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Miasta przyjazne seniorom

Artykuł poświęcono problematyce tworzenia miast przyjaznych seniorom. Istnieje szereg przesłanek uzasadniających podjęcie tej tematyki. Autor zaprezentował przesłanki demograficzne oraz organizacyjne, warunkujące podjęcie kroków w kierunku dostosowania miast do warunków ludzi starszych. W artykule przedstawiono ponadto działania, jakie powinny być podjęte, by zagwarantować mobilność ludzi starszych
The paper deals with problems of creating age friendly cities. There are lots of reasons why the problem has to be taken. The author presented demographic and organizational reasons for undertaking activities toward adapting cities for elderly people living conditions. In the paper there are presented activities which have to be taken to guarantee mobility of old people.
Modern cities are social and economic organisations whose objective is to cater for the needs of its users. The practices they employ in doing so are, however, a far cry from those used by businesses. A city would subject its economics to social and environmental conditions and thus elects the social objectives as prevalent. Urban logistics ties in perfectly with that, subscribing to social logistics each time when those objectives are achieved by shaping flows of materials and people. Logistics comes to the fore here, by facilitating deployment of correct, from viewpoint of shaping material flows, measures aimed at equal opportunities for elderly and disabled. Specific requirements, with which urban spaces should be compliant to honour the needs of seniors and disabled, were described in the paper.
Modern cities are very impressive with their diversified and wide-open spaces - both public and private. Navigating through them, especially by those with mobility impairments, should be equally as important as exquisite land developments. Otherwise, the disabled are left unable to access that refined infrastructure. In order to address that cities are undertaking tangible measures aimed at increasing mobility of disabled city dwellers.
Podejście sieciowe zaznacza swoją obecność w nauce w wielu obszarach, wywierając wpływ na formowanie podglądów na wiele kwestii – w tym na postrzeganie miasta. Miasto, obserwowane jako zjawisko społeczne i gospodarcze, usytuowane w fizycznej przestrzeni, w wielu aspektach funkcjonowania wpisuje się w sieciowe postrzeganie świata. Autor poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak podejście sieciowe kształtuje logistykę miasta.
Network approach shows its presence in science in many areas, thus influen-cing ideas of development in many questions including city preservation. City perceived as a social and economic phenomenon, placed in a physical space, in many aspects fits the network perspective of the World observation. The Author seeks to answer the fol-lowing question: How does the network approach influence urban logistics?
vol. 17
issue 2
Senior-friendly urban information system - case study Increasing urban population, ageing and growing importance of the elderly - those are three independent trends which are currently observed in urban areas. Place of a senior person within society is changing. Overlapping with above trends is inefficient city management as a consequence of growing and denser city population in big agglomerations. It is a common practice that seniors are perceived as second-class citizens. This is reflected by city politics which overlooks measures facilitating day-to-day existence of the elderly in urban space to the benefit of younger generations. City council is allocated a predetermined budget to cater for needs of various age groups. Those resources should be split in a just way, equally between all citizen groups. The evidence the city governing body is doing just that is assurance of mobility to all groups - including seniors. Bearing in mind their health, fitness, access to infrastructure should be facilitated by customising urban information systems to fit perception of the elderly. This way city management shapes city space, thus providing the space in question with new functions, enabling new bahaviours within the framework of the space that has been available so far. Creating a new system of urban information is therefore a management related problem that has to be dealt with taking city related factors into consideration. Decision makers have to solve a conflict that is observed between different groups of interest.
The aim of this paper is to provide an outline of the author’s view on urbanity based on con-cepts developed in city logistics. The author, based on a review of multiple aspects of urban development, shows the importance of logistics in terms of the city's logistics absorptive po-wer in order to create public and semi-public space as well as improving the quality of life by way of developing the urban logistic infrastructure.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie ogólnego zarysu spojrzenia autora na miejskość bazującą na koncepcji rozwoju logistyki miejskiej. Autor w oparciu o przegląd różnych aspektów roz-woju miasta ukazuje znaczenie logistyki pod względem siły absorbcji miejskiej logistyki w celu kreowania publicznej oraz semipublicznej przestrzeni, jak również w celu poprawy jakości ży-cia poprzez rozwijanie miejskiej infrastruktury logistycznej.
