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Although Poland has gone through a period of many various trials regarding the introduction of different changes in the educational system (involving everything from types of schools, through levels of teaching, changes in curricula for each school subject, syllabuses and textbooks, to the modification of teaching aims and content for each subject), very little, in fact, has been done to promote the necessary remodelling of work that would ensure the shaping of a truly modern teacher. The author of this article has been conducting research on the development of subject specific and didactic competence of geography teacher trainees for over ten years. Personal and interpersonal competencies of graduates of higher education significantly affect their chances on the labour market. A profile of the graduate should also help potential employers choose competent employees. Information provided in the profile of the graduate enables employers to check whether during the course of studies the potential employee developed the desired skills. The author of this paper believes that acquisition of the appropriate competences by geography students – candidates for teachers – constitutes the most important element of professional training of future teachers, including geography teachers. The subject of the research presented in this paper is the evaluation of professional competence in the field of the socioeconomic system of the contemporary world. Research in this area should successfully contribute to the optimization of the teacher-training process, including geography teacher-training, and to the development of an effective and efficient model of teacher-training and competence acquisition.
In connection with the thorough reform of the education system in Poland, attention should be paid not only to the new proposals for teaching geography in primary and secondary school but to try to verify the competencies of teachers in the implementation of these changes. Therefore, it seems necessary to analyze and evaluate the education of selected competencies of geography teachers and to analyze the possibility of developing additional competencies of teachers, resulting from the assumptions of the new core curriculum, which may contribute to modern and effective education of learners, which is the main goal of this study. It is worth considering the available forms of training of geography teachers and bring them under a specific assessment and reflection.
W związku z podjętą gruntowną reformą systemu edukacji w Polsce należy zwrócić uwagę nie tylko na nowe propozycje programów nauczania geografii w szkole podstawowej i liceum, ale dokonać próby weryfikacji kompetencji nauczycieli w zakresie wprowadzania tych zmian. Konieczna wydaje się zatem analiza i ocena wykształcenia wybranych kompetencji nauczycieli geografii oraz analiza możliwości wykształcenia dodatkowych kompetencji nauczycieli, wynikających z założeń nowej podstawy programowej, a mogących przyczynić się do nowoczesnego i efektywnego kształcenia uczniów, co jest zresztą głównym celem niniejszego opracowania. Warto rozważyć dostępne formy dokształcania nauczycieli geografii i poddać je swoistej ocenie i refleksji.
Przez długie lata edukacja była tą dziedziną, w której obawiano się działań nowych, spontanicznych, a same przykłady innowacji zdarzały się niezbyt często. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wstępną ocenę programu nauczania przedmiotu uzupełniającego „Przyroda” do liceum i powstał jako efekt Projektu „Kształcenie Pełne Wyobraźni – KPW”. Projekt realizowany jest przez Wyższą Szkołę Europejską im. Ks. Józefa Tischnera w Krakowie. Celem głównym tego projektu jest podniesienie jakości kształcenia w czterech pilotażowych liceach ogólnokształcących woj. małopolskiego i śląskiego poprzez wdrożenie dwóch innowacyjnych programów nauczania w zakresie nauk matematyczno-przyrodniczych i humanistycznych wraz z upowszechnieniem opracowanych programów i materiałów dydaktycznych w skali całego kraju. Istotną cechą programu nauczania przyrody jest przedstawienie zagadnień w sposób interdyscyplinarny, aby uczniowie w sposób kompleksowy dostrzegali prezentowaną tematykę, jak również jego praktyczne (utylitarne) wykorzystanie (bez nadmiernego teoretyzowania) i aktualność poruszanych w nim zagadnień. Taka koncepcja nauczania przyrody pozwoli uczniom na rozwinięcie zainteresowań przedmiotami przyrodniczymi oraz zrozumienie i wykorzystanie nowoczesnych metod i osiągnięć badawczych stosowanych w naukach przyrodniczych.
