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The present article aims towards analysing three versions of a comic book Portugal by Cyril Pedrosa – original French and its translations into portuguese and polish – having in mind translation problems related with form (comic book) as well as with content. The analysis uses classic text deformative categories formulated by Antoine Berman. In course of analysis and interpretation of the translators’ choices we were able to show all the changes forced by specific language situation subsequent from the author’s creation of the plot situation.
Comics is a peculiar kind of text and therefore its peculiarity and otherness implies the formulation of theoretical translation determinants. Comics use their language to tell a story and at the same time they become a language. As a peculiar visual language, it forces the translator to deconstruct the units in order to translate given comics due to the graphic meanings of units, the sequence logic of the tale and word/image tension as well as other mutual tensions between components. This article formulates determinants of graphic translation theory on the example of comics and certain practical employment of those rules.
How to translate culturally infused words is indeed the question that becomes more complicated as the cultural turn in Translation Studies (TS) takes place. The task for translators has become not only to make a linguistic transfer but a cultural one as well. In this essay I shall discuss how to deal with some Portuguese words that may be regarded as crucial to defining Portuguese culture. I will focus on words and terms that ask for an understanding and reception mainly at the cultural level. One should keep in mind that knowledge is the key here, as it will be necessary to know something about both source and target culture to find out not only the best solution in translation for these words, but to understand them as well. I will study the process of translation as a process of making certain decisions. I will try to show not only that direct translation is complex, but also that the way we translate those words also differs between a historical book and a comedy film, between a poem translation and a juvenile book translation, etc. As a methodology I shall study this cultureoriented translatological phenomenon under the dominant in translations (as defined by Anna Bednarczyk), the elements that determine translation (loosely based on Werner Koller’s ideas), and the great classic Jiří Levý and his vision of translation as a process of making decisions. I will present different paradigms in order to work out the possible solutions.
Sposób tłumaczenia słów nacechowanych kulturowo jest zadaniem, które skomplikowało się wraz z tzw. zwrotem kulturowym w translatoryce. Wraz z nim zadanie tłumaczy wykroczyło poza transfer językowy, obejmując również transfer kulturowy. W tym eseju skupię się na strategiach przekładoznawczych, które można zastosować dla wybranych portugalskich słów, kluczowych dla zdefiniowania portugalskiej kultury. Będą to słowa i terminy, które wymagają zrozumienia i recepcji przede wszystkim na poziomie kulturowym. Bez posiadania wiedzy o realiach portugalskich, która jest w tym wypadku kluczem do translatorskiego sukcesu, niemożliwe będzie zrozumienie, a co za tym idzie i przełożenie danych słów i terminów. Postaram się prześledzić proces przekładu jako proces podejmowania decyzji. Postaram się również wykazać, że nie tylko bezpośrednie tłumaczenie jest procesem złożonym, ale konkretne wybory są również determinowane przez gatunkową przynależność danego tekstu. Metodologicznie odwołam się do konceptu dominanty (w ujęciu Anny Bednarczyk), do czynników determinujących przekład (swobodnie opierając się na pomysłach Wernera Kollera) oraz do klasycznego modelu przekładu jako procesu podejmowania decyzji (Jiří Levý). W tym duchu zaprezentowane zostaną paradygmaty celem wypracowania możliwych rozwiązań translatologicznych.
Oral translation can have many faces, mutations and varieties. Some of them may spring out from putting some texts into a new environment. What will happen to the comics if they are forced to speak with the voice of the very one who translated them? What will become of the units which give to the comics the form that we know? How the situation between the emissor and receptor can change while experiencing that kind of audio‑comics? Moreover, is it so that only comics can find themselves in such situation? These problems can be found in the article entitled About comic book translation sessions or oral translation in a different way. We try to prove that border oral translations can be starting points towards brave new areas of scientific interest in the oral translation field.
This article aims towards developing historic studies in the Translation Studies field by analyzing internal and external factors that cast an influence upon Polish translations of Portuguese Comic Books. We intend to prepare a complete list of translated books for future studies in this area and identify possible premisses for analisies. Along those aims it is also crucial for us to identify the most important and problematic elements in comic book translation as to conceive guidelines for general theory for comic book translation.
