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The most European Union countries have struggled with the unstable situation on the labour market of young people, manifested by high unemployment and low employment rate. The reason for such situation is mainly a mismatch of education to the needs of labour demand, which exacerbates the structural unemployment. The exception to that situation is Germany, where, according to Eurostat, youth unemployment rate (for the age group less than 25 years old) is the lowest among all the member states, shows a downward trend and in 2014 amounted to 7.7% (with 22.2% for the EU-28). In Germany it is common vocational training (including dual system) – implemented at different levels of education, manifested in the close cooperation of educational institutions, employers and business associations. The paper objective is to present the main assumptions of the vocational training system in Germany and its impact on the situation on the labour market. The research methods used in the publication were both desk-research of secondary sources as well as primary qualitative research. The primary research was carried out in 2013 in the form of in-depth interviews (IDI). They were implemented among German employees of private and public educational institutions (Flensburg), labour market institutions (Flensburg, Berlin) and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Schleswig-Holstein (Flensburg).
Większość krajów UE zmaga się z niestabilną sytuacją na rynku pracy osób młodych, przejawiającą się wysoką stopą bezrobocia i niskim wskaźnikiem zatrudnienia. Wyjątkiem są Niemcy, gdzie według danych Eurostatu stopa bezrobocia osób młodych (poniżej 25. roku życia) jest najniższa wśród wszystkich krajów członkowskich. W Niemczech rozpowszechnione jest kształcenie zawodowe (w tym system dualny), realizowane na różnych poziomach edukacji, przejawiające się w ścisłej współpracy instytucji edukacyjnych, pracodawców i organizacji zrzeszających przedsiębiorców. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie głównych założeń systemu kształcenia zawodowego w Niemczech i jego oddziaływania na sytuację na rynku pracy.
W związku z rozwojem społeczeństwa informacyjnego i popularyzacją konsumpcji czasu wolnego, w Unii Europejskiej rośnie zainteresowanie branżami kreatywnymi, jako źródłami budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej poszczególnych krajów europejskich. Autorka w publikacji przedstawiła stan i uwarunkowania rozwoju polskiego sektora kreatywnego (określanego zgodnie z definicją Brytyjskiego Ministerstwa Kultury, Mediów i Sportu z 1998 roku). Ponadto ukazała pozycję sektora kreatywnego w Polsce na tle pozostałych krajów Unii Europejskiej w zakresie potencjału zatrudnieniowego oraz generowania PKB.
In connection with information society's development and popularisation of leisure consumption, the interest in creative sector has been arising in the European Union as the source of competitive advantage achievement in the seperate European countries. The author, in the publication, presents the state and conditionings of development of Polish creative industry (defined according to the British Department for Culture, Media and Sport in 1998). Moreover, the author determines the situation of Polish creative industry against other EU countries in the range of employment potential and GDP creation.
Professional counseling/guidance (in that publication both terms will be used interchangeably) is one of the most crucial elements of the active labour market policy. It can obtain different types - from directive counseling, through dialogical one to liberal counseling. Distinct models of roles of professional counselor exist in the counseling process - who can be the expert, informer, consultant, acquiescent guardian or leseferist, which are strictly connected with the above types of professional counseling. Nowadays, it can be seen the trend of leaving the models of counselor as the expert or informer (where the client is passive), which represent directive counseling. It is assumed that the best model is the liberal leseferism attitude, where the final decision about the choice of life and career path is left to the client. In that model, client-oriented counselor, works on the client's resources and encourages to the self-analysis. Such attitude is presented by Spanish method, which is often used by professional counseling. In the publication, there were presented the main current changes, which have been taking place in the professional guidance in Poland. The separate elements of Polish system of professional counseling was created by changes in the social and economic conditionings on the labour market, changes in the labour supply and demand and also under the influence of global (mainly the European Union) trends, such us popularization of lifelong learning and lifelong guidance. Author in the article concentrates on the model of liberal guidance, where client's resources are treated as a key factor (Spanish method). There is also presented the process attitude toward professional guidance as the career counseling.
