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Zarządzanie i Finanse
vol. 2
issue 5
Zgodnie z zaleceniami Unii Europejskiej dążymy zarówno do oszczędzania zużycia energii, jak i zmniejszenia emisji dwutlenku węgla. Aby spełnić tak wyznaczone cele, wprowadza się zalecenia termomodernizacji i audytu energetycznego. W związku z tym konieczne są obowiązkowe ubezpieczenia od odpowiedzialności cywilnej audytorów energetycznych. W artykule przeanalizowano treść tego ubezpieczenia, ryzyko pracy audytora energetycznego, a także założenia polityki oszczędzania energii.
In the free-market economy an important role play real estate, selling, buying and pricing. The complexity of the issues related to the condition of the real estate, transaction prices, consumption and economic consumption contributed to the appointment of values. In this paper we describe the role of appraisers in the valuation of various types of real estate in Poland. In order to protect the professional group, it was introduced by regulation of the Minister of Finance the compulsory civil liability insurance of values. In this paper we assess the risk of work of values. We critically evaluate the content of the Regulation of its vagueness guarantee sum and responsibilities.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
For many years in Poland there are more and more accidents or construction disasters. They are the subject of numerous studies and publications and compulsory insurance of civil liability for people involved with construction projects was introduced in 2003. The purpose of this article is to review the effects of the operation of the insurance in Poland. In this paper we pay attention to the trends in number of construction accidents and mistakes made by designers. We analyze the basic statistics of this insurance.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
For several years, there can be observed a trend towards the trips to tropical countries. A cursory reading of the general conditions of foreign travel insurance indicates that the issue of trips to these countries is treated in general terms. It is known that every trip to the tropical and intertropical area can cause various diseases typical for these regions. In this article, the author discusses the scale of the trips, the incidence of tropical diseases among Polish citizens visiting these countries. The author proposes the actuarial departments of insurance undertakings to have devoted more space to this problem in insurance general terms. This article  refers to the cost of treatment as well.
Od kilku lat obserwujemy wyjazdy z Polski do krajów strefy tropikalnej i międzyzwrotnikowej. Pobieżna lektura ogólnych warunków zakładów ubezpieczeń podróży zagranicznych wskazuje, że problematyka wyjazdów do tych państw jest potraktowana ogólnikowo. Jak wiadomo, każdy wyjazd do państw strefy międzyzwrotnikowej i tropikalnej wiąże się z zachorowaniami na różnego rodzaju choroby typowe dla tych regionów. W artykule naświetlamy skalę wyjazdów do tych krajów i skalę zachorowań polskich obywateli. Proponujemy także działom aktuarialnym zakładów ubezpieczeń, aby w ogólnych warunkach ubezpieczeń więcej miejsca poświęcili na ich sprecyzowanie oraz kalkulację składek. Ponadto odnosimy się do warunków kosztów leczenia w wyjazdach zagranicznych do krajów egzotycznych.
On Polish territory, there are many historic buildings. Among many risks related to these objects, one of the most important is the threat of fire. The purpose of this article is to define the general terms and conditions of insurance of historic real estate, mainly inhabited by the population in cities. In the article, we use statistics of the State Fire Service for fires of historic real estate. Studies show that there is an urgent need for the mandatory insurance coverage of historic real estate.
Na terenie Polski jest zlokalizowanych wiele obiektów zabytkowych. Wśród wielu zagrożeń dotyczących tych obiektów najważniejsze jest zagrożenie pożarowe. Celem artykułu jest określenie ogólnych warunków ubezpieczenia nieruchomych obiektów zabytkowych, głównie zamieszkałych przez ludność w miastach. W artykule została wykorzystana statystyka Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w zakresie pożarów obiektów nieruchomych. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że zachodzi pilna potrzeba objęcia obowiązkową ochroną ubezpieczeniową nieruchomych obiektów zabytkowych.
Insurance coverage is one of the methods of providing security for movablecultural property. The article discusses the scale of theft of such objects in Polandand methods of valuation for the purposes of determining the sum of insurance.
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Etyka brokera ubezpieczeniowego

A broker’s activity is one of the elements of insurance mediation. Brokers sell property and personal as well as life insurance policies. Apart from the range of duties, the quantitative condition of distribution channels, the paper also discusses problems of a broker’s professional ethics, which include broadly understood information reliability, activation honesty and assistance in damage liquidation. Signed in 1998, the Sobieszew Charter lays out the norms of ethical broker’s activity in three dimensions: their contacts with clients, mutual contacts and contacts with an insurance company. As well as that, the Charter created the Commission of Professional Ethics, the role of which is settling conflicts arising in the above-mentioned dimensions. The Charter also established seven main principles of professional ethics including the principle of a fair turnover or that of forming healthy relationships among brokers. The paper investigates the data concerning ethics in broker organizations, the major elements of which are a broker’s impartiality, conducting honest negotiations and the duty of submitting identical requests for proposal to insurance companies. The issue of insurance brokerage is not discussed.
