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The paper discusses the role of the Association Agreement in deepening political communication between Ukraine and the EU. The author highlights the role of political communication in shaping the political association between Ukraine and the EU, and analyzes instances of such communication within the frame-work of the Ukraine-EU summits, Association Council, Association Committee, Parliamentary Committee of the Association and Civil Society Platform is ana-lyzed. As a result, the chief issues affecting political communication between Ukraine and the EU are revealed.  
It took the European Union several years to negotiate the Association Agreement with Ukraine, the signing of which was planned for November 2013. Although the Agreement might have had an adverse impact on the Ukrainian economy and society, the government pursued European integration and did not stress these aspects. The Europe-oriented standpoint of President Victor Yanukovych secured support from the majority of Ukrainians. The refusal to sign the Association Agreement triggered social outrage, a sentiment encouraged by the European Union (which was interested in bringing Ukraine into the EU’s sphere of influence). In this way, harsh criticism from the EU of Ukraine’s failure to sign the Agreement became the precursor to the Ukrainian crisis which subsequently ensued.
This article presents the dynamics of development of the Ukrainian-Polish bilateral relations from the beginning of the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century and defines their political component, formulates the role of Poland in the foreign policy of Ukraine, analyzes the impact of enlargement processes of NATO and the EU on the dynamics and prospects of the dialogue between Ukraine and Poland. The author tries to explain the significance of the Ukrainian-Polish relations for the support of regional and European security and to investigate the influence of leading states of the West and Russia on the development of Ukrainian-Polish relations and to define their role and importance. Special attention is paid to therole of Poland in resolving the political and economic crisis in Ukraine, which began in November 2013, after the refusal of government of ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement with the EU. Thus the paper is the prediction trends and prospects for further development of cooperation between Kyiv and Warsaw.
Georgia signed an Association Agreement with the European Union in 2014, and this launched a process of approximation and harmonization with EU law. Energy law is one of the most important areas, which has to be developed and modified in accordance with the EU directives, regulations and rules of the Energy Community. Georgia took responsibility for establishing the energy exchange system and reorganizing the Georgian electricity market on a new model. In fact, these issues have not been studied, as they require, on the one hand, a very in-depth, practical knowledge of the issue and, on the other hand, erudition in the issues of legal approximation and information about the obligations assumed by the association agreement. The purpose of the article is to review the legislative regulations on the Georgian electricity market, the legal framework that defines the main principles of the market, the basis of operation, and sociopolitical and legal mechanisms of market stability. In the article, special attention will be paid to the status of the energy exchange in Georgia, its concept, its legal basis, problematic issues related to its implementation, and the future perspective. As a result of the analysis of the issues, based on the evaluation of the existing problems, the necessary legal ways of the development of energy law and the mechanisms promoting harmonization with the laws of the European Union are determined.
Autor reprezentuje opinię, że do czasu rewolucji w Kijowie (Euromajdan) na przełomie 2013/2014 r. Niemcy nie interesowali się Ukrainą. Próby zacieśnienia kontaktów z Kijowem blokowane były przez Moskwę. System oligarchiczny panujący w tym kraju zniechęcał również UE do podejmowania wobec Kijowa daleko idących zobowiązań. Dopiero po zajęciu Krymu przez Rosję Niemcy się uaktywnili i dzięki ich pomocy doszło do zawarcia przez Unię Europejską umowy stowarzyszeniowej z Ukrainą.
The author represents the opinion that before the revolution in Kiev (Euromaidan) at the turn of 2013/2014 Germany had not been interested in Ukraine. Attempts to establish closer contacts with Kiev were blocked by Moscow. The oligarchic system prevailing in the country discouraged the EU from making solemn commitments to Kiev. It was only after the Russian occupation of Crimea that Germany became more active, and with its help the association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine was concluded.
