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The article investigates the determination of human action by cognitive normative structures grounded in culture. Descriptive and normative approaches to the definition of culture are compared. The author proposes to apply the notion of ideal element, developed in logics and semantics, to the analysis of social action. Ideal elements do not have any immediate correlates in empirical reality. They contain loose assumptions and idealizations that contribute to the development of language and theory. Among the ideal elements of the heritage of the European civilization, the author distinguishes the idea of the person or 'legal personality', which also includes the concepts of the agent and the bearer of free citizenship. The article investigates ancient roots of this idea related to the notion of persona. A tension in Roman culture is stated between the personalist paradigm of the 'soul-image-name' and its background in archaic moral and legal beliefs.
The author makes an attempt to discuss the philosophical thought of the Soviet period in the context of European civilization's achievements. Philosophy, as well as all of humanitarian disciplines, has been turned into a kind of theology guided by the sacralized texts of 'Marxist classics' and obliged to create a specific bureaucratic language culture. But if we talk over the philosophical culture of the country named the USSR, we can't boil it down to the mere official dogmatic. Although the philosophical heritage of the pre-revolution Russia has been abandoned off, something of its sedimentations remained inextirpable. The impacts generated by positive sciences, as well as the need to humanize the very ideology moved the philosophical mind of Soviet society to search for the new decisions. Now, referring to the most brilliant thinkers of our common Soviet fatherland, we find out not only deep and non-standard ideas, but also the possibility of dialogue, and the continuity of tradition.
The article deals with relation between the agenda of analytic philosophy and humanities. The author investigates the appeal of analytic philosophy appeal to psychological dimensions of a human being, to issues of mentality and to analysis of moral norms is considered. The problem is articulated of the relation between extensional evaluation of the action in terms of conformity with consequences and intensional evaluation of the action in terms of conformity with norms. It is stated that this problem requires analysis of the underlying deep semantics of the social norms of behavior. The descriptive nature of Kant’s conception of the value of moral act is investigated. Analytical interpretations of the concepts of freedom, responsibility, law, justice, and solidarity are considered. The author makes a conclusion that the potential of contemporary analytic philosophy can be used for resolving problems of contemporary human science.
The author concentrates attention on the terms to be and to have as language phenomena and searches for such a definition which had the strict logical sense beyond the ethical and philosophical niceties. In this connection semantics of political judgments proposed by Vincent Descombes is of great interest. The appeal to semantics of natural language and creation of new methods of estimation and measuring for communication systems, for which cognitive estimations are not relevant, makes us to reconsider the character of notions specification in formalized systems. Comprehension of difference between to be and to have in the context of semantics of natural language brings us to fundamental changes in language consciousness — the transition from active language system to nominative one. Formation of language ways of special imagination of to have in collective consciousness, which is reflected in the subject-object opposition, evidences for the essential step in development of cognitive abilities of a man compared with the situation of to be.
У самій постановці питання «бути чи мати?» чуємо моральну, ба навіть моралізаторську конотацію: «мати» нерідко розглядається як вираз спустошеності власницького прагнення і протистоїть «бути» як справжності, як повноті та внутрішньому багатству особистості. Заклик давньогрецького поета Піндара «Будь тим, ким ти є!» радше сприймався як вираження консервативних орієнтацій (рос. «каждый сверчок знай свой шесток»), однак буття як розгортання того, чим індивід є, як розкриття здібностей і можливостей особистості, як смисл життя — одна з парадигм європейського розуміння свободи («свобода для»). Зрештою, мають місце також виправдання філософії «мати» як філософії здорового індивідуалізму, як засобів завоювання «свободи від…» або як пошуків балансу обох полюсів протилежності. В історії радянської визвольної думки абстрактні дискусії навколо проблеми свободи мали величезне значення: варто згадати блискучу книгу Юрія Давидова «Праця і свобода».
The editorial board of “Filosofska dumka” has initiated the performance of round-table sittings dedicated to the problems of “memory places”. The round-table sittings were performed in the context of the momentous event — the 100th anniversary of legendary House of Maximilian Voloshin in Koktebel. The first round-table sitting was held in Koktebel at the 17th Voloshin’s readings and in the framework of exposition of M. Voloshin’s Memorial House in the National Arts Museum of Ukraine. The theme of memory is one of the major ones in the socio-philosophical discourse. One cannot imagine the self-organization of cultural reality without this phenomenon. The researchers’ consideration for mechanisms, role, contradictions and other aspects of memory in the culture and sociality is minimal. The arrangements were aimed at the activation of philosophical interest in the theme of memory and at realization of the attempt of its theoretical structuring. The round-table work materials have a purpose to clear the sense and place of “memory places” in the system of culture.
