotliwość podejmowania danego działania innowacyjnego. Najwięcej związków znaleziono dla odbiorców i dostawców krajowych. Współpraca z partnerami zagranicznymi sprawia, że badane przedsiębiorstwa częściej są skłonne ponosić nakłady na działalność badawczo-rozwojową oraz częściej współpracują z instytucjami reprezentującymi świat nauki.
The aim of this study is to determine the impact of spatial proximity to customers, suppliers and competitors on innovation activity in medium-low technology manufacturing industries in Poland in the years 2008–2013. The scope of the survey relates to innovation at the company level and takes into account the diffusion to the “novelty to the company”. Innovative activities are divided into the following groups: investments in R&D and fixed assets not used so far such as buildings, premises and land; machinery and equipment, computer software; implementation of new products and processes; and innovative collaboration. The survey covers 2,301 industrial enterprises. It is assumed that innovation activity is facilitated by both local suppliers and customers, whereas it is impeded by local competitors. The methodological part of the study is based on probit modeling which enables to identify the probability of occurrence of innovation activity depending on geographical proximity of competitor, supplier and customer. The study shows that the impact of geographical proximity on innovation activity is diversified. The highest number of relationships relates to national suppliers and customers. The cooperation with foreign partners is positively correlated with R&D expenditures and propensity to cooperation with universities.
vol. 17
issue 1
The paper presents the results of a study aimed at determining the nature of relations between innovation activities and company size and company’s ownership in the food and beverage sector in western Poland in 2009-2012. The most innovation active enterprises are medium-sized companies, which are also the only group which leads innovation cooperation with its suppliers and customers. Among the most frequently taken innovation activities are: the implementation of new technological processes, investments in new fixed assets including computer software and investments in R & D. The least innovation active firms are domestic micro and small enterprises.
Celem pracy jest określenie wpływu odległości i typu relacji z konkurentem, dostawcą i odbiorcą na rodzaj podejmowanej działalności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw wysokiej techniki w Polsce. W pracy założono, że bliskie kontakty z konkurentem, dostawcą i odbiorcą funkcjonującym w niewielkiej odległości (lokalnie lub w regionie) sprzyjają podejmowaniu działalności innowacyjnej. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała jednak, że współpraca z lokalnym lub regionalnym dostawcą i odbiorcą przyczynia się do zmniejszenia aktywności innowacyjnej, podczas gdy krajowy lub zagraniczny dostawca, odbiorca lub konkurent sprzyja jej podejmowaniu. Jednak największy pozytywny wpływ na stymulowanie aktywności innowacyjnej mają dostawcy, odbiorcy i konkurenci zagraniczni.
The aim of this study is to determine the impact of proximity and type of relationship with supplier, competitor and customer on innovation activity of high technology manufacturing industries in Poland. It is assumed that the innovation activity of HT manufacturing industries in Poland is stimulated by good relations with competitor, supplier and customer operating locally. The scope of the survey relates to innovation among high-technology manufacturing industries in Poland, concerns innovation at the firm level and takes into account the diffusion to the „new to the company”. This study shows that the cooperation with a local or regional supplier or customer decreases the innovation activity whereas the cooperation with national or foreign supplier, customer or competitor positively influences on innovation activity.
Research background: While the Sectoral Innovation System (SSI) anticipates technology-related similarities in innovation patterns in the same sectors across countries, the distance to the frontier suggests that there are important differences with respect to the level of national technological development. Most contemporary analyses of sectoral innovation systems are focused on well-developed economies. In contrast, the evidence from developing countries including new EU members are scared and lack dynamics. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this paper is to identify and compare product and process innovation patterns in Polish low and high technology systems. The main assumption is that divergence and convergence in innovation patterns of low- and medium-low technology (LMT) and high technology (HT) systems evolve over time and are strongly influenced by the characteristics of firms, their linkages with other system participants, existing demand, and institutional conditions. Methods: According to the third edition of the Oslo Manual (OECD, 2005), we employ a harmonized questionnaire and methodology to collect unique micro data on innovation.  The survey concerns 5252 firms including 873 firms from HT sector. The scope of the research relates to product and process innovation at least new to the firm. Findings & value added: Our results show that although the intensity of product and process innovation is higher in HT system, both business support institutions and public financial instruments better support firms in LMT sectors. On the other hand, existing demand and market structure favor the emergence of new innovations at the firm level (imitations), but with more emphasis on LMT. The key source of innovation is suppliers, with foreign suppliers in HT and national ones in LMT. In contrast to leading economies, LMT plays a key role in long term economic growth in Poland.