For a long time education was a discipline in which spontaneous and not well-tested activities were feared and the attempts to introduce innovations were very rare. However, in recent years innovation in education has acquired a new meaning. Despite many critical remarks and debates on the process of introducing changes in education, the accepted solutions have contributed to the quality of didactic process. This paper presents the initial assessment of the syllabus of a supplementary subject – Natural Science – in upper secondary school. It stems from the project entitled Education full of Imagination, undertaken by the Tischner European University in Krakow. The main aim of the project is to improve the quality of education in four pilot upper secondary schools in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship (Kraków) and Silesian Voivodeship (Katowice) implementing two innovative syllabuses in the fields of Science and Humanities. This project also aims at promoting the designed syllabuses and teaching materials in the whole country. The important feature of this syllabus is its interdisciplinary nature. Pupils should perceive the presented topics in a comprehensive manner. They should see its practical (utilitarian) application (without excessive theorizing) and its relevance to the latest achievements in science. Such a concept of teaching Natural Science will allow pupils to develop their interests in Natural Science subjects. They will understand and use modern methods and research achievements applied in Natural Science.
The article presents the characteristics of Roma national minority in Austria with particularconsideration of social-economic activation issues of this nation. Many years of the poor levelof education, numerous prejudices and lasting stereotypes in Austrian society towards theRoma and in effect the high percentage of unemployment among this social group resulted intheir relegation to the peripheries of social and economic life. This publication shows numerousexamples of actions taken by federal authorities in Vienna, local governments, humanitarianorganizations, mass media as well as the help with projects financed by EU in overcomingbarriers and prejudices towards Roma minority in peripheral region of Burgenland in Oberwart (Austria). The project Mri Buti (My work) is the most important success of these actions. It gavepermanent employment to several dozen Roma families, but it is not a success for the interestedparty. The process of Roma activation seems to be a longterm process and more sophisticatedthan it was planned. The stereotypes and prejudices still play the crucial role, albeit significantlyless than in the past. Unfortunately traditions and numerous habits of this population group notalways give enough motivation to take actions and decisions and they are important barriers totaking economic activity and further education.
The subject of the research presented in this article is evaluation of competence of Geography and Entrepreneurship teachers and students who are teachers-to-be. In the teacher training process the crucial role is played by competences, developed mainly in the course of studies and during school practice. The author of this article has for over ten years conducted research on the students’ development of subject competence and didactic competence including the research on Geography teacher-trainees. Personal and interpersonal competencies of graduates of higher education significantly affect their chances on the ever-changing labour market. The presented research results should become an impulse for further analyses and reflection concerning the development of competence in teacher-trainees. Research in this area should successfully contribute to optimization of the teacher-training process, including Geography and Entrepreneurship teachers (not only in Poland), and to the development of an effective and efficient model of education and competence acquisition by graduates.
The issue of initial and further training of geography teachers seems to be relevant everywhere where teaching faculty is currently offered. This paper presents discussion, reflection and research results on the widely understood process of initial and further training of future geography teachers in the context of academic work of professor Jan Flis, especially regarding the problem of pedagogization of teaching faculty at universities (Flis 1984) understood as supplementing the faculty training with psychological and didactic subjects. This problem seems to be relevant and should be constantly taken into account especially in the face of occurring reforms in concepts of studies and changes in syllabuses of geographical studies, especially those with teaching faculties. At the same time teaching studies should be vocational studies and they should prepare for the profession of a geography teacher or a geographer – teacher. Academic and organizational work of professor Jan Flis became the ground for numerous remarks and reflection on faculties, trends and also on the organization of training at teaching faculty of geographical studies, as well as on developing competencies of future teachers.
Raising and developing ecological awareness is a great challenge to modern societies in many countries. This article presents examples of ecological education at Polish schools. Ecological education at the beginning of the 21st century plays an important role in the education of young generations. It depends on education if we encourage a young person to choose the lifestyle which will be environment-friendly, or not. The raising and developing of ecological awareness is therefore a great challenge for many teachers. School ecological education aims at non-conflict development of contacts between children or youth and the natural environment. Direct relationship with nature allows children to enrich their knowledge, develop skills and act in ecological categories. The main objective of modern school is education ofa person who is not only creative, being able to use the acquired knowledge, think independently and act efficiently in different problem situations, but is also able to think long-term, foreseeing the effects and consequences of taken actions for which he or she will be held responsible. A large amount of subjects of school teaching in widely understood ecological education and great masses of young people nowadays constitute a big chance for a success in the action ensuring their effectiveness.
