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Since  1962,  when  Zbigniew  Gołąb  has  published  his  fundamental  study  on Aromanian  language in Macedonia, in Polish literature, beyond his study, there was a little interest in Aromanians as an ethnic group and in their language. In this article, the author focuses on 1) the changes the Aromanian language has been undergoing in the recent times, 2) how the transformation of the social situation of Aromanians  influences  the  development  of  the  language.  In  the  present  days, the  social  function of the ethnic language is transformed from the language of everyday use to the language as a symbol, label, marker of ethnicity, used in the special occasions. Opinions expressed by Aromanian intellectuals about their ethnic language, role in Aromanian social life, and their dilemmas, sorrows and enthusiasm, as well as activities around the ethnic language are the main objects of interest in the paper. The empirical material, applied to this study, was collected during the anthropological field research the author conducted in the summer seasons from 2007 till 2010 in all countries of residence of Aromanians: Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania. The empirical material includes more than 50 recorded and transcribed interviews with the leaders of Aromanian ethnic movement, informal conversations and observation notes taken during Aromanian public events.
The article concentrates on the analysis of ethnic identity of two romance groups living on the territory of Eastern Serbia: Vlachs and Cincars Aromanians).This area is a borderland, culturally, linguistically and politically; the situation significantly influences the ethnic identity choices of the two studied groups. The article is based on the data collected during three field studies: in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The author analyses in-depth interviews with Vlachs and Cincars, active in ethnic organizations and movements. Both aspects of the identity: psychological and behavioural are investigated, on one hand these aspects find expression  in utterances, and on the other hand in behaviours and activities of both studied groups.
Artykuł koncentruje się na analizie tożsamości etnicznej dwóch grup romańskojęzycznych, zamieszkałych na obszarze wschodniej Serbii: Wlachów i Cincarów (Arumunów). Jest to obszar pogranicza kulturowego, językowego i politycznego, a sytuacja ta w różnym stopniu kształtuje etniczne samookreślenie dwóch badanych grup. Artykuł jest oparty na materiale terenowym, zebranym podczas trzech wyjazdów terenowych: w latach 2015, 2016 i 2017. Autorka analizuje wypowiedzi Wlachów i Cincarów, zaangażowanych w ruchy etniczne Autorka analizuje wypowiedzi Wlachów i Cincarów (Arumunów) zaangażowanych w działalność etnicznych organizacji i ruchów społecznych. Analizie poddane zostały oba aspekty etnicznej tożsamości: psychologiczny i behawioralny, z jednej strony wyrażające się w wypowiedziach, a z drugiej strony w zachowaniach i działalności członków obu badanych zbiorowości.
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Wspólnoty lokalne w Grecji między religią a życiem

Stan Rzeczy
issue 2(3)
Artykuł ukazuje pewien aspekt greckiej kultury, która – nie stosując żadnych ocen – przedstawia w swoich intensywnych przejawach lokalności wzór dla antropologa wyjątkowo interesujący. Wnika on w tajniki i szczegóły ściśle lokalnej i terytorialnej (wioskowej lub wyspowej) więzi społecznej na obszarze Grecji, szczególnie ważnej dla zrozumienia społeczeństwa greckiego. Emil Durkheim znalazłby w tych analizach doskonałą ilustrację swojej tezy, iż religia jest tam, gdzie społeczeństwo uprawia kult samego siebie. Artykuł zawiera refleksję antropologa społecznego nad obrzędowością religijną we współczesnej Grecji zarówno w środowisku wiejskim, jak i miejskim na terenie Macedonii Egejskiej. Materiał empiryczny pochodzi z kilkuletnich badań terenowych przeprowadzonych w latach 2005–2010. Przedmiotem analizy jest stosunek do religii, uczestnictwo w religijnych obrzędach między innymi pewnej specyficznej kategorii Greków, migrantów powrotnych – tych, którzy powrócili (czasem w drugim pokoleniu) do rodzinnego kraju po długim okresie politycznej emigracji w Polsce i innych krajach bloku wschodniego. Wśród badanych określanych zbiorczo jako Grecy, zwłaszcza na północy kraju, to etniczne/narodowe mniejszości. Analizie zostały poddane religijne obrzędy w wioskach Macedonii Egejskiej (Loutra) i Epiru (Samarina), a także zachowania uczestników takich obrzędów jak chrzty czy nabożeństwa wypominkowe w różnych miejscowościach. Wnioskiem jest stwierdzenie, że to poczucie jedności, solidarności i więzi społeczne. Wspólna zabawa, przebywanie razem, odbywanie wspólnie wielu czynności rytualnych, które wprawdzie wiążą się ze świętem religijnym, ale daleko sięgają w życie świeckie, pełnią funkcje integracyjne. Uzasadnia to oparcie się na socjocentrycznej Durkheimowskiej koncepcji religii.
