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RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: Perform a review of protein and vitamin D supplementation in Sarcopenia. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Demographic change implies new demands for public health, with health promotion and prevention activities seeking to delay the appearance of common diseases in elderly population. We performed a review of protein and vitamin D supplementation in Sarcopenia. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Changes in body composition occur during the aging process, resulting in increased body fat and reduced muscle mass and also bone mass. Sarcopenia is defined by a syndrome characterized by generalized and progressive loss of muscle mass and strength. After 50 years, there is a reduction between approximately 1% and 2% of muscle mass per year. RESEARCH RESULTS: Currently progressive resistance training is the most well-established intervention, and dietary interventions such as protein and vitamin D also mentioned in literature. Leucine is a branched chain amino acid knows as key role in muscle protein synthesis. The consumption of leucine-enriched amino acids showed beneficial effects in the elderly contributing to the conservation of skeletal muscle mass. Vitamin D has pre-hormone functions, vitamin D deficiency is related with diffuse musculoskeletal pain, myopathy, sarcopenia and falls. Vitamin D supplementation of 800 to 1000 IU/day is associated with increased muscle strength in the elderly. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The protein and vitamin D supplementation are strategies that are proving to be important for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia, especially when associated with resistance training.
Introduction: Statistical data from the turn of the 20th century shows a significant increase in the average human life span and, what follows, an extension of old age. The world is aging and Poland has joined the list of countries which have been classified as demographically old since the rate at which society is aging has become very fast. Purpose: The aim of this thesis was to become familiar with the opinions submitted by respondents regarding aging and old age, health problems connected with aging and preferred health behaviors.Materials and methods: The research was conducted between January 3rd of 2013 and February 15th of 2014 on a group of 200 junior high school students and 200 university students from the Medical University of Białystok Faculty of Health Sciences using a questionnaire created by the authors.Results: A vast majority of the respondents of the study groups declared that they have thought about old age. Among university students this percentage reached 38.5%. Almost 50.0% of all respondents acknowledged that older people are needed by society.Conclusions: The results show that the aging process should be contemplated considering multiple aspects of life: biological, psychological and social. Moreover, youth education programs about seniors and old age as well as about ways to counteract their stigmatization should be introduced.
Excellent competencies as well as a good physical and mental health are required in train drivers’ profession. Despite the changes in the structure of employment the train drivers above 46 years and job tenure longer than 30 years are the largest group. The generation gap is becoming more pronounced, and its fulfilment will not be easy. It is related not only to training of new personnel but also promotion of healthy work environment focus on reducing occupational stress. The aim of study was twofold. Firstly, identification of psychosocial risks and sources of occupational stress in relation to health of employees will be performed. Secondly, the methods of reducing with occupational stress in train drivers’ profession will be indicated. In study presented here the qualitative method was applied. We have conducted the focused group interview among train drivers and instructors. The results have shown that more important source of occupational stress were the failure of the material factor, workload, role conflict, working time and care of trainees. Results of our previous study based on the individual reviews have indicated that traumatic stress associated with fatal incidents and people under train were significant occupational risk in train drivers’ profession. Organizational resources such as competencies and knowledge of experience train drivers can be helpful in health promotion and development of methods reducing occupational risk. Safety climate, risk assessment, and the acquisition of new personnel require new actions and improvement. Management style more focused on the human factor should be preferred.
Little sociological research has examined the work of circus aerialists. Drawing from interviews with 31 circus aerialists in Canada, we explore what aerialists say about their bodies. Circus aerialism is an intense form of physical work, and aerialists endure intense pain during training and performance. Engaging with sociologies of the body and injury, we examine how body capital is generated, maintained, and lost in the career of the aerialist, as well as how injury accelerates this process. Injury and “aging out” of the circus are prominent themes in what aerialists say about their bodies. Arguing that circus aerialism is an undervalued form of work in which risk accumulates in aerialist bodies, we explore how aerialist bodies provide tacit cues about how to avoid injury and when to consider retirement. In the conclusion, we explain how this work contributes to sociologies of the body and circus.
Proces starzenia się ludności w Polsce powoduje gwałtowny wzrost zapotrzebowania na usługi świadczone m.in. przez system ochrony zdrowia. Osoby starsze częściej korzystają z usług zdrowotnych i generują wyższe koszty niż pozostała część ludności. Dlatego też należy uświadamiać społeczeństwu, iż od najmłodszych lat należy budować kapitał zdrowia, który w późniejszych latach życia będzie miał wpływ na lepszy stan zdrowia. Takie działania mogą częściowo przysłużyć się do spadku popytu na usługi zdrowotne zgłaszane przez osoby starsze.
Aging process the population in Poland causes a rapid increase in demand for services among others the health care system. Older people often use health services and generate higher costs than the rest of the population. Therefore, the public should be made aware that from an early age to build health equity, which in the later years of life will have an impact on their health. Such activities may partly serve to decrease demand for health services reported by older people.
Artykuł stanowi próbę oceny stanu gospodarki z punktu widzenia starzejącego się społeczeństwa. Celem artykułu jest analiza dostosowań struktury gospodarki na poziomie Dolnego Śląska w obszarze srebrnej i białej gospodarki do potrzeb osób starszych. Do analizy przyjęto wiek 65+. Dolny Śląsk jest drugim, po lubuskim, regionem, który w ostatnich latach starzeje się najszybciej w kraju. Wykorzystano metody: opisową, porównawczą, analizy, syntezy.
