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In the Archives of the Department of Archaeology of the National Museum in Szczecin (file No. 839), there is a letter written by Alfred Röwe, dated July 12, 1942 informing H.J. Eggers about a discovery of Eggers 230 type glass cup (Kowalewko type) in the palace garden in Iglice, Resko commune, Łobez district. This vessel has been known so far only from a rough sketch and brief mentions in the literature on the subject. In Iglice, artefacts from the Roman period were being discovered from the late 19th century on at least two sites – cemeteries.
vol. 13
In the years 2014-2016, in connection with the construction of the S 7 expressway, the area of 1,021.51 ares (102,151 sq. m.) of the site was examined. Remains of settlements: of the Lusatian culture from the turn of the Bronze and the Iron Age; of the Przeworsk culture - the A2-A3 phases of earlier pre-Roman period; of the B2-C2 phases of the Wielbark culture were unearthed, as well as traces of habitation from the late Middle Ages and from the modern period. The most numerous and the most interesting were the objects of the Przeworsk culture, including 10 wells, and pottery with the features of the tradition of the Jastorf culture.
The researches carried out in the last decade allow to verify the current status on the Lubusz group in the literature on the subject. The Wkra (Uecker) Land should be incorporated into the borders of this group changing radically its western scope. The eastern scope is established by the enigmatic and still unrecognized Pyrzyce group, whereas the north-eastern edge by the Ina and Płonia rivers. The southern edge is determined by the Warta river due to the poor state of the research of regions to the south of the river. Thanks to the recent research on a cemetery in Czelin, Gryfino County, site 23 it was possible to verify the cultural content of the Lubusz group. The cemetery was used from phase A3 of the younger Pre-Roman Iron Age until phase C1b of the Roman Period. The main component of the cultural tradition is tradition of the Lower Elbe region expressed in the funerary rite (urn burials are in majority), pottery (the Lower Elbe shapes) and fibulae (Almgren 10–14, 136). Next comes the tradition of the Przeworsk culture noticeable mainly in the funerary rite (weapon deposits, cremated burials in pits), pottery shapes and weapons. The third element is the Wielbark tradition present in pottery shapes. The fourth element is the Scandinavian tradition recorded in metal objects including weapons (umbo Ilkiær 5/Jahn 8, sword of Vimose-Illerup type). The last one is the Roman provincial tradition (situla: Eggers 20-21, fibulae: Almgren 68 and 236, gladius of Pompeii type). The results of the research conducted in Czelin allow to consider the cemetery as eponymous site for the group (Czelin group), especially that the term “Lubusz group” does not match its western and southern scope.
