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Abduction: Some Conceptual Issues

We claim that abduction should primarily be studied from the perspective of its use. The big question “What is abduction?” is most often interpreted substantively and this distracts attention from the instrumental aspect of this form of reasoning. We propose to address the problem by asking “How abduction is used?”. As a result of our approach we see the fact that abduction needs to be construed as concerned with both generation and evaluation of hypotheses, and, furthermore, that abduction is a compound form of reasoning.
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Epistemic Erotetic Search Scenarios

The aim of this paper is to introduce erotetic search scenarios known from Inferential Erotetic Logic by using the framework of epistemic erotetic logic. The key notions used in this system are those of askability and epistemic erotetic implication. Scenarios are supposed to represent all rational strategies of an agent solving the problem posed by the initial question where the interaction with an external information source is seen as a series of updates of the agent’s knowledge.
In recent years we have witnessed a cognitive or ‘practical’ turn in logic [Gabbay and Woods, 2005; Urbański, 2011]. The most fundamental claim of its proponents is that logic has much to say about actual reasoning and argumentation. This cognitively-orientated logic. It acquires a new task of “systematically keeping track of changing representations of information” [van Benthem, 2008, p. 73], and, due to all the achievements of the mathematisation of logic, is fully up to this task. It also contests the claim that distinction between a descriptive and a normative account of the analysis of reasoning is disjoint and exhaustive [Gabbay and Woods, 2003, p. 37].
The article describes the construction process of Deductive Flexibility Test  considered a difficult deductive reasoning measure – and the research on correlations between fluency in difficult deductive reasoning and other cognitive abilities. The main goal in the research was to examine the relations between Deductive Flexibility Test scores and results of Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices – fluid intelligence test. Additionally, the measures of the need for cognitive closure and epistemological understanding were included in the study. The results of the study revealed that Deductive Flexibility Test is a reliable instrument and thus can be used for research purposes. We found low or even no statistically significant correlations between the chosen variables. The directions of further research are discussed.
Prezentujemy dwa formalne narzędzia służące do modelowania rozumowań, za pomocą których rozwiązywane są szczególnego rodzaju problemy abdukcyjne. Pierwszy model, osadzony w formalizmie logiki pytań, bazuje na pojęciu słabej implikacji erotetycznej. Drugi model wykorzystuje relacje zawężania i odsiewania definiowane za pomocą logiki pytań, semantyki sytuacyjnej i pojęcia relewancji wątku. Na przykładzie analizy rozgrywek w grę Takie Życie pokazujemy, że oba modele adekwatnie charakteryzują dane empiryczne.
Our research provides formal tools for analyses of reasoning involved in solutions to a specific class of abductive problems. We present two models of this reasoning. The first one is grounded in the logic of questions and employs a weak version of erotetic implication. The second one is construed in terms of relations of sifting and funneling. Definitions of these relations involve the logic of questions, situational semantics, and the concept of topic relevance. As we show on the basis of a Mind Maze gameplay case study, these models account well for empirical data.
Artykuł przedstawia Metodę Dyskursu Eksperckiego wraz z opisem jej praktycznego zastosowania w środowisku naukowym Polskiej Szkoły Argumentacji. Metoda opracowana została z myślą o zorganizowaniu skutecznej współpracy między specjalistami tej samej dziedziny. Na kolejne etapy składają się: sondaż wśród ekspertów, mający wyłonić stanowiska, wybranie na jego podstawie najważniejszych oraz najbardziej kontrowersyjnych kwestii, przedyskutowanie ich w grupach i poddanie analizie za pomocą narzędzia OVA+. Artykuł zawiera sprawozdanie z pracy nad zagadnieniem siły argumentu, mającym szczególne znaczenie dla programu badań w Polskiej Szkole Argumentacji.
The article presents the Method of Expert Discourse, and a description of its practical application within the scientifi c community of the Polish School of Argumentation. The method was developed in order to effectively organize collaboration among specialists working in the same fi eld of investigation. The application of the method consists of the following stages: carrying out a survey addressed to experts, which is to reveal main positions; and, on this basis, selecting of some most important and controversial issues, and fi nally discussing them in groups and analyzing with help of OVA+, a tool for argument processing. The article contains a report on the research into the issue of argument force, which has a particular signifi cance for the research program of the Polish School of Argumentation.
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