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ON FOLK THEODICY (O teodycei ludowej)

Etnografia Polska
vol. 53
issue 1-2
The article focuses on the issue of explanations of everyday misfortunes by members of a local community. Its goal is to show that a final result of such explanations is creation of complex philosophical system strongly dependent on the idea of God. The author describes process, in which his interlocutors 'justify' their misfortunes and sufferings. In that way they construct a local theodicy - a wide system of meanings and explanations that makes all unexpected situations valid in a broader religious context. Results of author's research show that, above all, using paradigm of local theodicy helps his interlocutors defend God from accusations of being unjust. Such attitude serves them to build a kind of epistemological structure in which great and good God can exist simultaneously with violence, suffering and pain which are, in consequence, seen as a part of different order. What is wrong and bad thus, must have some kind of sense even if one cannot understand it himself. Without constructing this local form of theodicy, the interlocutors could not share Christian values and be a part of a community based on these values. Conducted research has shown that some aspects of author's interlocutors' lives, would be very difficult to explain without a concept of local theodicy and if this idea did not exist, their faith would be seriously challenged.
W XXI w. dokonało się zjawisko bez precedensu w historii ludzkości. Nastąpił szybki rozwój oraz popularyzacja portali społecznościowych. Świat stał się „globalną wioską” – śledzenie życia znajomego mieszkającego w dużej odległości i komunikacja z nim nie stanowi już żadnego problemu. Za pomocą portali możemy śledzić interesujące nas wydarzenia, działalność organizacji czy kreować własny wizerunek. Wyszukiwanie informacji nigdy nie było tak proste. Komfort naszego życia znacznie się poprawił, jednak ma też to swoje negatywne strony. Tracimy wiele czasu na bezproduktywne czynności, uciekając od swoich codziennych obowiązków. Młodzi ludzie są poddani presji akceptacji w przestrzeni wirtualnej, co prowadzi do niskiej samooceny oraz depresji. Wpływ social mediów na organizm człowieka jest duży, a ma to swoje konsekwencje w poszczególnych sferach naszego życia. Między innymi diametralnie zmieniło się obcowanie z kulturą. Wszelkie jej wytwory mogą bardzo szybko uzyskać zasięg globalny. Znacznie różni się sposób ich postrzegania oraz możliwości dostępu do nich w porównaniu do poprzednich dekad. Możemy minimalnym wysiłkiem oglądać różnorodne filmy czy słuchać muzyki z każdego zakątka świata. to przeładowanie informacjami pozostawia swój ślad w funkcjonowaniu grup związanych z kulturą, np. w subkulturach. Wraz ze wzrostem dostępu do Internetu zostały one zepchnięte na margines życia społecznego. Można wręcz zastanawiać się nad ich ostatecznym wymieraniem, przynajmniej w kształcie, w jakim je dzisiaj rozumiemy. Subkultury znacznie się rozmyły, coraz rzadziej mamy do czynienia z osobami całkowicie zaangażowanymi w daną ideologię. W niniejszej pracy zostały przedstawione przyczyny oraz skutki takiego stanu rzeczy.
In the 21st century, an unprecedented phenomenon took place in the history of mankind. There has been a rapid development and popularization of social networking sites. the world has become a ‘global village’ - tracking the life of a friend living far away and communication with him is no longer a problem. With their help, we can follow interesting events, an organization's activities or create our own images. Searching for information has never been so easy. the comfort of our lives has improved significantly, but this situation also has its negative sides. We lose a lot of time on unproductive activities and forget about our daily duties. Young people are subjected to a lot of pressure to be accepted in the virtual space, which leads to low self-esteem and depression. the impact of social media on the human body is high, which has its consequences in various spheres of our lives. Among other things, our modes of interaction with culture have changed dramatically. All of its creations can very quickly get a global reach. the way they are perceived and the possibilities of accessing them are completely different as compared to the previous decades. We can watch various films or listen to music from every corner of the world with minimum effort. This overload of information leaves its mark on the functioning of groups related to culture, for example in subcultures. Along with an increasing access to the Internet, they have been pushed to the margin of social life. You can even expect their final extinction, at least in the form in which we know them today. Subcultures have faded considerably, and people who are completely involved in a given ideology are becoming less and less involved. This paper presents the causes and effects of this state of affairs.
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