In the publication, there was conducted the analysis of labour market policy in the United Kingdom in area of implemented reforms of social policy, which were begun by the New Deal Program up to the conception of Universal Credit. The publication was devised on the base of research, which were made in London in September 2011. They included interviews with representatives of both public and private labour market institutions. The respondents came from the Department for Work and Pensions and two British employment providers, which have significant meaning for the employment services, they participate regularly in the state Work Programs and they create British social policy. Moreover, the author, in the publications, recommends some of the British solutions, which are worth implementing in Polish social and economic reality
W publikacji są przedstawione główne założenia dotyczące duńskiego narzędzia aktywnej polityki rynku pracy – WellBox. Stanowi ono rodzaj programu społecznego, który łączy interesy osób poszukujących pracy, pracodawców oraz władz publicznych. Celem publikacji jest zaprezentowanie korzyści wdrażania modelu w Polsce, a także identyfikacja barier jego skutecznego działania. W publikacji posłużono się przykładem projektu „Klub Integracji Społecznej w Łapach i Zabłudowie” realizowanego w województwie podlaskim, który zakłada zastosowanie elementów WellBox. Publikacja została opracowana na podstawie zarówno pierwotnych badań jakościowych, jak i danych ze źródeł wtórnych.
The paper presents the main objectives of the Danish instrument of active labour market policy – WellBox. It represents a kind of social program that combines the interests of job seekers, employers and public authorities. The aim of the publication is to present the benefits of implementing that model in Poland, as well as to identify barriers to its effective operation. The publication is based on the example of the project conducted in Podlaskie Province – “Social Integration Club in Lapy and Zabludow”, which involves the elements of WellBox. This publication has been prepared on the basis of both qualitative primary research and sources of secondary data.
The Danish flexicurity model, which comprises: a flexible labour market, active labour market policy, and a generous welfare state, seems to be nowadays the pattern to follow for many European countries. Moreover, this model plays an important role in the creation of the European Employment Strategy. However, in order to achieve such success in the implementation of flexicurity policy as Denmark has, it is essential that all of its constituent elements are present, so as to ensure flexible forms of labour, on the one hand, and security for those who use flexible contracts, on the other hand. The purpose of this paper is to present the scope in which flexicurity policy is applied in the European Union countries, with special attention to Poland, and to diagnose the problems of its implementation.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie uwarunkowań przedsiębiorczości w województwie podlaskim. W porównaniu z pozostałymi województwami, Podlasie jest regionem rolniczym, z niską reprezentacją przedsiębiorstw, głównie o charakterze produkcyjnym. Pomimo występujących tu barier w prowadzeniu działalności gospodarczej, podlaskie firmy są konkurencyjne na krajowym i zagranicznym rynku i przyczyniają się do rozwoju regionu. Przedsiębiorstwa z potencjałem rozwojowym związane są z sektorem rolniczym, budowlanym, a także przemysłem odzieżowym. Podstawą opracowana jest analiza danych zastanych, w tym literatury przedmiotu i badań ze źródeł wtórnych.
The objective of this study is to present the conditionings of entrepreneurship in Podlaskie province. In comparison to conditions of other Polish provinces, the region is rural with a low presence of larger firms, in particular in the manufacturing sector. Despite specific obstacles, such as insufficient local demand and at times adverse economic conditions, those firms compete successfully on national and international market and thereby contribute to the development of the region. Firms that demonstrate a reasonable degree of progress can be ob-served in the sectors related to agriculture, construction, and speciality textiles.
Research background: In the era of demographic changes and the need for rationalization of public expenditure, the European Union social policy promotes the activation approach. In addition, a growing importance of increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of public entities can be noticed. These phenomena are visible in the implementation of the labour market policy. However, the EU countries represent a different approach to spending public funds on issues related to the implementation of  labour market policy. Purpose of the article: The authors are presenting the main theoretical assumptions concerning effectiveness and efficiency of labour market policy. Moreover, in the paper the EU countries are classified in clusters according to their level of expenditure on different categories of LMP. A comparison of the situation over ten years - in 2004 and 2014 - has also been conducted. In 2004, ten new members entered the EU, and the year 2014 presents the most current data in the analyzed area. Methods: As a research method cluster analysis was applied. Cross-country labour market situation throughout the EU is presented by the analysis of the Eurostat data. The countries are grouped in clusters following Ward's and k-means methods. Findings & Value added: There is a need to work out a complex evaluation of labour market policies in the EU to provide comparative analysis of the EU countries (or groups of countries). It would allow to determine the level of development of the country in terms of the efficiency of labour market policies. The EU countries with the best labour market indicators represent diverse levels of LMP expenditure.
