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The aim of this article is to assess the physiotherapist professional standards based on the accepted legal status. The article establishes the legal status of the physiotherapist's profession and assesses the standard of performing the profession using the literature and the selected judicial decisions of the common courts of law and the Constitutional Tribunal. In conclusion it is pointed out that the physiotherapist professional standard is defined by the legal acts in force, in particular the provisions of the Act on Profession of a Physiotherapist. The article also proposes a change in the provisions by specifying the vocational tasks of physiotherapists who have obtained a BA degree or people who have graduated from a post-secondary school, as well as specifying the professional skills related to teaching, managing work of people performing the profession and hiring administrators.
Celem artykułu jest ocena standardu wykonywania zawodu fizjoterapeuty na podstawie przyjętego stanu prawnego. W artykule ustalono status prawny zawodu fizjoterapeuty oraz dokonano oceny standardu wykonywania powyższej profesji wykorzystując literaturę oraz wybrane orzecznictwo sądów powszechnych oraz Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. W zakończeniu wskazano, że standard wykonywania zawodu fizjoterapeuty określają obowiązujące akty prawne, a w szczególności przepisy u.z.f. W artykule zaproponowano również zmianę przepisów poprzez wyodrębnienie zadań zawodowych przez fizjoterapeutów, którzy ukończyli studia I stopnia oraz osób, które ukończyły szkołę policealną jak też sprecyzowanie kompetencji zawodowych fizjoterapeuty dotyczących nauczania, prowadzenia prac naukowo-badawczych, kierowania pracą zawodową osób wykonujących zawód fizjoterapeuty oraz zatrudnienia na stanowiskach administracyjnych.
The aim of the paper is evaluation the provisions concerning consent to visit determining vaccine eligibility and mandatory protective vaccination. The paper analyses and evaluates the obligation to undergo protective vaccination in Poland, and legal regulations regarding the visit determining vaccine eligibility and consent to it, as well as mandatory protective vaccination. The conclusion section of the paper draws attention to the fact that the provisions of the Act on Patient’s Rights specify only a patient’s right to express agreement or refusal in case of qualification for mandatory protective vaccination and submission to mandatory protective vaccination. The paper also proposed the need for the legislator to specify the form of providing information on protective and recommended vaccinations, and the scope of the physician’s information obligation in relation to the appointment qualifying for vaccination.  
Celem artykułu jest ocena rozwiązań prawnych dotyczących wyrażania zgody na kwalifikacyjną wizytę szczepienną oraz obowiązkowe szczepienie ochronne przez pacjenta. Przeanalizowano i oceniono obowiązek poddania się szczepieniom ochronnym w Polsce, omówiono regulacje prawne dotyczące kwalifikacyjnej wizyty szczepiennej, jak i wyrażania zgody na kwalifikacyjną wizytę szczepienną oraz obowiązkowe szczepienie ochronne. W zakończeniu wskazano, że z przepisów ustawy z dnia 6 listopada 2008 r. o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta wynika wyłączenie uprawnienia pacjenta do wyrażenia zgody bądź jej odmowy w sytuacji kwalifikowania do obowiązkowego szczepienia ochronnego oraz poddania się obowiązkowemu szczepieniu ochronnemu. W artykule zwrócono również uwagę na konieczność doprecyzowania przez ustawodawcę formy przekazania informacji o szczepieniach ochronnych i zalecanych oraz zakresu obowiązku informacyjnego lekarza w odniesieniu do kwalifikacyjnej wizyty szczepiennej.  
Wstęp. W dniu 1 stycznia 2012 r. weszła w życie zmiana przepisów ustawy o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta. W przepisach powyższej ustawy określono nowy tryb dochodzenia roszczeń od szpitali za tzw. zdarzenia medyczne. Pacjent poszkodowany lub spadkobiercy zmarłego pacjenta mogą alternatywnie dochodzić swoich roszczeń na drodze sądowej lub w trybie administracyjnym. Cel. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie obowiązujących regulacji prawnych dotyczących ochrony administracyjnej praw pacjenta. Materiał i metody. W pracy posłużono się analizą aktów prawnych oraz źródeł literatury. Korzystano również z zasobów internetowych związanych z tematyką artykułu. Wyniki i wnioski. Obowiązujące regulacje prawne dotyczące ochrony administracyjnej praw pacjenta są niejasne i nieprecyzyjne. Konieczna jest nowelizacja przepisów w celu faktycznej ochrony administracyjnej praw pacjenta.
Introduction. On January 1, 2012 an amendment to the act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights came into force. Provisions of the act defied a new mode of seeking redress from hospitals for so-called medical events. A suffrer or inheritors of a dead patient can alternatively seek redress either in court or in an administrative mode. Aim. The aim of this article is to present applicable regulations relating to the administrative protection of patients’ rights. Materials and methods. The authors used an analysis of legal acts and reference literature. They also used online resources related to the topic of the article. Results and conclusions. Applicable regulations relating to the administrative protection of patients’ rights are unclear and imprecise. It is necessary to novelize the provisions to provide the actual administrative protection of patients’ rights.
The right to access medical records is one of the most important patient’s right. This right has been regulated in a number of legal acts, and in particular, in the provisions of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patients Ombudsman1. The aim of the paper is to present selected legal aspects relating to patient right to access medical records. The provisions of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patients Ombudsman define the obligation to respect the right to access medical records. However, it should be noted that most of the doubts concern the right to access medical records after the death of a patient, which is only available to a person authorized by the patient during his life. This causes that immediate family members do not have the right to access the patient’s medical records after his death, if they have not been authorized by him.
