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Racjonowanie usług medycznych - spojrzenie ekonomisty

issue 5
Głos w debacie: Medycyna i finanse. Moralna problematyka racjonowania ekonomicznego w opiece zdrowotnej.
A voice in the debate: Medicine and finances. The moral issue of economic rationing in health care
The article includes an introduction, two theoretical sections, and the conclusions. Basic notions connected with corporate social responsibility are discussed. Next, basing on the example of Wal- -Mart, innovative ecological approach concerning delivery chain is discussed. Also the matter of double standardization of corporate social responsibility is investigated.
The article consist of introduction, three essential paragraphs and conclusion. In the first paragraph the role of foreign corporations’ expansion of FMCG branch in Polish trade aspect is discussed. The second paragraph concerns the estimation of the influence of foreign trade networks on labour markets (based on Silesian region’s case). The payment of income taxes by corporations in comparison to participation of MSP sector in income taxes’ shares is discussed in the third paragraph. The conclusion explains why it is difficult to analyze the influence of direct foreign investments on trade in local and regional development’s aspect. There is not enough data adapted to analyze the trade influence on labour market and local budget.
The article focuses on a private museum of a hybrid character, Parco Museo Jalari, as an example of reception and understanding of the cultural heritage of Sicily. Trinkaria, with its historical, cultural, natural and climatic background, has been a valued destination of educational and artistic trips for ages. These factors made an impact on the Sicilians’ awareness, significantly influencing the ways of expressing and understanding their identity. The analysis of the park structure, of the creation history, as well as that of the exhibition and festival activity, shows the way in which it reflects the island’s history and culture, the way in which it defines itself or the extent in which it caters for the needs of different cultural tourists. The starting point of the elaboration is an attempt to capture Sicilian individuality reflected in the trip accounts written by the great ones of this world as well as in the meanders of history. Next, after introducing the museum context of Jalari, the profile of the park is presented: its history, structure and activity. The summary of the article exposes the extent to which the theoretical assumptions have been fulfilled and to which they are useful for the protection and promotion of the region’s culture. It also presents the value of the park’s offer in the context of cultural tourism. As for the complete lack of texts in Polish describing the park, the primary aim of this article is to bring the idea, the stages of creation and the functioning of the park closer to Polish cultural, and museum, tourism researchers as well as Polish reads interested in the subject.
Artykuł dotyczy konkurencji w handlu detalicznym; roli i znaczenia nowoczesnych strategii marketingowych w procesie konkurowania. W artykule omówiono podstawowe strategie nowoczesnego handlu w Polsce: politykę niskich cen, lokalizację nowoczesnego handlu w centrach handlowych, rozwój marek prywatnych, koncentracji w handlu.
In the era of globalization, where many companies have extensive supply chains, cooperation with suppliers is a key area for limiting reputational risk, as well as a field for implementing CSR practices. Reducing reputational risk means the need of conducting integrated operations within the supply chain; building permanent relationships with cooperators based on CSR standards and standards applicable to both parties of the transaction. The cooperation of international corporations with local businesses evokes adaptation processes among suppliers (also in the area of CSR); it also means redistribution of skills and knowledge towards contractors, which in practice has a positive impact on the competitive position of the analyzed groups of entities. In the article, a descriptive method was used. The purpose of this article is to characterize the cooperation of international corporations with local companies in the context of dissemination of CSR practices in the supply chain. The subject of the article is cooperation of international corporations with companies of the host country within the so-called backward linkages; with particular emphasis on CSR practices.
W dobie globalizacji, w której wiele firm posiada rozbudowane łańcuchy dostaw, współpraca z dostawcami jest kluczowym obszarem ograniczenia ryzyka reputacyjnego i polem do realizacji praktyk CSR. Ograniczenie ryzyka refutacyjnego oznacza konieczność prowadzenia zintegrowanych działań w całym łańcuchu dostaw oraz budowania trwałych relacji z kooperantami w oparciu o normy i standardy CSR obowiązujące obie strony transakcji. Współpraca międzynarodowych korporacji z lokalnymi przedsiębiorstwami wywołuje procesy dostosowawcze wśród dostawców (również w obszarze CSR); oznacza redystrybucję umiejętności i wiedzy do zleceniobiorców, co w praktyce pozytywnie wpływa na pozycję konkurencyjną analizowanych grup podmiotów. W artykule wykorzystano metodę opisową. Ma on na celu scharakteryzowanie współpracy międzynarodowych korporacji z lokalnymi firmami w kontekście upowszechniania praktyk CSR w łańcuchu dostaw. Przedmiotem artykułu jest współpraca międzynarodowych korporacji z firmami kraju goszczącego w ramach tzw. powiązań do tyłu (backward linkages), ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem praktyk CSR.