The article shows certain aspect of Greek culture, which presents in its intensive manifestations a pattern particularly interesting for an anthropologist. It explores secrets and details of local and territorial (village or island) vital for the understanding of the Greek society social bonds on the territory of Greece. Emil Durkheim would have found in the analysis a perfect illustration of his statement that religion is there, where the society worships itself. The article contains a reflection of a social anthropologist on religious rituality in contemporary Greece both in the rural and municipal environment on the territory of Aegean Macedonia. Empirical material was collected during several years of fieldwork in the years 2005-2010. The subject of the analysis is an attitude towards religion, participation in the religious rituals of certain particular category of Greeks, return migrants who have come back (sometimes in the second generation) to the home country after a long period of political migration in Poland and other communist countries. Among the researchees described as Greek, especially in the northern Greece, they are ethnic/national minorities. Religious rituals in the villages of Aegean Macedonia (Loutra) and Epir (Samarina) have been analyzed as well as the behavior of the participants of such rituals like baptisms, post-funeral ceremonies in different villages. The conclusion is the statement about unity, solidarity and social bonds. A common celebration, being together, performing of ritual activities, which are part of religious celebration, go further into mundane life, fulfill integrative functions. This justificates the usage of Durkheim’s sociocentric concept of religion.
The author aims to capture the significance of the celebration of Nauryz, the ancient celebration of spring, family, and local community. She describes various forms of celebrating Nauryz on the official, national, local, and family level in Kazakhstan. She emphasizes that the renewed tradition of celebrating Nauryz is part of a process deliberately adopted by the Kazakh authorities in the post-Soviet period in order to build a community from a state of many ethnicities. She states that all the ways of celebrating Nauryz appeal to the original motivation of sustaining, restoring, and strengthening the community. This leads to the formation of communitas (in Victor Turner’s sense), which is conducive to forming the inhabitants of modern Kazakhstan into a multi-ethnic community.
Prace Etnograficzne
vol. 42
issue 2
Circle dances are observed in various cultures and times. The paper indicates certain social, political and situational contexts of the phenomenon of communal circle dances in remote territories: Catalonia, Balcans, Sakha (Yakutia), Buriatya and USA. The author offers an interpretation of chosen cases in terms of Victor Turner’s concept of communitas. During the communal dances – sardana, corlu mari, yokhor, osuokhai and ghost dance – the idea of community, equality and unity is dominating over social structure divisions and resulting in forming the psychological and social communitas. This is why all analysed circle dances arise in the context of serious menace and destruction of ethnic integrity. Being together in a very literal sense through physical closeness during the same motoric behaviours, common singing produces feeling of power and unifications, reinforcing social identity and affirmation to a group. Circle dances are analysed in association with attempts to preserve group cultural and oft en even biological integrity.
The article is based on anthropological fieldwork in Ochotnica Górna, a village belonging to Podhale region (southern Poland). The study was focused on the revival of transhumance – the type of pastoralism, characteristic for Valachian villages of the entire range of Carpathians. The transhumance has been destroyed by global economic transformation in Poland. Recently it is revived on the new ideological basis connected with the idea of Carpathian and Valachian regionalism.