The application of supply chain analysis to the evaluation of the effectiveness of social service organizations The identification and analysis of value chains is a way to find the sources of an organization’s in-/efficiency, and an opportunity to explore how an organization is managed. Having in mind that an “organization network” is a form similar, in its functioning, to a separate organization, one may, using the value chain concept, investigate the management of local activity programmes, as of the networks they are. The researched partnerships introduced a management innovation, in that the social service provision organizations were brought together to form one chain. The researched organizations providing social services have introduced innovations in management that are supposed to unite organizations providing social services in a single chain. This kind of approach allows to obtain additional benefits, including the joint management of subjects composing the chain. In practice, it is also connected with sharing benefits between the participants in the chain, as well as replacing the elements of competition and suspicion with cooperation and trust. Delivering value to the beneficiary, under the provision of social services, is important not only from the point of view of humanity, but also in order to maximize the use of resources, usually insufficient to meet all the needs. The presented studies of supply chains of social services in Silesia showed, that some features of these newly created areas being subject of joint management, still crave for numerous improvements. What may help is logistics, in particular business logistics, having years of experience in the area of observation and active participation in the chain management. However, unconditional adaptation of these experiences is not possible due to the fact that developed methods are based on cost and maintenance compromises, which are insensitive to human needs when the service cost for the chain is not sufficiently profitable. Therefore, it is necessary to implement different methods of managing these chains, principles of which are described in the social logistics. The authors are convinced that combination of the efforts of the organizers of social services and experienced logistics professionals can bring a double benefit. In practical terms it may help to improve the delivery of services with no deterioration of their quality, and to increase the range of services (quantitative or qualitative) based on specific resources. In the epistemological dimension it may enable to develop rules to adapt the theory of logistics for the socially significant needs. Therefore, this paper can be considered as the beginning of the discussion in this regard.
Zastosowanie analizy łańcucha dostaw dla oceny efektywności organizacji dostarczających usługi społeczne Określenie i analiza łańcucha wartości to sposób na poszukiwanie źródeł sprawności i niesprawności przedsiębiorstwa, możliwość zbadania sposobu zarządzania. Pamiętając, że „sieć organizacji” jest formą zbliżoną w sposobie funkcjonowanie do jednostkowej organizacji możemy za pomocą łańcucha wartości zbadać sposób zarządzania w sieci jaką jest program aktywności lokalnej. W analizowanych organizacjach dostarczających usługi społeczne wprowadzono innowacje w zarządzaniu polegającą na łączeniu organizacji dostarczających usługi społeczne w jeden łańcuch.
The efficient delivery of social services is important not only for the functioning of the community, but also for the improvement of practice to provide these services. Striving for perfection can have its source in many areas of functioning, including the sphere of business. Hence the search for opportunities for improvement at the source of logistics, in particular social logistics. Managing supply chains underpinning modern logistics, provides a much more sophisticated ways to improve flow of elements, except that for the purposes described in this article the range of adjustment tools and/or strategies to meet the needs of delivery of social services needs to be considered. Identification and analysis of the value chain is a way to search for sources of both efficiency and inefficiency of an organization and serves as an opportunity to explore how it should be managed. Bearing in mind that "network organization" is a form similar to the functioning of the individual organizations, we can use the value chain in order to examine the management of the network, which in fact are public and social partnerships. These organizations providing social services have introduced innovations in management that are supposed to unite organizations providing social services in a single chain. Such a connection can be the starting point in the application of the logistic approach both in the organization of social service delivery, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of providing services to beneficiaries. An attempt to adapt logistics experience in this area opens up a new field of research and gives an opportunity to change how to configure resources for social service delivery.
