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The most convenient forum for the civil journalism are blogs, which started to be perceived as valuable sources of independent information after 11 September 2011. During the last war in Iraq, they established their position in the Middle East thanks to such bloggers as Salam Pax. Although some Western scholars had anticipated that blogs would stimulate political change in the region, they were not able to predict the role really played by them (along with other social media like Facebook and Twitter), i.e. their help to ‘knock down’ the regimes in Tunisia and Egypt. Young readers of Arabic blogs were in the vanguard of protests. However, the Internet turned out to be also a tool of regime’s repression and censorship, facilitating identification of cyber activists. The article offers an overview of the Arabic blogosphere history. It presents the most renowned bloggers and their achievements, as well as general characteristics of blogs. Additionally, it discusses the situation of bloggers in the chosen countries before and after the ‘Arab Spring’ with special focus on Egypt. The objective here is to estimate to what extent Middle Eastern blogs can influence the Arab people turning them into civil societies.
issue 318
53 - 68
The object of this study is an answer to the question of whether and how the principle of sustainable development can be the background for the emergence of conflicts in the spatial land planning. The space is a public good and the place of integration of economic, social and environmental factors, which are a pillar of sustainable development. When these factors are not in balance, there is a conflict situation. In the practice of the principles of sustainable development it is important to use both the economic advantages of space, environmental protection requirements and social expectations. Balancing these values requires public entities’ continuous evaluation and assessment of areas in terms of their suitability for a particular purpose. Spatial planning should be carried out as efficiently as possible in economic terms, that is, in those areas where it is economically justified, while not associated with a nuisance to third parties or other values (e.g. environmental or historical) it should be allowed to invest. On the other hand, where there is a valuable area in terms of nature, the body should run all possible and available on the basis of generally applicable provisions protective measures. Unfortunately, in this field it comes to the adverse effects of a dispute or conflict. To answer the question posed above, please refer to the essence of sustainable development, vividly depicted using three overlapping circles, which are the core values of contemporary development: society, economy and environment. Against this background, we have to deal with three types of relationships within which may occur conflict situations. The first line is the relation of spatial economy — environment, the second — land planning — society and third environmental society — society.
The article discusses the modern Aramean national and social identity with special focus on the autoperception of the Aramean diaspora. The text consists of three parts. The first of them concerns the emergence of a distinct Aramean identity and outlines complicated relations with the Assyrian brethren. In the second part, the author presents the results of an online survey of the group of 306 Arameans which was conducted from November 2008 until May 2009. Part three contains a critical analysis of the presented data. The paper advances a claim that the centre of the Aramean community life is not in the historical lands of Aram-Nahrin (Middle East) but in the diaspora (Western European countries). Religion (belonging to the Syrian Orthodox Church) plays an important role, although the new lay elite educated in the West sometimes opposes the clergy. Traditional culture and lifestyle is not the only option for the young generation. Consequently, the assimilation of the diaspora is one of the most serious threats to the Aramean identity.
Constituting a ten per cent minority within Egypt’s population of 80 million, orthodox Copts are the largest Christian community in the Middle East and North Africa region. Their relations with the Muslim majority have never been without tension. However, the revolution, which began on February 11, 2011, and brought to an end Hosni Mubarak’s thirty-year rule, reunited the followers of these two religions for a while. The fundamentalists’ takeover in 2012 worsened the Copts’ situation: the Maspero massacre, the burning of churches i.e. in Sul and Idfu, attacks on nuns, Salafist anti-Christian propaganda as well as controversies around reconversion from Islam to Christianity all illustrated the deepening crisis. The death of Patriarch Shenouda III and the necessity to choose a new spiritual leader makes the Copts’ position even more difficult.
Stanowiący około 10-procentową mniejszość w ponad 80-milionowym Egipcie, ortodoksyjni Koptowie są najliczniejszą chrześcijańską wspólnotą w regionie Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki Północnej. Ich relacje z muzułmańską większością nigdy nie były pozbawione napięć, jednak rewolucja, która 11 lutego 2011 roku przyniosła kres 30-letnich rządów Husniego Mubaraka, na krótko zbliżyła wyznawców dwóch wielkich religii do siebie. Wraz z dojściem do władzy fundamentalistów muzułmańskich w 2012 roku sytuacja Koptów wyraźnie się pogorszyła: masakra w Maspiro, podpalenia kościołów m.in. w Sul oraz Idfu, ataki na siostry zakonne, salaficka propaganda antychrześcijańska, wreszcie kontrowersje wokół rekonwersji z islamu na chrześcijaństwo są na to dowodem. Śmierć patriarchy Szinudy III i konieczność wyboru nowego przywódcy duchowego czyni położenie Koptów jeszcze trudniejszym.
