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The article has two goals. The first one was to discuss the problem of the boundaries of geographical sectors/ markets in the conditions of globalisation and regionalisation, with particular emphasis on agri-food economy. The discussion was based on a review of a variety of sources – the analysis covered the literature in the field of economics and economic geography, strategic management, marketing and logistics. The article addressed the issues of market and sector concepts and the importance of their geographic dimension. In this context, the role of distance and area for farming was presented. The processes of globalisation and the development of regional integration groupings were discussed, indicating their importance for the agri-food sector. The second objective was to present the concept of determining the geographical boundaries of sectors/markets. The existing methods of assessing the globalisation potential of the sector were discussed. Afterwards, while compiling the elements of these approaches and extending the range of included degrees of possible spatial ranges, an own approach was put forward. There is a need to further research this area, in particular to attempt to determine the geographical range of sectors, including agri-food products. The concept proposed in the article can be used in this regard. To that end, it would be desirable to further operationalise it and test it in practical terms in the evaluation of the geographical ranges of markets.
The aim of the paper is to discuss the concept of the Balanced Scorecard based on some of Morgan’s metaphors. Very popular metaphor that underlines the mainstream way of thinking about organization is the machine metaphor. However, for contemporary organizations facing turbulent environments, such one-sided insight will be insufficient. The BSC offers managers much more complex and comprehensive insight in organizations and reinforce alternative to the mechanistic view images of organizations, namely: organization as organism, organization as information processor and organizations as culture.
vol. 2
issue 347
Human resources, namely potential of employee’s knowledge, skills and engagement became the key factor in the contemporary economy. This is particularly true in the case of knowledge workers – those with high degrees of expertise, education or experience who are doing highly knowledge intensive jobs. In fact, academics are archetypes of such employees. The paper concerns with the problem of difficulties in detailed defining efforts’ standard in the case of academics. Academics have to invest in assets, which are specific to the relation with employer, also high informational asymmetry plagued their job. Thus, there are high transaction costs involved in the exchange under employment relation umbrella in the higher education. Therefore, some safeguards are needed like long‑term stable employment. There is also the problem of writing ex ante complete contracts as well as monitoring and accountability of researchers work. One of the solution of this problem could be relational contracting rooted in trust and cooperation between sides of the employment relations. Often, so called psychological contracts are embedded in those relations. However, we observe recently in Poland attempts (according to the reforms of higher education sector) of introducing some kind of piece‑rate incentive systems, where piece‑rate means “production” of scientific publications. This is form of departure from traditional model of the university. Such departure could be seen by many academicians as breaching of psychological contract involved in their employment relation, and as such could be counterproductive.
We współczesnych gospodarkach rośnie znaczenie zasobów ludzkich, rozumianych jako potencjał związany z wiedzą, umiejętnościami i zaangażowaniem pracowników, szczególnie w odniesieniu do tzw. pracowników wiedzy, cechujących się wysokim poziomem wykształcenia, doświadczenia i biegłości oraz wykonywaniem pracy związanej z wiedzą. Archetypem pracownika wiedzy jest akademik. Pracę kadry naukowo‑dydaktycznej cechują inwestycje w aktywa specjalistyczne dla transakcji z pracodawcą oraz znaczna asymetria informacji. Wskazują one na wysoki poziom kosztów transakcyjnych związanych z wymianą w ramach stosunków pracy w szkolnictwie wyższym. Świadczy to o potrzebie zabezpieczania tych stosunków (np. przez długoterminowe stabilne zatrudnienie) oraz o braku możliwości sformułowania ex ante kompletnych kontraktów, jak również o trudnościach w monitorowaniu i rozliczaniu pracy naukowców. Rozwiązaniem wyłaniającego się stąd problemu agencji może być kontraktowanie relacyjne, bazujące na budowie stosunków zaufania i współpracy stron umowy, czego wyrazem jest tzw. kontrakt psychologiczny. Tymczasem, paradoksalnie, w szkolnictwie wyższym w Polsce obserwuje się regres związany z próbą radzenia sobie z problemami zarządzania kadrą naukowo‑dydaktyczną w fordowsko‑taylorowskim stylu, tj. przez swego rodzaju akord oparty na „punktozie”. Postępujące zmiany, w tym reforma związana z tzw. ustawą 2.0, oddalają polskie uniwersytety od tradycyjnego, humboldtowskiego ideału. Wielu naukowców może odbierać te zmiany jako złamanie kontraktu psychologicznego związanego z ich stosunkiem zatrudnienia.
vol. 3
issue 348
Celem artykułu jest analiza możliwości wykorzystania wybranych zakłóceniowych metod kontroli ujawniania mikrodanych na przykładzie danych jednostkowych z Badania Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności. W pierwszym etapie oceniona została ochrona poufności informacji w oryginalnym zbiorze danych. Po zaaplikowaniu wybranych metod, zaimplementowanych w pakiecie sdcMicro programu R, przedmiotem dociekań stał się wpływ tych metod na ryzyko ujawnienia, poniesioną stratę informacji, a także na jakość estymacji określonych wielkości dla populacji. Podkreślone zostały pewne problematyczne aspekty praktycznego wykorzystania kontroli ujawniania danych, zaobserwowane podczas przeprowadzonej analizy.