The paper deals with the Russian influence on the Austrian position in the context of the Ukraine – European Union Association Agreement. The author proves that at start of the Ukrainian – EU relations the Republic of Austria approved Ukraine's European aspirations and actively supported them. This publication analyzes the reasons why the attitude of Austrian politicians and public society in the context of the Ukraine – EU integration sharply deteriorated after 2004. The article notes that Russian propaganda is the most influenced the change in attitudes of Austrian citizens about Ukraine. Growing euroscepticism is also closely associated with the activities of Russian information resources. Large funds were involved by the Russian Federation to discredit the Association Agreement, both in Ukraine and in other European countries. This process unfolded with new vigor during the aggression of Russia against Ukraine in the 2014-17. Some Austrian businessmen continued to collaborate with the aggressor and concluded new agreements. A significant delaying ratification of the Ukraine – European Union Association Agreement is also closely related to the impact of Russian business on Austrian politics. However, it should be noted that the Austrian side has ratified the Ukraine – European Union Association Agreement. Republic of Austria acceded to the European sanctions regime against the Russian Federation and does not weaken it, despite considerable pressure from the pro-Russian part of Austrian politicians and businessmen. Austria has stood the test, and now Ukrainians have to make reciprocal steps. Ukraine should pursue a deliberate policy aimed at creating a range of partners with which to implement joint integration projects. Future cooperation between the Republic of Austria and Ukraine has an important aspect – the vision of the continuing development of integration processes in Europe.
This paper seeks to explore how the EU policy on Ukraine evolved in the run-up to the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius in November 2013. In particular, it looks into the preparations leading to the signature of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Thereby it contributes to better understanding of the EU policy debate related to the associated negotiations with the Eastern Partnership countries. Prior to the Vilnius Summit there were high expectations that signature of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement would become a key deliverable of the summit. After the EU had postponed the signing of the agreement due to Ukraine’s backsliding in democracy for several times, the process gained new momentum in 2013. It is suggested that exogenous factors, such as Russia’s increasing pressure on Ukraine, contributed to consolidating the EU position. However, at the last minute Ukraine suspended its signature of the agreement at the Vilnius Summit. While Ukraine’s domestic developments and Yanukovych’s deals with Russia can be blamed for this fiasco, the EU Member States take a large share of responsibility. Lack of creativity to find a way out of the deadlock, as well as lack of the political will on the part of EU leaders to fight for Ukraine explains why the Association Agreement turned out as a missed opportunity.
Artykuł koncentruje się na cechach Umowy Stowarzyszeniowej UE-Ukraina i gospodarczych konsekwencjach jej wdrożenia dla Ukrainy. W ramach badania określono jej wpływ na handel zagraniczny, komponent eksportowo-importowy handlu z UE, a także problemy i perspektywy wprowadzenia norm europejskich na Ukrainie. W opracowaniu postawiono hipotezę, że Umowa Stowarzyszeniowa UE-Ukraina pogorszyła i tak już słabą sytuację gospodarczą na Ukrainie i doprowadziła do reorientacji handlu zagranicznego Ukrainy przy jednoczesnej utracie rynków, na które Ukraina eksportowała produkty o wysokiej wartości dodanej i zastąpieniu ich rynkami UE, na których eksportowane są tylko surowce. Doprowadziło to również do utraty ponad jednej czwartej własnej produkcji przemysłowej i stopniowego przekształcania Ukrainy w kraj surowcowy stanowiący przybudówkę Europy.
The article focuses on the features of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the economic consequences of its implementation for Ukraine. The impact on foreign trade, export–import component of trade with the EU, problems and prospects for introducing European standards in Ukraine are determined. The study hypothesises that the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement has worsened the already weak economic situation in Ukraine and led to a reorientation of Ukraine’s foreign trade with a simultaneous loss of markets to which Ukraine exported high value-added products and their replacement for EU markets where only raw materials are exported. It also led to a loss of more than a quarter of its own industrial production and the gradual transformation of Ukraine into a raw material appendage of Europe.
This article aims to investigate the phenomenon of the rule of law promotion exercised by the EU through the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs). First, the article emphasizes the unique combination of normative and market power the EU uses to diffuse its norms through trade liberalization. Next, it provides an insight into the particularities of the European Neighbourhood Policy as a policy context for the conclusion and implementation of the Association Agreements, including the DCFTAs with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, as well as the conceptual problematic and scope of the rule of law as a value the EU seeks to externalize. Using the DCFTAs with Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia as a single group case study of the transparency dimension of the rule of law, the central part of the article analyzes the DCFTAs substantive requirements, directed toward promoting transparency in the partner states (while categorizing the requirements into the most general ones; cooperation­related; and discipline­specific) and the legal mechanisms that make these clauses operational (e.g., the institutional framework of the AAs, gradual approximation and monitoring clauses, and the Dispute Settlement Mechanism). In concluding, the article summarizes the state­of­the­art of the rule of law promotion through the DCFTAs, distinguishes the major challenges the respective phenomenon faces, and emphasizes the prospects for and difficulties of using the DCFTAs as an instrument of rule of law promotion.