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie przemian, jakim podlegają uczelnie w Polsce. Zmieniają się warunki ich funkcjonowania, głównie relacje między nimi a państwem, które do tej pory pełniło ważną funkcję ochronną. Współczesne uczelnie zyskały większą autonomię, jednocześnie jednak zmuszone zostały do zaspokajania różnorodnych oczekiwań i konkurowania o środki. Te zmiany pociągają za sobą istotne przeobrażenia dotyczące zakresu ich odpowiedzialności, która nabiera nowego znaczenia i zaczyna pełnić inne funkcje niż dotychczas.
The main objective of this article is to show how the current (or recent) global transformations are influencing contemporary Universities. The conditions in the way universities function are changing as well, especially in relation to the government, which serves in a protective role. Contemporary universities have gained more autonomy, but along with that comes the responsibility of competing for financial funding. As a result, these transformations have created the need to change mission statements in order to address the fulfillment of different roles and responsibilities.
Zarządzanie i Finanse
vol. 1
issue 3
Identification of benefits and barriers of shops in polish retail webs in Silesia Region is the main aim of the paper. Reality and perspectives of competition in retail trade of FMCG on polish market are also discussed.
vol. 22
issue 1
The article presents a proposal for an integrated assessment of the tourism attractiveness of a region. The holistic approach used in the author's master's thesis is given as an example. The article presents the results of a survey and ‘point bonitation’ (a ranking method) for the North Karelia region. In the summary, there is an attempt to assess the methods which were applied in the research.
The article reviews institutional solutions proposed by Amartya Sen, which would be applicable to poverty and famine. These solutions relate to the so-called public action seen as public activity at all levels - from the individual and local one to the central one. Basic foundations underlying the idea of public action are discussed. Main issues involved with selection of public action subject are presented, along with the choice of appropriate public action strategies applicable to famine disasters. Detailed institutional solutions are analysed (traditional safeguard systems, early warning systems, direct supplies, aid in cash, job creation, mechanisms behind free market food distribution and distribution through government agencies). Major problems associated with sustained forms of famine and poverty in the world are covered as well.
The aim of the article is to review and systematize concepts used in an approach known as new institutional economics (NIE). The considerable development of NIE reflects the growing interest in the functioning of markets and enterprises under information asymmetry and non-cooperative market player behaviors. The negative effects of information asymmetry can be reduced or completely eliminated with the help of institutional solutions. The article focuses on contracts and transaction costs. The author argues that the key role of contracts is to enable maximum savings of resources and their allocation to areas with the highest rates of growth. This approach leads to reduced transaction costs and is a viable measure of the effectiveness of business contracts.
The article explains economic interactions between the healthcare sector actors, as seen from the point of view of the superior - subordinate model and agency theory. The study does not focus on formal approaches. Instead, a description of contractual relationships between healthcare actors has been proposed along with responses to a specific structure of incentives (mostly financial ones). The article is an overview presenting up-to-date results of scientific research which employs the economic agency theory to analyse the healthcare sector.
The article recapitulates the economic analysis of poverty and famines proposed by Amartya Sen, an Indian economist who was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1998. Part 1 of the article consists of introductory remarks. Part 2 presents basic concepts relating to Sen’s social philosophy and theory of poverty with special reference to the entitlement approach. Arguments have been presented to prove that famines occur when at one time many people in a country suffer from entitlement failures. Indirectly, a thesis is implied that poverty-stricken abilities which allow to satisfy basic needs or to "achieve valuable functionings" should set the area for evaluation of inequalities. Part 3 of the article is an enlargement on Amartya Sen’s theory on poverty and famines themselves (problems of identifying poverty and aggregation of features making up poverty), as well as a presentation of appropriate statistical measures of poverty (including the so- called Sen’s index). An outline of features of contemporary famine, which due to the paradoxes involved with it has become a separate research category, provides an indispensable background for the entitlement approach presented in the article. A strong emphasis has been put in the article on the fact that Sen strongly challenges the view according to which a shortage of food is the main, or only, explanation for famine.