vol. 19
issue 2
This article examines differences in an impact of business cycle phases on innovation activity in medium-high and high technology industry in Poland. It is assumed that each business cycle phase influences innovation activity in the same fashion, but its impact varies and it depends on the firm’s innovation activity. The higher innovation activity the less impact of business cycle. The scope of the survey relates to innovation in MHT and HT industry in Poland. The data concerns the innovation at the firm level and the diffusion “new for the company”. Innovation activity is defined by the following activities: (1) expenditure on research and development and investments in fixed assets not used so far such as: a)buildings, premises and land; b) machinery and equipment, c) computer software; (2) implementation of new products and technological processes and (3) innovation cooperation. The methodological part of the analysis includes a logit modeling. The survey includes 1355 companies. Business cycle has a great influence on innovation activity in MTH and HT industry in Poland. The influence of recovery phase is positive whereas both stagnation and recession phases decrease the probability of innovation activity. The character of influence depends on the propensity to take innovation activity. The higher level of innovation activity the enterprises present the less influence of business cycle they get.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania, którego celem jest określenie charakteru relacji zachodzących pomiędzy rodzajem podejmowanej działalności innowacyjnej a osiąganym efektem innowacyjnym występującym wśród przedsiębiorstw przemysłu wysokiej techniki w Polsce. Założono, że znaczenie efektu innowacyjnego jest proporcjonalne do liczby i zakresu podejmowanych działań innowacyjnych. Prezentowany zakres badania dotyczy innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych należących do sektora wysokiej techniki, charakteryzuje innowacje na poziomie przedsiębiorstwa i uwzględnia dyfuzję do poziomu "nowość dla przedsiębiorstwa". Działania innowacyjne podzielono na trzy grupy obejmujące: (1) nakłady na badania i rozwój oraz inwestycje w dotychczas niestosowane środki trwałe, w tym: a) budynki, lokale i grunty, b) maszyny i urządzenia techniczne, c) oprogramowanie komputerowe; (2) implementacje nowych wyrobów i procesów technologicznych; (3) współpracę innowacyjną. Wśród efektów innowacyjnych uwzględniono: poprawę jakości, zwiększenie asortymentu, wejście na nowe rynki, zwiększenie zdolności produkcyjnych, obniżenie jednostkowych kosztów pracy, wypełnienie przepisów i norm, zwiększenie elastyczności produkcji, ograniczenie szkodliwości dla środowiska i jednostkowej materiałochłonności i/lub pracochłonności. Badanie obejmuje 374 przedsiębiorstwa. Część metodyczna analiz wykorzystuje modelowanie probitowe, dzięki któremu można określić szansę osiągnięcia wybranego efektu innowacyjnego w zależności od podjętego działania innowacyjnego.
This paper presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the nature of the relationship between the type of innovation activity and innovation effects in the high technology industry sector in Poland between 2008‒2013. It is assumed that the importance of the innovation effect is proportional to the number and scope of innovation activity. The scope of the survey relates to innovation in industrial enterprises representing the high-tech sector. It is characterized by innovation at the firm level and concerns the diffusion "new for the company" level. Innovation activity includes (1) expenditure on research and development and investments in fixed assets not used so far such as: a) buildings, premises and land; b) machinery and equipment, c) computer software; (2) implementation of new products and technological processes; (3) inno vation cooperation. There are the following innovation effects: higher production flexibility, higher production capacity, lower unit labor cost, higher stock, lower unit material and energy consumption, lower environmental damage. The survey covers 374 HT companies. The methodological part of the analysis includes a logit modeling through which one can specify the probability of success of the innovation effect.
Zarządzanie i Finanse
vol. 1
issue 1
W pracy zbadano relacje zachodzące pomiędzy efektami wprowadzania innowacji a różnymi rodzajami działalności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, funkcjonujących w Wielkopolsce w latach 2011 i 2012. Założono, że rodzaj efektu wprowadzania innowacji determinuje podejmowaną dzi ałalność innowacyjną przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych. Najczęściej występującym efektem wprowadzania innowacji jest poprawa jakości i zwiększenie asortymentu. Najbardziej wymagającymi efektami wprowadzania innowacji są: wejście na nowe rynki, ograniczenie szkodliwości przedsiębiorstwa dla środowiska naturalnego oraz poprawa jakości. Natomiast najmniej wymagające w edług badanych przedsiębiorców jest wypełnienie przepisów i norm.
Regional innovation policy in the light of institutional theory of regional developmentThe purpose of this article is to show the potential behaviors of local governments, which stimulate the development of innovative business activities based on a specific set of institutional theories of regional development. The basic hypothesis of the research assumes that the regional authorities should actively formulate regional innovation policy, and then implement it.
vol. 18
issue 1
The main goal of this study is to identify the impact of firm size and its ownership on innovation cooperation in medium-high and high technology sectors in Poland between 2008-2013. The most open for innovation cooperation are large and foreign enterprises which mainly cooperate with foreign and national R&D units and universities.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu wielkości i własności przedsiębiorstwa na współpracę innowacyjną w sektorze średnio wysokiej i wysokiej techniki w Polsce w latach 2008-2013. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że najczęściej współpracę innowacyjną podejmowały duże i zagraniczne przedsiębiorstwa, które głównie współpracowały z zagranicznymi ośrodkami badawczo-rozwojowymi.