In the contemporary world we observe rising importance of festivals and other public events in the process of transmitting ethnic identity and forming a contemporary form of a nation. They gain an especially significant meaning in case of nations the development of which has been disturbed by external political circumstances and a colonial hierarchical order. This paper concerns an all-Buryatic festival "Altagrana", the tenth anniversary of which took place in July 2012. On one hand, the analysis discusses the contents of the on-line program of the festival, and on the other hand, all that has happened in Aginsk on July 21 and 22. The article shows the process of building and strengthening the Buryatic canon of culture, i.e. the standardisation of the culture's elements which constitute the core and emblem of Buryatness: images, symbols, and historical references. In the context of intensive globalization Buryatic cultural identity has to be built by modern means, understandable for all generations. Under such circumstances festivals and similar public events organized and designed by Buryatic elites appear to be an extremely effective tool for forming and strengthening ethnic identity. Thus I have used the term "festival culture" in the title of the text.
The subject of this article is the fate of the Greek political refugees – specifically personsforcibly resettled in Poland and other countries of the Soviet Bloc, evacuated from territoriesengrossed in the Civil War of 1946-1949. After a long period in exile, some returned to theirhome country and began a new life, struggling with economic, familial, social, linguistic and cultural problems. The history of the Greek refugees and their re-immigration illustrates the irreversibility and irreparability of the social and psychological damage done by forcedmigration. Returns to the homeland did not reinstate balance, and did not ease the dilemmasinitiated by the first resettlement. History is stuck in the memories as well as the everyday lives of the return migrants and their social milieus; this creates divides, mutual strangeness, and social tensions. Compulsory movement of populations – leading to the severance of connections with one’s fatherland, hometown, mother tongue, and home culture – causes subsequent conflicts and identity problems which continue to haunt those who returned to their birthplace.
Artykuł skupia się na analizie doświadczeń terenowych autorki, koncentrując uwagę na komplikacjach emocjonalnych i aksjologicznych wynikających z długotrwałej współpracy z badanymi, nawiązywaniem więzi osobistych i rodzącym się zaangażowaniem badacza w sprawy badanego społeczeństwa. Autorka sięga do antropologicznej refleksji podejmującej tematy etyczne oraz twórczości Marii Ossowskiej, znajdując w niej fundamentalne inspiracje.
The article concentrates on the analysis of the author’s field experience. It focuses on emotional and axiological dilemmas and complexities resulting from long-lasting cooperation with researched group. The effects of the process are on one side personal bonds between researcher and researchees (sometimes deep friendship and affection), and on the other side his/her engagement in studied society problems. The author uses not only literature about anthropological reflection on ethical issues in fieldwork, but also implies Maria Ossowska’s works, furnishing rich inspirations.
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 48
issue 2
The article touches on an extremely important issue, which is the need for media education in pre-school and early school education. The growing popularity of media and multimedia is visible in the activities undertaken by children and young people. The aim of theoretical considerations is to draw attention to the need to implement the principles of media education in the family and school environments. These two environments, which are closest and most important for the child, can best and most effectively prepare young media users for harmonious development in a world dominated by media
Treść artykułu dotyczy obecnie istotnego zagadnienia, jakim jest potrzeba praktykowania edukacji medialnej w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym. Rosnąca popularność mediów i multimediów widoczna jest w podejmowanych aktywnościach dzieci i młodzieży. Celem teoretycznych rozważań jest zwrócenie uwagi na konieczność wdrażania założeń edukacji medialnej w środowisku rodzinnym i szkolnym. Te dwa najbliższe i najważniejsze dla dziecka środowiska mogą najlepiej i najskuteczniej przygotować młodych użytkowników mediów do harmonijnego rozwoju w świecie zdominowanym przez media.