On 1 September 2014, the Association Agreement (AA) between the EU and Georgia partially came into force. Its main pillar is a “deep and comprehensive free trade agreement” (DCFTA). It provides for the full liberalisation of trade in industrial products and substantial reduction of barriers in agricultural trade. A significant part of the AA is devoted to the elimination of regulatory barriers to trade (e.g. technical standards). The Agreement provides for a progressive and partial liberalisation of trade in services as well as for fast and deep elimination of barriers to capital flows. The liberalisation of the movement of workers is of a very limited scope however. Provisions of the EU-Georgia AA resemble the earlier Europe Agreements (EAs) signed by the Central and Eastern European Countries, albeit there are many differences as well. It is expected that the AA will bring about a number of advantages for Georgia, including: (a) stabilisation of its economic and legal system, thus making it more predictable for investors and more business friendly; (b) alignment of many business laws to those in the EU, which will broaden the market for Georgian products and services; (c) better implementation of business laws. The short term advantages resulting from trade liberalisation will be modest for Georgia, partly because it granted open access to its market before the AA entered into force. Implementation of the Agreement will involve adjustment costs, which are usually an inevitable part of the path to increasing exports to the huge EU market.
1 września 2014 r. wszedł w życie (częściowo) układ stowarzyszeniowy między UE i Gruzją. Jego główną część stanowi „Umowa o pogłębionej i całościowej strefie wolnego handlu”, która przewiduje pełną liberalizację handlu wyrobami przemysłowymi i znaczącą redukcję barier w handlu rolnym. Istotna część umowy jest poświęcona eliminacji regulacyjnych barier dla handlu (np. standardów technicznych). Umowa przewiduje też stopniową i częściową liberalizację handlu usługami, jak też szybką i głęboką eliminację barier w zakresie przepływów kapitałowych. Liberalizacja przepływu pracowników ma bardzo ograniczony zakres. Postanowienia układu stowarzyszeniowego UE-Gruzja są podobne do Układów europejskich podpisanych wcześniej przez państwa Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, jakkolwiek istotne są też różnice. Oczekuje się, że układ stowarzyszeniowy przyniesie wiele korzyści Gruzji, w tym (a) stabilizację jej systemu ekonomicznego i prawnego, czyniąc go w efekcie bardziej przewidywalnym dla inwestorów oraz bardziej przyjaznym dla przedsiębiorców; (b) zbliżenie wielu przepisów do tych, które obowiązują w UE, co rozszerzy rynek dla gruzińskich towarów i usług; (c) lepsze wdrożenie przepisów ważnych dla biznesu. Krótkookresowe korzyści wynikające z liberalizacji handlu będą skromne dla Gruzji, częściowo z uwagi na otwarty dostęp do jej rynku już przed wejściem Układu w życie. Implementacja Układu będzie się też wiązać z kosztami dostosowawczymi, które są zazwyczaj nieuniknioną metodą wzrostu eksportu na wielki rynek UE.
Facta Simonidis
vol. 14
issue 1
The article focuses on the prospects for the development of the relations between the European Union and Ukraine. Special attention is paid to the existing trends in the cooperation, the question of the EU in the declarations and programmes of key politicians, as well as system changes in Ukraine. In addition, an attempt is made to explain selected events and decisions affecting the EU-Ukraine relations, with special emphasis on the prospects for their development in the context of the provisions contained in the Association Agreement and in the light of the 2019 parliamentary and presidential elections in Ukraine.
Artykuł skupia się na analizie perspektyw rozwoju stosunków Ukrainy z Unią Europejską. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono omówieniu istniejących trendów współpracy, kwestii UE w deklaracjach i programach kluczowych aktorów politycznych na Ukrainie, jak również podsumowaniu zachodzących tam zmian systemowych. Podjęto również próbę wyjaśnienia wybranych wydarzeń i decyzji mających wpływ na kształt stosunków na linii UE-Ukraina ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem perspektyw ich rozwoju w kontekście ustaleń zawartych w umowie stowarzyszeniowej oraz w świetle wyborów parlamentarnych i prezydenckich z 2019 roku.
