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Rocznik Tomistyczny
vol. 1
issue 9
J.M. Bocheński is considered to be one of the most important polish logicians. His work in this field of research consists in applying logics, semiotics and methodology in non-logical field. In Qu’est-ce que l’authorité? Introduction a` la logique de l’autorite, The Logic of religion, On Analogy Bocheński uses, among other things, theory of relations (he lists the properties of binary relations between two elements of the relation of authority; they are: non-reflexive, asymmetric for the same domain and transitive for the same domain), set theory, various typologies (typology of justifications, typology of possibilities of verification, typology of verifier type, typology of expressions), descriptions of semiotic situations, language and metalanguage distinction. Examples of the results of this work are: the definition of authority, its distinction between it’s different types, the outline of the fundamental problems associated with religious discourse, the definition of ambiguity, unequivocalness and three types of analogy. These, as well as other results of his research provide a solid foundation for further, technically more advanced studies.
The present day and the culture we know are closely related to technological progress. This culture deeply permeates our daily life - it serves as entertainment, convenience, work and communication tool. The fact that we become increasingly dependent on technology as we move into the future is the source of many problems of a different nature. Consequently, there is a need to discuss issues such as: technological addictions, the reality of virtual reality, the impact of technology on interpersonal relationships or the consequences of digitization. This need is realized in university discussions, as was the case at the conference "Man and society in the face of technology challenges. Philosophical and cultural aspects of technical progress". It took place on May 23, 2019 in the building of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University at 1/3 Wóycickiego Street in Warsaw. The event was organized by the CSWU Students of Philosophy Scientific Circle, and the participants came from numerous academic circles throughout Poland. ------------ Received: 25/11/2019. Reviewed: 18/12/2019. Accepted: 11/01/2020
Współczesność oraz znana nam kultura związane są ściśle z postępem technicznym. Ta kultura w sposób dogłębny przenika nasze codzienne życie – służy jako rozrywka, wygoda, narzędzie pracy czy komunikacji. Fakt, że krocząc w przyszłość, stajemy się coraz bardziej zależni od technologii, jest źródłem wielu problemów różnorakiej natury. Istnieje w konsekwencji potrzeba dyskusji nad zagadnieniami takimi jak: technologiczne uzależnienia, realność rzeczywistości wirtualnej, wpływ technologii na relacje międzyludzkie bądź konsekwencje cyfryzacji. Owa potrzeba jest realizowana w dyskusji uniwersyteckiej, tak jak miało to miejsce na konferencji Człowiek i społeczeństwo wobec wyzwań technologii. Filozoficzno-kulturowe aspekty postępu technicznego. Odbyła się ona 23 maja 2019 roku w budynku Wydziału Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego przy ulicy Wóycickiego 1/3 w Warszawie. Wydarzenie zostało zorganizowane przez Koło Naukowe Studentów Filozofii UKSW, a uczestnicy pochodzili z licznych środowisk akademickich całej Polski. ------------ Zgłoszono: 25/11/2019. Zrecenzowano: 18/12/2019. Zaakceptowano do publikacji: 11/01/2020
Rocznik Tomistyczny
vol. 2
issue 9
Tematyka niebytu jest obecna w historii filozofii niemalże od jej samego początku. Pojęcia takie jak niebyt, nicość, zero, brak odgrywały i odgrywają ważną rolę w poszukiwaniach odpowiedzi na fundamentalne pytania na temat rzeczywistości. Omówienia ich podejmuje się Bartłomiej Krzych w swojej pracy Książeczka o niczym. Prolegomena do nicologii. Ma ona być wstępną konceptualizacją podstawowych terminów z zakresu tej tematyki. Artykuł jest naukową recenzją książki: Bartłomiej Krzych, Książeczka o niczym. Prolegomena do nicologii, Siemianowice Śląskie 2017, stron 127.
Maciej Nowak Extreme and Intermediary Forms of Political Correctness Nowak reads various implicit mechanisms of political correctness through Žižek’s and Nietzsche’s specific discussion of Christainity, Western worldview and its discontents. His theoretical considerations are coloured by examples from Polish and Anglosaxon culture and literature, as well as a vivid (nocturnal) reading of a lucrative Hollywood production The Independence Day.
Maciej Nowak Extreme and Intermediary Forms of Political Correctness Nowak reads various implicit mechanisms of political correctness through Žižek’s and Nietzsche’s specific discussion of Christainity, Western worldview and its discontents. His theoretical considerations are coloured by examples from Polish and Anglosaxon culture and literature, as well as a vivid (nocturnal) reading of a lucrative Hollywood production The Independence Day.