In 2002 “Business studies” Basics of entrepreneurship subject was introduced into the Polish post-secondary schools. According to then applicable regulation, concerning the Core Curriculum of general education, the aim of this subject is to teach students entrepreneurial skills and prepare them for active participation in social and economic life. The “Business studies” Basics of entrepreneurship subject helps young people to understand the mechanisms of market economy, prepares them to plan their future careers, develops the ability to communicate effectively and also prepares them to plan and execute tasks in the business environment. This article presents the results obtained in the new questionnaire surveys performed in selected post-secondary schools in Kraków in 2011. The research was designed to analyse fulfilment of the objectives, tasks and teaching content of business studies. Furthermore, it was to evaluate possibilities and future prospects of teaching the entrepreneurship just before introducing the changes in post secondary schools. Thus it seems justified to repeat and extend the conducted studies prior to the forthcoming introduction of curricular changes in the upper secondary school and proposed new teaching content for the Business studies subject. This paper methodologically refers to previous studies in this field, which were presented at the conference in 2004 and published in the Education – Entrepreneurship series No 1 (Osuch E., Osuch W. 2005). Furthermore, the intention of this report is to both update and supplement the previous research.
The article refers to social and economic issues of Roma minority in Poland. Large groups ofRoma that live in our country – especially in the cities – are marginalized because of theirculture dissimilarity and because they cannot find their place in actual political and economicsituation. The reason, but also the effect, of such situation is explained by low level ofeducation in Poland. Authors reckon that one of the conditions of information society’s growthis necessity to support their enterprising attitudes. Following this thesis, the authors believe,that supporting lower developed groups, which don’t keep up with actual pace of economicgrowth, is necessary to minimize the social and economic exclusion of these groups and tolimit social anxieties and clashes.On the example of Roma ethic minority group authors characterized the problems of thesegroups on a labor market, ways of fighting against them and showed the perspectives ofprogress of these groups in future by building enterprising attitudes.
This article presents a socioeconomic problems of national minorities in certain aspects of the processes of European integration. In European countries, as well as in Poland, the unemployment rate among ethnic minority groups is very high, compared to the general public. This problem affects particularly the Roma minority, because of cultural difference and the inability to find themselves in the current economic situation, which causes progressive social marginalization. High racist delinquency, as well as an increase in labor market discrimination against minorities, in various countries of the European Union, are not conducive to the processes of social and citizen integration of those groups. The reason, as well as the effect of such situation is the very low level of education of Roma, not only in Poland but also in other European countries.Authors reckon, that one of the conditions of informative society’s growth is necessity to support their enterprising posture. Following this thesis, the authors think, that supporting lower developed groups, which don’t keep up with actual tempo of economic growth is necessary to minimalize the socialeconomic marginalization of these groups and to limit social anxienties and clashes.Authors, on the example of Roma ethic minority group characterized the problems of these groups on work market, ways of fighting with them and showed the perspectives of progress of these groups in future by building enterprising postures. It seems that the measure of a progressive European social integration should be an appropriate relationship to national and ethnic minorities in EU member countries, free from social and occupational, and discrimination on labor market, which does not seem easy in a market economy based on knowledge.
Od 1 września 2002 r. do polskich szkół ponadgimnazjalnych został wprowadzony przedmiot podstawy przedsiębiorczości. Zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu z dnia 26 lutego 2002 r. dotyczącym podstawy programowej kształcenia ogólnego przedmiot ten ma na celu uczyć postaw przedsiębiorczych oraz przygotować młodych ludzi do aktywnego udziału w życiu społeczno-gospodarczym...
The article presents selected educational projects used by teachers on basics of entrepreneurship lessons. In the times of various multi-medial techniques, computerization and the Internet, using youth activating projects is necessary. The subject of basics of entrepreneurship gives large opportunities of realizations of this kind of undertakings. Nowadays there are many projects, for example created by Youth Foundation of Entrepreneurship, Foundation of The Centre of Civil Education or National Bank of Poland. The most known projects are: Economics in School”, My Finances”, Firm Management”, Day of Entrepreneurship and so on. Teachers from secondary schools participate in workshops, gain suitable skills for implementing the youth activating projects. This article describes briefly the projects mentioned above, encourage teachers to introducing them into their work. Moreover, the article contains Web site’s addresses where you can find materials and information for teachers on these projects.
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