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Edukacja domowa, która stała się w ostatnich dekadach popularną formą realizacji obowiązku kształcenia w Stanach Zjednoczonych i niektórych krajach Europy, od 1991 r., a więc od 22 lat możliwa do realizacji jest także i w Polsce. Ustawa z 07.09.1991 r. dopuściła w formalno-prawnym znaczeniu uczenie się dzieci poza instytucjonalnym środowiskiem szkoły, czyli najczęściej w domu, w warunkach zorganizowanych przez rodziców. Edukacja domowa w Polsce, na skutek narastającej krytyki i kontrowersji wokół obecnie funkcjonującego modelu szkoły, zyskuje coraz większe grono zwolenników. Wobec stale rosnącego zainteresowania tą alternatywną formą edukacji, warto poznać przeszłość i historyczne korzenie tego zjawiska. Celem niniejszego tekstu jest próba rekonstrukcji i systematyki argumentów przemawiających zarówno za, jak i przeciw nauczaniu domowemu i szkolnemu, formułowanych przez publicystów pedagogicznych w II połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku. Jako podstawę źródłową, pozwalającą odtworzyć owe zalecenia teoretyczne wykorzystano podręczniki i poradniki pedagogiczne, także z zakresu wychowania i nauczania domowego, literaturę pedagogiczną, prasę kobiecą, rodzinną, a także polityczno- społeczno-literacką. Niniejszy tekst ma także na celu uświadomić czytelnikom, że mimo upływu stuleci, problem – jaka edukacja lepsza w domu czy w szkole – pozostaje tak samo palący, jak i nierozstrzygnięty.
Homeschooling, which in recent decades has become a popular form of compulsory education in the United States and some European countries, has been available to be implemented in Poland for 22 years, since 1991. The Act of 07.09.1991 allowed - in the formal and legal sense - teaching children outside the institutional environment of the school, i.e. usually at home, in conditions organized by the parents. Homeschooling in Poland, as a result of growing criticism and controversy surrounding the currently operating school model, is gaining more and more supporters. Facing the ever-growing interest in this alternative form of education, it is worthwhile to get to know the past and the historical roots of this phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is to attempt to reconstruct and systematize arguments both for and against homeschooling and school education, formulated by educational columnists in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century. Textbooks and teaching guidebooks, including those in the field of education and homeschooling, teaching literature, as well as women's, family, political, social and literary press were used as a source basis allowing us to reconstruct these theoretical recommendations. This paper also aims to make readers aware that despite the passage of centuries, the problem "which education is better: the one at home or the one at school" remains as much urgent as unresolved.
The images of the child and childhood in Poland before the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Review of the book: Children’s daily life described by means of word and image. A child’s life in Poland in the 16th-18th centuries. By D. Żołądź- Strzelczyk and Katarzyna Kabacińska-Łuczak. Warszawa 2012, Wydawnictwo DiG
A growing interest in the issues of the child and childhood in the past has been observed in Polish historiography in the recent decades. Researchers are increasingly more often and more willingly undertaking research on the child and the child's world inscribed in the so-called social history of education and the history of private and everyday life.   The subject matter of these findings is the child and childhood as shown on iconographic materials. The time dividing lines cover the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, because it was during that period that a significant increase in the types and number of publications illustrated with numerous graphics and, with the passing time, photographs, can be observed. These include women's, family, children's, political-social-literary magazines, tales for younger and older children, primers, and illustrative materials for learning about things. Daguerrotypy - photography is becoming widespread, postcards are published. Those of them that were addressed to children will be used as the source basis of this text, with a view to present the child's world. Due to the extent of the source material, only selected issues and aspects of childhood in the Polish territories in the studied period will be shown. Individual types of iconographic sources, on which the researcher can find the title "images from the child's world", will be presented. In addition to discussing their specificity, examples  illustrating the ordinariness and extraordinariness of the child’s everyday life will be provided. Modernisation of the journal's operations and translation into the English language of articles published in Ars Educandi in 2012-2017 were financed with funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a part of the task Science Promotion Activity (pl. DUN). The task ‘The implementation of the editorial module on the platform of Uniwersyteckie Czasopisma Naukowe – a system facilitating the editing and management of the academic journal Ars Educandi‘ was financed as a part of contract 661/P-DUN/2018 of 12.06.2018 from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for the promotion of science. The task ‘The creation of a modern online version of the academic journal Ars Educandi through the implementation of the publication module on the platform of Uniwersyteckie Czasopisma Naukowe and the handling of international indexing databases’ was financed as a part of contract 661/P-DUN/2018 of 12.06.2018 from funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education designated for the promotion of science.