The analysis of innovative cooperation systems from the perspective of the size of the industrial enterprises of south-western Poland in 2008-2010 shows that large enterprises tend to engage in an innovation activity the most often. In this group, 62% of all surveyed companies take the innovative cooperation regularly. Their key innovative cooperators are: customers, universities and international research and development centers. 52% of medium-sized companies take the innovative cooperation. They mainly cooperate with national research centers. However, medium firms do not show any interest in the innovative cooperation with their suppliers. The ambiguous results obtained with regard to medium-sized businesses can provide an incentive for further research in this area. In the group of small businesses less than 50% of companies take the innovative cooperation. Small companies usually cooperate with their suppliers. The smallest tendency to establish the innovative cooperation is characterized by micro business. In this group, less than 40% of companies take the innovative cooperation. Micro companies are the only group in which the tendency to the innovative cooperation is much lower than the average in the researched region. Furthermore, the most micro-enterprises neither take the innovative cooperation with their customers nor national research centers.
Research background: There are two main directions for the research of the national innovation system (NIS): the international comparison of macro data from national statistic offices or specific micro research restricted mostly to analysing selected issues. There is a lack of empirical studies regarding the national innovation system as a whole based on micro raw data and using statistical models. Purpose of the article: To identify and evaluate the impact of the triple helix (an input and output approach) on the NIS in Poland, including internal interactions between industry, science and government. Methods: A questionnaire surveys were conducted by the authors over the past five  years in 6,284 manufacturing enterprises. The multifactor stepwise logistics regression forward was used to evaluate what, where and how effectively the NIS institutions in catching-up and medium-sized countries such as Poland are working. Findings & value added: The NIS of Poland is a complicated and non-mature system. Some parts of the network are effective, while others are not. It is noted that cooperation between enterprises stimulates innovation to a greater extent than cooperation with scientific institutions and public administration. The vertical supply chain is the main driver of NIS in Poland. Domestic scientific institutions have an impact that is often short-term, fragmented, and non-continuous, though it can be strong from time to time. Strangely, organizations with low knowledge potential support industry innovation activity more efficiently and in a more organised way than science institutes, excluding foreign ones. For catching-up countries, this is an important bridging of the knowledge gap - it turns out that the quantity and quality of domestic knowledge in the national innovation system is inefficient. Scientific institutions need to achieve sufficient critical mass to stimulate innovative activity. The value of the conclusions is underlined by the fact that the analyses were based on micro data, which allowed to capture the relationships between the different elements of the triple helix.
Research background: Contemporary research on industry concentrates on the relations between enterprises and their environment. Research on industrial structures conducted throughout the world, including Poland, are not extensive and limited due to the confidentiality of statistics. K. Pavitt (1984) was the first researcher who evaluated the relationship between industry structure and innovation activity. According to Pavitt, innovation dynamics and trajectory depend on the structure of domestic industry and is unique. In Poland T. Rachwal (2010) determined that over the studied years, changes in the indicator defining diversification in industrial divisions were minimal, but at the same time there was an observable fall in the importance of traditional divisions, such as the production of clothing, textiles, and the leather. In contrast, divisions as the production of metal, rubber, and plastic goods increased their share in terms of employees, as did furniture and vehicle manufacturing. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the paper is to identify sectoral patterns of innovation cooperation as revealed by data on about 5209 Polish enterprises. The authors attempt to find the answer to the following three questions: (1) Is the domestic aggregation sufficient for stimulating innovation cooperation in the Polish industry? (2) Is there any sectoral heterogeneity in innovation cooperation? (3) Are enterprises representing high technology industries the most involved in innovation cooperation? The main goal of the study was an attempt to seek out the directions and influence of various industries on the innovation cooperation of enterprises in Poland. Methods: Empirical data that served as the basis for conducting calculations were collected with the help of a questionnaire survey sent to industrial companies throughout Poland. A total of 5,209 properly completed forms were collected. The average rate of return was 11,6%. The collection was held over the years 2008?2013. The methodological part of the study was developed using the logistic regression method based on probability theory of the study. Findings & Value added: The study has shown that the higher the technology, the more often enterprises cooperate in the area of innovation. The research has not only shown the specifics of the domestic industrial system as well its level of technological advancement, but it has also taken into account the significance and input into the analyzed system.
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