Редколеґія «Філософської думки» зініціювала проведення цього року двох круглих столів, присвячених проблематиці місць пам’яті. Тема пам’яті є однією з чільних у соціально-філософському дискурсі. Самоорганізацію культурної реальності неможливо уявити без цього феномену. Разом із тим дослідницька увага до механізмів, ролі, суперечностей та інших аспектів пам’яті в культурі та соціальності є мінімальною. Нашою метою було активізувати філософський інтерес до теми пам’яті та здійснити спробу її теоретичного структурування.
Essential changes in the public space of philosophical discourse make the basic subject of the round table. In particular, the thought is emphasized that social networks, being a virtual phenomenon of simulacrum distribution, do not turn into the factor of democratization but only become a tool of communication strategies. Hence the question arises about democracy institutionalization. The contemporary European institutions function on the basis of consensus of regulations and dis-sensus of peoples, contradiction between political behavior and civil participation. Poor formulation of problems, excessive specialization, taboo for negative, conditions of excessive intellectual consumption and representation crisis — all that arises as a sum of epiphenomena and as a threat to modern democracy.
Олів’є Монжен — французький письменник-есеїст, філософ, соціолог, починаючи з 1988 року керівник ле- гендарного часопису «Esprit», відомий видавець, віцепре зидент Синдикату культурної і наукової преси Франції, кавалер ордена Почесного леґіону. Українською мовою було видано його книгу «Виклики скептицизму. Зміни інтелектуального пейзажу Франції» (Дух і Літера, 2011). У травні 2013 року в рамках III Міжнародного фестивалю «Книжковий Арсенал» було презентовано книгу Олів’є Монжена «Виклики скептицизму». Саме тоді за ініціативою Інституту філософії НАНУ і часопису «Філософська думка» відбулася зустріч Олів'є Монжена з українськими філософами, яка увінчалася яскравою дискусією. Говорили про ґлобалізацію і загальнокультурні журнали, про історичну пам'ять і роль майданів, про Сократа і Тимоті Снайдера.
The round-table sitting dedicated to the Russian-Ukrainian war took place on October 24, 2014. The question was, in particular, of its cultural and historical factors and peculiarities of the conflict of consciousnesses in the course of Ukraine-Russia opposition. The participants have analyzed the phenomenon of the hybrid war as anomia, outlined a rational system of ensuring national security. There have been represented the original interpretation of the war discourse and euphemisation of political leaders’ language as the reduction of truth. The myth of the “Russian world” was considered as the basis of mobilization strategies of the aggressor and cognitive structure of its strategic culture. The correlation between philosophic traditions and the method of fighting the war have been outlined.
Від редакції: В інтелектуальному житті України сталася неабияка подія: філософи та інші представники української інтеліґенції стали учасниками та свідками нагородження перших лауреатів щойно заснованих всеукраїнських Премій з філософії 1. Сталося це в день проведення Філософських читань «Філософія і суспільство: минуле й сучасне», присвячених 90-річчю Марії Злотіної — однієї із засновниць Київської філософської школи (про лауреатів премій і відзначені праці ми повідомили в попередньому числі нашого часопису 2).
The problem of the society choice of the prospects of its existence, possibilities and limits of this choice, real alternatives and preconditions of their realization - these are the necessary subjects of the socio-philosophic reflexion. A common meeting of Scientific councils of the Institute of Philosophy and Institute of Sociology of NAS of Ukraine, devoted to this subject, was held in terms of the 'round table'. A draft report of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, concerning the priorities of the state policy, became a subject of the discussion, especially urgent in the light of current changes in the state power of the country. The reports of the 'round table' participants were dedicated, on the one hand, to the problems in constructing the Ukrainian model of society development on the rational principles and, on the other hand, to the society dialogue with authorities, as well as the place of the special social knowledge in this dialogue about the partake of sciences, and philosophy in particular, in legitimation of the authorities' decisions, about the public use of intellect in Ukraine and about the surprise and shame regarding this items, and thus, about responsibility of everybody concerned in the approval of socially significant decisions and, in a broader sense, about the responsibility of the personal choice.
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