The aim of this article is to analyse the possibility of applying selected perturbative masking methods of Statistical Disclosure Control to microdata, i.e. unit‑level data from the Labour Force Survey. In the first step, the author assessed to what extent the confidentiality of information was protected in the original dataset. In the second step, after applying selected methods implemented in the sdcMicro package in the R programme, the impact of those methods on the disclosure risk, the loss of information and the quality of estimation of population quantities was assessed. The conclusion highlights some problematic aspects of the use of Statistical Disclosure Control methods which were observed during the conducted analysis.
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This paper is aimed at: (1) discussion of the geographical market delimitation, considering the decision-making methods used by anti-trust authorities; and (2) verification of the geo-graphical range of the sugar market using the Elzing-Hogarty test. This market is defined as domestic market in the decisions of the European Commission and Polish anti-trust authorities. The comprehensive research (covering ca. 80 countries of the world supplying ca. 98% of the global sugar supply) showed that – in the light of the Elzing-Hogarty method – most of the countries fail to meet the criteria of the LOFI/LIFO tests, which means that the geographical range of the sugar market is usually supranational. The findings comply – in the general dimension – with the mainstream of the criticism of the European anti-trust authorities for too narrow definition of the markets and, in the detailed dimension – with the opinion of the representatives of the industry and scientists dealing with the sugar sector concerning the supranational range of the sugar market. This controversy points to the need for further research and discussions on the geographical market delimitation. Moreover, the issue should be covered with reference to other agri-food markets – using both the methodology developed with anti-trust proceedings in mind, as well as the concepts stemming from strategic management.
There are two primary objectives of this paper. The first one is to discuss the economic justification of existence of agricultural cooperatives, particularly in dairy sector. Cooperatives are entities with intrinsic economic features which cause challenges for corporate governance. The second objective is to demonstrate the conditions and role of financial audit. It is particularly important according do governance challenges in dairy cooperatives. Authors of the paper review the economic literature in the subject area and discuss the law regulations. Furthermore they confront findings with practical examples drawn from their experience of auditing dairy cooperatives in Poland. The results show that audit of financial statements conducted in a proper way could be helpful mechanism in corporate governance in the case of dairy cooperatives.
Opinia dotyczy wniosku z dnia 15 lutego 2010 r. złożonego przez grupę dziewięciu kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych należących do pentakostalnego nurtu chrześcijaństwa. Wniosek skierowany był do Prezesa Rady Ministrów i dotyczył przystąpienia przez Radę Ministrów do rozmów w celu zawarcia umowy i wydania odpowiedniej ustawy o stosunkach między Rzecząpospolitą Polską a wnioskującymi Kościołami, zgodnie z art. 25 ust. 5 Konstytucji RP. Analizując obowiązujące prawo oraz przebieg postępowania w sprawie wniosku autorzy opinii krytycznie oceniają działania i zaniechania w tej sprawie naczelnych organów władzy i administracji państwowej.
The opinion refers to the application dated 15 February 2010 submitted by a group of nine churches and other religious associations belonging to the Pentacostal Christian movement. The application was addressed to the Prime Minister and requested the entry of the Council of Ministers into talks on concluding an agreement and passing relevant law on the relations between the Republic of Poland and the applying churches, in accordance with Article 25(5) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. By analysing the applicable law and the administrative procedure adopted for the examining of the application, the authors share a critical opinion on the activities and omissions of the supreme bodies of public administration.
The aim of the paper was to define geographic scope of the sugar market using Elzinga−Hogarty method. For practical use of this method authors made three assumptions: 1) sugar market was studied integrally independently from type of sugar, its origin and kind of customer, 2) Starting point of the analysis was European Union market 3) LOFI i LIFO tests were established at the level of 90% („strong” market). The authors used secondary data on sugar production, consumption, imports and exports on country and EU level gathered for year 2013 by International Sugar Organization. Sugar market was defined by ‘adding’ in sequence another markets with the greatest trade exchange. The markets were added until the moment the requirements for LOFI and LIFO tests were met at the level of 90%. Results of the research allow the authors to define sugar market as a global market which consists of EU area and 30 other countries in the world. Such market has production of 114 mln tonnes, consumption of 110 mln tonnes and small import at the level of 10,7 mln tonnes as well as small exports at the level of 11,4 mln tonnes. The geographic definition of the sugar market determined in the article is much broader that the ones used by European Commission and Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. The controversion about the geographic scope of sugar market sugests the need for further research in the area.