Universal access to electricity has become a reality for many years. However, the use of this energy also poses threats. In case of accident or contact with unsecured electric network, the people and animals undergo electric shock. In the paper, we present the body’s response to an electricity. Here is the scale of the problem, the causes of shock on a national scale, as well as in selected branches of the national economy. In the final part, we present the frequency of electric shock.
Powszechny dostęp do źródeł korzystania z prądu elektrycznego stało się faktem już od wielu lat. Jednak korzystanie z tej energii stwarza również zagrożenia. W przypadku awarii lub kontaktu z niezabezpieczoną siecią elektryczną następuje porażenie prądem ludzi i zwierząt. W artykule przedstawiono reakcję organizmu na prąd elektryczny. Zaprezentowano skalę problemu, przyczyny porażeń w skali kraju, a także w wybranych gałęziach gospodarki narodowej. W końcowej części została podana częstość porażeń prądem.
Celem tego artykułu jest ocena stanu, możliwości i potrzeb w zakresie ubezpieczenia odpowiedzialności cywilnej podmiotów za produkt. Rozważania ograniczymy jedynie do odpowiedzialności cywilnej za produkty nieżywnościowe codziennego użytkowania w gospodarstwach domowych. Pokażemy skalę alertów, a także możliwości ubezpieczenia podmiotów i ich odpowiedzialności cywilnej.
A characteristic feature of the current civilization is the mass production of all sorts of products. Despite the greater technological progress, organisational and legal security, we see that the defective, dangerous products, are still marketed. Manufacturers are responsible for the poor quality of products, this is a civil liability for the product. Consumer demands continue to grow and meet more and more consumer claims for defective products targeted for sale. The purpose of this article is to assess the status, opportunities and needs for civil liability insurance for the product. We limit the analysis only to civil liability for non-food items of everyday use in households. We'll show you the scale of the problems, as well as opportunities for insurance for business entity and their civil liability.
In Poland, there are many species of game animals. These animals are causing damage to crops. This article aims to propose a compulsory insurance of agricultural crops from damage caused by game. The article describes the size of the occurrence and the damage liquidation procedures.
In a market economy, the protection of consumer rights is an extremely important issue. This also applies to the insurance market where these issues are generally understood as ones related to the conclusion and execution of insurance contracts. The insured person is exposed to many dangers, being the weaker party in the insurance market, since insurance companies, as professionals, can easily impose convenient transaction terms. The article aims to identify market practices including unfair terms imposed by insurance companies. It provides examples of such unfair terms and conditions in the form of so-called abusive clauses in insurance contracts and points to the consequences of their use.
The issue of mutual trust is an important element in each economic activity, especially in the global market economy. It also concerns insurance activity. Entering into contracts with clients, a life insurance company becomes a public trust institution. The long-term responsibility lies on the insurance company side. The act of 23 March 2003 on insurance activity sets forth that insurance institutions are obligated to systematically inform their insured clients about contract commitments. The paper shows some examples of clients losing trust in insurance companies. It also defines public trust and the basic factors influencing public trust in life insurances.
In the years 2003-2009 the several acts of law concerning obligatory insurance of various professional groups were created. Insurances protect these groups especially from errors that occur during performing work. The article presents the problem of difficulties in calculating the contribution rates as a result of lack of data. But in order to calculate the rate of contribution the article attempts to use of subjective probability.
The problem of fires in Poland is an important element of public safety. One of the reasons ofthe fires are different types of arson of buildings, crops or forests. This paper presents a quantitative scale of the phenomenon of arson in Poland. Basing on data from the General Headquarters of the Police and Fire Headquarters it analyzes the scale offire danger. It also presents the role of specialists in the detection of causes of fires. The article points the role ofinsurance in the compensation of fire damage.
For many years we have observed the occurrence of extorting compensation from insurance companies. The scale of it is not fully identified. Despite the enormous effort to combat with this phenomenon, the size of it is still growing. The article discusses the reasons for this phenomenon, especially motivation and tendency of the insured to fraud. It also presents the economic consequences of the phenomenon for insurance companies.
In the free-market economy a lot of natural and legal persons have loans and liabilities. Many people and businesses have a hard time repaying loans and contracts. Appears very often bankrupt companies and consumer bankruptcy. A court executive officer (bailiff) has been called in order to enforce repayment of loans and commitments. Every bailiff is required to carry liability insurance. In this paper we assess the risk of this professional group, its social status, statistics of cases affecting and completed. We point to the vagueness and the sums guaranteed of compulsory insurance of civil liability. Critically evaluate the content of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on compulsory insurance of civil liability of bailiffs.
Road Transport Inspection (ITD) was established in 2001. Its aim is to increase traffic safety. This article aims to answer the question to what extent the appointment of ITD. contributes to improving road safety in Poland. In the article, in addition to discussion the objectives of the organization and scale of accidents involving heavy vehicles, we discuss quantitative status checks carried out. We are observing the period 2005–2012. The article shows that with strong administrative decisions and criminal proceedings, the number of accidents and their consequences involving heavy duty motor vehicles is reduced.