The main aim of this paper is measure a level of changing infrastructure in logistics absorbtivneness contests for BRIC country. Goldman Sachs use the name BRIC, for a group of the faster growing economy in the world: Brazil, Russia, Indie and China. It was believed that this county can receive GDP on G7 level before 2041 year. The forecast was built by using some econometric models based some assumption. For our research we use some economic variable, next we analyzed dynamic changing of this variables by calculating some indices and averages levels of changing. We analyzed the level of indices and we observed the averages levels of changing. Our research we concentrated on size of the market, economic grow, changing of income and changing in demographics. Additionally we analyzed access to new technology which were imposed from quick changing on this market.
This paper takes up this issue and quantitatively measures the impact of behavioral factors and inertia on vertical logistics collaboration in possibility of score decision making between shipper, expectation of citizens and logistics service provider. A stated preference experiment for expectation of citizens in our research is used to reach out the additive utility function describing a quality of city service versus customer's preferences.
The article takes the issues of noise problems in modern cities. The subject of this paper is to indicate pollutants – in particular noise pollution – its sources, consequences and possibilities of its reduction (programs of the European Union) as the main determinants of companies and places of residence location choice. Without a doubt, environment free from pollution is a source of city competitive advantage and a higher quality of life for city residents.
Przedmiotem opracowania jest wskazanie na problematykę zanieczyszczeń we współczesnych miastach, a w szczególności zanieczyszczenia hałasem, jego przyczyny, skutki i możliwości ograniczania (programy Unii Europejskiej) – jako główną determinantę wyboru lokalizacji firm czy miejsc zamieszkania. Bez wątpienia wolne od zanieczyszczeń otoczenie może być źródłem przewagi konkurencyjnej i wyższej jakości życia mieszkańców miasta.
Celem tego artykułu jest skupienie uwagi na kapitale społecznym, który ulega zmianie wraz ze zmianami w strukturze funkcjonalnych grup wieku. Starzejące się społeczeństwa, w tym ludność Polski, to zjawisko wymagające badań. Różne konteksty badawcze można powiązać ze zmianami w strukturach wieku. W artykule podjęto dyskusję w obszarze pomiaru kapitału społecznego. Przedstawiono wyniki analiz prowadzonych z wykorzystaniem prognozy ludności GUS do roku 2050. Wyznaczono i omówiono prognozowane zmiany struktur demograficznych, wyznaczając wskaźniki obciążenia demograficznego i obciążenia ekonomicznego. Analizy poprowadzono w ujęciu ogólnopolskim, jak również w przekroju regionalnym, wskazując na zróżnicowanie analizowanych zjawisk. Zaproponowano konstrukcje miernika mierzącego dodatkowy kapitał społeczny, wykorzystując zasady konstrukcji mierników demograficznych.
Zmiany demograficzne zachodzące w społeczeństwie stanowią o nowych obszarach badawczych. W szczególności badaniami objęto upodobania ludzi starszych. Celem artykułu jest analiza preferencji, do której wykorzystamy wielowymiarową analizę statystyczną w ocenie jakości życia w miastach przez starszych mieszkańców. Analiza zostanie przeprowadzona na podstawie danych uzyskanych z badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego wśród starszych ludzi zamieszkujących województwo śląskie. Ankietę stanowiło kilka bloków pytań, odpowiedzi respondenci udzielali na skali porządkowej.
Analysis of the preference of the quality of life of seniors in cities occurring demographic changes in the society are deciding about new areas of research. In particular preferences of the elderly were provided with examinations. Analysis of the preference for which we will use a multidimensional statistical analysis in the quality assessment of living in cities by older residents is a purpose of the article. Analysis will be conducted based on data obtained from the conducted questionnaire survey amongst an elderly men inhabiting the Silesian province. The questionnaire form was filed from a few blocks of questions, respondents answered on the ordinal scale.