W polskiej historiografii w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach zaobserwowano rosnące zainteresowanie problematyką dziecka i dzieciństwa w przeszłości. Badacze coraz częściej i chętniej podejmują badania nad dzieckiem i światem dziecka wpisane w tak zwaną społeczną historię edukacji oraz historię życia prywatnego i codziennego. Przedmiotem odkryć jest dziecko i dzieciństwo, jak pokazano na materiałach ikonograficznych. Przedział czasowy obejmuje drugą połowę XIX i początek XX wieku, ponieważ w tym okresie nastąpił znaczny wzrost liczby i rodzajów publikacji ilustrowanych licznymi grafikami, a wraz z upływem czasu zdjęciami. Należą do nich czasopisma kobiece, rodzinne, dziecięce, polityczno-społeczne i literackie, opowieści dla młodszych i starszych dzieci, tablice i materiały ilustracyjne do nauki. Dagerotypy - fotografie stają się powszechne, publikowane są pocztówki. Te z nich, które były adresowane do dzieci, będą wykorzystywane jako podstawa tego tekstu, służąca do przedstawienia świata dziecka. Ze względu na zakres materiału źródłowego zostaną pokazane tylko wybrane zagadnienia i aspekty dzieciństwa na ziemiach polskich w badanym okresie. Przedstawione zostaną poszczególne typy źródeł ikonograficznych, na których badacz może znaleźć tytuł "obrazy ze świata dziecka". Oprócz omówienia ich specyfiki zostaną przedstawione przykłady ilustrujące zwyczajność i niezwykłość codziennego życia dziecka. Modernizacja działania Czasopisma oraz tłumaczenia na język angielski artykułów Ars Educandi na lata 2012-2017 zostały sfinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z zadania Działalności Upowszechniającej Naukę (DUN). Zadanie: Wdrożenie modułu redakcyjnego na platformie Uniwersyteckich Czasopism Naukowych - systemu wspomagającego redagowanie i zarządzanie czasopismem naukowym Ars Educandi sfinansowano w ramach umowy 661/P-DUN/2018 z dnia 12.06.2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę. Zadanie: Stworzenie nowoczesnej wersji on-line czasopisma Ars Educandi przez wdrożenie modułu publikacyjnego na platformie Uniwersyteckich Czasopism Naukowych oraz obsługę międzynarodowych baz indeksacyjnych sfinansowano w ramach umowy 661/P-DUN/2018 z dnia 12.06.2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.
The present text is the second part of the author’s description of iconographic sources for studying the history of a child and childhood in the second half of 19th and the beginning of 20th century. In the former, the types of sources addressed to children were discussed, in which the researcher will find “pictures from the children’s world”. It showed examples of iconographic materials presenting children in various everyday and festal situations, published in the richly illustrated children’s press, fairy tales, stories, collections of literary pictures, poems, fettered speeches, illustrated primers and visual boards for the science of things. The subject of these findings is the child and childhood shown in iconographic materials in the second half of 19th and the beginning of 20th century. During this period, as a result of the ongoing civilizational, technological and cultural changes, a significant increase in the types and number of publications illustrated with graphics, and later also with photographs can be observed. The press is being developed, including the illustrated, women’s, family, socio-literary, everyday press, both on a general and regional scale. Also, numerous calendars are being published, including their illustrated versions. Daguerreotype is becoming popular while correspondence with the use of postcards is popularized. All these sources will be used as the source basis for the text, for the purpose of characterizing the iconographic materials depicting the children’s world. When analyzing the iconographic material in terms of history and pedagogy, the researcher of the history of childhood can find many interesting aspects. He or she can observe scenes from children’s lives, including family life, education (home and school education), relationships with adults and peers, undertaken pursuits, everyday activities, behaviors, ways of spending time, fun and pastimes. On their basis, the researcher can describe children’s appearance, dress, hairdo, toys, interiors, the surroundings in which they stayed and the equipment they used, which make up the material aspects of the children’s world. The particular types of iconographic sources will be presented below, where the researcher can find the scenes of childhood. In addition to discussing their specificity, the provided examples will illustrate the everyday life present in a given type of iconographic material.  
