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W artykule analizie poddano jednostki leksykalne wiązane z polem NEKROMANCJA. Pojęcie to bardzo dobrze poświadczone zostało w dawnej XV-/XVII-wiecznej polszczyźnie. Badaną kategorię reprezentowały bowiem zarówno jednostki o znaczeniu ogólnym, wiązane z białą lub z czarną magią (tj. np. czary, czarnoksięstwo, gusła), jak i zapomniane już wyrazy o znaczeniu odnoszącym się wyłącznie do przywoływania duchów w celu uzyskania wiedzy o przyszłości (tj. nigromancja, nigromancka nauka). Tekst stanowi zatem próbę syntetyzacji tych jednostek leksykalnych. Pokazuje również, jak zawiła była historia pojęcia NEKROMANCJA oraz jakie zmiany o charakterze semantycznym zachodziły w treściach przynależnych do niej elementów.
In the article there is an analysis of lexical units related to the field of NECROMANCY. The appearance of this term in the Polish language of the 15th to the 17th centuries is without doubt confirmed. The category in question was represented by the units both of a general meaning related to white or black magic (i.e., for example czary, czarnoksięstwo, gusła), and the forgotten words referring only to communicating with the dead in order to get some knowledge about the future. The text is an attempt to synthesise those lexical units. It also shows how complicated the history of the term was, and what semantic changes took place in the contents of the elements related to the term.
The article is dedicated to the analysis of three old names of the fourth from among the seven deadly sins – the sin of invidia. These units are characterized by one common feature, it’s etymon in the form of the verb – ’seeing’ referring to the ‘body talk’of a jealous person. The general direction of these analyses was designated as the semasiological method. Stemming from etymology investigated how particular word-forms have taken new meanings, figuring out the character of these changes, movements and the goal which these modificationsserved for. To the end of the 17th century the names zazdrość, zawiść and nienawiść functioned as a group of very familiar synonyms. In the course of time it’s gist changed through semantic modification. As a consequence the name of the sin – invidia formed into the lexeme – jealousy whose contemporary meaning differs hugely from the theological perspective.
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie trzech dawnych nazw czwartego spośród grzechów głównych, grzechu invidia. Jednostki te łączy jedna wspólna cecha, ich etymonem jest czasownik oznaczający ‘widzieć’, nawiązujący do mowy ciała osoby zazdrosnej. Główny kierunek analiz wyznaczano za pomocą metody semazjologicznej. Wychodząc od etymologii, badano, jakimi drogami poszczególne słowoformy nabywały nowych sensów, określano charakter tych przesunięć oraz cel, któremu modyfikacje te służyły.
The article analyzes 15th- and early 20th-century terms for divination and for people able to augur future. The material has been excerpted from all available lexicographic sources. It has been arranged with regard to images, relative to which lexical units are formed. The units oscillate around six thematic fields: (i) throwing the dice; (ii) divination dictated by the awareness of the sorcerer (the witch or the magus); (iii) divination based on visual sensations; (iv) divination based on speech acts; (v) divination based on dreams; (vi) the names of charlatans. The assignment of particular units to these categories is never arbitrary. The analysis reveals an increasing number of expressive names at the end of the 18th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. This probably results from the rising distrust of the magical portends and superstitions prevailing in 18th-century Europe.The predominating method in this study is an examination of contexts in which divination words appeared in the history of the Polish language. The semantic values of the lexemes has been determined on the basis of their use registered in historical dictionaries of Polish.
W artykule poddano analizie nazwy przepowiedni oraz osób umiejących przewidzieć przeszłość, funkcjonujące w polszczyźnie w okresie od XV do początków XX wieku. Zgromadzony ze wszystkich dostępnych źródeł leksykograficznychmateriał uporządkowany został w nawiązaniu do obrazów, które były podstawa dla generowania jednostek leksykalnych. Okazało się, że nazwy te oscylowały wokół sześciu pól: 1. Rzucanie losów; 2. Przepowiednie dyktowane przez podświadomość wróżącego; 3. Przepowiednie oparte na doznaniach wzrokowych; 4. Przepowiednie oparte na nazwie aktu mowy; 5. Przepowiednie oparte na odczytywaniu przyszłości ze snów; 6. Nazwy szarlatanów. Przynależność poszczególnych jednostek do wydzielonych grup nigdy jednak nie była arbitralna.Badania pokazały również, że pod koniec XVIII i na początku XX wieku notowanych jest coraz więcej nazw ekspresywnych. Przyczyna tego zjawiska jest zapewne rosnąca nieufność względem przepowiedni i zabobonów, obserwowana w całej osiemnastowiecznej Europie.Metodą dominującą w niniejszym szkicu jest analiza kontekstów, w których występowały wyrazy należące do pola semantycznego PRZEPOWIEDNIA w historii języka polskiego. Na podstawie poświadczeń użycia danego wyrazu w słownikach rejestrujących polszczyznę dawną wnioskowano o jego wartości znaczeniowej w danym okresie.