En el contexto del auge actual de la crónica contemporánea en Hispanoamérica, el presente artículo se centra en el análisis de dos elementos clave para el género –la presencia de la voz autoral y la representación del otro-protagonista– en Alta rotación. El trabajo precario de los jóvenes (2009) de Laura Meradi. Partiendo de la breve presentación de los rasgos característicos de la crónica urbana, se plantea la cuestión de la relación que se establece en el texto de Meradi entre el yo autoral y los demás personajes que forman el eje vertebral del relato cronístico. A continuación, se estudia la transformación de la narradora, en gran medida influenciada por la aplicación de las estrategias del periodismo gonzo. Asimismo, se investiga la manera en la que dicha transformación impacta en la plasmación del tema central de Alta rotación, que es el mundo de los trabajos precarios de la Buenos Aires contemporánea.
The paper looks at various forms of internationalisation of FMCG companies. It presents the idea of a trade company going international along with examples of such a company entering the Polish market. The benefits of and circumstances leading to entrance into foreign markets are a particular focus.
The article consists of an introduction, a conclusion and two chapters of theoretical and empirical character. The first section presents the most important assumptions of the new paradigm in business - the so-called four-leaf clover. It also points out on the importance of competencies and their development in the process of gaining competitive advantage on the changing market. The second part of the article is a case study. Using the example of the Polish company ASTOR, the practical application of the four-leaf clover formula was presented. It discusses how the organisation’s managers understand and conduct business. The paper uses a descriptive method with the use of literature analysis and desk research of existing data, as well as a combination of the diagnostic survey method and the method of analysis of individual case observation with the use of an in-depth interview questionnaire. The aim of this article is to identify the sources of ASTOR’s success on the Polish market. It allowed for a formulation of a hypothesis: The key success factor that ensures operational efficiency, brand differentiation and unique organisational culture is a professional approach to business based on humanistic values.
Artykuł składa się z wstępu, zakończenia i dwóch rozdziałów o charakterze teoretyczno-analitycznym. W pierwszym punkcie przedstawiono najważniejsze założenia nowego paradygmatu w biznesie - tzw. czterolistnej koniczyny. Wskazano w nim również na znaczenie kompetencji, ich rozwoju w procesie osiągania przewagi konkurencyjnej na zmieniającym się rynku. Drugi punkt artykułu stanowi studium przykładu. Na przykładzie polskiej firmy ASTOR, zaprezentowano praktyczne zastosowanie formuły czterolistnej koniczyny. Omówiono w nim sposób rozumienia i prowadzenia biznesu przez zarządzających organizacją. W artykule wykorzystano metodę opisową z wykorzystaniem analizy literaturowej i danych zastanych oraz połączenie metody sondażu diagnostycznego i metody analizy obserwacji indywidualnych przypadków przy wykorzystaniu kwestionariusza wywiadu pogłębionego. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest identyfikacja źródeł sukcesu firmy ASTOR na polskim rynku. Tak określony cel pozwolił na sformułowanie hipotezy: Kluczowym czynnikiem sukcesu, zapewniającym sprawność operacyjną, wyróżnialność marki i unikalność kultury organizacyjnej, jest profesjonalne podejście do przedmiotu działalności w oparciu o wartości humanistyczne.