Celem badawczym pracy jest analiza ewolucji dwustronnych stosunków między Unią Europejską a Mołdawią od lat 90. XX w. do chwili obecnej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem udziału republiki mołdawskiej w Europejskiej Polityce Sąsiedztwa i Partnerstwie Wschodnim oraz podpisania i realizacji umowy stowarzyszeniowej. Współczesne wyzwania i zagrożenia (m.in. rosyjska agresja na Ukrainę) w znacznym stopniu wpłynęły na bezpieczeństwo UE, a także rozwój stosunków między UE a krajami sąsiedzkimi. W szczególności przed Mołdawią (jak i Ukrainą) otwarta została perspektywa członkostwa w strukturach UE. W pracy autorka postawiła hipotezę badawczą, iż mimo przyznania Mołdawii statusu kraju kandydującego do UE, republika wciąż posiada znaczące problemy wewnętrzne, brak rozwiązania których może w dużym stopniu odroczyć w czasie rozpoczęcie negocjacji akcesyjnych lub wręcz zahamować unijno-mołdawską współpracę.
The research objective of the article is to analyze the evolution of bilateral relations between the European Union and Moldova from the 1990s to the present, with a particular focus on the participation of the Republic of Moldova in the European Neighborhood Policy and Eastern Partnership, as well as the signing and implementation of the Association Agreement. Contemporary challenges and threats (including Russian aggression against Ukraine) have had a significant impact on the security of the EU, as well as the development of relations between the EU and neighboring countries. In particular, the prospect of membership in the EU structures was opened up to Moldova (and Ukraine). In the paper, the author poses a research hypothesis that despite the fact that Moldova has been granted the status of an EU candidate country, the republic still has a significant internal problem, the lack of solution to which may largely postpone the commencement of accession negotiations or even hinder EU-Moldova cooperation.
This article analyzes the legal preconditions for the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation in the field of competition law with the law of the European Union. Due to its evolution, it is noticeable that competition law has been, and remains, a priority in the harmonization process of Ukrainian legislation. This paper provides a detailed analysis of competition related provisions of the Association Agreement. The latter contains norms on the obligatory approximation of substantial competition law provisions and sets out the necessity to transform their enforcement system. Special attention is paid to the analysis of state aid which currently remains unregulated in Ukraine
Cet article analyse les conditions juridiques préalables rélatives à l’harmonisation de la législation ukrainienne dans le domaine du droit de la concurrence avec le droit de l’Union européenne. En raison de son évolution, il est à noter que le droit de la concurrence a été, et demeure, une priorité dans le processus d’harmonisation de la législation ukrainienne. Cet article fournit une analyse détaillée des dispositions relatives à la concurrence de l’Accord d’association. Ce dernier contient des normes concernant le rapprochement obligatoire des dispositions substa ntielles de droit de la concurrence et énonce la nécessité de transformer leur système d’application. Une attention particulière est accordée à l’analyse des aides d’État, actuellement pas réglementées en Ukraine.
Given the current international situation, the countries of Southern Caucasus face a historical choice between integration with the West, namely the European Union, or with the Customs Union with Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Georgia made the first basic step on the path to EU integration by signing the Association Agreement with the European Union during the Eastern Partnership summit, which was held in Vilnius on 28–29 November 2013. The European Union is mostly interested in the cooperation with Azerbaijan because of its policy of diversifying energy supplies, and in Georgia the EU is interested only as atransit state and away to strengthen its political and economic position in Southern Caucasus. Armenia maintains a balance between the European Union and Russia. However, the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU is akey task for the countries of Southern Caucasus, because only in such away will these countries be able to increase the volume of trade and production quality, and also lower the prices of goods. The volume of trade in services with the EU is very low and is usually connected with the transport of goods. Undoubtedly abig influence in Southern Caucasus as well as political and economical pressure is exerted by Russia. Russia is interested in the expansion of its Customs Union onto other countries, including South Caucasus. When the European Union conducts quite asoft foreign policy in the region, Russia uses all possible resources for pulling in the South Caucasus countries to the Customs Union. Russian media wage acontinuous information war in which the Association Agreement with the EU is criticized. Therefore the EU must change its foreign policy by taking into account the policy of Russia and the specificity of the region and particular countries.
