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Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę ukazania pewnych intuicji leżących u podstaw logiki deontycznej obecnych w historii logiki. Stanowi on tylko częściowe opracowanie czterech z wielu poglądów ujmujących możliwość bezpośredniego wyprowadzenia zdań praktycznych ze zdań teoretycznych, którym przysługuje prawdziwość lub fałszywość. Autor starał się nie tylko przywołać, krótko opisać i zestawić wybrane przykłady. Wyraża nadzieję, że można było przy okazji dojść do pewnych – interesujących z punktu widzenia filozofii – wniosków. Dla przykładu faktu występowania wielu wymiarów w dziedzinie moralności w porównaniu do „dwuwymiarowej” teorii etycznej opisanej w języku logiki. Na uwagę zasługuje więc fakt niezbędności filozoficznego uzupełnienia rachunków logicznych we wszystkich omawianych tu przykładach. Autor wyraża także nadzieję, że treść artykułu będzie choć trochę bogatsza od tego, co na omawiany temat można znaleźć w podręcznikach, kompendiach czy w Internecie.
From good to obligation – some issues of the history of logic. This paper comprises an attempt of unveiling some of the general intuitions present in the history of logic that constitute the basis of deontic logic. This article forms only a partial study of the four approches selected from many others. These maintainances admit a possibility of direct derivation of practical prepositions from the theoretical ones that can be assigned by logical values. I have been trying to recall and get togather for examples of deontic logic account. These accounts come from such philosophers as Aristotle and G. H. von Wright who is known for his discoverery of the deontic logic. J. Kalinowski and R. Blanché have been both introduced as well. Interestingly one may get to an interesting philosophical conclusion here. The domain of morality is much more complex and multidimensional, comparing to the ethical theory described by an artificial language of deontic logic’s account. It is also worthy to be emphesized that some additional philosophical reflections are always needed to complement such deontic logic accounts as seen in the case of the four examples described in this paper.
Zachęta do nowej ewangelizacji, obecna w nauczaniu św. Jana Pawła II i Benedykta XVI, swoje potwierdzenie i konkretną realizację znajduje w przesłaniu Maryi przekazanym trojgu pastuszkom: Łucji, Hiacyncie i Franciszkowi, w Fatimie. Maryja za ich pośrednictwem przypomniała, że dla uproszenia nawrócenia własnego i innych konieczne jest wynagradzanie Bogu poprzez nabożeństwo do Niepokalanego Serca Maryi, codzienne odmawianie różańca i pełnienie obowiązków w duchu ofiary. Również Jan Paweł II w przemówieniu wygłoszonym do biskupów portugalskich 13 maja 1991 r. przypominał, że Fatima i jej orędzie pomagają nam zrozumieć, że dla nowej ewangelizacji najważniejsze są modlitwa i pokuta jako skuteczny oręż chrześcijanina w duchowej walce „przeciw Zwierzchnościom, przeciw Władzom, przeciw rządcom świata tych ciemności, przeciw pierwiastkom duchowym zła na wyżynach niebieskich (Ef 6,12)”.
The encouragement to the New Evangelization in the teaching of St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI finds its confirmation and realization in the message of the Mother of God entrusted to three little shepherds: Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco in Fatima. Through their mediation Saint Mary reminded us that it is necessary to adore the Sacred Heart of Mary, to pray a rosary and to live in the spirit of sacrifice if we want to save ourselves and other people. Moreover, Pope John Paul II in his speech to the bishops in Portugal on May 13, 1991 said that thanks to Fatima we know that a prayer and penance are the most important things in the new evangelization. They are the most efficacious instruments in the spiritual battle “against evil rulers and of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Ef 6,12).
