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The establishment of the Commission of National Education initiated a process of profound changes in Polish education, including both organisational structures and teaching programmes. One of the first tasks faced by the new educational authority was the creation of a school system covering the successive stages of education from primary schools to universities. The new structures were to be headed by universities, exercising control over lower-level education. The existing universities in Kraków and Vilnius differed significantly from their modern European counterparts, so the Commission initially wanted to establish new ones. In the course of discussions and at the request of representatives of the Kraków Academy, decisions were made to reform both universities. The reform of the Kraków Academy was undertaken by her student, Hugo Kołłątaj, who learned the current trends in the development of European universities during his studies abroad. The reformed university, which was now called the Crown Main School, consisted of the College of Morality, with schools of theology, law and literature, and the College of Physics, with schools of mathematics, physics and medicine. The Seminary for Candidates for the Academic Estate was launched at the university, in which future teachers were educated. In departure from the medieval rules, the method of hiring and promoting lecturers was also changed. The university was to be a research and teaching institution with a comprehensive range of education opportunities. While modern knowledge, especially in the field of natural sciences, was to be applied in everyday life in order to contribute to raising the economic level of the country, the development of the social sciences and the humanities was aimed at shaping a new model of the Pole, a patriot and citizen.
Aim: Drawing attention to the role of teachers’ organizations in educating young people outside school. Methods: An analysis of press articles and source materials concerning the activities of Galician teachers’ trade unions. Results: Selected forms of organizing extracurricular education by teachers’ organizations were discussed. Conclusions: Teachers’ unions actively participated in the organization of extracurricular education for students, putting great emphasis on developing patriotic and national feelings.
Old Polish family was threatened with violence and lawlessness on a scale unimaginable to modern man. On the one hand, these threats were the result of constant wars that carried conflagration, looting and the specter of slavery. On the other hand, specific understanding of justice by the nobility and assertion of their rights using military measures against their neighbors were the reason the wars were sometimes more violent and onerous than armed conflict. Old Polish family was also destroyed from the inside, usually through violence from the father, who in a patriarchal model had unlimited power, which was often abused in cruel and ruthless way. The only remedy was the law, but Old Polish system of justice lacked effective enforcement of the sentence, which gave the criminals a sense of impunity and the victims – despair and helplessness.
odzina staropolska zagrożona była przemocą i bezprawiem na skalę niewyobrażalną dla współczesnego człowieka. Z jednej strony zagrożenia te były skutkiem nieustannie toczonych wojen, które niosły pożogę, grabieże i widmo niewoli. Z drugiej strony swoiste pojmowanie sprawiedliwości przez szlachtę i dochodzenie własnych racji na drodze zbrojnej, były powodem sąsiedzkich wojen, które czasami były bardziej brutalne i uciążliwe niż konflikty zbrojne. Rodzina staropolska niszczona była także od wewnątrz, najczęściej poprzez przemoc ze strony ojca, który w patriarchalnym modelu miał nieograniczoną władzę, której często nadużywał w sposób okrutny i bezwzględny. Jedynym środkiem zaradczym miało być prawo, jednak staropolski wymiar sprawiedliwości był pozbawiony skutecznej egzekucji wyroku, co dawało przestępcom poczucie bezkarności a poszkodowanym zwątpienie i bezradność.
Poradniki gospodarskie były jednym z najpopularniejszych i najczęściej czytanych gatunków literackich wśród szlachty XVI i XVII wieku. Były chętnie czytane nie tylko ze względu na praktyczne informacje dotyczące prowadzenia gospodarstwa domowego, ale zawierały także wskazówki jak postępować, aby osiągnąć spełnienie. Literatura agronomiczna promowała aktywny tryb życia oraz zgodną współpracę pomiędzy mężem i żoną, a także zachęcała do pomnażania majątku, przy jednoczesnym dbaniu o dobro wspólne. Podkreślano, że szczęście i dobrobyt każdej rodziny wpływają na dobrobyt całej Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Literatura tego rodzaju promowała specyficzny typ małżeństwa, w którym obydwoje małżonków mają jasno określone role w odniesieniu do Boga, siebie, swoich dzieci, swoich sąsiadów i swojej ojczyzny.
The household guides were one of the most popular and widely read literary genre among the nobles in the 16th and the 17th century. They were willingly read not only due to the practical information on how to run a household, but they also included guidelines on how to proceed in order to achieve completeness. Agronomic literature promoted active way of living and consistent cooperation between the husband and the wife, and encouraged them to multiply their property, at the same time aiming at common good. It was emphasized that happiness and prosperity of each family influence the welfare of the Polish Republic as a whole. This kind of literature promoted a specific type of matrimony where both spouses had clearly specified assignments in the view of God, of each other, their children, their neighbours, and their homeland.
In an Old Polish period a family house had a very significant role in education and military preparation. Due to lack of military schools it was the only source of patriotic and military education. The atmosphere of constant thread evoked by ceasless wars caused that the youth was prepared to defence and military service sińce the earliest years. Patriotic and defensive education was supervised by father and appointed tutors. It was shaped also by the traditios of the noble house, interior decoration and fumishings, as well as specially prepared and selected military playthings and games. A father was a first person who introduced a son into the depths of military art.
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