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The article is devoted to the issue of accessibility of public transportation in the area of the Katowice conurbation. The scope of the research was local mass transit, that is tram, trolleybus and bus transportation. The research area, was established on the basis of the shape created by the transport network, and included 48 communities located in the central part of the Silesian voivodeship. In its model depiction, public transportation accessibility was treated as one of three interconnecting aspects, along with the infrastructural development and the offer level. In research on spatial accessibility, the method of model equidistances that replace the isochrones of distance to a stop was applied. The best accessibility to this service was observed in Siemianowice Śląskie, while the worst was in the community of Wielowieś. The research results have revealed significant discrepancies between public transportation accessibility itself, and the level offered. Research on the time of transit to the centre was performed with the use of an indicator constructed with the help of the point and rank method and this showed that the best accessibility to the centre was observed in Chorzów. The research on the time of transit between community centres was performed for all the communities with the use of direct connections and transfers. The shortest average time of transit was characteristic for Katowice, whereas the longest was in the community of Pilchowice. The research on transportation connections of public transportation completed the picture of accessibility. A measure of these connections was established as an average total number of inter-community connections for all days of the week. Katowice was characteristic of the best spatially developed network of connections whereas the most developed connections were observed between Katowice and Chorzów. The comparison of public transportation accessibility in the system of communities was performed with the quality classification method, on the basis of four previously characterized meters. According to the synthetic indicator, the best accessibility was in Katowice and the worst in the rural community of Bobrowniki. The results of the conducted research have confirmed the presence of dependence between accessibility and population density – the higher the population, the better the accessibility. They also indicate that in the research on accessibility, the role of time is not to be neglected – the research area being an example, where despite the transportation network covering a territory of almost 3 thousand km2, the real possibilities for moving are much lower due to the time of transit.
Production of trams in the area of Ukraine started during the interwar period. However, production of trolleybuses started at the end of the 1950s. Due to huge amount of imported fleet from Russia and Czechoslovakia, production of these means of transport stopped. At the beginning of the 1990s, due to economical crisis and financial problems, import was rapidly reduced. Economic disintegration as a result of dis106 solution of the Soviet Union constituted a serious problem for tram and trolleybus companies. Existing economic ties were severed not only between Central and Eastern European countries but also between ex-Soviet republics. In these tough economic conditions, Ukraine decided on resumption of trams and trolleybuses production. The aim of this article is the analysis of trams and trolleybuses system fleet capability in Ukraine, 25 years after Ukraine’s independence. The article shows comparison of two aspects: firstly, Ukrainian manufacturers market of trams and trolleybuses, secondly, transport companies fleet capability. The research areas of the article are Ukrainian border before 2014. The research is basic in character with data gathered mainly by the authors. The authors pass on an analysis of fleet production in Ukraine after 1991. The article describes not only the models and brands produced but also statistics of the size of production and its recipient. Situation on manufacturing market of trams and trolleybuses was compared with transport companies fleet capability. Research confirmed a systemic crisis. Municipal tram and trolleybus companies, each year generate financial losses and higher indebtedness. New trams and trolleybuses are bought rarely and in small number which results in the number of potential providers being limited. Moreover, when the choice of the most beneficial offers is made, native manufacturer is preferred. Therefore, offers do not have to be competitive in terms of price, quality and technology. What is more, it increases distance of development to main manufacturer in Europe. Due to relative poor quality of their portfolio products, native producers have to earn only with low-paid national production orders.
