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Extolling of God takes primate place among religiousness forms, as wit-nessed the Book of Psalms and Tobias’s Book in which prayer anthem let to get into the world of “prayer reminiscences”, extracting from it understated but suggested affinity of thoughts in the “biblical world”. The characteristic for this Tobias’s prayer is worshipping of God in the background of the dispersion which is not a kind of cult celebration but is connected with some value system of all Jewish community during the period of aQer exile and also reality of Jerusalem in its eschatological dimension outlined in Ezekiel’s temple vision and in apocalypse of Deutroizaiah. His anthem’s reminiscences in other biblical books let to enlarge Tobias’s “back-ground”, presented in his deutro-canonical book, to other prayer forms and extract from them new semantic dimensions, which with their meaning and “telling” nar-ration join in historical narration saving activity of God.
Studia Bobolanum
vol. 29
issue 2
The author gives a brief analysis of the Greek text of the sixth request of The Lord’s Prayer, whose Latin translation from the Greek original “… ne ne nos inducas in tentationem” into modern languages – “… and lead us not into temptation” – in a waydescribes God as the tempter and therefore the cause of the falls of the human being. As early as in the first centuries A.D. attention was drawn to the Latin meaning of this request, raising doubts about its proper translation, and this problem in recent years has been the subject of many attempts to solve, especially after the proposal of Pope Francis, to finally make the desired correction. The article indicates the possibility of applying different meanings in two key terms: eispherein – translated inaccurately by ”lead, introduce”, and peirasmos – ”temptation”, postulating a more understandable equivalent of trial ”test”, already used in many translations, and giving the opportunity to explain this historical inaccuracies Sitz im Leben, where the prayer of the Our Father is positioned.
Autor podaje krótką analizę greckiego tekstu szóstej prośby Modlitwy Pańskiej, której łacińskie tłumaczenie z oryginału greckiego „…et ne nos inducas in tentationem” na języki nowożytne – np. polski: „…i nie wódź nas na pokuszenie” – niejakoprzedstawia Boga jako sprawcę pokus, a więc i upadków człowieka. Już w pierwszych wiekach zwracano uwagę na łacińskie brzmienie tej prośby, powodujące wątpliwości co do właściwego jej przekładu, a problem ten w ostatnich latach stał się przedmiotem wielu prób rozwiązania, zwłaszcza po propozycji papieża Franciszka, by w końcu dokonać oczekiwanej poprawki. Artykuł ten wskazuje na możliwości zastosowa- nia odmiennych znaczeń w dwóch kluczowych terminach: eispherein – tłumaczone niedokładnie przez „wodzić”, „wprowadzać”, oraz peirasmos – „pokusa”, postulując bardziej zrozumiały odpowiednik „próba”, już stosowany w wielu przekładach, oraz podając możliwość wytłumaczenia owej nieścisłości historycznym Sitz im Leben, w jakim tkwi modlitwa Ojcze Nasz.
Studia Bobolanum
vol. 30
issue 2
The article discusses the most important feature of the mysticism of St. Faustyna Kowalska in the context of the Trinitarian mysticism. The author’s intention is to propose to the reader an active participation in experiencing the mystery of the Holy Trinity in a life united with the person of the Son of God who has revealed the first and the most important attribute of God – His Mercy in the dimension of the Merciful Trinity. In mystical literature, the title of God as One in Trinity, appears for the first time in the Diary of St. Faustyna Kowalska, in many innovative wordings. The formulations of the mystic described, include descriptions of the vision of the Holy Trinity, as well as her personal thoughts, most often appearing inseparably, as a single conjunction of mystical reality.