The purpose of this article is to give the evidence that the anthropology of imago Dei could be considered as the groundwork for the common anthropology valid for the whole Christianity and it also depicts the vision of man as the answer to the demands of every human being of the postmodernism epoch. The starting point of our reflection is the fact of the return of the interest in anthropology in the 20th century among the theologians of the three great Christian denominations: Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic. When in the 20th century the ecumenical movement appeared, theological anthropology, which both joins and divides Churches, became very crucial and still it is getting more and more important. After many years of ecumenical dialogues we can affirm that, despite the differences, all Christians understand man as a imago Dei – the image of God. He was not only created as such, but has always been, despite the original sin. Man is the image of God One in the Holy Trinity who lives in mutual relations, that is why human being is also highly relational. He lives in the relation with God, with another human being, and with the created world over which he was appointed as the master and manager. All Christian Churches which took part in the ecumenical dialogue agree that the source of this anthropology is the Bible; they will also agree about the original sin and his consequences for the human nature considered in the light of Jesus Christ; finally, they will agree on imago Dei as the foundation of the personal dignity of man. There are still differences, the questions that require more theological work, for example distinction between image and likeness; the concept of theosis – deification present in the orthodox theology and considered as problematic by the protestant theology; the Churches teaching about the ordination of women and homosexuality. At the end of the article we have some examples of the perspectives that give the anthropology of the image of God. This concept of human can help to overcome the contemporary crisis of anthropology, the result of the postmodernism. This anthropology also claims that all Christian Churches are able to give the common answer to the ethics questions such as abortion, euthanasia or genetic manipulations. The author also suggests that all Christian Churches, as the starting point and foundation, should take not only the Bible, but the anthropology of the Fathers of Church as well.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie poglądów Marcina Lutra na temat "niewolnej woli" i wpływu, jakie wywarły i wciąż wywierają one na myśl filozoficzną i teologiczną kultury Europy i Stanów Zjednoczonych. Teza o "niewolnej woli" człowieka, wyjaśniona w broszurze "De Servo Arbitrio" z grudnia 1525 r., stoi u podstaw zarówno antropologii jak i teologii i chrystologii weimarskiego reformatora. Zgodnie z tą ideą, człowiek jest zbawiony jedynie przez wiarę (sola fides) i niemożliwa jest jakakolwiek współpraca woli ludzkiej z łaską Bożą, jako że natura człowieka po grzechu pierworodnym jest całkowicie zepsuta, grzeszna. Na poglądy Marcina Lutra musiał zareagować Sobór Trydencki, który podkreślił, że rzeczywiście jesteśmy usprawiedliwieni jedynie przez wiarę w Jezusa Chrystusa, jednak nie dzieje się to bez współpracy i odpowiedzialności osoby ludzkiej z łaską Bożą.
The aim of the article is to show Luther's view in the "bondage of the will" and its impact in the theological and philosophical thoughts they have had in Europe and the United States.The thesis of "bondage of the will" explained in a booklet "De Servo Arbitrio" from December, 1525 is a base for not only anthropology but also theology and christology of the weimarsky reformer. According to this idea a person is redeemed only sible because the human's nature is totally decayed and sinful since the original sin. The Council of Trent was a reaction to Marin Luther's ideas. It emphasized that we are in fact excused through the faith in Jesus, yet it happens with responsibility and cooperation with God's grace.
The aim of the article is to show the context in which Pope Francis’ Marian spirituality and Mariology has been shaped. The first paragraph shows the reasons for the Marian devotion of the faithful in Latin America. They are found in the very beginning of the evangelization of the New World. The second paragraph shows the stages of the theological and Marian spiritual formation of the Pope, starting with the formation in the family home until the Episcopal ordination in 1992. Furthermore, the main Mariological theses included in the final documents of the Conference CELAM are presented. The fourth paragraph focuses on the Document from Aparecida and its analysis done by Cardinal Bergoglio just a year after its publication. Finally, the fifth, which is the final point, shows the presence of South American Mariology, especially the Document from Aparecida, in Pope Francis’ exhortation Evangelii gaudium. To conclude, Pope Francis’ Mariology has a primarily kerygmatic, ecclesiotypic and functional character.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie kontekstu, w jakim kształtowała się duchowość maryjna i mariologia papieża Franciszka. Artykuł w pierwszym paragrafie przyczyny maryjnego charakteru pobożności wiernych w Ameryce Łacińskiej, których należy szukać w samych początkach ewangelizacji Nowego Świata. Drugi paragraf ukazuje etapy kształtowania się teologii i duchowości maryjnej przyszłego papieża, począwszy od domu rodzinnego aż do momentu święceń biskupich w 1992 r. W kolejnym paragrafie zostały przedstawione główne tezy mariologiczne zawarte w dokumentach końcowych Konferencji CELAM. Czwarty paragraf koncentruje się na Dokumencie z Aparecidy i jego analizie, której dokonał kard. Bergoglio w rok po jego publikacji. Piąty i ostatni paragraf prezentuje obecność mariologii południowoamerykańskiej, zwłaszcza Dokumentu z Aparecidy, w adhortacji papieża Franciszka Evangelii gaudium. Z przeprowadzonych badań można wyciągnąć wniosek, że mariologia papieża Franciszka ma wymiar charakter przede wszystkim kerygmatyczny, eklezjotypiczny i funkcjonalny.