Artykuł składa się z wprowadzenia, dwóch części o charakterze teoretycznym i wniosków końcowych. Przedstawiono w nim badania dotyczące zaangażowania polskich firm w społeczną odpowiedzialność biznesu. W dalszej kolejności omówiono czynniki zmian w upowszechnianiu koncepcji odpowiedzialnego biznesu wśród polskich firm. Koncepcja odpowiedzialnego biznesu (CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility) jest w polskich warunkach stosunkowo mało popularną koncepcją i nieczęstą praktyką, szczególnie wśród krajowych przedsiębiorstw. Inaczej sytuacja przedstawia się na rynkach Europy Zachodniej, czy też w USA. Firmy działające na tych rynkach zobligowane są do dostosowania standardów biznesu do oczekiwań przeróżnych interesariuszy, również kontrahentów. Brak takich dostosowań może mieć bowiem poważne konsekwencje dla reputacji tych firm i perspektyw ich rozwoju. W Polsce istnieje szereg ograniczeń, które wpływają na niską popularność koncepcji CSR wśród polskich przedsiębiorców. Należy tu wymienić przede wszystkim brak silnych organizacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, organizacji o charakterze strażniczym (watch dog), które mogłyby fachowo i skutecznie monitorować działania przedsiębiorstw na polskim rynku. Spore ograniczenia w omawianej kwestii widoczne są również po stronie konsumentów. Konsumenci mają często powierzchowną wiedzę na temat odpowiedzialnego biznesu; kwestia zrównoważonego łańcucha dostaw jest niejednokrotnie dla nich tematem niezrozumiałym i oderwanym od procesu konsumpcyjnego. Dodatkowo należy zaznaczyć, że rynek produktów Fair Trade w Polsce jest bardzo słabo rozwinięty, a moda na tzw. etyczną konsumpcję ma charakter niszowy. Innym ograniczeniem upowszechniania koncepcji CSR na krajowym rynku jest niewystarczająca wiedza polskich przedsiębiorców na temat roli, jaką we współczesnym biznesie spełnia koncepcja CSR. Konkurencyj-ność przedsiębiorstwa rozumieją oni zazwyczaj jedynie w kontekście wartości ekonomicznej. Kwestie społeczne i ekologiczne w praktyce traktują w sposób marginalny, niezwiązany ze strategią rozwoju firmy. Działania w zakresie CSR na polskim rynku deklarują zazwyczaj duże przedsiębiorstwa, problem jednak polega na tym, że omawiane deklaracje nie zawsze przekładają się na realne praktyki tych firm. Oczekiwania co do zmiany nastawienia polskich przedsiębiorców do odpowie-dzialnego biznesu, w dużej mierze związane są z funkcjonowaniem na krajowym rynku międzyna-rodowych korporacji, co do których opinia publiczna, eksperci i politycy coraz częściej formułują szereg oczekiwań. Nasilająca się konkurencja, również na polskim rynku, wymuszać będzie na korporacjach stosowanie praktyk społecznie odpowiedzialnych, również w kontekście współpracy z lokalnymi przedsiębiorstwami. Rozliczanie kooperantów z ich działań, podobnie jak na rynkach zachodnich, będzie ważnym elementem strategii ograniczania ryzyka reputacyjnego. Wzrost znaczenia koncepcji CSR na polskim rynku wynikać będzie również z coraz więk-szego zainteresowania raportowaniem pozafinansowym. Niektórzy eksperci przewidują, że za kilka lat każda licencjonowana instytucja finansowa będzie mogła inwestować środki wyłącznie w podmioty, które odpowiednio raportują w obszarze ESG, czy wręcz osiągają wymagany minimalny wynik tego raportowania.
The paper consist of introduction, two theoretical parts and conclusions. It presents a study on the involvement of Polish companies in corporate social responsibility. In the following part of the text, the factors of changes in the dissemination of the concept of corporate responsibility among Polish companies were discussed. The concept of corporate responsibility (CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility) is in Polish conditions, relatively little popular concept and the rare practice, especially among domestic enter-prises. The situation is different at the Western Europe markets or in the USA. Companies operating in these markets are obliged to adapt the business standards to expectations of various stake-holders, and also contractors. The lack of such adjustments can have serious consequences for the reputation of these companies and their development prospects. In Poland, there are several limitations that affect the popularity of the concept of CSR among Polish entrepreneurs. Above all, the lack of strong civil society organizations, the watchdog organizations which could professionally and effectively monitor the activities of companies in the Polish market. Serious limitations on this matter are shown also on the consumers side. Consumers often have a superficial knowledge about responsi-ble business; the issue of a sustainable supply chain is often incomprehensible and detached from the process of consumption. Moreover, it should be noted that the market of Fair Trade products in Poland is poorly de-veloped, and the so-called fashion for ethical consumption is a niche. Another limitation of the dissemination of CSR in the domestic market is insufficient knowledge of Polish entrepreneurs about the role CSR plays in today’s business. A company's competitiveness is usually understood only in the context of economic value. Social and environmental issues in practice are treated as marginal, not associated with the development strategy of the company. The CSR activities on the Polish market are usually declared by large companies. The prob-lem is that, these declarations do not always translate into real business practice. The expectations for a change of attitude of Polish entrepreneurs towards responsible business, largely relate on the functioning of multinational corporations at domestic market where the general public, experts and politicians often formulate a series of expectations. Increasing competition, also on the Polish market, will force corporations to apply socially responsible practices, also in the context of cooperating with local businesses. Holding the collaborators for their actions, as it is done at western markets, will be an important element of risk reduction strategies. The growing importance of CSR in the Polish market will be the result of increasing greater interest in non-financial reporting . Some experts predict that in a few years, each licensed financial institution will be able to invest the funds only with entities that adequately report with the ESG area, or even reach the required minimum score of reporting.
