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This paper, based on interviews with trade-union spokespersons, aims to explore the attitudes of Poland’s organised labour towards flexibility in the context of work–life balance (WLB) and low employment rates of women and seniors. It transpires, among other things, that they are cautiously in favour of flexible working practices and recognise the significance of WLB policies. Still, they come out against any major labour-code changes facilitating the propagation of far-reaching flexibility-underpinned WLB measures. While declaring their commitment to fighting age/gender discrimination and improving the position of women/seniors in the labour market, they opt for anti-discriminatory regulation and employability enhancement through training rather than such supply-side measures as employment protection legislation (EPL) and payroll taxes reduction.
Artykuł wykorzystuje wywiady jakościowe z byłymi i aktualnymi przedsiębiorcami z rejonu opolskiego, koncentrujące się na ich doświadczeniach związanych z przebiegiem kariery zawodowej od zatrudnienia do przedsiębiorczości oraz odwrotnie, aby określić: przyczyny, dla których zostali przedsiębiorcami lub powrócili do zatrudnienia; ich doświadczenia w związku z nowymi zajęciami oraz czy wcześniejsze doświadczenia miały wpływ na sposób prowadzenia firmy lub wykonywanie pracy jako osoby zatrudnionej. Wyniki sugerują, że ludzie stają się przedsiębiorcami, ponieważ pragną więcej zarabiać, chcą niezależności lub sprawdzić swoją „siłę charakteru”. Można również wywnioskować, iż prowadzenie własnej firmy to pewien sprawdzian i nie każdy może lub powinien być przedsiębiorcą. Jednocześnie, badania wykazały, że pewien czas spędzony jako przedsiębiorca pomaga w zdobyciu umiejętności oraz w wyrobieniu osobistych cech, które są przydatne przy zatrudnieniu. Artykuł stara się wypełnić niektóre luki w literaturze przedmiotu i tym samym poczynić pewien wkład do istniejącej wiedzy na ten temat.
The present paper, drawing on qualitative interviews with Polish former and current entrepreneurs based in the Opole region focuses on their experiences as it relates to movements from wage employment to entrepreneurship and from entrepreneurship to wage employment. In so doing, it seeks to find out why they decided to become entrepreneurs or to return to paid employment, what they experience in their new occupations, and how their prior experiences influence the way they run their businesses or work as employees. The interview findings suggest that people become entrepreneurs because they seek to earn more, be autonomous, or to test their “inner mettle.” The interviews also lend credence to the view that running one’s own company is a testing experience and that not everyone can and should be an entrepreneur. Yet, at the same time, the study shows that a spell of entrepreneurship can help one gain skills and develop personal attributes that come in handy in wage employment. As there are lacunae in topical literature, the study seeks to fill some of these gaps and, by this token, make some contributions to the existing body of knowledge.
The present paper, which is conceptually embedded in environmental management theory, focuses on the question of monitoring and reporting environmental performance in the hotel industry. Its principal aim is to analyse the functioning, characteristics, and advantages of the performance assessment systems that are currently used in facilities belonging to international hotel chains. Specifically, the study, drawing on the content analysis technique, substantiates its claims by referring to concrete examples from the hotel industry (Scandic, Marriott International, Inter- Continental Hotel Group, Hilton Worldwide). Crucially, emphasis is placed on the practical problems related to the operation of such tools. The paper concludes by providing a number of recommendations on how to implement and run environmental performance assessment systems in hotels. In this way, it expands a fast-growing research on the practical dimension of hotel operation, thereby being of special interest to hoteliers and hotel managers
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