Artykuł omawia najważniejszą cechę mistycyzmu św. Faustyny Kowalskiej w wymiarze mistyki trynitarnej. Intencją autora jest zaproponowanie czytelnikowi czynnego uczestnictwa w przeżywaniu tajemnicy Trójcy Przenajświętszej w życiu zespolonym z Osobą Syna Bożego ujawniającą pierwszy i najważniejszy przymiot Boga – Jego miłosierdzie, w wymiarze Trójcy Miłosiernej. W piśmiennictwie mistyków tytuł Boga w Trójcy Jedynego pojawia się po raz pierwszy w Dzienniczku św. Faustyny Kowalskiej, w wielu nowatorskich sformułowaniach. Sformułowania opisywanej mistyczki obejmują opisy wizji Trójcy Przenajświętszej, jak i jej osobiste przemyślenia, najczęściej występujące nierozdzielnie, jako jeden splot mistycznej rzeczywistości.
The purpose of the article is to present the basic axiological issues of resocialization contexts. The method used is: material development and critical edition. Rehabilitation is an unprecedented process in society, because it not only allows for maintaining a specific balance between adjusted and socially maladjusted persons, but also hinders the total destruction of a human being that can cause a long stay in a penitentiary institution. The proces of resocialisation is undoubtedly a hope that the system of justice is not only a soulless tool directed at socially maladjusted individuals, but it will also shape appropriate scales of values and norms in these people.
Zadaniem artykułu jest przedstawienie zasadniczych zagadnień aksjologicznych kontekstów wychowania resocjalizacyjnego. Zastosowaną metodą jest opracowanie materiałów oraz edycja krytyczna. Przedmiotem niniejszej publikacji jest próba analizy ogólnie pojętych zagadnień aksjologicznych w kontekście procesu wychowania resocjalizacyjnego, zagadnień zdaniem autora wiodących, wymagających wyjaśnienia, aby czytelnik mógł odnaleźć propozycje ich rozwiązania lub też samodzielnie mógł odkrywać nowe możliwości i konstruować własne kategorie opisu i analizy złożonych współczesnych kwestii wychowawczych oraz stawiać własne pytania i twórczo poszukiwać dróg odpowiedzi, przy okazji przekraczając ograniczenia i bariery.
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Zamieszkanie Słowa Wcielonego

The author’s views are founded on the thesis that the Prologue to theFourth Gospel is based on an early Christian hymn from the second part ofthe 1st century, originating in the diaspora, interwoven with additions thatconnect it with the whole Gospel.
Convicted of dangerous (status “N”): 1) Subjective criteria. The embedded person is identified as a “N”, whose behawior at the offence, personal conditions, the type and size of the negative consequences of crime, motivations, the way of proceeding during the stay in prison, the degree of demoralization carry important social threat or serious danger to the plant. 2) Subject criteria, referring to the type of crime committed by the embedded person (crime with particular cruelty or use of firearms). The list of offenses is open. The status “N” can also be obtained for especially reprehensible behavior during previous imprisonment. The list of offenses is closed (he was the perpetrator of rape, grievous bodily harm, or abused inmates).
The article “Religious Attitudes of Imprisoned People” explains in the introduction the term of attitude in an emotional and cognitive aspect, as well as the term of religion in the subject and object meaning. The term of religion has various understandings in the literature of the subject: from the existential one of Fromm, through the life philosophy in Allport and religion as a mental condition in Maslow, to the division of religion in the modern psychology into an external, internal and personal one. Next, there is an analysis of the term of attitude as the relation of an object to a subject, and of the influence of lifestyle and environment on the attitude. The author describes the attitudes of imprisoned people in the years 2003 and 2004, defining the role of various “senders” influencing the formation of such attitudes. The conclusions suggest that prisoners’ characteristic attitude is a traditional one, and their religiousness is external, realized in the need for security and a social position.
The author of the article has a longstanding experience as a prison chaplain. He carried out extensive studies among a huge group of prisoners. Those studies were conducted for prison chaplain’s tasks, aimed at rehabilitation of prisoners and strongly connected with stigmatization and destigmatization of people from penitentiary. The problem’s analisys is based also on the studies on the literature and source materials, which contains also formal and legal documents, but primarily on the own observa tion caused by own participation in the whole process. Likewise, it were used some experiences of people who were related to penitentiary system. That if jailed people come back to criminal world, start to live honestly with social rules practically depends on the rehabilitation and penitentiary help. Feedback and beliefs of those people let us to know if chaplains fulfill assumed functions.