Jakość życia w mieście determinowana jest przez wiele różnorodnych czynników. Jednym z nich jest zarządzanie miastem. W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki prowadzonych od 2014 roku badań dotyczących jakości życia w miastach. Zebrane opinie respondentów z obszaru województwa śląskiego dostarczyły wniosków związanych z oceną poziomu zadowolenia z życia w mieście oraz skutków dla zarządzających miastem.
Quality of life in the city is determined by many different factors. One of them is the management of the city. The article presents the results of the 2014 study on the quality of life in cities. The gathered opinions of respondents from the area of the Silesian Voivodeship provided conclusions related to the assessment of the level of satisfaction with life in the city and implications for authorities managing the city.
The article is a discussion of the results of the survey related to the issues shaping the views and opinions of young people on the city as a tourist product. In studies related to changes taking place in an urban setting in which we operate, and in the design of cities, there are new categories of perception cities - new features towns, known in the literature as a revolt cities. We study the perception of cities in terms of tourist appeal and in terms of the tourism product. We also examine the creative perception of cities with regard to new trends shaping urban spaces, such as urban games or urban legends. For the analysis of results of research we use multivariate methods.
The article discusses the role of bio mapping, a method for receiving information about people reactions, while implementing urban logistics projects. It mentions the factors on which procedures of creating emotion maps are based including virtual space, perceived urban space and negative emotions areas in urban space. Further it presents an emotion map that was created using emotion metering equipment.
The article offers information on the failing of bio mapping as a tool for city management. It informs that city managers consider the bio mapping tool as imperfect and unreliable for determining particular actions. It describes that preparation stage involves selection and training of the volunteers, and advises to be equipped with map for a walking journey within designated area and carry devices like Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Global Positioning System (GPS).
Miasto jest środowiskiem życia ludzi, dobrowolnie wybierających konkretną przestrzeń jako miejsce spełnienia społecznego, politycznego i środowiskowego, oferując w zamian swoją solidarność z innymi użytkownikami dla dobra powszechnego. Polskie społeczeństwo jest coraz starsze, jednocześnie wydłuża się długość życia. Nie bez znaczenia jest wpływ starzenia się społeczeństwa na jakościową stronę funkcjonowania ludzi starszych w miastach. Czynnikami egzogenicznymi są obecnie występujące warunki społeczne, gospodarcze, zdrowotne i kulturowe. Istotną cechą wpływającą na percepcję jakości życia seniorów jest stopień ich mobilności. Natura problemu mobilności ma wysoce interdyscyplinarny charakter. Celem artykułu jest zaakcentowanie szczególnej sytuacji ludzi starszych w przestrzeni miejskiej w perspektywie mobilnościowej.
The city is an environment of the social, political and environmental life of people, voluntarily choosing the specific space as the place of the fulfillment, offering its solidarity with other users in exchange for the common good. The Polish society is more and more old, simultaneously a life span is being lengthened. There is an influence of the ageing of the society on the quality page of functioning of the elderly in cities not without meaning. Social, economic conditions at present appearing are exogenous factors health and cultural. The feature affecting the perception of the quality of life of seniors is significant degree of their mobility. The nature of the problem of the mobility has interdisciplinary character highly. Stressing the particular situation of the elderly in the municipal space in the mobile perspective is a purpose of this article.
The purpose of this article is a presentation of the concept of social logistics, separated as a new field of application of the theory of logistics - to solve important social problems that lie at the root of the material and information flows. Authors' considerations prowling around the logistics paradigm. It also refers to the areas of application of logistics in military and economic activities.
The aim of this paper is to show and compare different levels of risk during a day and during a week on spot markets from the Polish Power Exchange (POLPX) and the European Energy Exchange (EEX). Based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) the classification of contracts from the two power exchanges was made. The classification was made for linear rates of return of 24 contracts listed on the power exchanges from 01.2009 to 24.10.2012. Additionally, the 24 contracts were divided into seven groups dependent on the day of a week. Based on these data sets the classification of risk during a week was made.
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