W 2001 r. powołano jednostkę Inspekcji Transportu Drogowego (ITD), której celem jest zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa w ruchu drogowym. Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, na ile powołanie ITD przyczynia się do polepszenia bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w Polsce. W artykule oprócz naświetlenia celów ITD, organizacji skali wypadków z udziałem ciężarowych pojazdów samochodowych, omawiamy stan ilościowy przeprowadzonych kontroli. Obserwacją obejmujemy lata 2005–2012. Artykuł pokazuje, że dzięki ostrym decyzjom administracyjnym i karnym stopniowo zmniejsza się liczba wypadków i ich skutków z udziałem ciężarowych pojazdów samochodowych.
Starting in the late 20th century, we are seeing increased interest in obtaining energy from renewable sources. One of those sources is wind energy and its use. Increased interest in offshore wind farms in Poland is caused by the introduction of numerous restrictions on the construction of terrestrial power plants. The purpose of this article is to assess the operational risk of offshore wind farms from the point of view of their ability to be covered by insurance. The article discusses the principles of their functioning, the accompanying natural hazards as well as the general conditions of their coverage by indicating the subject of insurance, the scope of insurance and the sum insured. General conditions of operation of offshore wind farms were discussed.
Począwszy od końca XX w., obserwuje się wzrost zainteresowania pozyskaniem energii z odnawialnych źródeł. Jednym z nich jest energia wiatru. Wprowadzenie licznych ograniczeń dotyczących budowy lądowych elektrowni wiatrowych powoduje, nie tylko w Polsce, wzrost zainteresowania morskimi elektrowniami wiatrowymi. Celem artykułu jest ocena ryzyka eksploatacji morskich elektrowni wiatrowych z punktu widzenia możliwości objęcia ich ochroną ubezpieczeniową. W opracowaniu omawiamy zasady ich funkcjonowania, towarzyszące im zagrożenia naturalne, a także ogólne warunki objęcia ich ochroną ubezpieczeniową, wskazując na przedmiot ubezpieczenia, zakres ubezpieczenia oraz sumę ubezpieczenia. Ponadto omawiamy w sposób ogólny warunki eksploatacji morskich elektrowni wiatrowych.
The aim of the study is to identify risks characteristic of the local government sector and to present the insurance offer dedicated to this sector on the example of the city of Łódź. The article puts a thesis forward that a comprehensively structured insurance offer contributes to the optimal transfer of local government risks. The study was based on a literature review, legal acts and an insurance offer addressed to local government units. A properly conducted risk identification process and the insurer selection procedure lead not only to the selection of the optimal insurance offer, but also to the entity itself. A limited analysis of the example of the city of Łódź shows that local government authorities are interested in comprehensive, "tailor-made" insurance policies offered by one insurer. This translates into the time of acceptance, consideration of the damage and payment of compensation. Insurance programs directly addressed to local government units that appear on the insurance market should be assessed positively. An example is the "Safe Commune" program. It should be expected that in the coming years, due to the special budget constraints resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, the interest of local authorities will increase in new, innovative solutions in the field of risk insurance.
Celem opracowania jest wskazanie ryzyk charakterystycznych dla sektora samorządowego oraz prezentację oferty ubezpieczeniowej dedykowanej temu sektorowi na przykładzie miasta Łodzi. W pracy postawiono tezę, że kompleksowo skonstruowana oferta ubezpieczeniowa przyczynia się do optymanego transferu ryzyk samorządu terytorialnego. Opracowanie powstało w oparciu o przegląd literatury przedmiotu, akty prawne oraz ofertę ubezpieczeniową skierowaną do jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Pawidłowo przeprowadzony proces identyfikacji ryzyk oraz procedura wyboru ubezpieczyciela prowadzi nie tylko do wyboru optymalnej oferty ubezpieczeniowej, ale także samego podmiotu. Z ograniczonej analizy przykładu miasta Łodzi wynika, że władze samorządu są zainteresowane kompleksowymi, „szytymi na miarę” polisami ubezpieczeniowymi oferowanymi przez jednego ubezpieczyciela. Przekłada się to na czas przyjęcia, rozpatrzenia szkody i wypłaty odszkodowania. Pozytywnie należy ocenić programy ubezpieczeniowe bezpośrednio adresowane do JST, które pojawiają się na rynku ubezpieczeniowym. Przykładem jest program „Bezpieczna Gmina”. Należy oczekiwać, że w najbliższych latach, z uwagi na szczególne ograniczenia budżetowe wynikające z pandemii Covid-19, zaintersowanie władz samorządowych wzrośnie nowymi, innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami w zakresie ubezpieczenia ryzyk.
In Poland, we have approx. 10,000 fuel stations and fuel depots. Approximately 27 million vehicles registered in Poland and several million vehicles transiting through Poland use the petrol stations. Petrol and LPG stations are very dangerous places with flammable materials. Hence, an important element is the civil liability of employees of petrol stations and fuel and LPG depots. The article presents the scale and types of threats that may occur during the operation of these facilities, and the security elements of this type of place are also discussed. The final part of the article presents the basic elements of liability insurance for petrol operators. The basic elements of this insurance are indicated, such as the scope of the liability, the contribution, the guarantee sum and the problems with settling claims.
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