Names of dreams in the history of the Polish languageThis article analyzes old names of dreams. During the process of collecting and sorting of the material, etymological data were taken into consideration, which allowed to establish that all the investigated units concentrated around three fields: 1. words with the root: sen/sn-, 2. words with the root: mor-/mar-/marz-, 3. words with the root: widz-. The dominating method in this sketch is the analysis of contexts in which the words within the “dream field” appeared. Considering as evidence the usages of each word recorded in dictionaries of old Polish, I deduce its meaning value in particular periods. Nazwy marzeń sennych w historii języka polskiegoW artykule analizie poddano dawne nazwy marzeń sennych. Podczas porządkowania materiału pod uwagę wzięto dane etymologiczne, które pozwoliły ustalić, że wszystkie badane jednostki koncentrowały się wokół trzech pól: 1. o rdzeniu sen-/śn-; 2. o rdzeniu mor-/mar-/marz-; 3. o rdzeniu widz-. Metodą dominującą w szkicu jest analiza kontekstów, w których występowały wyrazy należące do pola marzenie senne. Na podstawie poświadczeń użycia danego wyrazu w słownikach rejestrujących polszczyznę dawną wnioskuję o jego wartości znaczeniowej w danym okresie.
Język Polski
vol. 95
issue 4
Artykuł powięcony jest sposobom tworzenia ekspresywizmów pochodnych od „chełpić się”, „chwalić się”, „chlubić się”. Materiał liczący pięćdziesiąt siedem słowoform, wyekscerpowany ze wszystkich dostępnych źródeł leksykograficznych rejestrujących słownictwo historyczne, zaprezentowany został w postaci gniazd słowotwórczych. Celem analiz było pokazanie wewnętrznej struktury relacji motywujących pomiędzy centrami gniazd (chełpić się, chwalić się, chlubić się) a grupą wyrazów o różnym stopniu pochodności. W artykule wskazano najważniejsze tendencje słowotwórcze właściwe dla polszczyzny wieków minionych.
The article deals with the varied formations of expressivisms stemming from "chełpić się", "chwalić się", "chlubić się". The written material containing 57 word-forms was excerpted from all available lexicographical sources recording historical vocabulary. It was presented in the form of a word formation nest. The purpose of the analysis was to show the inner structure of interconnectedness and the motivating factors between the centers of nests (chełpić się, chwalić się, chlubić się) and the group of words with a different background. In the article the most important combinatory tendencies typical of the Polish language in previous centuries were indicated.
In the article the fifty lexical units were analysed and attributed to the word family of the noun – cud (miracle). The general scope of the analysis was created by the semasiological method. Stemming from the etymology, upon investigation by which methods the particular wordforms acquired new senses it was characterized by movements and objective, which these modifications served. As it turned out the researched lexical units concentrated around such semantic fields as: WONDER and STRANGENESS. The second category (field) developed not until the 18th century. Earlier the analyzed derivatives implied such words as: ‘beauty’, ‘perfectness’, ‘politeness’, ‘magic’, ‘wizardry’ and ‘fraud’. The life changing events and the developing knowledge caused the eradication of last written material and as it happened nobody correlates the jugglers with the miracle makers.
vol. 35
In this article were considered 46 lexical units derivated from the word -czoło. The above written text (the written material) was arranged in the form of word-creating nest. This composition of the process showed the motivating relation between the centre of the nest and a word-group with a different origin. As was evidenced the analyzed lexemes oscillated around 5 semantic fields which contained the meanings such as: the anatomical substance, the meaning - ‘front’, ‘the humbleness’, ‘the perfection’ and ‘pride’. The assignation of the word to the particular semantic sphere was not arbitrary so far. So we may say that the language is not a continuum (sequence) with consequently manifested rules. In the process of nomination the main point is the creativity of the people.