The Patient Rights Ombudsman has become another body for the investiga-tion of patients’ claims . For independence from the State bodies, the Ombudsman should be a single, term-limited body appointed and dismissed by the Sejm . He can pass the case to the public prosecutor’s office, appoint experts and request for expertise . To sum up, the Ombudsman is one of the mechanisms to ensure respect for patient rights . However, the act on PR does not limit the scope of the constitu-tional powers of ombudsmen, who may also take action in the area of health pro-tection . The ombudsman can ask them to take action within their competence . The analysis of the reports of the Office of the Patient Rights Ombudsman and the views of the representatives of the doctrine of patient rights, allows to draw some conclusions concerning the violations of the rights of patients . A particu-larly widespread phenomenon was violation of the right to consent to the provi-sion of health benefits, as well as restricting access to health services . Medical personnel do not respect the rights of the patient to the respect for their intimacy and dignity, and the right to information . Patients are not aware of the process and way of treatment and do not know the refund policy . Most cases of violations in Poland was due to ignorance of the applicable laws . Patients’ claims relating to their rights will improve the quality of provided health benefits and determine the 10position of the patient as an equal participant in the health system . Patients have unparalleled access to medical knowledge via modern means of communication, they have never had such possibilities for controlling the regularity of medical actions . The effect of these changes is an increase in the number of claims against the medical staff the entities providing medical services . To sum up, the execution of patient rights requires continuous education among medical personnel, which should be carried out on the initiative of the heads of the entities and professional authorities . We should also improve awareness of patients by conducting national information and communication actions.
To sum up, professional liability is an additional mode of responsibility, not included in the common law. Professional liability occurs when medical personnel violate provisions on the practice of the profession or act against the rules ofprofessional ethics. Professional responsibility is borne for a breach of the principles of medical ethics or provisions relating to the practice of medical profession. Medical personnel may be punished for professional misconduct by: admonition, reprimand, prohibition on holding managerial positions in organizational health care entities for a period from one to five years, prohibition on holding a position of one’s choice in the bodies of self-government for the period from one to five years, limitation on activities within the profession for a period from six months to two years, suspension of the right to practice the profession for a period from one to five years, deprivation of the right to practice the profession. A doctor and dentist have the right to appeal against the decision of the Medical Court at II instance in any case, regardless of the imposed punishment. A nurse and midwife may appeal against the decision of the Supreme Court of Nurses and Midwives only in the case the penalty of suspension or deprivation of the right to practice the profession. There is a widespread opinion that it is very difficult for a victim to get a positive outcome in the medical courts, even in the cases of obvious medical errors or negligence.
In Poland, a provisions of the Act of 27 August 2004 on health care services financed from public funds1 defines the principles of the waiting list . Waiting list is one of the way to ensure equal access to health care services . Running waiting lists for health care services is the statutory duty of all providers and considers only first-time patients . The Act of 27 August specifies the responsibilities of the provider in relation to the patient, and to managing the waiting lists . Provider is obliged to give the patient information on the scope of health care services, the waiting time for health services, and information regarding the confirmation of the right to health care benefits at the first visit of the patient . In addition, a patient at the point of registration should receive comprehensive information on clinics . Minister of Health in regulation of 26 September 2005 on medical criteria, described what criteria should be guided by the provider entering a beneficiary on waiting lists for health care services . In case of deterioration of patients’ health, which may indicate the need to provide earlier health care service, the patient is obliged to inform the provider . Then, for medical reasons, the time of providing the health care service should be adjusted . Health care provider has no right to refuse to register patient on the waiting list to obtain health care servic. National Health Fund web sites provide information on waiting lists main-tained by individual providers, the number of people, by urgent cases and cases of a stable, and the average waiting time for providing medical services and infor-mation about other healthcare providers who offer benefits in within a shorter period of time
Regulacje prawne są obecne współcześnie praktycznie w każdej dziedzinie życia, w tym także w medycynie. Szczególną rolę w tym zakresie pełni legislacja dotycząca opieki nad pacjentami z zaburzeniami psychicznymi, którzy ze względu na stan zdrowia lub ubezwłasnowolnienie nie mają możliwości bezpośredniego podejmowania decyzji ich dotyczących. Badaniem objęto 40 przedstawicieli personelu medycznego z domów opieki społecznej oraz z oddziału psychiatrycznego podmiotu leczniczego w województwie podkarpackim. Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w oparciu o autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Zdecydowana większość ankietowanych (70%) stwierdziła, iż pacjenci są zaznajamiani z prawami pacjenta przy przyjęciu do podmiotu leczniczego, z czego 57,5% powiedziało, że informowanie ma formę ustną. Cała badana populacja dysponowała wiedzą, iż pacjent zostaje przyjęty do szpitala bez swojej zgody, w sytuacji gdy zagraża swojemu zdrowiu i życiu innych. Badani znali większość praw pacjenta. Zdecydowana większość ankietowanych wskazała na nieprzestrzeganie przez personel medyczny praw pacjenta. Tylko co trzeci badany wiedział, że pacjent w każdych okolicznościach może uzyskać wgląd do swojej dokumentacji medycznej.
Legal regulations occur practically in every sphere of life, including medicine. Legislature concerning medical care of patients with mental disorders is a peculiar part of it, as it refers to those who, due to their health condition or incapacitation, cannot make decisions about them 40 representatives of the medical personnel in welfare institutions and a psychiatric ward of a medical care institution in the Carpatian area. The majority of the surveyed indicated that the patients are informed about their rights when admitted into the institution, though patients are admitted to the hospital without their agreement in case when they are a threat to their own health or others’ life. The interviewed appeared to be quite well informed about the patients’ rights, yet, they indicated cases of avoiding the laws by the medical personnel.
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