The purpose of this article is to show two views on the origin of a celibacy for a religious reason in the Catholic Church. The first one which results from the law, and the second one that has divine roots in which the source of such a life is Jesus Christ himself and his disciples. In the second part of the article there are some psychiatrists’ and theologians’ opinions about the possibilities of a mature priestly celibacy life.
The article refers to the development of theological reflection on the apostolic succession in the First Century Church. It starts with the New Testament teaching on the successors of the apostles, then the teaching of Saint Clement of Rome, Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Saint Irenaeus and Tertullian is presented. Finally, the teaching of the Apostolic Tradition attributed to Saint Hippolytus of Rome is shown. It might be said, therefore, that the beginning of the teaching on the apostolic succession refers to the apostolicity of the local Churches among which the most important were those founded by the Apostles themselves, and the Church of Rome. They were the source of the apostolic faith for another local churches. The ceaseless succession of bishops dated back to the Apostles was the important factor in retaining the apostolic faith in the local Churches.What confirmed the Church in being in the apostolic teaching was the communion with other Churches, retained due to the communion of their bishops who form a college similar to the College of Apostles.
The purpose of this article is to show different responses to the question about the causes and the way out of the ecological crisis. In many environments, today there is a belief that the man is the greatest danger to the environment because if the world and humanity are to survive, the number of people in the world should be reduced to the minimum. The Holy See sees a different way out of the ecological crisis. Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Centesimus annus in 1991 said “human ecology”, according to which in the fi rst place you should put the man who is the master of creation, but not in an absolute way, because his authority was from God, before whom he must give an account of his deeds.
Gender theory głosi, że istnieje odwieczny konflikt mężczyzn i kobiet, któremu można zaradzić jedynie przez zaprzeczenie istnienia płci biologicznej i zaakceptowanie „płci kulturowej” – gender, tak by zniknęły różnice pomiędzy mężczyzną i kobietą i powstało społeczeństwo aseksualne. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, na czym polega ideologia gender i wskazanie na jej filozoficzne zaplecze w postaci marksizmu i konstruktywizmu. Odpowiedzią na tę niszczącą jednostkę, rodzinę i społeczeństwo ideę jest przesłanie Księgi Rodzaju 1–2, gdzie mowa jest o stworzeniu człowieka na obraz i podobieństwo Boga – imago Dei. Dziś szczególnie mocno trzeba przypominać, że wierzymy nie tylko w Odkupienie człowieka przez Boga – Człowieka, ale i w Boga – Stwórcę świata i człowieka, i wszystkie konsekwencje, które z tego wynikają.
The starting point of this article is the existence of Gender theory which states that there is the age-old conflict between men and women, which can be remedied only by a denial of the existence of biological sex and unacceptable, “gender” – gender, so would disappear differences between male and female and asexual society was founded. The purpose of this article is to show what is the ideology of gender and indication of its philosophical background in the form of Marxism and Constructivism. The answer to this destructive individual, family and society is the idea of the message of Genesis 1–2, where it is referred to the creation of man in the image and likeness of God – imago Dei. Today, a particularly strong need is to remind you that we believe not only in the redemption of man by God – man, but in God – the Creator of the world and man, and all the consequences that arise from this.
Lo scopo del presente contributo consiste nel dimostrare, che il pensiero del Papa Giovanni Paolo II sull’Europa dei valori, sul ruolo del cristianesimo a „due polmoni” (cattolicesimo e le Chiese ortodosse) durante la sua vita non è stato ben accolto dai rappresentanti della Chiesa ortodossa russa. Invece oggi, durante il pontificato di Benedetto XVI, sentiamo molte voci da parte dei vescovi ortodossi, per es. mons. Hilarion, patriarcha Cirillo, favorevoli alla collaborazione tra Vaticano e Mosca, tra cattolici e ortodossi nell’Europa e per l’Europa, perché il nostro continente non sia preda del secolarismo militante, che vuole limitare la presenza del cristianesimo e di tutte altre religioni, ad un livello solamente personale.