The purpose of this article is to understand Arab political humour by applying an image studies approach to examine political cartoons presenting the Arab Spring and its aftermath. An attempt is made to search for common themes undertaken by the cartoonists, then the cartoons are divided into several categories according to these findings. It is proved that the political cartoons mirror collective consciousness on the one hand, and stimulate peoples imagination on the other. The cartoonists prefer to display Arab solidarity and serve as agents of ethical responsibility and socio-political change rather than just being funny.
The aim of this article is to present the distinct political-legal status of a spa commune (gmina) in Poland. With this aim, the considerations focus on the development of legislation on spa communes, which dates back to 1922. Nevertheless, the basis for the considerations relates to the current legal situation. In her article, the author indicates that a spa commune is a municipality of the dual political-legal model: standard and special. The differences are connected with a number of aspects: the area, name, tasks and spa fees charged, the spa commission, the statute and supervisory activity. They result from the specific character of these communes, which is determined by the presence of public tasks connected with providing treatment in health resorts. The conclusion is that there are two pillars on which a spa commune rests: the resource-related aspect – based on the necessity of providing very good sanitary and environmental conditions in resorts, and the human aspect – constituted by tourists. For these pillars to be managed in a proper way, the legislator has decided to grant separate political-legal status to these communes.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie odrębności ustrojowych gmin uzdrowiskowych w Polsce. Aby to uczynić rozważania osadzono w perspektywie rozwoju ustawodawstwa uzdrowiskowego, którego początki sięgają 1922 roku, ale trzon rozważań dotyczy aktualnego stanu prawnego. W artykule wskazano, że gmina uzdrowiskowa jest gminą o dualnym modelu ustrojowoprawnym: standardowym i specjalnym. Odrębności dotyczą kilku zagadnień: obszaru i nazwy, zadań i opłaty uzdrowiskowej, komisji uzdrowiskowej, statutu oraz nadzoru. Wynikają one ze szczególnego charakteru tych gmin, zdeterminowanego występowaniem zadań publicznych, związanych z prowadzeniem lecznictwa uzdrowiskowego. W zakończeniu stwierdzono, że są dwa filary gminy uzdrowiskowej: surowcowy, opierający się na konieczności zapewnienia bardzo dobrych warunków sanitarnych i środowiskowych miejscowości i ludzki, który stanowią turyści. Aby prawidłowo zarządzać tymi filarami ustawodawca zdecydował o odrębnym statusie ustrojowoprawnym tych gmin.
vol. 4
issue 2
Pandemia COVID-19 wymusiła liczne zmiany w wielu obszarach życia ludzkiego. Społeczeństwo stanęło przed wyzwaniem zaadaptowania się do nowej rzeczywistości. Ze względu na obostrzenia ludzie zostali w domach, a wiele aspektów ich codziennej działalności przeniosło się do internetu. Komunikacja bezpośrednia została w znacznym stopniu wyparta przez komunikację na odległość, wzrosło użycie narzędzi cyfrowych, nastąpił rozwój mediów społecznościowych, które stały się kanałami komunikacji rodzin, zbiorowości akademickiej, środowisk pracowniczych czy różnych marek ze swoimi klientami. Internet jak nigdy dotąd odegrał znaczącą rolę w utrzymywaniu stosunków międzyludzkich. W artykule autorka dokonała ogólnego przeglądu tendencji w użytkowaniu i w procesie rozwoju mediów społecznościowych oraz internetu w czasie pandemii COVID-19, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych kierunków w Polsce.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced numerous changes in many areas of human life. Society faced the challenge of adapting to the new reality. Due to the restrictions, people stayed at home and many aspects of their everyday lives moved to the Internet. Direct communication was largely replaced by remote communication, the use of digital tools increased, and social media developed and become the main ways of communication between families, members of the academic community, work colleagues, and brands with their clients. The Internet played a more significant role in maintaining interpersonal relationships than ever before. In this paper, the author reviews trends in the usage and development of social media and the Internet during the COVID-19 pandemic, with particular emphasis put on the case of Poland.
