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The presented educational project is a proposal for an interesting – involving primary school pupils – classes on environmental and ecological topics. It aims to form environmental attitudes, observation skills and independent reasoning, getting acquainted with the diversity of plants, fungi and animals of the Park, and the inculcation of proper rules of action concerning the conservation of nature.
Proces komunikacji interpersonalnej nauczyciel-uczeń jest dość złożony. Rozpatrywanie tego problemu w kontekście współczesnych przemian cywilizacyjnych nie uwzględnia całości zjawisk transformacyjnych ponowoczesności, jest jedynie zwróceniem uwagi na wybrane i najistotniejsze aspekty komunikacji między nauczycielem a uczniami, z uwzględnieniem niektórych kontekstów dokonujących się współcześnie przeobrażeń społecznych. Globalizacja, powstanie i rozwój Internetu oraz nowych technologii to główne kwestie, jakie będą przedmiotem omawianym w niniejszych rozważaniach. Są to bowiem procesy skutkujące gwałtownymi przemianami społecznymi. Szkoła nie istnieje w próżni i odczuwa efekty tych przeobrażeń. Kryzys obecnej edukacji jest zauważalny i stale przybiera na sile. Dlatego warto zastanowić się, kto jest uczestnikiem procesu komunikacyjnego w szkole i do jakiego rodzaju odbiorcy musi trafić dziś nauczyciel. Stąd poddano charakterystyce generację Y, mającą odmienne od swoich pedagogów doświadczenia pokoleniowe, inaczej postrzegającą świat. W niniejszych rozważaniach postarano się również pokazać, jak powinna się kształtować komunikacja interpersonalna nauczyciel-uczeń w dobie współczesnych przemian cywilizacyjnych, które wymuszają transformację lub zmodyfikowanie tego procesu. Zwrócono uwagę na zastosowanie nowych technologii w nauczaniu, które mogą, jeśli będą twórczo wykorzystane, pomóc pedagogom w budowaniu relacji interpersonalnych z uczniami. Bowiem poprawna komunikacja między nauczycielem a uczniem to podstawa efektywnego procesu dydaktycznego i wychowawczego na każdym szczeblu edukacji i w nauczaniu każdego przedmiotu.
The process of the interpersonal communication in the range of ‘teacher – student’ relation is very complex. The consideration of this issue in the context of modern civilization changes does not involve all the phenomena of post-modernity transformation, it is only to focus on the most important aspects of the selected issued of the communication between the teacher and his/her student, including some contemporary contexts of the ongoing social transformations. Globalization, the introduction and the development of the Internet as well as new technologies are the main issues that will be the subject discussed in such considerations. They are, though, the processes that lead to the rapid social changes. The school does not exist in the isolated surroundings and has to face the effects of such transformations. The current education crisis is noticeable and it is constantly resulting in the negative effects. Therefore, it is worth considering who is a participant in the communication process at school and what kind of recipient must be aimed at today. Thus, the characteristics of Y Generation was created, having generational experience that is different from their teachers, and perceiving the world in a different way. Furthermore, the presented considerations also try to show how the interpersonal communication of teacher - student kind should be formed in the era of modern civilization changes, which make it necessary to transform or modify this process. Additionally, the use of new technologies in teaching is referred to, which may, if they are used creatively, help educators in building the appropriate interpersonal relations with students. It is crucial, since the proper communication between teacher and his/her students is the foundation of the effective educational process at all levels of education and upbringing in the range of every taught subject.
W niniejszym artykule zasygnalizowane zostały potrzeby wychowawcze, socjalne i edukacyjne w rozwijaniu świadomości i kształtowaniu postaw prospołecznych oraz wskazane aspekty oddziaływania na wychowanie, rodzinę i rówieśników. Dopełnieniem artykułu są autorskie opracowania innowacyjnych propozycji rozwiązań wdrażanych projektów badawczo-edukacyjnych na temat: dobroczynności, instytucji charytatywnych, wolontariatu w świadomości młodych ludzi – dzieci i młodzieży, oraz problemów społecznych XXI wieku.
In the article the upbringing, social, and educational needs were discussed as part of developing the pupil’s awareness, as well as shaping the pro-social attitudes. The influence of such needs on education, family and peers was also mentioned. Additionally, also included are the author’s innovative proposals of the solutions introduced in the educational research projects dealing with the awareness of young people of problems like charity, charity institutions, voluntary work, as well as the basic social problems of the 21st century.
The article demonstrates various aspects of the processes concerning the problems and risks of the current natural science education. It is worth highlighting that the issue involving natural science education is an extremely important element of the youth education at all levels of education.
The author in the article pays attention to the usefulness of the project realization dealing with the geo-park development. She indicates the significance of the conducted landscape and regional investigations in the range of the bio and geo-diversity as well as the problems with nature protection and tourism development. The realization of the educational projects influences the correct initiation of the balanced development idea as well as the actualization of knowledge in the range of the cultural heritage.
Both the development of the civilization today as well as the lifestyle of the society based on the consumption do not always involve the behaviours dealing with providing the mental picture of lives according to the laws of nature and its respect. The causes of this situation may result from the variety of educational negligence and the materialistic lifestyle created by the mass media. The level of the consciousness can be significantly improved due to the competent preparation of the future teachers to realize the issues of the ecology and of the “sustainable development” in the educational process. There was the investigation carried out to find out the level of the respondents’ knowledge and to get the comprehensive knowledge on the required problem, i.e. if and to what degree the students of the natural science specializations were prepared to realize the issues of the sustainable development. The number of 297 students was involved in the investigation. They represented the following specializations: biology, geography and chemistry in their universities.