The article is an attempt to assess condition of the economy from the point of view of aging society. The aim of the article is to analyse the structural adjustments of the economy in the area of a silver and white economy at the level of Lower Silesia region to the needs of the elderly. The age 65+ has been adopted to the analysis. Lower Silesia is a second region (after Lubuskie Voivodeship), which in recent years is aging fastest in the whole country. Method used: descriptive, comparative, analysis, synthesis.
Główne założenia badań: W przestrzeni społecznej funkcjonuje negatywny stereotyp starości i osób starszych. Postrzeganie starości i ludzi starych często oparte jest na stereotypach, na lęku (powodowanym niewiedzą). Grupą szczególnie podatną na stereotypowe postrzeganie starości i osób starych są ludzie młodzi stojący u progu dorosłości. Celem badań była diagnoza postrzegania, poglądów i postaw młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych wobec starości i ludzi starych. Podjęto próbę określenia czynników środowiskowych warunkujących charakter deklarowanych postaw.Zastosowana metodologia: Badaniami objęto 185 uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety. Analizy uzyskanych danych dokonano przy użyciu programu Microsoft Office Excel. Do obliczenia statystyk podstawowych wykorzystano test x2. Najważniejsze wnioski z badań: 1. Badani postrzegają starość w kategoriach deficytu i dysfunkcji. Większość badanych wyraża postawę negatywną (niechęci) wobec starości. 2. Większość badanych deklaruje postawę pozytywną wobec ludzi starych. 3. Rozpoznane sposoby postrzegania starości i ludzi starych, poglądy oraz charakter deklarowanych postaw (i umiejętne ich modelowanie poprzez oddziaływania wychowawcze i edukacyjne) stanowią swoistą szansę na budowanie właściwych relacji międzypokoleniowych, symbiotyczne funkcjonowanie we wspólnej, dynamicznie zmieniającej się rzeczywistości.
Main objectives of research: There is a negative stereotype of old age and elderly in the social space. Perception of old age and elderly often based on stereotypes, on fear (caused by ignorance). Young people who stand at the threshold of adulthood are a group particularly susceptible to the stereotypical perception of old age and elderly. The aim of the research was to diagnose the perception, views and attitudes of youth from upper secondary schools towards old age and elderly. An attempt to determine environmental factors conditioning the nature of the declared attitudes was made.Methodology: The study included 185 high school students, and was conducted by the method of a diagnostic survey, using a questionnaire technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Analysis of the collected research material was performed using Microsoft Office Excel software. The test x2 was used to calculate the basic statistics. The most important conclusions: 1. The respondents perceive old age in terms of deficit and dysfunction. Most of the respondents express a negative attitude (reluctance) towards old age. 2. Most of the respondents declare their positive attitude towards old people. 3. Recognized ways of perceiving old age and elderly, views and nature of declared attitudes (and skilfully modeling them through educational and educational interactions) they constitute a kind of chance to build proper intergenerational relations, symbiotic functioning in a common, dynamically changing reality.
W artykule uwaga została skoncentrowana na zasadniczych pojęciach w rozumieniu gerontologicznym mianowicie: starzenie się, starość oraz ludzie starzy. Pogłębiona analiza dotyczyła trzech obszarów zagadnień: starzenia się społeczeństwa, starzenia się w społeczeństwie oraz propozycji przygotowania się do starości. Starzenie się jest procesem, który dotyczy każdego i któremu należy zapobiegać. Stawianie wymagań, a nawet wyzwań wobec osób starszych to jedna z metod pracy z osobami w podeszłym wieku.
Attention in the article is focused on the basic concepts in the gerontological sense, namely: aging, old age and elderly people. The in-depth analysis concerned three areas of issues: aging of society, aging in society and proposals of preparation for old age. Aging is a process that affects everyone and should be prevented. Demanding and even challenging older people is one of the methods.
Rosnąca w Polsce popularność i szerzenie się programów promujących aktywną starość stanowi część lokalnych i globalnych działań na rzecz utrzymania zdrowia i produktywności ekonomicznej starszych osób. Aby lepiej zrozumieć zainteresowanie aktywnością w starszym wieku, należy rozpatrywać te praktyki w szerszym społeczno-kulturowym i polityczno-ekonomicznym kontekście. Wzmożonego dążenia do aktywności nie sposób dogłębnie pojąć, jeśli nie uwzględni się tego, że aktywność stała się niekwestionowanym dobrem moralnym stanowiącym przeciwieństwo choroby, niepełnosprawności i zniedołężnienia. Wskazując, że te pozornie przeciwne doświadczenia łączy faktycznie wiele podobieństw, można przeciwdziałać marginalizacji starszych osób, a odrzucając binarne konstrukcje zdrowia i choroby w odniesieniu do osób w starszym wieku – zastosować bardziej holistyczną perspektywę umożliwiającą zrozumienie, jak starsi ludzie w Polsce kreują sobie w różnorodnych kontekstach moralne życie.
The increasing popularity of programs promoting aktywność (activity) in old age in contemporary Poland is part of regional and global attempts to encourage health and economic productivity in old age. In order to understand this interest in aktywność in old age, such practices must be seen within broader sociocultural and political-economic contexts. This drive for aktywność cannot be fully explained without understanding its status as an unquestioned moral good in opposition to illness, disability, and frailty in old age. Seeking commonalities across such seemingly opposite experiences can reduce marginalization in old age. Side-stepping binary constructions of health and illness in old age creates a more holistic perspective that demonstrates how older Poles in a range of contexts create moral lives.
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