In the article, the author presents the concept of public interest in spatial planning and development from the perspective of selected specific regulations. The subject of the analysis are certain requirements of environmental protection, including water management and protection of agricultural and forest land; requirements of protection of cultural heritage and monuments, as well as contemporary cultural assets, and the need to ensure an adequate quantity and quality of water for the purpose of supplying the population. The author is of the opinion that the statutory definition of public interest does not capture its essence. Therefore, the reconstruction of this concept should be made from the perspective of the designations of public interest which can be decoded by means of laws from the sphere of substantive administrative law.
vol. 17
issue 2
The judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 8 May 2018 concerns the issue of relations of property rights to public interest, in connection with the resolution of the commune council, regarding the creation of a culture park. The resolution introduces a specific public-law regime in a given area, taking into account the general needs, which simultaneously causes interference in the sphere of subjective rights, in particular through a system of prohibitions and restrictions. The judgment is based on the conviction that there is a need in the public space to protect cultural values. In the aspect of the constitutional principle of proportionality, it is also important to consider the private interest in the area covered by protection in the form of a culture park.
Wyrok, którego dotyczy glosa, prezentuje przełomowe stanowisko Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego, w którym sąd uznał, że decyzja Ministra Zdrowia w przedmiocie odmowy udzielenia zgody na refundację leku zawierającego medyczną marihuanę narusza prawa pacjenta w zakresie wyboru skutecznej metody leczenia, podczas gdy inne konwencjonalne metody okazały się nieskuteczne. W ocenie sądu ewentualne wątpliwości – zarówno co do wykładni przepisów dotyczących ochrony zdrowia, jak i oceny stanu faktycznego konkretnejsprawy – rozstrzygać należy na rzecz ochrony życia i zdrowia ludzkiego. Leczenie preparatami zawierającymi medyczną marihuanę wpisuje się w nurt in dubio pro vita humana.
The sentence which the gloss refers to presents the breakthrough stance of the Supreme Administrative Court, where it is acknowledged that the decision issued by the Minister of Health, concerning the refusal to refund a medicament containing medical marijuana, infringes on the patient’s rights in the sphere of selection of an effective method of treatment in the situation where conventional methods have proved inefficient. In the opinion of the Court, eventual doubts – with reference to both the interpretation of theregulations dealing with healthcare and evaluation of the factual state of the case in question – should be settled in favor of protection of life and human health. Treatment with preparations including medical marijuana writes into the current of in dubio pro vita humana.
vol. 15
issue 4
The article makes a presentation of the relation between legal acts belonging to the so-called foreign orders and the national law at the level of regulation contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the problem of application of the EU law by the Polish administrative authorities. The ratified international agreements and acts of the EU law are sources of administrative law and must be applied by the public authority of Member States. The article deals with two issues: the relationship between the international law and national law in the light of the Polish Constitution and application of the EU law by public administration in Poland. These issues can be dealt with separately but have a number of tangent points. The author does not aspire to present a comprehensive discussion of these issues, but intends to point out some aspects. It has been argued that the standard of application of international law by public administrations (which is also the accession treaties) and the EU law depends on how the constitution regulates the issue of international law relation to the domestic law. In Polish jurisdiction (the Constitutional Court and the Polish Supreme Administrative Court) the practice of respecting the principle of primacy of the EU law as well as the principle of a community of interpretation of this law has been established.
vol. 15
issue 4
Presented glossary to the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw of 11 January 2017 (II OSK 932/15) is approved and polemic. The position of the Supreme Administrative Court has been divided that the municipal authorities may, in the local spatial development plan they formulate, restrict the rights of the owners in order to fully realize other values which they consider more important. When discussing polemics with the views expressed in the explanatory memorandum, three factors have been identified in this statement, which have determined the outcome of the findings of the local spatial development plan, the requirements of the public interest, and the future rights of third parties. As a consequence, it was recognized that the statutory principle of weighing interests – by referring to the constitutional principle of proportionality – was consistent with the system of application of the law of planning and spatial planning and shaping the correct relationship between the public interest and individual interests.
Authors’aimin this article is an interdisciplinary approach to localizing the first residence of the Franciscan sisters in the 17th century in Zamość. This work is based on unpublished analysis of archaeological and supervisory research, historical monographs and cartographic sources. A review of other publications concerning the same issue however from a more general point of view gives a reason for further critical considerations regarding the matter of localizing the original Franciscan sisters in the area of Ordynacja Zamoyska – a capital city of that times. An archaeological method was compared to the cartographic sources what resulted in providing especially significant pieces of information. The above mentioned issue in the history of Zamość has never been considered as a distinct field of any study.
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