The article consists of two short parts. The first part explores rather theoretical problems chosen by the author during his current work. Among them is the titular problem – the crucial moment in somebody’s life, with all its consequences. The second part contains the opening excerpt from Bobkowski’s biography recently written by the author. According to the researcher, it sets up the biographer’s tone and the whole approach to the subject. This initial part of the upcoming book entitled The Escape is an example of the implementation of the ‘decisive moment’ concept in practice.
Rozprawa poświęcona została autorskiej estetyce Zygmunta Haupta. Pod uwagę wzięto zarówno wątek metarefleksyjny jego prozy, jak i jej właściwości immanentne. Zwrócono uwagę przede wszystkim na koncepcję podmiotu mówiącego. Autor tekstu próbuje wnieść pewne korekty do nadmiernie w dotychczasowych badaniach eksponowanego autobiografizmu prozy Haupta. Zamiast niego badacz jako centrum tej twórczości uznaje koncepcję czasu – przeszłość i przyszłość jako „ekstazy” teraźniejszości. Koncepcje Haupta zostały skonfrontowane z nurtem polskiej literatury powojennej, która powstała pod hasłem wielkiej korekty. Pod uwagę wzięto zarówno twórczość pisarzy krajowych, jak i emigracyjnych. Wedle badacza Haupt w swej myśli estetycznej, eksplorując temat granic literatury, zbliża się do twórców późnego modernizmu.
The article discusses the author’s aesthetics of Zygmunt Haupt. Both the metareflexive thread of his prose and its immanent properties have been taken into account. The main focus has been put on the concept of the speaking subject. The author of the article tries to revise Haupt’s autobiographism of prose which the previous studies used to expose excessively. Instead, the researcher recognises the concept of time – the past and the future as the “ecstasy” of the present – to be at the centre of this work. Haupt’s ideas have been confronted with the trend of Polish post-war literature, which was created under the slogan of a great revision. Both the works of Polish and emigrant writers have been taken into consideration. According to the researcher, in his aesthetic thought, exploring the boundaries of literature, Haupt is close to the writers of late modernism.
Drzewo decyzyjne jest efektywnym narzędziem opisu dynamicznych procesów decyzyjnych w warunkach ryzyka. Korzystając z niego dąży się zwykle do wyznaczenia rozwiązania optymalizującego wartość oczekiwaną rozważanego kryterium decyzyjnego. Stosunkowo rzadko narzędzie to jest wykorzystywane do rozwiązywania problemu wielokryterialnego, w którym decydent jest zainteresowany realizacją kilku wzajemnie konfliktowych celów. W pracy przedstawiono metodę pozwalającą na rozwiązanie problemu opisanego wielokryterialnym drzewem decyzyjnym za pomocą podejścia quasi-hierarchicznego. Zakładamy, że decydent jest w stanie określić hierarchię kryteriów oraz określić, w jakim stopniu można pogorszyć optymalną wartość kryterium o wyższym priorytecie w celu poprawy wartości kryterium o niższej wadze. Sposób działania metody zilustrowano przykładem opartym na danych umownych.
Decision tree is an effective tool for describing dynamic decision making processes under risk. It is usually used to identify the solution optimizing the expected value of the analyzed criterion. However, it is relatively rarely used when multiple conflicting criteria are considered. In the paper a quasi-hierarchical approach is used to solve a problem represented by a multiple criteria decision tree. It is assumed that the decision maker is able to define a hierarchy of the criteria and specify how much the optimal value of a more important criterion can be decreased in order to improve the value of a less important criterion. A numerical example is presented to show the applicability of the procedure.
Maciej Nowak The Whereabouts of Cogito. Narratives of Megalomania and the Melancholy of the Beginning The title of the article is a cluster of various plays on words which build up an allusion to classic texts and “situations” that should sound familiar to most humanists. The title suggests that cogito is not an epistemological post of certitude but it has its “whereabouts” – so its axiological and discursive character cannot be pinned down and endowed with an ultimate sense of some kind. Consequently, the dynamic and perhaps furtive nature of cogito is tainted by the author’s (Descartes’s) megalomania or, to put it bluntly, the philosopher’s arrogant claim of his being able to access objective truth and authoritatively define the firm fundament of all knowledge. The article shows that this aspiration cannot be fulfilled (hence the titular melancholy, a word alluding to both Derrida and Levi-Strauss) and that it has been the nature of grand philosophical projects to get embroiled in complex semantic, conceptual, stylistic, textual trouble spots.