A question about the state of democracy in Poland is still valid. Looking at the response one can not ignore the reflection of John Paul II on the democratic system. The article points out that according to the Holy Father’s democracy, to serve the citizen must be built on values. The most important are two: freedom and human rights. John Paul II distinguished between “the cult of freedom” – a distorted way of understanding – and “the culture of freedom”, the most important word is the gift of self. Human rights by the Pope can be summarized into two: the right to life and thus to the birth and to the death and the right of people to self-determination. Freedom and human right are protected by the law of God expressed in the Decalogue.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie rzeczywistości wiary i jej relacji do rozumu we współczesnym nauczaniu Kościoła. Aby osiągnąć zamierzony cel, w pierwszym paragrafie rozróżniono fi des qua i fi des quae, w drugim przybliżono nauczanie Soboru Watykańskiego II na temat wiary, w trzecim punkcie ukazano relację wiary i rozumu w encyklice Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio, czwarty paragraf przeznaczono na rozważania o wierze w encyklice papieża Franciszka Lumen fidei, piąty zaś – o głównym zadaniu teologii, jakim jest poszukiwanie prawdy o człowieku w świetle Objawienia w myśli Benedykta XVI.
The purpose of this article is to show the reality of the faith and its relation to reason in the modern teaching of the Church. To achieve this goal, in the first paragraph we have the distinction between fides qua and fides quae in the second Vatican Council’s teaching on faith, the third section shows the relationship between faith and reason in John Paul II’s encyclical Fides et Ratio, the fourth paragraph speaks of faith in the encyclical of Pope Francis Lumen fidei, and the fifth with the main task of theology, which is the search for the truth about the man in the light of revelation in the thought of Benedict XVI.
The purpose of this article is an attempt to understand why Pope Benedict XVI, decided that in the Annuario Pontificio for 2006 among the titles that define his ministry will no longer determine the “Patriarch of the West”. The event triggered protests and outrage Orthodox parties, both the Moscow Patriarchate and ecumenical. Also, many Catholic theologians, including Cardinal Kasper expressed their disapproval, claiming that it will have a negative impact on relation with Orthodoxy. The main reason was to protest, said Bishop Hilarion that the Orthodox Church would accept the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, but only in terms of primus inter pares, within the Pentarchy institution, from the limited jurisdiction of the Pope to the Western Church, Latin.The abandonment of the title: Patriarch of the West is seen as a departure from previous treatment the Bishop of Rome in the Catholic-Orthodox dialogue and as a betrayal by the theologian Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, who in those 70s and 80s the last century, claimed that it is obvious to separate the different levels of authority the Bishop of Rome and the Orthodox should not be offered more than it was in the first millenium of the Church. The main defender of Pope Benedict XVI is Adriano Garuti OFM. The Italian theologian points out that the Holy Father did was right for giving up from the title of the “Patriarch of the West” because, firstly, he is not him, at least in the Orthodox sense of the term, and secondly, the title suggests that the Bishop of Rome was just one of the five patriarchs in the Pentarchy structure, with a function of honorary chairman. This title denies the same, at least indirectly the dogma of Vatican Council I, of the universal jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome. The decision of Pope Benedict XVI makes it clear on what grounds and what direction in ecumenical dialogue on the primacy in the Church should be brought.
The article discusses the debate that began with the publication of the article of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn in New York Times 7TH July 2005. That article criticized on both ideological approach to the theory of evolution and creationism as appropriate to the age of Protestant communities. However, defended the possibility of recognition by the human mind of God in creation and discovery of the advisability of evolutionary processes.
Collectanea Theologica
vol. 91
issue 5
The article deals with the ecclesiology of the local Church and synodality. Both topics have been present in Catholic theology since the time of the Second Vatican Council, which laid the foundation for the ecclesiology of the local/particular Church, collegiality of bishops and synodality. This ecclesiology was developed both theoretically and practically in the post-conciliar period, but there are some theologians who believe that during the pontificate of John Paul II there was a return to the universalist ecclesiology, as evidenced by the documents published by the Roman Curia, especially Communionis notio. Pope’s Francis teaching on synodality and strengthening the Church at local and regional levels addresses the demands of those theologians who believe that Chapter III of the Lumen Gentium Constitution has not yet been properly implemented. The Pope emphasizes, that synodality is a constitutive dimension of the Church and therefore what the Lord is asking of us is already in some sense fully present in the word “synod” itself.
