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The Islamic dogma of the One and Unique God introduces the concept of a transcendent God, the true being, the absolute Lord of the worlds to whom everything will return at the Last Day. The denial of this truth and associating with Him partners is idolatry, and it is an unpardonable sin. Such a concept of God guarantees the unity of the material and spiritual world. Man, discovering the Law of Unity, acquires a knowledge of the one God and consciously submits to His will according the innate Religion of Islam. God who is Almighty, Hidden, and full of wisdom (transcendence) is close to His creation and reveals himself through His “remnant” (immanence), which are the “Excellent Names of God”. The man answers to His presence with the love that he feels in mystical experience. In this way, the mystic frees himself from the world of multiplicity in order to be annihilated in Unity. Everyday life of a Muslim is the praise of the One God for His transcendence, thanksgiving for His immanence and mercy, and worship for His greatness.
The Holy Scriptures are a common element in many religions. They are the human embodiment of God's Word, which became a meeting place between God and man. Through it, God speaks to men, and they praise Him with His words in the community. For man will return to the original unity of one nation united under one God. God spoke in many ways in the history of men and all the revelations originate from one primitive source, which is the wisdom of God the Creator. Finally the revelation received its last and most perfect and universal form. For its transmission, God chose his messengers as intermediaries between Him and the people. They showed man the way to salvation and good conduct, they taught him the proper way of giving glory to God and revealed to him His will. The Scriptures were God's criterion for distinguishing right from wrong and truth from falsehood. It was the good news of the reward for a good life and a warning of punishment for wrong action. Human history become in the Scriptures an instructive moral lesson to be properly read.
Wspólnym elementem wielu religii są Święte Pisma. Są one ludzkim ucieleśnieniem Słowa Bożego, przez co stały się miejscem spotkania Boga i człowieka. Przez nie Bóg zwraca się do ludzi, a oni Jego słowami we wspólnocie wychwalają Go w modlitwie. Człowiek bowiem ma powrócić do pierwotnej jedności w jednym narodzie wyznającym jedynego Boga. Bóg przemawiał na wiele sposobów w historii ludzkości i wszystkie objawienia pochodzą z jednego praźródła, którym jest mądrość Boga Stworzyciela. Ostatecznie objawienie uzyskało swoją doskonałą i uniwersalną formę. Dla jego przekazania, Bóg wybierał swoich posłanników jako pośredników między Nim a ludźmi. Pokazywali oni człowiekowi drogę zbawienia i właściwego postępowania, uczyli go należytego sposobu oddawania chwały Bogu oraz objawiali mu Jego wolę. Pisma Boże były kryterium pozwalającym na rozróżnienie dobro od zła oraz prawdy od fałszu. Była to dobra nowina o nagrodzie za dobre życie oraz ostrzeżenie o karze za złe czyny. Ludzka historia staje się w Pismach pouczającą lekcją moralną, którą należy właściwie odczytać.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
vol. 4
issue 3
A comparative study of the Qur'an proves a similarity in its contents with the earlier religious texts of the “People of the Book”, that means the Jews and the Christians. An analysis of these parallelisms shows also some differences between them and does not allow to consider the Qur'an as a simple compilation of earlier Scriptures. Muslims recognize that one Word of God is revealed in them by stages in different periods of humanity. God's truth contained in them has been corrupted, so that a new and perfect revelation was necessary, that of the Qur'an, to purify the previous Scriptures from falsehood. The belief in one God is the truth uniting all the revelations. No partners should be set up with Him, but everyone must bow to His Will. The purpose of the Qur'an is to show the hidden meaning of the ancient Scriptures, so that they become an instructive example for “men endued with understanding”. It is the belief in one God, the warning of punishment for the disbelievers and the announcement of the good news to the followers of the right path indicated by God in His final revelation.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
vol. 4
issue 1
Islam is defined as submission to the will of God. The believer should demonstrate his obedience by worshiping the One God and accomplishing His commands, following the right path, revealed to him through the Messenger Muhammad. This path is expressed in the five pillars of Islam: profession of faith in One God, prayer, alms, fasting and pilgrimage. It is the first step (islam) in religion, based on the principle of doing good and avoiding evil. The next step is the faith (iman) in the revealed articles of belief and culminates in a complete trust in God. In the third stage (ihsan) the believer stays in adoration before God and in His presence. He has also the awareness that his inability to see God does not mean that God does not see him. It is perfection, expressed in worship and charity and linking the internal and external dimension of religion in action and doing good. A perfect life on earth and good deeds of man are the way that leads, through the mercy of God, to the contemplation of His face.