Celem artykułu było określenie zasięgu geograficznego rynku cukru z wykorzystaniem metody Elzinga−Hogarty. Do praktycznego zastosowania metody przyjęto trzy założenia: 1) rynek cukru rozpatrywany był całościowo niezależnie od rodzaju cukru, pochodzenia cukru i rodzaju odbiorcy, 2) punktem wyjścia analizy był rynek Unii Europejskiej traktowany en bloc, 3) graniczna wielkość testów LOFI i LIFO na poziomie 90% („silny” rynek). W artykule wykorzystano dane wtórne dotyczące produkcji, konsumpcji, importu i eksportu cukru na poziomie państw i UE gromadzone przez International Sugar Organization za rok 2013. Rynek cukru został określony poprzez „doklejanie” do siebie kolejno rynków krajowych charakteryzujących się największą wymianą handlową. Rynki były dodawane do momentu, aż zostały spełnione założenia dwóch testów LOFI i LIFO na poziomie 90%. Uzyskane wyniki badań pozwoliły na określenie rynku cukru rynkiem globalnym obejmującym obszar UE i 30 krajów na świecie. Tak zdefiniowany rynek charakteryzował się produkcją na poziomie 114 mln t, konsumpcją prawie 110 mln t oraz małym udziałem importu i eksportu, odpowiednio na poziomie 10,7 mln t i 11,4 mln t. Określona w artykule definicja przestrzenna rynku cukru jest znacznie szersza w porównaniu z definicjami Komisji Europejskiej i polskiego Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów. Istniejąca kontrowersja w definiowaniu zasięgu geograficznego rynku cukru wskazuje na potrzebę kontynuacji badań w tym obszarze.
Information about monthly characteristics of the small business sector is currently provided mainly by sample surveys conducted, among others, by the Central Statistical Office. Sample size enables parameters of interest to be estimated with acceptable precision only at the country or voivodeship level or by NACE section. The growing demand for reliable estimates at a low level of aggregation is the motivating force behind research into the application of indirect methods of estimation based on auxiliary sources of information. Hence, the article seeks to evaluate the possibility of applying the Fay-Herriot model to estimate one of the basic economic variables that characterise small business, i.e. revenue, based on information collected in administrative registers maintained by the Ministry of Finance.
Informacje dotyczące miesięcznych charakterystyk sektora małych przedsiębiorstw obecnie pochodzą głównie z badań reprezentacyjnych prowadzonych m.in. przez GUS. Wielkość próby umożliwia precyzyjne oszacowanie parametrów jedynie dla całego kraju i województw bądź w przekroju sekcji PKD. Rosnąca potrzeba dostarczenia wiarygodnych szacunków na niskim poziomie agregacji skłania do prowadzenia badań dotyczących zastosowania pośrednich metod estymacji wykorzystujących dodatkowe źródła informacji. Stąd też celem artykułu jest ocena możliwości zastosowania modelu Fay-Herriota do oszacowania jednej z podstawowych charakterystyk ekonomicznych dotyczących małych przedsiębiorstw, jaką jest przychód, na podstawie informacji zawartych w rejestrach administracyjnych prowadzonych przez Ministerstwo Finansów.
The paper has two goals. The first one is to test the method proposed by Pietrzak in respect of the practical assessment of the geographical coverage of the agri-business sector, on the example of complex multiple-component fertilizers. The other goal was to verify the adequacy of the national level of analysis in that sector against the actual economic and spatial circumstances. The comprehensive analysis, which included the assessment of demand, supply and political as well as legal factors, carried out with the use of paired comparisons, weighting and point evaluation of individual factors, has shown that the relevant reference level in the analysis of complex multi-component fertilizers and decisions based on those analyses is the semi-global level, i.e. the supra-national regional level.
One of the indicators of an optimally conducted training process is the athlete's achievement of sports success in all age categories. The analysis of sports career development is helpful in determining the periods of maximizing and maintaining sports results, but also in choosing the development path leading to the achievement of top-level results at the senior age. The aim of the study was to assess the development of sports championship in the 400-metre dash, comprising sports careers of 400 m medalists of the World Cadet and Junior Championships and European Junior Championships in the most important sports events in the senior age category, namely the European Championships, World Athletics Indoor Championships, World Championships, and the Olympic Games. The analysis involved a group of 69 male and 69 female medalists of the European Junior Championships, 27 male and 27 female medalists of the World Youth Junior Championships as well as a group of 48 male and 48 female medalists of the World Junior Championships in the 400 m. The research revealed that from 4% to 7% of the World Cadet Championships medalists and 1-3% of the male and 4-6% of the female medalists of the European Junior Championships achieved their highest sports success by winning medals at the World Championships and the Olympic Games. 6% to 10% of the studied World Junior Championships male medalists were successful in the World Championships. Among the World Championships female medalists, 12% won medals at the World Athletics Indoor Championships, 6% won medals at the World Championships, and 2% won the Olympic Games medals.
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