Collectanea Theologica
vol. 91
issue 1
The article deals with the ecclesiology of the local Church and synodality. Both topics have been present in Catholic theology since the time of the Second Vatican Council, which laid the foundation for the ecclesiology of the local/particular Church, collegiality of bishops and synodality. This ecclesiology was developed both theoretically and practically in the post-conciliar period, but there are some theologians who believe that during the pontificate of John Paul II there was a return to the universalist ecclesiology, as evidenced by the documents published by the Roman Curia, especially Communionis notio. Pope’s Francis teaching on synodality and strengthening the Church at local and regional levels addresses the demands of those theologians who believe that Chapter III of the Lumen Gentium Constitution has not yet been properly implemented. The Pope emphasizes, that synodality is a constitutive dimension of the Church and therefore what the Lord is asking of us is already in some sense fully present in the word “synod” itself.
Artykuł podejmuje temat eklezjologii Kościoła lokalnego i synodalności. Oba tematy są obecne w teologii katolickiej od czasów Soboru Watykańskiego, który położył fundament pod eklezjologię Kościoła lokalnego/partykularnego, kolegialność biskupów i synodalność. Eklezjologia ta w okresie posoborowym została rozwinięta zarówno na płaszczyźnie teoretycznej jak i praktycznej, nie brakuje jednak teologów, którzy uważają, że w czasie pontyfikatu Jana Pawła II nastąpił powrót do eklezjologii uniwersalistycznej, o czym miałyby świadczyć dokumenty publikowane przez Kurię Rzymską, a zwłaszcza Communionis notio.Nauczanie papieża Franciszka na temat synodalności i konieczności wzmocnienia Kościoła na poziomie lokalnym i regionalnym wychodzi naprzeciw postulatom tych teologów, którzy uważają, że III rozdział Konstytucji Lumen gentium nie został dotąd we właściwy sposób wprowadzony w życie. Papież Franciszek podkreśla bowiem, że synodalność, to konstytutywny wymiar Kościoła, dlatego to, czego domaga się od nas Pan, w pewnym sensie jest już w całości zawarte w słowie „synod”.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 1
issue 1
Współczesny człowiek coraz częściej zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że nie widać alternatywy wobec myśli która ma swe źródło w tradycji greckiej i chrześcijańsko-średniowiecznej, należy ją przyjąć, jeśli chce się uratować rozum jako taki, a wraz z nim żywotność społeczeństwa, wolność, godność osoby i możliwość rządzenia narodami.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 2
issue 2
The procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son (lat. Filioque) and first of all the inclusion of this formula into the Nice-Constantinopolitan Credo by the Pope Benedict XV in the 1014 without consultation with the Christian East, is considered, together with the primacy of the Pope, to be the biggest obstacle on the way to the unity between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the differences and the likenesses between Catholics and Orthodox in the question of the origin of the Holy Spirit and to indicate the perspectives of resolution of this problem on the basis of two important documents: one is the clarification of the Papal Council for Promoting Christian Unity, The Greek and Latin Traditions regarding the Procession of the Holy Spirit from 1995, and the other is the result of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation, The Filioque: a Church-Dividing Issue? An Agreed statement of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation from 2003.
Pochodzenie Ducha Świętego od Ojca i Syna – łac. Filioque – i włączenie tego sformułowania do Credo nicejsko-konstantynopolitańskiego uznaje się za największą – obok prymatu papieża – przeszkodę na drodze do jedności katolicko-prawosławnej. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na zgodności i różnice w pojmowaniu pochodzenia Ducha Świętego w Tradycji wschodniej i zachodniej oraz perspektywy rozwiązania problemu w oparciu o dokument Papieskiej Rady ds. Popierania Jedności Chrześcijan z 8 września 1995 oraz dokument dialogu katolicko-prawosławnego ze Stanów Zjednoczonych z 25 października 2003 roku.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 6
issue 1
The aim of this article is to show the correspondence between a ‘new atheism’, which richard Dawkins is the most prominent representative, and the XiX century materialistic atheism of L. Feuerbach and k. Marks. it is also a kind of polemic about some R. Dawkins’ objections to religion, especially catholicism, included in his book The God Delusion.
W krajach Zachodu powraca zły duch wojującego ateizmu. Nowy ateizm, podobnie jak ten z XIX wieku, w wypaczony sposób wykorzystuje nauki przyrodnicze, by narzucić własną wizję świata. Do najważniejszych „apostołów” tego kierunku należy Richard Dawkins, specjalista w zakresie ewolucji biologicznej, który w książce Bóg urojony stara się udowodnić, że religia i wiara w Boga to niebezpieczny stan urojenia, z którego należy człowieka wyrwać, zanim zrobi krzywdę sobie i innym. Uważna lektura książki świadczy jednak o trudnościach, jakie napotkał jej autor na drodze do realizacji swego celu.
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