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The geopolitics concentrates on aims to strengthen and weaken the position of centers of power. After the collapse of the Soviet Union a major center of global became United States. Washington controls all shipping routes, including the Far East. China, as an emerging new global center of power, is ensuring the security of supply of goods, but especially alternative energy routes, bypassing the straits above. A slightly different problem is Central Asia, which was a perennial area of influence of Russia. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, bringing together China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, was established as a part of strengthening of the anti-American attitudes in Central Asia. China wants to return to the role of the global center power. The way forward is building connections of 17 countries’ railways for trains running at a speed of 350 km/h. The two networks are going to combine China and Europe – ultimately with stations in London and Berlin, and the third to Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Malaysia and Singapore. Building a new “Silk Road” China affects the Russian traditional sphere of influence in Central Asia, which could threaten the Russian economy. Changing the balance of power between USA and China is likely to transform the international order.
Prowadzenie polityki regionalnej zarówno w skali Unii Europejskiej, jak i krajowej wymaga posiadania jednolitego systemu informacji o regionach. Jednak każde państwo posiada swoją specyficzną organizację terytorialną, w ramach której funkcjonują określone jednostki podziału administracyjnego. Na potrzeby Unii Europejskiej niezbędny jest jednak uniwersalny system, w który mogą się wpisać wszyscy członkowie Wspólnoty. Systemem tym jest hierarchiczna, pięciopoziomowa klasyfikacja jednostek statystycznych NUTS (Nomenklature of Terytoria Units for Statistics). Stosuje się ją w procesie gromadzenia informacji, prowadzenia badań statystycznych i udostępniania ich wyników w przekrojach przestrzennych. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę zróżnicowania rozwoju polskich regionów i jego wpływ na wielkość pozyskania funduszy unijnych.
Conducting the regional policy both in the scale of the European Union, as well as domestic requires having the uniform information system about regions. However every state has one's peculiar organizations territorial, in frames which described individuals of the administrative division are functional for. For the purposes of the European Union however a universal system which all members of Bond can become part of is essential. He is this system hierarchical, five levels ranking of statistical NUTS individuals (Nomenklature of Units Territories for Statistics). It is applied in the process of the newsgathering, conducting statistical surveys and making their results available in spatial diameters. In the article analysis of diversifying the development of Polish regions and his influence on the size of raising EU funds were conducted.
The content of article includes the retrospection and perspective concerning with realization geopolitical conceptions, through a chosen centres of power over a span of many yaears. In the introduction part were presented the sections of geopolitical research and the concept of geopolitical code. In the main part of the article, contenting the geopolicy yesterday and nowadays, were characterized the geopolitical leaders' changes from Middle Ages till now. It was showned the competition between: Portuguese-Spanish-English, English- French-German and American-Russian. In final relating with "gepolicy in the future” were described world changes , especially the increasing role of China. It was turned attention on this state action in international arena, mainly on African continent and in Central Asia. The conception of creating a Eurasia as a centr of power, was appeared relating with conception of the Pax Atlantica and Pax Sinica.
analiz dotyczących bezpieczeństwa. Dotyczy to wszystkich podmiotów geopolitycznych ze szczególnym wyróżnieniem mocarstw globalnych, którymi obecnie są zarówno Stany Zjednoczone jak i Chiny. Te dwa mocarstwa kształtują stosunki międzynarodowe w świecie wg własnych interesów, przy czym ich cele w realizacji tej polityki mogą być zbieżne lub przeciwstawne. W pracy niniejszej przedstawiono realizację geopolityki przez Stany Zjednoczone, która jest ukierunkowana na utrzymanie dominującej pozycji w świecie, w tym m.in. kontrolowanie szlaków transportowych w newralgicznych punktach globu ziemskiego. Chiny natomiast dążą do zapewnienia sobie swobody działania na wszystkich kontynentach, by w ten sposób zdobyć przewagę gospodarczą (co już się udało) oraz militarną. Obydwa mocarstwa mają ściśle sprecyzowane koncepcje geoekonomiczne i geostrategiczne. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje realizowany przez Chiny projekt „Jeden Pas Jedna Droga”. Uczestniczy w nim India, jednak niezależnie od tego realizuje ona inny program, który jest przedmiotem zainteresowania Japonii i Stanów Zjednoczonych, a także Chin
he state as a subject of geopolitical research is a very interesting area of security analysis. This applies to all geopolitical entities with particular distinction of global powers, which are currently both the United States and China. These global powers are now shaping international relations in the world according to their own interests, but their goals in implementing this policy may be convergent or contradictory. This paper presents the implementation of geopolitics by the United States, which is aimed at maintaining the dominant position in the world, including exercising control of transport routes at critical points of the globe. China, on the other hand, operates in a similar way, because this power strives to ensure the freedom of action on all continents, in order to gain an economic advantage (which has already succeeded) and military advantage over the United States. Both powers have strictly defined geoeconomic and geostrategic concepts which they are trying to implement. Particularly noteworthy is the „One Belt, One Road” project, implemented by China, covering the entire area of Europe and Asia. India also participates in this project, but independently, they implement another program that shows to be of interest to Japan and the United States as well as to China.
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