Problems of children adaptation, acculturation and integration have been ignored or treated marginally in large literature devoted to migration process. This article discusses problems that children of immigrants in Poland are facing particularly in Polish school. The qualitative research (based on interviews) is focused on immigrant children attending Polish schools mainly in Warsaw and investigates both the perspectives of children themselves and of school as an institution. Different situations of emigration produce different types of challenges for the host country’s school methods and goals. The research presented here is mainly about the first two categories of people mentioned below: 1) children of diplomats and long term contract employees, whose stay in Poland is strictly determined, AND (2) children of economic migrants who choose between long term stay in Poland or further migration, or even when returning home. Their stay in Poland is an element of the individual life strategy of the family. The third group - (3) children of political refugees and persons who attempt to receive the legal status of political refugee. the conclusions of the article also may be of interest for researchers dealing with children of refugees. Poland became a relatively attractive country of immigration because of (1) its relative easy access, (2) relatively high standard of living, (3) its safety and (4) its high level of education.
The article describes and highlights the function of parents and teachers in media education of children who are the youngest users of media. There are goals and tasks of media education and teachers media competences presented in the article. Referring to the core curriculum the author presents the content of media education at nursery and primary schools. Solutions for media literacy in family and school proposed by the literature are presented in the article. There is a great need of teaching children the rational and proper way of using media and practicing media education at school and in family house as they are two environments closest for children.
The article analyses the contents of the Museum and Memorial Complex of Political Repressions and Totalitarianism Victims on the former Akmolinsky Camp for Wives of the Traitors of the Motherland (Akmolińskij łagierżon izmiennikow Rodiny, ALZhiR). The author describes and scrutinizes the functioning of the museum “ALZhIR” in the context of internal and external politics of the Kazakhstan state conducted by president Nursultan Nazarbayev and his allies. The museum not only introduces the camp reality but also highlights the support given to the Kazakh state and Kazakh nation. The author focuses on the analysis of those aspects of the museum content that present the national ideology, which main ideas are a glorification of Kazakh history, culture and humanitarianism (i.e. fundamental requirement of giving aid to the people in need).
The article is devoted to recent development in the community of Aromanians, a dispersed transnational ethnic group of the Balkans. I trace various forms of Aromanian identity. I consider discussions around the desired directions of community development, its political and cultural strategies. I define the residual identity referring to activities that are available. The key criterion of ethnic affiliation becomes the origin, having Vlach ancestors. Aromanian/Vlach intellectuals focused, on the one hand, on preservation of the endangered language and culture, and on the other hand, on the memory of ancestors. The article is based on anthropological fieldwork during several summer seasons from 2007 to 2014. Observation and unstructured interviews with Aromanian local intellectuals, teachers, artists, cultural activists and organisation leaders have furnished empirical material for analysis.
Artykuł jest poświęcony współczesnym zjawiskom w ramach społeczności Arumunów/Wlachów, rozproszonej na całych Bałkanach transnacjonalnej zbiorowości. Przedstawiam zróżnicowane formy współczesnej arumuńskiej tożsamości etnicznej/narodowej. Rozważam dyskusje wokół pożądanych kierunków rozwoju społeczności, jej strategii kulturowych i politycznych. Podstawowym kryterium afiliacji etnicznej/narodowej wśród Arumunów jest obecnie pochodzenie, rodzinna genealogia, posiadanie przodków Arumunów. Intelektualiści arumuńscy koncentrują uwagę zarówno na konieczności zachowania określonych cech kulturowych (języka, obyczajowości), jak i na pamięci przodków. Artykuł powstał na podstawie materiału empirycznego zebranego w trakcie antropologicznych badań terenowychz kilku sezonów letnich w latach 2007–2014. Przeprowadziłam obserwację oraz wywiady z lokalnymi intelektualistami, nauczycielami, artystami, działaczami kultury oraz przywódcami lokalnych i regionalnych organizacji.