Badania prowadzone w ostatniej dekadzie na dolnym Nadodrzu pozwalają zasadniczo zweryfikować zasięg i status kulturowy grupy lubuskiej, jaki znamy z dotychczasowej literatury (por. ryc. 1 i 13; Wołągiewicz 1981, 205–209). Na podstawie obecności depozytów uzbrojenia (ryc. 2) Ziemię Wkrzańską (Uckermark) należy włączyć w obszar osadnictwa grupy lubuskiej zmieniając tym samym zasadniczo jej zachodni zasięg (por. Wołągiewicz 1961, 119–124). Od wschodu grupa lubuska sąsiaduje z „grupą pyrzycką”. Jest to jednostka o wciąż niejasno zdefiniowanych kryteriach wyróżnienia (Wołągiewicz 1986), zatem także granica pomiędzy obiema grupami kulturowymi pozostaje enigmatyczna. Na północnym wschodzie zasięg grupy lubuskiej opiera się na linii rzek Płoni i Iny. Zasięg południowy grupy lubuskiej wyznacza na obecnym stanie badań rzeka Warta ze względu na nie wystarczający stan badań obszarów położonych dalej na południe. Badania cmentarzyska w Czelinie, pow. Gryfino, stan. 23 (ryc. 3–4) pozwoliły zweryfikować treść kulturową materiałów grupy lubuskiej (Rogalski 2013). Nekropolia funkcjonowała od fazy A3 młodszego okresu przedrzymskiego do fazy C1b okresu wpływów rzymskich. Do roku 2013 przebadano 30,5 ara powierzchni stanowiska rejestrując 106 obiektów archeologicznych: 31 grobów popielnicowych, 24 groby jamowe, 45 obiektów nie będących pochówkami. Pozostałe obiekty datowane są na neolit i nowożytność. Podstawowy nurt kulturowy obecny w materiałach z Czelina stanowi tradycja nadłabska, czytelna w obrządku pogrzebowym (przewaga grobów popielnicowych; ryc. 4), stylistyce ceramiki (zdobienie kółkiem, formy nadłabskie; ryc. 5:1, 3–4, 6–7, 9) i zapinek (m.in. Almgren 10–14, 136; ryc. 6:2–3). Następnym nurtem kulturowym jest tradycja kultury przeworskiej obecna w stylistyce uzbrojenia (ryc. 8:1–11; 11:1, 3–4), ceramiki (ryc. 5:2, 8) i w obrządku pogrzebowym (groby jamowe). Trzecim elementem kulturowym jest tradycja kultury wielbarskiej manifestująca się w formach naczyń (ryc. 5:5). Czwarty nurt tworzy tradycja skandynawska czytelna w uzbrojeniu (umbo Ilkiær 5/Jahn 8, miecz typu Vimose-Illerup; ryc. 8:12; 11:5) i obecności krzesiw iglicowych (ryc. 10:5–7). Ostatni nurt, prowincjonalno-rzymski, definiuje obecność przedmiotów importowanych: situli typu Eggers 20–21, zapinek Almgren 68, 236 oraz gladiusa typu Pompeje (ryc. 6:5, 8, 10; 10:11; 11:2). Cmentarzysko w Czelinie jest obecnie najdłużej badanym metodycznie i najbogatszym stanowiskiem tzw. „grupy lubuskiej”. Można je zatem uznać za eponimiczne dla „grupy czelińskiej” zwłaszcza, że termin „lubuska” okazuje się całkowicie nieadekwatny w świetle weryfikacji zasięgu zachodniego i południowego tejże jednostki kulturowej.
Archaeological research in 2016 at site 75 in Trzcińsko-Zdrój was carried out in relation to a hoard that had been found there, dating to period V of the Bronze Age, with three C-shaped cross section bracelets and an axe of type Kopaniewo. Six trial trenches revealed archaeological features and objects of the Lusatian culture from period V of the Bronze Age and a settlement from phases Jastorf c/Ripdorf of the Jastorf culture.
Materials from the cemetery at Marianowo, Stargard district, site 1 include 55 features, 11 pottery groups and more than 30 metal artefacts. They have typical qualities of the earliest phase of the Jastorf culture in Western Pomerania. The influence of the Lusatian and Pomeranian cultures is very strong in burial and in a typology of artefacts. The cemetery was the basis for distinguishing the Marianowo phase.
In the National Museum in Szczecin collection, there is a destroyed neck ring with cylindrical endings which was found in 1942 in Kol. Hohenheide, Kr. Regenwalde. It is presented on maps in the literature as a neck ring from Kręglino, Łobez district. Currently, this place is identified with Zbrojewo village. Neck rings of this type set a separate stylistic trend in the Jastorf culture material, dated to phases Jastorf IIa–IIb.