The world sees a threat from Islam to modern civilization. Also, for Muslims, Western culture seems to be dangerous to their values. The resulting tensions are defined in Islam by the term of jihad or ‘holy war’, which assumed in the history the forms of armed or ideological struggle. Today it is accompanied by the theory of the clash of civilizations which sees the causes of future conflicts in the World in cultural, religious, ethnic and social differences. In Poland, Islam was represented by the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars. The close coexistence of the two cultures formed a tolerant and relatively liberal Polish Muslim community. Relations were good. Muslim jihad served to defend our land, and the clash of civilizations did not bring out the differences between the two cultures, but increasingly it brought them nearer. The influx of new Muslims to Poland changes the image of Islam. However, it should not affect the peaceful cooperation between the two civilizations. It is hoped that their meeting in the Polish Lands will not generate differences and conflicts, but will be based on reciprocal understanding and dialogue.
Globalizacyjna polityka współczesnego Zachodu, usiłująca stworzyć uniwersalny model życia, przyczyniła się do powstania w islamie ruchów usiłujących bronić swej tożsamości religijnej i kulturowej. Tej odnowie towarzyszy wezwanie do powrotu do własnych fundamentów, którymi są Koran i sunna. Nie jest to czyste powtórzenie pierwotnej religii z czasów Mahometa, ale określenie własnej specyfiki kulturowej wobec innych kultur. Muzułmanie proponują własny, bardziej uniwersalny system, który oprócz wartości promowanych przez globalizm zachodni obejmuje także wartości duchowe i odniesienie do Boga. Niepokój na Zachodzie budzi powiązanie w islamie powrotu do fundamentów z wezwaniem do przemocy. Jest to specyficzne odczytanie własnych źródeł, przedstawiających islam jako Boską, ostateczną i doskonałą religią. Muzułmański fundamentalizm usiłuje przyśpieszyć ten proces, odwołując się do terroru. Chociaż nie jest to ideologia przyjmowana przez większość wyznawców islamu, niemniej jednak nieustanna walka ze światem nieznającym wiary w Allaha jest wpisana w naturę islamu i zakończy się, gdy cały świat stanie się muzułmański.
The globalization policy of the modern West, attempting to create a universal model of life, caused the emergence of Islamic movement, trying to defend their cultural and religious identity. This renewal is accompanied by a call to return to their foundations, which are the Qur’an and Sunnah. It is not a pure repetition of the original religion of Muhammad’s time, but an attempt to define their own cultural specificity against other cultures. The Muslims offer their own, more universal system, which in addition to the values promoted by Western globalization, also includes spiritual values and a reference to God. The link between the Islamic return to their foundations and a call to violence arouses anxiety in the West. It is a specific reinterpretation of their own sources, which present Islam as a divine, ultimate and perfect religion. Islamic fundamentalism tries to accelerate this process by resorting to terror. Although it is not an ideology accepted by the majority of Muslims, but a constant battle with the unbelievers in Allah is inherent in the nature of Islam and will end when the whole world becomes Muslim.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
vol. 6
issue 3
Dla muzułmanów Jerozolima jest trzecim świętym miejscem po Mekce i Medynie. Święte Miasto wskazuje na ciągłość istniejącą między wcześniejszymi religiami i podkreśla jedność objawienia się Boga w historii ludzkości. Podobnie jak dla żydów i chrześcijan, również dla muzułmanów Jerozolima oznacza środek świata. W porównaniu z poprzednimi religiami jednak Jerozolima stała się symbolem wyższości islamu jako doskonałej religii, która doprowadzi ludzkość do dnia ostatecznego. Kultura muzułmańska rozbudowała bogatą symbolikę związaną z Jerozolimą. Mahomet, który z historycznego punktu widzenia nigdy nie dotarł do Świętego Miasta, dokonał tej podróży w sposób mistyczny. Tu spotkał się z dawnymi prorokami i wstąpił do nieba, by spotkać się z samym Bogiem. To wydarzenie miało potwierdzić jego misję jako ostatni i doskonały prorok. Rolę Jerozolimy w kulturze islamu ukazują muzułmańska architektura. Podkreśla ona historyczne powiązanie islamu z poprzednimi tradycjami religijnymi, wskazuje na wydarzenia eschatologiczne i ostateczne spotkanie ludzkości z Bogiem, które dokona się w Świętym Mieście na końcu czasów.
For Muslims, Jerusalem is the third holiest site, after Mecca and Medina. The Holy City marks the continuity that exists between the religions, and emphasizes the unity of the revelation of God in human history. Just like for the Jews and the Christians, also for the Muslims, Jerusalem is the center of the world. Compared with the previous religions, however, Jerusalem has become a symbol of the superiority of Islam, as a perfect religion that will lead humanity to the Last Day. The Muslim culture developed a rich symbolism associated with Jerusalem. Muhammad, who historically never reached the Holy City, accomplished this journey in a mystical way. Here he met with former prophets and ascended to heaven to meet God himself. The goal of this event was to confirm his mission as the last and perfect prophet. The Muslim architecture shows the role of Jerusalem in Islamic culture. It emphasizes the historical connection of Islam with previous religious traditions, it points to the eschatological events and the final meeting of humanity with God, which will be in the Holy City at the End of Time.
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