Przedmiotem podjętych analiz jest problematyka wychowania domowego dziecka na początku XX wieku. Podstawą źródłową dokonanych ustaleń uczyniono Dziecko. Czasopismo poświęcone wychowaniu domowemu i społecznemu, wydawane w Warszawie w latach 1913–1915. Celem badań jest odtworzenie oraz problemowa systematyka zagadnień i porad z zakresu wychowania rodzinnego dziecka, dotyczących poszczególnych dziedzin wychowania, w tym moralnego i religijnego, fizycznego i zdrowotnego, kształcenia umysłu, nauczania domowego, zabaw i zabawek dziecięcych, publikowanych na łamach wskazanego pisma. Problematyka ta obejmowała szerokie spektrum problemów wychowania dziecka we wszystkich okresach rozwojowych, od narodzin do dojrzewania. Teksty, obok części teoretyczno-naukowej, zawierały szereg porad i wskazówek dla rodziców – w głównej mierze matek, opiekunów i wychowawców domowych w zakresie wychowania dzieci i młodzieży. Artykuł ukazuje aktualny na początku wieku XX stan wiedzy pedagogicznej, psychologicznej, higienicznej, medycznej dotyczącej rozwoju dziecka.
The aim of this article is to show the playground of children from landowning families during the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth century. An attempt was made to present the playgrounds of wealthy children, their characteristics, space, and also to determine the place and role of play in the lives of children of landowners. The types of games for children, both boys and girls have been presented. Also children’s toys were made the subject of research. The conclusions presented have been based entirely on the analyses of diaries, memoirs and biographies of the representatives of landowning class.
Games of landowning children in the in the second half of XIXth and at the beginning of XXth century in the light of the memories. The aim of this article is to show the playground of children from landowning families during the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth century. An attempt was made to present the playgrounds of wealthy children, their characteristics, space, and also to determine the place and role of play in the lives of children of landowners. The types of games for children, both boys and girls have been presented. Also children’s toys were made the subject of research. The conclusions presented have been based entirely on the analyses of diaries, memoirs and biographies of the representatives of landowning class. 
The aim of the article is to present aspects of selected games and children’s toys in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The inspiration for the consideration will be graphics from the press and (mainly children’s) literature of the period, accompanied by a description of the games and toys presented in them. The sources providing the graphics will be educational literature and guides, and guides to the health and hygiene of children and teenagers. These texts can be useful in studying history, whether in the classroom or during seminars on the history of education.
Games and children’s toys in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries – selected aspects of using graphics from the period The aim of the article is to present aspects of selected games and children’s toys in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The inspiration for the consideration will be graphics from the press and (mainly children’s) literature of the period, accompanied by a description of the games and toys presented in them. The sources providing the graphics will be educational literature and guides, and guides to the health and hygiene of children and teenagers. These texts can be useful in studying history, whether in the classroom or during seminars on the history of education
Wet nurses, i.e. hired breast-feeders of babies, were the subject matter of this research. It aims to systematize the advice that was formulated on the pages of “how-to” books regarding the search for, recruitment, and treatment of wet nurses in the homes of one’s charges. The specific duties of wet nurses that were especially expected of them are determined, as well as the errors most frequently committed in their performance, which the authors of how-to books described at length, in order to warn mothers against the incompetence of paid breast-feeders. A comparison of the views of authors of “how-to” books over nearly 70 years will allow us to determine a possible evolution of views regarding wet nursing. The “how-to” books on health, hygiene, and education from the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century (the period approximately from 1850-1918), published in Polish areas and addressed mainly at families, especially mothers, form the source material for the research. The use of this type of literature will allow us to reconstruct the promulgated image of wet nursing without broader reference to providing help for them, which is worth confronting with the “how-to” recommendations, attempting to determine whether, and to what extent, they were reflected in everyday life (e.g. using epistolary or archival sources, and memoirs). Nevertheless, the authors of “how-to” books also referred to the practice of tending infants and young children, criticizing inappropriate behaviour of wet nurses, while the recommendations formulated by them were to remedy inappropriate behaviour occurring in reality. The issue of wet nursing has not hitherto been analysed in detail in Polish historiography. In recent years, though, a few texts or papers in which one can find more or less extensive information (the less extensive ones predominate) related to breastfeeding by wet nurses in the Polish areas in the Middle Ages, the period of Old Poland, or the partition period, have been published. Thus, it seems even more reasonable to explore this issue, which will help to fill a gap in the development of the history of breastfeeding, nursing, and tending infants and small children.