Maciej Nowak The Whereabouts of Cogito. Narratives of Megalomania and the Melancholy of the Beginning The title of the article is a cluster of various plays on words which build up an allusion to classic texts and “situations” that should sound familiar to most humanists. The title suggests that cogito is not an epistemological post of certitude but it has its “whereabouts” – so its axiological and discursive character cannot be pinned down and endowed with an ultimate sense of some kind. Consequently, the dynamic and perhaps furtive nature of cogito is tainted by the author’s (Descartes’s) megalomania or, to put it bluntly, the philosopher’s arrogant claim of his being able to access objective truth and authoritatively define the firm fundament of all knowledge. The article shows that this aspiration cannot be fulfilled (hence the titular melancholy, a word alluding to both Derrida and Levi-Strauss) and that it has been the nature of grand philosophical projects to get embroiled in complex semantic, conceptual, stylistic, textual trouble spots.
vol. 32
issue 2
The article reveals the possibilities of the biography method as a valuable interpretive tool within the humanities. It discusses the life of a Polish writer Andrzej Bobkowski and his relationships with an artistic couple Anna and Franciszek Seifert. The paper discusses the aesthetic message of murals made by the Seiferts for the "Robur" company and their associations with Bobkowski’s views expressed in his works. Topics include Bobkowski’s and the Seiferts’ relation to the Silesia region, the artistic duo's role as mentors to the young writer, and their impact on his life.
Artykuł ukazuje możliwości metody biograficznej jako wartościowego narzędzia interpretacyjnego w humanistyce. Opowiada o życiu polskiego pisarza Andrzeja Bobkowskiego i jego związkach z Anną i Franciszkiem Seifertami, parą artystów. Tekst porusza tematykę estetycznego przesłania murali wykonanych przez Seifertów dla firmy „Robur” oraz związku tego przesłania z twórczością Bobkowskiego. Tematyka artykułu obejmuje związek Bobkowskiego i Seifertów ze Śląskiem, rolę artystycznego duetu jako mentorów młodego pisarza oraz ich wpływ na jego życie.
In the article the code legislator position has been presented concerning the person of the God-parent and baptism witness. The institution of the God-parent and baptism witness has been described first in its historical aspect. Information on that subject are comprised in such works as: Gratian decree, Boniface VIII Liber Sextus, the teaching of Trent church council, Canonical Law Code of 1917, teaching of Vatican II church council, Church liturgical books, Canonical Law Code of 1983, the Eastern Churches Canonical Codes of 1990. The code legislator demanded certain qualifications from the persons fulfilling these functions e.g.: appropriate age, to be baptized and be a believer, be a member of the Catholic Church or ecclesial community. These persons also had to fulfill certain tasks. The God Parent who presented the child for baptism was to take care of the baptized child to lead a Christian way of life. The Baptism witness could be a baptized person belonging to a non-catholic ecclesial community together with a Catholic Godfather. A person belonging to an Orthodox Church could be a God parent together with a Catholic Godfather. The main task of the witnesses is to give evidence of arisen incident. The same task is also borne upon the baptism witness if the fact of accepting the sacrament needs to be proved. In this analysis one can see an enormous care of the Church that the function of the God parent and Baptism witness is fulfilled by appropriate persons predisposed to this. Discussing the care of Church one should remember that this action and care is visible any time during the lifetime of this particular community.
W tradycji katolickiej chrzest zajmuje wyjątkowe miejsce. Ta wyjątkowość wynika z faktu, że ten sakrament jest udzielany na wyraźne polecenie Jezusa Chrystusa (Mt 28,19), ale także z faktu, że jest pierwszym sakramentem, najpełniej wprowadzającym człowieka do wspólnoty Kościoła, uzdalniającym go do pełnego i owocnego przyjmowania innych sakramentów. Należy podkreślić, że zawsze dokonuje się to we wspólnocie, którego reprezentantami są chociażby rodzic chrzestny i świadek chrztu. W prezentowanym artykule zostało przedstawione stanowisko prawodawcy kościelnego dotyczące funkcji rodzica chrzestnego i świadka chrztu, ich powołania, kwalifikacji, zadań i obowiązków.
The Polish version of the article was published in Roczniki Humanistyczne vol. 57, issue 1 (2009). This article is devoted to Zbigniew Herber’s thoughts concerning esthetics. The author interprets the poet’s letters written to various people (among others, to Halina Misiołkowa, Czesław Miłosz and Jerzy Zawieyski) and looks for his opinions on art and creativity. He treats the letters not as auxiliary materials for the study of poetry, but as the main subject of his research. He perceives the transition from private letters to writing poetry as a consequence of the axiological connections joining both of these types of expression. He pays special attention to Herbert’s care for the consciousness of the aims of art, stemming from historical experience. The poet himself defined them in one of the letters as “ordering the world.”