vol. 96
Friendship is a relationship and at the same time a sort of feeling, which may take on a permanent character. This article shows that it can be and often is something else, namely a tool in anthropological fieldwork. The author tries to answer the following questions: 1. whether a certain emotional relationship called “friendship” between researcher and researchee is necessary as a cognitive tool in the process of anthropological fieldwork, 2. whether it is possible to reconcile the procedure of intellectual and empirical insight into social reality – which requires considerable distance, impartiality, the descriptive “objectivist” attitude that sees the researched reality, including the researched people, as objects – with friendship which is engaged and not at all impartial, and 3. whether friendship between researcher and researchee is morally neutral. I discuss the story of the friendship between a poet and writer, the first specialist in Roma culture in Poland and an excellent fieldworker, Jerzy Ficowski, and a Gypsy (Polska Roma) woman, Bronisława Wajss (Romani name: Papusza), as an instructive example. The fate of Papusza, unfortunately, was tragic. Ostracized by her tribe and banned as a disloyal person, transgressing the most important norms of romanipen, lonely and sick, she ended her life. Her case demonstrates the way in which ethical sensitivity in research is a hard exigency.
The article shows the specific identity situation and acculturation processes pertaining to the young generation of Vietnamese living in Poland since childhood. On the one hand they spent the period of socialization in Poland, went to Polish schools and their most frequent daily contacts were with their Polish peers, while on the other hand they remained in the circle of their Vietnamese families so the milieu of Vietnamese friends and acquaintances and especially of their parents puts them under the psychological pressure of both cultures. They cannot completely ignore the demands of their families to which they feel attached but often they value more highly the Polish cultural models which appeal to them, particularly to young women, more than the Vietnamese ones. Young Vietnamese women find Polish culture attractive as it raises the woman’s position, shortens the distance between her traditional social roles and the male roles. Vietnamese men and women differ significantly in their reactions to contact with Polish culture although in both sexes there are noticeable stable elements of the Vietnamese tradition: strong ties with the family, the desire to have children as the greatest value but attributing greater value to the birth of a boy than the birth of a girl.
Tekst opisuje specyficzną formę przekraczania barier społecznych oddzielających Romów od większości nieromskiej. Transgresja jest powiązana z koncepcją kulturowej konwersji bazującej na religijnej konwersji. Akceptacja reguł Kościoła zielonoświątkowego pozwala Romom odrzucić dotychczasowe, tradycyjne formy kulturowe i staje się drogą ku integracji. Przebadałam lokalną społeczność romską w Zadziale w Szaflarach, która prawie w całości dokonała konwersji do Kościoła Zielonoświątkowego. Obserwowałam zmianę stylu życia Romów, która zapowiada integrację i akceptację w ramach społeczności dominującej. Kulturowe zmiany są możliwe, gdy odrzuci się podstawowe cechy kultury romskiej – tu nazwane rdzennymi cechami. Jedno- cześnie zaobserwowałam poglądy w sąsiadujących grupach nieromskich, które wpływają negatywnie na ten proces. Jednym z nich jest negatywne postrzeganie ruchów protestanckich przez Kościół katolicki w Polsce, a szczególnie we wsiach górskich.
The article is based on anthropological fieldwork basing on participant observation andinterviews conducted in 2014 during Program „Sigma” Erazmus Mundus 2 in Tuzla,Lukavac, Sarayevoand Mostar. The interviewees were the members of Polish minority inBosnia and Herzegovina engaged in Polish cultural organisations. The study aimed atunderstanding various types of bonds with Poland as a state or the culture and even familyhistories, as presented in interviews and behaviours. The author poses the question: whyintence development of Polish organisations flourished in the period of war in 1991-1995,inspite of the fact that Polish emigration to Bosnia started in the second half of 19th century. Presently the organizations are fading and even dissapearing. The author traces manifestations of Polish identity and national ties in Bosnia and presents typology, linking particular types of Polish identity withtime and character ofemigration.