Początki produkcji tramwajów na obszarze Ukrainy to okres międzywojenny, a trolejbusów – koniec lat pięćdziesiątych XX wieku. Jednakże wraz z masowymi dostawami importowanego taboru z Rosji i Czechosłowacji produkcję tych środków transportu na Ukrainie wstrzymano. Na początku lat 90. XX wieku – z powodu kryzysu ekonomicznego i problemów finansowych – dostawy zagraniczne uległy znacznemu zmniejszeniu. Sytuacja przedsiębiorstw tramwajowych i trolejbusowych pogorszyła się wraz z rozpadem ZSRR, kiedy to uległy rozerwaniu więzi gospodarcze nie tylko pomiędzy państwami Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, ale również pomiędzy byłymi sowieckimi republikami. W tych trudnych ekonomicznie warunkach podjęto decyzję o wznowieniu na Ukrainie produkcji tramwajów i trolejbusów. Artykuł ma na celu analizę sytuacji taborowej komunikacji tramwajowej i trolejbusowej na Ukrainie po 25 latach od momentu odzyskania niepodległości, poprzez porównanie dwóch aspektów jej funkcjonowania: ukraińskiego rynku producentów taboru tramwajowego i trolejbusowego oraz sytuacji taborowej przedsiębiorstw. Jako obszar badań przyjęto granice Ukrainy sprzed 2014 roku. Badania mają charakter podstawowy i opierają się w dużej mierze na materiale zebranym przez autorów. W artykule przeanalizowano produkcję taboru na Ukrainie po 1991 roku – nie tylko opisano produkowane marki i modele, ale również przygotowano zestawienia statystyczne dotyczące wielkości produkcji i jej odbiorców. Sytuację na rynku producentów taboru porównano z sytuacją taborową tamtejszych przedsiębiorstw. Badania potwierdziły, że mamy do czynienia z kryzysem systemowym. Komunalne przedsiębiorstwa tramwajowe i trolejbusowe każdego roku generują straty i coraz większe zadłużenie. Nowy tabor kupowany jest nieregularnie i w niewielkich ilościach, co ogranicza liczbę potencjalnych dostawców, a w dodatku przy wyborze najkorzystniejszej oferty preferowany jest rodzimy producent. Tym samym nie musi on być konkurencyjny cenowo, jakościowo i technologicznie, co tylko zwiększa jego dystans rozwojowy w stosunku do czołowych producentów taboru w Europie. A z uwagi na relatywnie niską jakość produktów ze swojego portfolio musi utrzymywać się wyłącznie ze skromnych zleceń krajowych.
The article presents, in a multifaceted manner, the changes that occurred in urban electric transport in Ukraine after 1991. The purpose of the article is to research the diversification of the degree and directions of development and transformation of urban electric transport systems in the context of the transport policy. The legal and financial conditions for the functioning and development of the system are discussed, and a SWOT analysis of the current situation is carried out. In order to assess the direction of the changes occurring on individual networks, a synthetic index was used, constructed on the basis of the statistical data from 25 years available. The research has shown that in 1991‒2016, in the vast majority of Ukrainian cities there was a regression in urban electric transport, the largest in the east of Ukraine. That was of a bipartite nature: in the first years it practically applied to all networks, later a polarization in cities occurred ‒ in parts of cities the situation of urban electric transport has improved slightly. In the context of numerous diagnosed problems, the challenges faced by urban electric transport in Ukraine were indicated.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań z lat 2013–2016 dotyczących transportu intermodalnego w Wielkopolsce, kładąc szczególny nacisk na modele rozwoju i funkcjonowania terminali intermodalnych. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na bariery rozwoju terminali, jakie napotkają ich operatorzy lub potencjalni inwestorzy. W Wielkopolsce można zaobserwować koegzystencję czterech modeli funkcjonowania transportu intermodalnego. W pierwszym z nich terminal stanowi ekspozyturę kluczowych portów morskich. Rolą terminala jest zapewnienie przedłużenia łańcucha logistycznego portu w regionach śródlądowych. W drugim modelu transport intermodalny staje się poszerzeniem portfolio usług przewoźników towarowych. Trzeci model działalności to uzupełnienie oferty parku przemysłowego czy specjalnej strefy ekonomicznej. Ostatni model to terminale lokowane w pobliżu transportochłonnych zakładów przemysłowych. Badania dowiodły, że wszystkie cztery modele znajdują miejsce na rynku usług logistycznych. Koniecznością jest wypracowanie modelu wsparcia terminali intermodalnych ze środków unijnych: czy inwestować w tworzenie jednego, dwóch dużych terminali w regionie czy sieci kilku lub kilkunastu mniejszych. Oprócz działań inwestycyjnych ważny jest też wzrost świadomości przedsiębiorców oraz przedstawicieli administracji publicznej.
The article presents the results of research conducted between 2013 and 2016 on intermodal transport in the Greater Poland Voivodeship, with particular emphasis on intermodal terminals operational models. In addition, the authors highlighted the barriers to the development of terminals encountered by terminal operators or potential investors. One can observe the coexistence of four models the functioning of intermodal transport in Wielkopolska. In the first one, intermodal terminal is a kind of a gate of the maritime ports. The role of the terminal is the extension of the port logistics chain in the inland regions. In the second model, intermodal transport offers additional services offered by logistics firms. In the third model, terminals offer additional services to the industrial parks or special economic zones. In the last model the terminals are located near the industrial plants with high requirements for transport services. Our study indicated that all four models are operational on the regional market. It also indicated the need for model financial support for terminals from the UE funds, which indicate whether to invest in one or two big terminals in the region or a net of several smaller ones. In addition to the necessity of investment it is to increase of awareness among entrepreneurs and public administration.
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