Wet nurses, i.e. hired breast-feeders of babies, were the subject matter of this research. It aims to systematize the advice that was formulated on the pages of “how-to” books regarding the search for, recruitment, and treatment of wet nurses in the homes of one’s charges. The specific duties of wet nurses that were especially expected of them are determined, as well as the errors most frequently committed in their performance, which the authors of how-to books described at length, in order to warn mothers against the incompetence of paid breast-feeders. A comparison of the views of authors of “how-to” books over nearly 70 years will allow us to determine a possible evolution of views regarding wet nursing. The “how-to” books on health, hygiene, and education from the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century (the period approximately from 1850-1918), published in Polish areas and addressed mainly at families, especially mothers, form the source material for the research. The use of this type of literature will allow us to reconstruct the promulgated image of wet nursing without broader reference to providing help for them, which is worth confronting with the “how-to”  recommendations, attempting to determine whether, and to what extent, they were reflected in everyday life (e.g. using epistolary or archival sources, and memoirs). Nevertheless, the authors of “how-to” books also referred to the practice of tending infants and young children, criticizing inappropriate behaviour of wet nurses, while the recommendations formulated by them were to remedy inappropriate behaviour occurring in reality. The issue of wet nursing has not hitherto been analysed in detail in Polish historiography. In recent years, though, a few texts or papers in which one can find more or less extensive information (the less extensive ones predominate) related to breastfeeding by wet nurses in the Polish areas in the Middle Ages, the period of Old Poland, or the partition period, have been published. Thus, it seems even more reasonable to explore this issue, which will help to fill a gap in the development of the history of breastfeeding, nursing, and tending infants and small children.
Despite recent research on home-based education and teaching of children in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries, the subject of home and private tutors has yet not been properly addressed. Though there are more or less extensive mentions on the subject in question in articles devoted to home tutors or home tutelage, they do not, however, delve deeper into the investigation of the problem. Therefore, the present work attempts to characterize this position of appointed, or hired, teachers who were involved in the process of education of children in Polish families in time of partitions. The main problem is approached from the two following perspectives – the aim of the article is to: 1) indicate more precisely the status of private tutors, their social background, goals to be attained by them, their duties, responsibilities and conditions of work, i.e. a determination of their real participation in the education of children from Polish families during the time under scrutiny; and also 2) to show the contemporary standpoint expressed by the then educational columnists and journalists on the very idea of private tutoring and private tutors, as well as their postulates, recommendations to be followed and advice concerning hired teaching staff. The source material for the present analysis of the capacity and function of private tutors has been provided by relevant educational literature for professionals and parents written in the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, professional educational periodicals and women’s and family magazines of the time. The source materials provide an excellent base for a determination of the extent and the scope of the interest of the contemporary columnists and journalists in this group of private tutors and private tutelage at the time, but also present the attitude towards the phenomenon manifested by the general public. The analysis is supplemented with additional material excerpted from contemporary memoirs and diaries that serve here as a useful illustration of the reality and practice in the actual teaching process of appointed tutors in the times of national freedom struggle in Poland.
Sprawozdanie z Seminarium naukowo-metodycznego „Dzieci wojny i dzieci uchodźcy – o prawach dzieci z różnych perspektyw” Bydgoszcz, 17 maja 2018 roku
The aim of this study is the reconstruction of children’s toys received by them during the Christmas period in the second half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. In its subject matter, the article refers, on the one hand, to the deliberations about Christmas toys and, on the other hand, it is part of the ever-growing trend of research on children’s toys from the historical and pedagogical perspective. The text is part of the triptych prepared by the authors on the subject of children’s Christmas toys during the period of Partitions of Poland. Selected iconographic sources – press graphics, Christmas postcards and photographs on which children’s toys can be found, comprise the source basis of this part. They are sources important for cognitive reasons, because they show the image of toys of the time, their appearance, shape, size, the way they were made, decorated, etc. They also indicate which toys were particularly popular (fashionable) and liked by children in the analysed period, and show the ways they were used.
Timeless attributes of children’s games, i.e. toys, have been made the subject of research. The authors focus on the toys received by children from Polish families during Christmas. The aim of these analyses is therefore to characterise Christmas children’s toys presented in two types of sources intentionally addressed to children: children’s literature and press. The research covers the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the following century. The article in its subject matter refers to the Authors’ earlier research on Christmas toys and is in line with the ever developing trend of research on toys from the historical and pedagogical perspective.