Im Frühling 2010 wurden die folgenden Fundstellen für geomagnetische Prospektionen ausgewählt: Dziedzice, Kr. Myślibórz, Fndst. 4; Strąpie, Kr. Myślibórz, Fndst. 4; Moskorzyn, Kr. Stargard, Fndst. 16; Dobropole Pyrzyckie, Kr. Stargard, Fndst. 10 und 12; Suchań, Kr. Stargard, Fndst. 18 und Derczewo, Kr. Myślibórz, Fndst. 3. Alle Fundstellen, mit Ausnahme von Suchań, sind in der Dokumentation als frühslawische Siedlungen charakterisiert. Aus Suchań stammen dagegen sehr interessante Funde der Völkerwanderungszeit, u.a. ein Goldschatz mit mehreren Brakteaten vom Typ C. Ein Ziel des deutsch-polnischen Projektes Frühe Slawen im Pyritzer Land war eine absolute Datierung der beiden Besiedlungsphasen in der Region. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der geomagnetischen Prospektionen in Dobropole Pyrzyckie Fpl. 12 sollten die erfassten Anomalien durch archäologische Untersuchungen verifiziert werden, um Erhaltungszustand, Datierung und vor allem Ansprache ausgewählter, im Magnetogramm erkennbarer Anomalien zu klären. Die Ausgrabung (zwei Schnitte: 50×10 m und 5×5 m) erbrachten insgesamt 37 archäologische Befunde. Die erste Siedlungsphase der Fundstelle wirddurch zwei Wohngruben der Pommerschen Kultur (Phase HaD) charakterisiert. Der Großteil der untersuchten Objekte (u.a. Wohn- und Speichergruben) kann der slawischen Besiedlung zugeordnet werden. Die in der Siedlung dominierenden unverzierten und handgemachten Gefäße entsprechen den frühslawischen Typen Sukow und Dziedzice.
The paper presents an analysis of a ring with knot-like protuberances (Knotenringe) made of copper alloy which was discovered in 2000 at the early medieval settlement at Wolin 4. A few artefacts of this type are known from sites of the Oksywie and Przeworsk cultures, dated to phases A2–A3 of the younger pre-Roman period. Their presence is linked to the influence of Celtic oppida in Slovakia. The discovery of the ring on an early medieval settlement with no relation to older settlement gives grounds to consider it as a result of recycling and attempts to reuse the raw material.
Preliminary results of archaeological prospection in the riverbed the Little Ina in Lubianka, Pełczyce commune, Choszczno district
In 2010 archaeologists from the National Museum in Szczecin together with Römisch-Germanische Kommission Deutsche Archäologische Institut Frankfurt/ Main set about working together on a research project called the Early Slavs in the Pyrzyce Region. Already in the 1960s and the 1970s the area of the Pyrzyce Region had been intensely examined by researchers from the institution in Szczecin. It resulted in discovering the earliest Slavic sites of so-called the Dziedzice horizon, which have been dated to the 6th–7th century. The current Polish-German research project was aimed at continuing examining this matter, including verifying the chronology that had been previously established. In the first stage of the project geophysical survey of potentially the most promising archaeological sites has been carried out. Based on the archival research six sites have been selected: Dziedzice 4, Myślibórz County, (AZP 39-10/50); Strąpie 4, Myślibórz County, (AZP 39-11/2); Moskorzyn 16, Stargard Szczeciński County, (AZP 35-10/40); Dobropole Pyrzyckie 10 and 12, Stargard Szczeciński County, (AZP 36-12/85 and 82); Suchań 18, Stargard Szczeciński County, (AZP 33-13/32); Derczewo 3, Myślibórz County, (AZP 39-08/4). The settlement at Dobropole Pyrzyckie 12, Stargard Szczeciński County, was selected for excavation. The work was carried out in August and September 2010 and covered in total the area of 5,25 ares where 37 archaeological features have been recorded. Most of them belong to the early medieval settlement. The most numerous group consisted of pits out of which majority was unidentified in terms of usage (21), postholes (8) and hearths (5). Three features have been dated to the Hallstatt period. Three early medieval dugouts are worthy noticing. During the research 2832 fragments of pottery in total were found, including fragments of undecorated pottery vessels which correspond to the materials of the Sukow-Dziedzice type as well as decorated ones which make reference to the Menkendorf type.
Abstract: The article presents the fate of archaeological artefacts from former collection of Pommersches Landesmuseum in Szczecin evacuated during the Second World War to the village Mołtowo, part of which (503 specimens) were found in 2016. Based on the history of Szczecin museum collection, the authors present in detail the circumstances of the objects recovery. The enclosed catalogue includes all archaeological artefacts transferred to von Braunschweig residence near Kołobrzeg.
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