Spatial management can be viewed in various ways, but municipal spatial management is among its crucial aspects. It can be more broadly defined as local spatial management. There are a number of considerations that have a significant influence on the possibility of specific actions in this field. The purposes of the present paper are as follows: to determine the place of spatial management of municipality in the general management system of gminas, to determine the relationship between the key concepts associated with spatial management and the development of a spatial management system model of municipality, with particular emphasis on the use of direct spatial management tools.
The paper deals with the concept of metropolitan regions and applies it to the least developed and possible future metropolitan areas of Poland. The purpose of the article is to determine how entrepreneurship is developing in such regions. The attention is paid to private agents and to own incomes of the communes under investigation. Some conclusions are drawn, including modifications in the definition of the metropolitan area in the Polish law.
The article characterizes the entrepreneurship in the smallest towns of Poland (below 2 thousand inhabitants). In particular, the number of entrepreneurs, as well as their selected proprietary and functional groups were taken into consideration. The research allowed for the relationship between the scale of entrepreneurship in the towns and their location and size. Besides, some investigation was undertaken into the economic strategies of the gminas (communes), whose main towns are the ones analyzed in the article.
In this paper a stochastic multiobjective allocation problem is considered. We assume that a particular resource should be allocated to T projects. Depending on the amount of allocated resource it is possible (with known probabilities) to obtain a specified level of each goal. The considered criteria are divided into two groups. The first group consists of financial criteria, the second one, of qualitative criteria, representing the degree to which the projects contribute to reaching strategic goals. We propose a two-phase procedure for identifying the strategy that should be implemented by a decision maker. Our technique combines multiobjective dynamic programming and interactive approach. First, efficient strategies are identified using Bellman's principle of optimality adapted to the multiobjective problem. Next, a dialog procedure is applied to identify the solution that satisfies the decision maker. A numerical example is presented to show the applicability of the procedure.
The following article describes topic of spatial policy in the field of issuing development orders in selected municipalities attractive for tourism. Such elements together with accompanying natural areas may determine their market value. Due to that it may be problematic for municipalities budgets to pass majority of spatial development plans. The aim of this article is to verify which place in municipal spatial management is occupied by development order, which as instrument effectively replaces local plans.
W artykule dokonano charakterystyki polityki przestrzennej w zakresie wydawania decyzji o warunkach zabudowy i zagospodarowania terenu w wybranych gminach atrakcyjnych pod względem turystycznie. Atrakcyjność przyrodnicza i turystyczna terenów położonychw gminie może determinować ich wartość rynkową. W związku z powyższym problematycznym zagadnieniem dla budżetu gmin okazać się może uchwalanie w znaczącym zakresie miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Celem artykułu jest zweryfikowanie, jakie miejsce w procesie zarządzania przestrzenią gminy zajmuje instrument zastępujący plany miejscowe, czyli właśnie decyzja o warunkach zabudowy i zagospodarowania terenu.
This paper describes the range of project scheduling problems in multi-criterial background. The need of formulation of time planning issues according to multiple criteria was justified in the first chapter. Then, different approaches of defining such problems were indicated and methods for solving were proposed. The particular attention was focused on goal programming and interactive approaches. Proposed models were illustrated with numerical examples.
W pracy przedstawiono problematykę harmonogramowania projektów w ujęciu wielokryterialnym. Uzasadniono potrzebę formułowania problemów związanych z planowaniem czasu w projekcie z uwzględnieniem wielu kryteriów. Wskazano także różne sposoby definiowania takich problemów decyzyjnych oraz zaproponowano metody ich rozwiązywania. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono programowaniu celowemu oraz podejściu interaktywnemu. Zaproponowane modele zostały zilustrowane przykładami liczbowymi.
An important part of the innovation management is to select the best new product project from the preliminary large set of potential alternatives. This problem is broadly discussed in the extant literature. Although the qualitative approaches dominate in literature, there are few examples of more formal decision procedures based on multiple criteria analysis. This article brings an example of interactive procedure that can help decision making in the new product development. As to the authors knowledge, such approach has not been proposed so far to the problem of selecting new product. The interactive procedure gives to the DM an opportunity to actively participate in the whole process and observe its development. During the procedure, the DM can disclose his preferences and values of trade-offs. This kind of assessment of differences in importance of criteria is assumed as more reliable then the direct assessment of weights.
The article offers information on the interactive approach for project portfolio management. It informs that improper selection of projects and their improper formulation limits the growth potential of the organization and undermines its competitive advantage. It discusses topics including consideration of multiple goals during portfolio selection, the methodology for choosing right project, and analytical hierarchy process for prioritizing projects.
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