In the article the lexical units gathered from all history of Polish language were put under investigation belonging to the word family of the noun – paskuda. By using the semasiological method the researched process of how particular formations formed the new semantical senses manifested itself and how eradicated the old ones. The general key of its movings and the purpose were underlined and of these modifications ‘in the better serving’ depicted.As shown the afore-mentioned lexical units comprised with a multitude of senses already by-gone featuring the adultery, the burglary, defamation, gluttony and the cattle disease. At the beginning they seemed stable nevertheless the overuse of them paradoxically caused the eradication of popular meanings. They were not forgotten fully because it’s ‘residua’ were found in folk-slang. The essential figure is hereditary of pre-Slavic senses for instance; ‘something shoddy’, ‘something off’, ‘something repulsive’. Nowadays they function primarily in written material of all lexical family of the noun – paskuda.
In the article there were analyzed etymologically and semantically 37 names of adjectives ‘crafty’ in the Old Polish lexicology. The material was gathered from all available lexicographical sources registering the vocabulary to the end of 19th century.It was evidenced that the formal structures investigated adjectives implied pictures such as: the picture of grasping at something, a picture of efficiency and excellence in particular field, the image of vector of change movement, the picture of phatamorgana, deception of something duplicitous, the figure of something hidden. Moreover the gross of analyzed units found its place in noun-derivation group of actions manifesting – cunningness or created in the ‘noun place’ with figurative sense. The implemented analysis depicted the differences between old Polish and the contemporary Polish language demonstrating itself on the par with lexicology and semantics.
In this article, the author presents the lexical family with piecz-/piek- roots. A pool of 39 lexemes was extracted from all the available lexicographic sources of historical vocabulary and presented in the form of a word-forming cluster. The goal of the analysis was to display the internal structure of the chronological derivation of the core of the cluster, piec się with the group of terms of varying degrees of derivation. The analysis is an attempt at explaining the meaning behind the formations with piecz-/piek-roots. The reconstruction of the cluster leads to a discussion of the observed transformations, as well as identifying the nature of the changes to the meaning of specific units. To a large extent, the semantic modifications discussed contributed to constraints in the meaning. Once the primary meaning had disappeared, Polish language users would gradually become less aware of the word formation of the derivatives. Subsequently, the very large etymological cluster disintegrated.
The purpose of this article was the semantic analysis of the eight names of the sadness: smutek (smętek), ckliwość, tęskność, tęsknota, tęskliwość, żal, żałość, żal, żalość i żaloba. The composite written material gathered from all available leksicographical sources encompassed the texts starting from the XIV century. It seemed that the meanings and features of the investigated lexems diametrically differed from the contemporary state of things. Those written things featured and characterized themselves on the basis of the numerous sacral texts and it’s assured that the primal essence of those was enveloped with the category of peccata capitalia. We can notice the residua – in the context it’s the religious thinking corresponding with the old polish language – that were long. At the begining of the “young–polish” era it’s registered the “usebles” which indicated the sins tristita, acedia or ira. It’s being said that the language is a very conservative form and that’s why it stays behind in the relationship with the language–beyond world ingraining the history into the contemporariness.
Poradnik Językowy
vol. 744
issue 5
This paper analyses Middle Polish names of card games. This field, which was a novelty in the sixteenth-century Polish language, developed extremely fast, which was greatly influenced by foreign languages: German and French. This research was commenced in order to answer the question how Old Polish dealt with the excessive number of units of foreign origin, how its users strove to adapt the lexis. It turned out that Poles often replaced foreign names of card games with Polish ones in the old times. They chose units implying analogous images with respect to foreign lexemes, if possible. Occasionally, they would also form language hybrids, that is contaminations of foreign and Polish words. The prevalent method in this sketch is the analysis of the contexts where the words from the CARD GAMES semantic field were present. The semantic value of a word in a given period was inferred from the certifications of its usage in the dictionaries recording Old Polish. The discussions were enriched also by later, nineteenth-century, descriptions of card games the names of which were recorded in the Middle Polish period.
vol. 51
issue 1
In the herein article over thirty lexical units are maintained and analysed depicting the place where the alcohol was sold or the person selling that ‛thing’. The written material was gathered from all available lexicographical sources registering the old vocabulary - to the end of the 18th century. Stemming from the etymology, the authoress investigated the meanings of particular word-forms, which she put into the table-chart at the end. The diagram illustrates quantity and quality changes which happened in analyzed lexical field. It was documented and stated that the character of these changes was influenced by the ongoing linguistic theory and vogue. The longest in practice are the oldest names in unchanged state which are reaching with its own roots the pre-Slavic culture.
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