В умовах побудови й функціонування інноваційної моделі економіки, необхідності створення і впровадження нової техніки та передових технологій у виробництво важливого значення набуває право на результати науково-технічної творчости. Переважна більшість наукових праць, присвячених аналізові правової охорони об’єктів промислової власности, стосується лише окремих аспектів проблемних питань правового регулювання відносин щодо охорони промислових зразків в умовах європейської інтеграції України. Тому існує необхідність теоретичного дослідження питань, пов’язаних з вдосконаленням законодавства України в цій сфері, його адаптації до законодавства Європейського Союзу. У статті розглянуто проблеми приведення інституту промислових зразків України у відповідність до законодавства Європейського Союзу. Запропоновано шляхи вдосконалення законодавства України у сфері охорони прав на промислові зразки, його адаптації до європейських норм. Запропоновано вдосконалений варіант визначення терміна «промисловий зразок» у профільному національному законодавстві. Наголошено на доцільності розширити коло виробів, зовнішній вигляд яких може отримати в Україні правову охорону як промисловий зразок. Констатовано потребу узгодити профільне національне законодавство з Цивільним кодексом України щодо терміну чинності майнових прав інтелектуальної власності на зареєстровані та незареєстровані промислові зразки. Зроблено висновок, що прагнення України до європейської інтеграції зумовлює врахування позитивного досвіду відповідного законодавства країн-членів Європейського Союзу. Заходи, спрямовані на запровадження ефективних механізмів охорони прав на об’єкти промислової власности, визначаються курсом приєднання України до Європейського Союзу, а відтак необхідністю дотримання європейських норм щодо такої охорони. Але наголошено на тому, що важливе не просто копіювання тих чи тих підходів до охорони прав на об’єкти промислової власности, які проведено в законодавстві Європейського Союзу, а системний науковий підхід до внутрішньої узгоджености та врахування всіх елементів позитивного національного права. Від цього залежить міцність науково-технічного, економіко-правового розвитку України та формування ефективної інноваційної моделі національної економіки.
In conditions of construction and functioning of innovative model of economy, of a necessity of creation and introduction of new technics and advanced technologies in manufacture the right to results of scientific and technical creativity acquires importance. The vast majority of scientific works of authors devoted to an analysis of the legal protection of industrial property, concerns only certain aspects of problematic issues of legal regulation of relations arising in the protection of industrial designs in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine. Therefore, there is a need for theoretical research on issues related to the improvement of Ukrainian legislation in this area to the legislation of the European Union. The article considers the problems of bringing the institute of industrial designs of Ukraine in line with the legislation of the European Union. The ways of improvement of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of the rights to industrial designs to the European norms are offered. The concept of „industrial design” in the relevant national legislation has been improved. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of expanding the range of products, an appearance of which may receive legal protection in Ukraine as industrial designs. It is proposed to harmonize the relevant national legislation with the Civil Code of Ukraine on the validity of intellectual property rights to registered and unregistered industrial designs. It is concluded that Ukraine’s aspiration for European integration presupposes taking into account the positive experience of the relevant legislation of the European Union member states. Since measures aimed at introducing effective mechanisms for the protection of rights to industrial property objects are determined by the course of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, therefore they are determined by the need to comply with European norms for such protection. However, it is emphasized that it is important not just to copy certain approaches to the protection of industrial property rights, which are enshrined in European Union law, but a systematic scientific approach to internal coherence and consideration of all elements of positive national law. The strength of scientific and technical, economic and legal development of Ukraine and the formation of an effective innovative model of the national economy depends on this.
Association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union was another step towards the European integration of Ukraine. The aim of the author is to present and analyze the legislative changes, which were needed to sigh association agreement between Ukraine and the EU. A very important issue was the problem of defining the basic requirements of the EU, on changes in the law of Ukraine. It is necessary to define which of the EU requirements relating to Ukrainian law have been already made, which have been made only partly and which have not been made at all. Changes of certain acts and the adoption of new legislation have led to part harmonization of the Ukrainian law with the European. The most significant changes relate to the electoral law and criminal of Ukraine.
Umowa stowarzyszeniowa między Ukrainą i Unią Europejską była kolejnym krokiem na drodze zbliżenia Ukrainy i UE. Zamysłem autora jest przedstawienie oraz analiza zmian ustawodawczych, który zostały przeprowadzone przez rząd Ukrainy w celu zawarcia umowy stowarzyszeniowej z UE. Bardzo ważną kwestią pozostaje problem zdefiniowania podstawowych wymogów UE, dotyczących zmian w ustawodawstwie Ukrainy. Niezbędne wydaje się określenie, które z unijnych wymogów dotyczących prawa ukraińskiego zostały spełnione w pełnym zakresie, które tylko częściowo, a które nie zostały spełnione wcale. Zmiana niektórych przepisów oraz przyjęcie nowych aktów prawnych doprowadzi do pełnej harmonizacji ustawodawstwa ukraińskiego z prawem UE. Zasadnicze zmiany dotyczą prawa wyborczego i karnego Ukrainy.
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