The article is based on anthropological fieldwork basing on participant observation andinterviews conducted in 2014 during Program „Sigma” Erazmus Mundus 2 in Tuzla,Lukavac, Sarayevoand Mostar. The interviewees were the members of Polish minority inBosnia and Herzegovina engaged in Polish cultural organisations. The study aimed atunderstanding various types of bonds with Poland as a state or the culture and even familyhistories, as presented in interviews and behaviours. The author poses the question: whyintence development of Polish organisations flourished in the period of war in 1991-1995,inspite of the fact that Polish emigration to Bosnia started in the second half of 19th century. Presently the organizations are fading and even dissapearing. The author traces manifestations of Polish identity and national ties in Bosnia and presents typology, linking particular types of Polish identity with time and character of emigration.
The article considers methodological problems in the study of racist attitudes and beliefs among individuals that manifest such attitudes and beliefs and among people who experience racist behaviour. The phenomenon of racism takes different forms, but it always includes the stigmatizing traits of perceived differences in the physical appearance of a human being, leading to exclusion, discrimination and persecution. The study of racism is important because of its topicality and growing presence in various places in the world. However, the study of racism encounters serious methodological problems: firstly, related to the definition of racism, secondly, owing to the desire of respondents to be politically correct and reluctance to talk about their experiences. The situation of a researcher outsider and a researcher- insider are different, sometimes an anthropologist studying natives – both positions have advantages and disadvantages. The article concludes that the only morally transparent and efficient method for a racism researcher is the engaged study of racism.
vol. XXIX
issue (4/2022)
Introduction. Information and communication technologies have become the dominant elements of the life of the whole family. Daily contact with new media begins in the first years of a child’s life. The changes introduced by information technologies to the life of the modern family are positive, but also negative. Unfortunately, the negative effects of inappropriate use of the media by parents themselves and, above all, by children and adolescents are increasingly observed. Aim. The aim of the article is to present the most common media threats that have a serious impact on the functioning of the modern family. The paper describes the problem of addiction of children and young persons to the media, the problem of cyberbullying, access to inappropriate content, and the phenomenon of sexting among teenagers. Resources and methods. The paper uses an overview of views and assumptions explaining the essence of selected media threats such as: cyberbullying, media addiction, sexting, and access to inappropriate content. As part of preventive actions, the author also proposes to practice activities developed in the field of media education.
Wprowadzenie. Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne stały się dominującym elementem życia całej rodziny. Codzienny kontakt z nowymi mediami rozpoczyna się w pierwszych latach życia dziecka. Zmiany jakie wprowadzają technologie informacyjne do życia współczesnej rodziny posiadają charakter pozytywny, ale także negatywny. Niestety, coraz częściej obserwuje się ujemne skutki nieodpowiedniego korzystania z mediów przez samych rodziców, a przede wszystkim przez dzieci i młodzież. Cel. Opracowany artykuł ma na celu przedstawić problem zagrożeń medialnych najczęściej występujących wśród dzieci i młodzieży. Na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu wymienione zostały niebezpieczeństwa medialne, wynikające z nieodpowiedniego korzystania z mediów przez dzieci i młodzież. Opisane zostały również zagrożenia medialne, które mają istotny wpływ na funkcjonowanie współczesnej rodziny. W tekście zostały przywołane przykłady badań, prowadzonych na świecie i w Polsce, a poświęconych tej tematyce. W tekście podjęto się także wyjaśnienia znaczenia działań podejmowanych przez rodziców i opiekunów w zakresie zapobiegania zagrożeniom medialnym. Materiały i metody. W pracy zastosowano przegląd poglądów i założeń, wyjaśniających istotę wybranych zagrożeń medialnych takich jak: cyberprzemoc, uzależnienia od mediów i seksting. Autorka proponuje również – w ramach działań profilaktycznych – praktykowanie działań wypracowanych na gruncie edukacji medialnej.
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