The aim of the paper is to identify determinants of the eficiency of service companies from two Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries4-Poland and Belarus. These transition economies represent diefrent economic and systemic conditions. That is why it is worth analyzing whether external conditions determine internal eficiency factors in service companies. In order to achieve that aim quantitative research was conducted among 305 Polish and Belarusian service enterprises. The research results presented significant diefrences in responses between the two countries. For Polish enterprises the main determinants of eficiency were above all connected with competent and skilled staff Belarussian companies regarded as eficiency factors which determine the demand level by means of access toward foreign markets and possibilities of internationalization. It proves that CEECs are not homogeneous and they represent diefrent levels of economic development as well as the diefrent conditions of running a business.
Ewaluacja jest ważnym etapem w procesie podnoszenia jakości usług - zarówno publicznych, jak i prywatnych. W publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badania dotyczącego oceny jakości usług opieki zdrowotnej, które mają istotne znaczenie w kontekście jakości życia mieszkańców. Celem badawczym była ocena jakości usług opieki zdrowotnej w wybranym szpitalu publicznym poprzez ewaluację wymiarów jakości usług - materialności, rzetelności, reagowania pewności, empatii. Jako metodę badawczą wybrano kwestionariusz SERVQUAL, który został dostosowany do specyfiki usług medycznych poprzez identyfikację atrybutów wymiarów jakości w służbie zdrowia. Badanie ilościowe zostało przeprowadzone wśród 120 pacjentów oddziału terapeutycznego szpitala publicznego - klientów służby zdrowia. Oceniono znaczenie wymiarów usług opieki zdrowotnej i zidentyfikowano lukę pomiędzy postrzeganą a oczekiwaną jakością usług. Ocena jakości opieki zdrowotnej w analizowanym szpitalu publicznym wykazała, że charakteryzuje się ona stosunkowo wysokim poziomem pewności i empatii. Jednocześnie największa luka między postrzeganą a oczekiwaną jakością usług opieki zdrowotnej została zidentyfikowana w wymiarach materialności i reagowania.
Evaluation of service quality is an important aspect of increasing the quality of services - both public and private. Our study focuses on healthcare services that are of significant importance in the quality's context of residents' life. The research aim of the study was an evaluation of healthcare service quality in the selected public hospital by assessment of service quality dimensions-tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy. As the research method was selected, the SERVQUAL questionnaire, which was adjusted to the specificity of the researched unit and there were attributes of dimensions identified in the healthcare service. The quantitative research was conducted among 120 public hospital patients of therapeutic department - clients of the healthcare service. The importance of the dimensions of the healthcare service was evaluated and the gap between perceived and expected service quality was identified. The evaluation of the quality of the healthcare service in the analyzed public hospital proved that it is characterized by a relatively high level of assurance and empathy. At the same time, the biggest gap between perceived and expected healthcare service quality was identified in tangibility and responsiveness dimensions.
Research background: The article presents the problem of youth unemployment from the perspective of employers in Poland exemplified by the research results conducted in Podlaskie province. The unemployment rate of young people in Poland in the age range 15-29, reached 14.2% in 2015. For comparison, at that time the average for the EU was higher by almost two percentage points, and the decline compared to the year 2013 was lower than in Poland. It turns out that higher education in Poland has lost its importance in the process of hiring staff. Employers are increasingly less likely to look at the educational background of candidates,  as they focus more on their experience and specific skills. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to present the results of re-search regarding the diagnosis of the situation of young people on the labour market in Poland from the perspective of employers. In particular, there were competency gaps and other reasons for not recruiting young people which have been identified. Methods: Two types of research were carried out with employers from Podlaskie province: quantitative, using CATI/CAWI and qualitative, using the technique of IDI. Quantitative research was carried out on a sample of 346 respondents. A qualitative study was carried out among 16 companies registered in Podlaskie province. Findings & Value added: Among the reasons for not employing young people which were most often mentioned by the entrepreneurs in quantitative research there were financial reasons. During the interviews, employers  indicated the reasons for not employing young people such as "lack of appropriate qualifications," "specific skills" or simply "practical preparation for work." Employers were asked about the competence gaps of young people, and they pointed out that they lack experience, initiative and entrepreneurship, as well as learning skills.
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