This article is an attempt to place an individual committing suicide into a scientific framework and to put the problem into medical terms. However, it seems that suicide is a social issue, and needs to be addressed as a social pathology. Suicide is the most common cause of death in penal institutions and that is the reason why the main task of the prison staff is prevention by means of learning to recognize individuals and situations that pose such danger and carrying out effective interventions. The article presents the result of research into factors that increase the likelihood of suicide with a verification of a high-risk groups. The research indicates that the incarcerated as a group have a much higher suicide rate in comparison to those who enjoy freedom. Another important point for consideration is the existence of a policy and procedures of identification of prisoners who are prone to commit suicide, with the inclusion of rules of conduct in such cases in a penal institution or the lack of thereof. What is more, the discussion on the issues connected with suicide prevention should be preceded by a study of the profile of the suicides themselves, which would greatly improve the chance of diminishing their numbers. The importance of this article lies in indicating research of personality traits of individuals prone to suicide and of a method of preventing suicide among the incarcerated.
Życie ludzkie jest najwyższą wartością w hierarchii dóbr chronionych prawem, zarówno z perspektywy pojedynczego człowieka, jak i całego społeczeństwa, a równocześnie stanowi warunek skorzystania z innych dóbr. Dla jego ochrony nie powinny mieć znaczenia obowiązujący system prawny, religijny, wyznawany światopogląd czy możliwe różnice kulturowe, gdyż prawo do życia przysługuje każdej istocie ludzkiej (nawet przestępcy) z samego faktu bycia człowiekiem. Życie stanowi bowiem jedyne, niepowtarzalne i nieodtwarzalne dobro człowieka. Bez życia nie możemy mówić o człowieku, a bez człowieka wszystko, co ma ludzki charakter, traci sens na zasadzie contradicto in adiecto. Każda istota ludzka ma przyrodzone prawo do życia. Prawo to powinna ochraniać ustawa. Nikt nie może być arbitralnie pozbawiony życia.
Human life is the highest value in the hierarchy of goods protected by law, both from the perspective of an individual and the whole society, and at the same time it is a condition for taking advantage of other goods. For his protection, the legal, religious, worldviews and possible cultural differences should not be valid, because the right to life is vested in every human being (even criminals) of the very fact of being a human being. Life is the only, unique and unfeasible good of man. Without life, we can not talk about a human being, and without a human being, everything that has a human character loses meaning on the principle of contradicto in adiecto. Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right should protect the law. Nobody can be arbitrarily deprived of life.
W kręgu kultury zachodniej zagadnienie stosowania (retencjoniści) lub odrzucenia (abolicjoniści) kary śmierci jest obecnie dyskutowane nie tylko przez prawników, etyków, filozofów prawa, teologów, ale również przez polityków, dziennikarzy i najzwyklejszych obywateli. Problem ten jest naprawdę złożony i trudny. Kara śmierci jest najsurowszą i najstarszą karą legalnie lub nielegalnie stosowaną prawie we wszystkich kulturach świata tak w starożytności jak również współcześnie. Kara śmierci jest ze swej istoty nieodwracalna, wyrządzona skazanemu krzywda jest niemożliwa do naprawienia. Stosunek do kary śmierci na długie stulecia wytyczyła nauka św. Tomasza z Akwinu. Pan Bóg, karząc zabójcę brata, chroni go przed ludźmi, którzy chcieliby go zabić. „Nawet zabójca nie traci swej osobowej godności i Bóg sam czyni się jej gwarantem”. Podejście teologiczne do kary śmierci jest oparte na przekonaniu o świętości życia każdego człowieka, z czego wynika zasada jego nienaruszalności. „Życie człowieka pochodzi od Boga, jest Jego darem, Jego obrazem i odbiciem, udziałem w Jego ożywczym tchnieniu. Dlatego Bóg jest jedynym Panem tego życia, człowiek nie może nim rozporządzać [...]”. Podejście do kary śmierci Kościoła Katolickiego posiada cechy personalistyczne, umożliwiające nawet zbrodniarzowi możliwość resocjalizacji. Uważa zatem, że kiedy osoba będzie traktowana jako twórca samej siebie, będzie chciała się zmienić.