Aim: The aim of this research is to characterize the first half of 20th-century publishers of parenting books and, most importantly, to systematize the problems covered in those guides. Methods: Qualitative text analysis from a historical and pedagogical perspective. Results: The reconstruction and comparison of the particular tips and their merits will show the changes in people’s perception of upbringing that took place during period 1900–1939 of the development of parenting guides. Conclusions: As results from the research arrangements the guidebooks for parents contained guidelines and cautions concerning all spheres and periods of children’s lives, which made them practical guides to upbringing. From these publications both parents and child’s educators could learn about care, but also all areas of education: physical, health, moral, religious, patriotic, sexual, intellectual and playful activity.
Cel: Celem podjętych badań jest próba charakterystyki specyfiki wydawnictw poradnikowych adresowanych do rodziców w pierwszej połowie XX stulecia (do 1939 r.), a przede wszystkim dokonanie problemowej systematyki poruszanych na stronach poradników zagadnień. Metody: Jakościowa analiza treści materiału źródłowego z perspektywy historyczno-pedagogicznej. Wyniki: Odtworzenie oraz porównanie pod względem merytorycznym poszczególnych porad i wskazówek pozwoliło na ukazanie ewolucji i przemian, jakie dokonały się w badanym okresie rozwoju literatury poradnikowej w poglądach dotyczących wychowania dziecka na każdym etapie jego rozwoju. Wnioski: Jak wynika z dokonanych ustaleń, ukazujące się w badanym okresie poradniki zawierały wskazówki oraz przestrogi dotyczące wszystkich sfer oraz okresów życia dzieci, co czyniło je praktycznymi przewodnikami wychowania. Z publikacji tych zarówno rodzice, jak i ich opiekunowie oraz wychowawcy mogli czerpać wiedzę dotyczącą nie tylko opieki i pielęgnacji, ale też wszystkich dziedzin wychowania – fizycznego, zdrowotnego, moralnego, religijnego, patriotycznego, seksualnego, kształcenia umysłu oraz aktywności zabawowej.
Aim. The present study aims at drawing attention to the increased interest of family journalists in the family as an educational environment in the second half of the nineteenth century in the Kingdom of Poland. It will provide the historical reconstruction of the family model and the ideas of family upbringing, which were developed and propagated in the Warsaw family magazine “Opiekun Domowy” (“Home Carer” or “Home Caregiver”) from 1865-1876. Methods. qualitative analysis of the source (magazine text) from a historical and pedagogical perspective. Conclusions. The source analysis shows that the magazine “Opiekun Domowy” is part of the popular family magazine type in the second half of the 19th century. It promoted the traditional family model, mainly of the lower classes, although popularized values and models of family life were adequate for all types of families functioning in the nineteenth-century society. Numerous tips and educational advice on the goals, forms, and methods of family education were published in the pages of the study, concerning the moral, religious, health, and intellectual education of a child, were aimed at shaping and raising the pedagogical awareness of parents.
Cel. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na nasilone w drugiej połowie XIX w. w Królestwie Polskim zainteresowanie publicystów pism rodzinnych – rodziną jako środowiskiem wychowawczym. Dokonana zostanie historyczna rekonstrukcja wzorca rodziny i idei wychowania w niej, wypracowywanych i propagowanych na łamach warszawskiego czasopisma rodzinnego „Opiekun Domowy” z lat 1865–1876. Metody. prasoznawcza jakościowa analiza źródła (tekstu czasopisma) z perspektywy historyczno-pedagogicznej, metoda indukcyjna. Wnioski. Dokonana analiza źródłowa pozwala stwierdzić, że czasopismo „Opiekun Domowy” wpisuje się w popularny w II połowie XIX wieku typ czasopism rodzinnych. Propagowano na jego łamach tradycyjny model rodziny, głównie niższych stanów, choć popularyzowane wartości i wzorce życia rodzinnego adekwatne były dla wszystkich typów rodzin funkcjonujących w XIX-wiecznym społeczeństwie. Liczne wskazówki oraz porady wychowawcze dotyczące celów, form, metod wychowania rodzinnego, zamieszczane na łamach badanego pisma, dotyczące zarówno wychowania moralnego, religijnego, zdrowotnego, jak i kształcenia intelektualnego dziecka, miały na celu kształtowanie i podnoszenie kultury pedagogicznej rodziców.
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