Schools allow to develop and extend the approaches and attitudes in the social, moral, ideological, and religious spheres. The realization of these matters is possible due to the fulfillment of three basic school functions, i.e. didactic, educational, and protective. No one should forget that human education starts already in the period of childhood. Initially, parents introduce the children to the indispensable problems and matters in their future lives. It takes place in the form of games. They satisfy their growing need of gaining the knowledge, by answering numerous questions. They develop the knowledge through practical activities to let them gain experience, that is, organize walks, educational games, and so forth. Then young people begin school education, which influences, to a large degree, their lives. Then, in the educational process, the subject of Biology appears, almost certainly already known thanks to the parents’ education. The scientific discipline called Biology is a very important element in the education of people, which is helpful in understanding their own personalities and the surrounding reality. The wide range of biological contents as well as the short reflection on the subject of gaining the knowledge in the range of Biology allows us to notice, that this discipline, similarly to other disciplines shapes the personality of young, growing up people. All things considered, however, it differs from disciplines such as history, or mathematics, because it is closely and directly related to the human being and functioning, as the basis of human life. Biology, more considerably and effectively, than different disciplines, makes the students sensible towards human needs as well as the needs of nature and its protection.
The balanced development is at present the challenge for creating the awareness not only of the particular society, but also in the widest sense for the whole generation of the people. Undertaking such issues, the role of education during all stages of teaching, should be taken into consideration, especially, in the range of propagating the idea of responsibility for the natural environment with eco-development. It is a specially important element of teaching according to the principle of pro-environmental education to undertake all actions in the educational centers, which aim is to stimulate the environmental awareness of young people as well as to prepare the pedagogical staff to the realization of the wide range of methods and strategies that allow to get the best results during the process of educating young generation. The appropriate undertakings should be realized in order to support the education in the process of introducing the right value system and positive attitudes towards realization of the sixth Environmental politics of the EU Programme. With the connection to the carried on initial research associated with the knowledge about the balanced development among high school students, analysing the results of the questionnaires, the answer to the question whether students possess any kind of knowledge on balanced development was to be learned.
Since early childhood a man should be able to undertake activities aiming at environmental protection and exploiting the Earth resources in a sustainable way. Shaping ecological consciousness is a responsibility of every community and it requires various forms and methods. Campaigns of regional organisations play a crucial role in education. An example of the discussed organisations is the Regional Centre of Ecological Education in Płock, which has been providing children, adolescents and adults with ecological education for 21 years, thus activating them to take actions for environmental protection. Research conducted by the institution and the findings unambiguously prove effectiveness of the undertaken actions and a need to continue the development of that kind of campaign.
Człowiek już od najmłodszych lat powinien być zdolny do podejmowania działań mających na celu ochronę środowiska i korzystanie z zasobów ziemi w sposób zrównoważony. Kształtowanie świadomości ekologicznej jest koniecznością w każdej społeczności, wymaga też zróżnicowanych form oraz metod. Bardzo ważny udział w edukacji mają działania organizacji regionalnych. Przykładem jest Regionalne Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Płocku, które od 21 lat prowadzi edukację ekologiczną dla dzieci, młodzieży oraz dorosłych, aktywizując ich do działań mających na celu ochronę środowiska. Przeprowadzone w tej instytucji badania oraz uzyskane z nich wyniki jednoznacznie świadczą o skuteczności podejmowanych przedsięwzięć oraz o potrzebie ich ciągłego rozwijania.
Warto podjąć próbę zmierzenia się z rzeczywistością w kontekście realiów przyjętych norm etycznych i ekologicznych biorąc pod uwagę wyposażenie nauczyciela w nowy profil kwalifikacji zawodowych. Obecne wyzwania, które zostają skutecznie wdrażane w edukację, budzą obawy przed potencjalnym zagrożeniem, ale też wyzwalają pewne nadzieje. Daje się zaobserwować, że ówczesna praca pedagogiczna instrumentalizuje często młodego człowieka, stawiającego pierwsze kroki w roli nauczyciela–przedmiotowca, wychowawcy, do osiągnięcia konkretnych celów politycznych, ekonomicznych oraz pełnienia specjalnych wytyczonych zadań.
It is worth a while to consider the reality of being a teacher in light of accepted ethical and ecological standards, while taking into account new professional qualifications of a teacher. The current challenges that are becoming a vital part of education are at the same time worrisome and a source of hope. It can be observed that the previous pedagogical work often instrumentalizes a young person, who begins his work as a teacher, so as to achieve political and economic objectives, and to perform specific fixed tasks.
The authors prepared interesting suggestions for gymnasium teachers to conduct biology classes by using a variety of the employed methods and teaching strategies. The scenario demonstrates the realization of issues in a broader perspective, moreover, requiring from the students the repetition of concepts concerning the circulation of fluids in the body (organism) in the range of flora and fauna.
In the article, the information concerning the undertaken actions in favour of the natural environment has been introduced, they refer not only to the changes in the curriculum, but also to the realization of the ecological and sozological presentation in the range of the programme offers dealing with the sources and ecological, cultural and recreation institutions. The best participation of all interested objects, which influence in the straightforward and not straightforward ways on the local communities, is required to introduce such successful politics.
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