Punishment is a stimulus and help to improve and remuneration for guilt – John Paul II. In the field of Western culture, the issue of use (retention) or rejection (abolitionists) of the death penalty is now discussed not only by lawyers, ethicists, philosophers of law, theologians, but also by politicians, journalists and ordinary citizens. The problem is really complex and difficult. The death penalty is the harshest and oldest punishment legally or illegally used in almost all cultures of the world both in antiquity and today. The death penalty is, by its nature, irreversible, the harm done to the convict is impossible to repair. The relationship with the death penalty for long centuries was determined by Saint Thomas Aquinas. God, punishing his brother’s murderer, protects him against people who would kill him. “Even the killer does not lose his personal dignity and God makes himself its guarantor.” The theological approach to the death penalty is based on the conviction of the sanctity of life of every human being, which results in the principle of its inviolability. “Man’s life comes from God, is his gift, his image and reflection, participation in his refreshing breath. That is why God is the only Lord of this life, man cannot dispose of it [...]” . The approach to the death penalty of the Catholic Church has personalistic features that allow even the criminal to rehabilitate. Therefore, he believes that when a person is treated as the creator of himself, he will want to change.
In the ongoing struggle of resocialisation pedagogy for its greater effectiveness, an important place is occupied by research and programmes on the use of various forms of cultural activity (meetings with culture and art) and artistic creation for social rehabilitation purposes. These activities perfectly fit into the interdisciplinary character of rehabilitation itself. In practice, many such projects are currently being implemented in Poland, including correctional facilities, juvenile shelters, and penitentiary units. Moreover, it is noteworthy that Polish rehabilitation can boast significant achievements in this field. The author suggests the existence of the undoubted influence of the background culture and mass culture on the effectiveness of rehabilitation. The tasks undertaken by social rehabilitation pedagogues and people involved in the re-use of different types of cultural engineering should consider the influence and the image of contemporary Western culture affected by the crisis of values. Presented concepts of resocialisation through cultural activity and artistic creation testify to a truly humanistic search for remedial shaping of socially maladjusted people and show an important current in contemporary resocialisation.
Personalism is giving the event a personal character, directed at the upbringing of a person, and resocialization is a transformation of that person, directed towards freedom, performing social roles, by striving for autonomous and free decision-making. In order to identify the essence of human work in a personalistic area, there is a need to pay special attention to the subject of the problem, which is man, his humanity, a way of understanding reality and the whole world. The essence of work should have a “human face”, work should be satisfying for convicts. The main goal of the research is to learn about the possibility of using work in the social rehabilitation process of convicted women, learning the personalistic dimension of the impact of this work on social rehabilitation.
Personalizm to nadanie zdarzeniu charakteru osobistego, skierowanego na wychowanie osoby, a resocjalizacja to przemiana tej osoby, skierowana w stronę wolności, pełnienia ról społecznych poprzez dążenie do autonomicznego i wolnego decydowania. Zamierzając zidentyfikować w personalistycznym obszarze istotę pracy ludzkiej istnieje potrzeba zwrócenia szczególnej uwagi na podmiot problemu, którym jest człowiek, jego człowieczeństwo, sposób na pojmowanie rzeczywistości i całego świata. Istota pracy powinna posiadać „ludzkie oblicze”, praca powinna być dla skazanych satysfakcjonującą. Zasadniczym celem badań było poznanie możliwości zastosowania pracy w procesie resocjalizacyjnym skazanych kobiet, ukazując personalistyczny wymiar wpływu tej pracy na resocjalizację.
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