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Oceniając efektywność teleradiologii, należy uwzględnić zmiany, jakie niesie za sobą to rozwiązanie w obszarach jakości usług diagnostycznych, kosztów oraz dostępności usług diagnostycznych. Prowadzona analiza wskazuje, iż z teleradiologią wiążą się zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne efekty wdrożeń. W artykule zaprezentowano także wyniki badań postaw lekarzy radiologów wobec tej nowej formy pracy.
The article raises the issue of how the implementation of teleradiology affects three main aspects of effectiveness: the quality of radiology, the costs of medical services and the access to medical imaging services. The teleradiology leads both to positive and negative changes in these areas. Reduction in the cost of delivering services, improvement to the access to medical care and improvement of quality of diagnosis due to medical consultations or online workshops for doctors, are the positive sides of teleradiology. On the other hand, teleradiology may lead to decreased quality of diagnosis and even hamper the development of imaging medicine. This is one of the main negative concerns, others include such matters as the cost of implementation of the teleradiological infrastructure and the international legal ramifications of remote diagnosis. The article also includes the results of a survey on how Polish radiologists perceive the pros and cons of telework.
The paper aims to contribute to the research of the film market, starting a discussion and seeking answers to the following problem: What spectrum of film-viewer experiences can be identified and better understood due to the implementation of text mining in the analysis of online film reviews? The presented study was based on the analysis of online audience reviews of five films targeted at a young audience, with their premières in 2016 and 2017. The findings suggest that implementing text mining as a method of analysis of online reviews can provide valuable insight into the film market, which may be helpful for producers in developing future productions, or altering the communication strategy.
Przedstawione w artykule rozważania mają na celu wzbogacenie obszaru badań dotyczących filmu oraz stanowią próbę znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy spektrum doświadczeń widza może być zidentyfikowane oraz lepiej rozumiane poprzez zastosowanie text mining w analizie internetowych recenzji filmowych. Niniejsze badanie zostało oparte na analizie internetowych recenzji pięciu filmów kierowanych do młodej widowni, których premiery odbyły się w 2016 oraz w 2017 roku. Prezentowane wyniki badania pozwalają na wysnucie wniosku, iż zastosowanie text mining w analizie recenzji online pozwala na uzyskanie informacji przydatnych w zrozumieniu rynku filmowego, a także użytecznych dla producentów filmowych w przygotowywaniu przyszłych produkcji, lub też w korekcie obranych strategii komunikacji marketingowej.
Aim/purpose – This article aims to examine the relationships between the 360-degree viewer experience and video genres. Design/methodology/approach – The presented empirical study was based on the respondents’ evaluation of two 360-degree videos: a documentary film and an episode from a web series. Findings – The viewers evaluated the 360-degree video documentary as more interesting, more engaging, creating deeper immersion in the plot, and delivering more information compared to their experience when they would watch video if it were produced as a traditional film format. The study showed the differences in viewers’ evaluation of 360-degree documentaries and web series episodes. The evaluation of 360-degree videos was different between the two groups of respondents varying in their perception of navigation. Research implications/limitations – Our study suggests that by implementing 360-degree video features in documentary films, we can evoke a more intensive viewer experience compared to the situation when the viewer would watch videos in the traditional film format. It also indicates that film production should take into account the different viewer’s perceptions of being actively engaged in the navigation. The limitations of the study: the qualitative study with the convenient respondent sampling, the subjective evaluation of respondents’ statements, and the subjective choice of the evaluated 360-degree videos. Originality/value/contribution – The study contributes to film production by highlighting the significance of viewer perception of navigation and the video genre as factors impacting the viewer experience.
Aim/purpose – The research aims to identify and evaluate factors impacting the implementation of an agile approach in a crowdfunding project with a goal to fund a film. Design/methodology/approach – The research was conducted in March-April 2018, and based on qualitative methods of gathering data from the Polish market. Findings – We point to the two groups of factors impacting whether or not a film team can implement the agile approach in a crowdfunding project: 1) the first group of factors refers to the iterative testing of ‘the work produced’ during the project, including testing of final film elements; 2) the second group of factors refers to team management such as team goal, team engagement and communication, and conflicts between team members. The findings indicate that a potential transition to the agile approach would require significant adjustments of the current methods of conducting film projects.
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