vol. 22
issue 1
The article presents a proposal for an integrated assessment of the tourism attractiveness of a region. The holistic approach used in the author's master's thesis is given as an example. The article presents the results of a survey and ‘point bonitation’ (a ranking method) for the North Karelia region. In the summary, there is an attempt to assess the methods which were applied in the research.
vol. LXV
issue 65
The group of finds under discussion comes from a series of random discoveries made in 2007–2010 on the farmland on the eastern margin of the village Gajew, Kutno County. This locality lies in western Mazovia, c. 1 km west of the Słudwia, left-bank tributary of the Middle Bzura (Fig. 1). The group includes objects made of copper alloy, fragments of pottery and daub. Almost all the artefacts from Gajew can be tied to Przeworsk culture occupation. Their chronological range extends from the end of the Younger Pre-Roman period until the Early Migration Period. One of the earliest finds are a facetted rim sherd from a pottery basin (Fig. 7:37) and a very small fragment of a brooch, type A.2b or A.18b (Fig. 3:1). Most of the finds date from the Early Roman Period, e.g., brooches from groups A.II (Fig. 3:7), A.III (Fig. 3:4–9) and A.IV (Fig. 3:10–15), as well as a profiled strap-end (Fig. 4:24), a fragment of a rod bracelet Fig. 4:27), a dress pin with a biconical head (Fig. 4:29), and possibly, also a denarius of Trajan (Fig. 6). This situation corresponds to the period of the most intensive Przeworsk culture settlement in the Bzura drainage basin. Phase B2/C1 is represented by two brooches, Mazovian variant (Fig. 3:16.17) and a cylinder from a brooch, group A.IV or group A.V (Fig. 4:18). The Late Roman Period is represented by only two fragments of brooches from groups A.VI (Fig. 4:19) and A. VII (Fig. 4:20), as well as a denarius of Septimius Severus (Fig. 5), minted presumably in 193–197. For other finds, i.e. fragments of keys (Fig. 4:32.33), a closer dating is unfeasible. The mostly uncharacteristic fragments of Przeworsk culture pottery recovered at Gajew (Fig. 7:38–42) can be dated only broadly to the Roman Period. The youngest artefact that we can attribute to Przeworsk culture settlement is an oval belt buckle with a thickened frame, type H15 (Fig. 4:25). A find that documents later, “post-Przeworsk” occupation by largely anonymous Germanic groups is a sword scabbard pendant of a form similar to type Hemmingen-Pleidelsheim (Fig. 4:31). It is the first of its kind to be discovered in Poland. Pendants of this form are mostly recorded in the west of Europe, in assemblages from the Early Merovingian Period. Germanic artefacts from the 5th-6th century have been often recorded increasingly often in Central Poland – with, more notably, a larger number discovered recently in Kuyavia. At the current stage of investigation it is too early to say whether the site at Gajew is a settlement or a cemetery. The former interpretation is supported by the marks of distortion caused by high temperatures observed on almost all the metal objects and also on the pottery. Cemeteries of a similarly extended duration are frequent in the Bzura drainage basin, e.g., recorded at Żdżarów, Sochaczew County, at Komorów and at Wólka Łasiecka, both in Skierniewice County. The only doubts are raised by the presence of daub. With no information about the spatial relationship of the pottery and the metal finds discovered at Gajew the relationship of the daub to the rest of the finds is problematic. The origin of the artefacts can only be resolved by making a test excavation. Whatever may be the case, we have gained new important evidence on Przeworsk culture occupation from the previously only poorly investigated Bzura drainage basin.
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