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The paper presents the results of case study analysis conducted to assess the benefits of system implementation. The research was carried out in Polish recruitment company. We assessed the benefits of recruitment system implementation using the perspectives of a Balanced Scorecard and, in particular, the modelling and measurement of the main processes of recruitment. We designed indicators of the organization’s performance and we measured them before system implementation (as-is state) and after possible implementation (can-be state). This procedure allowed us to determine changes which the recruitment system could make, and also permitted to take a final decision on whether to invest or discontinue planning implementation.
The purpose of this article is to identify those features of the integrated management, which can be crucial to the success of the implementation of corporate social responsibility. This paper provides a description of integrated management and strategic CSR. There are also attempts to analyze the idea of Balanced Scorecard in order to adapt it to manage the environmental and social aspects. Moreover the Author presents a strategic control system by H. Steinmann, which allows for an overall view of the economic, strategic and ethical requirements in management processes.
The article discusses the role of strategy map in managing university. The strategy map is main element of Balanced Scorecard, a concept that translate the strategy to operational task. The strategy map shows relations between the strategic objectives (hypotheses) established in the four perspectives: financial, customer, internal processes and development The article presents the example of practical use of the strategy map in the process of developing strategy of UMCS.
The Balanced Scorecard originated by Kaplan and Norton translates strategy into tangible and measurable objectives in four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business process, learning and growth. These perspectives can be modified, extended and adapted to the specific characteristics of company. This popular and modern management tool is used to clarify strategy, vision, and mission. It enables executives to realize their strategy in the most effective way. In contemporary times, the Balanced Scorecard is gaining popularity and has an ever increasing number of applications in the areas of benchmarking, budgeting, Total Quality Management or cost management. Nowadays it is more and more often implemented in the management of universities. The article presents the example of developing the Balanced Scorecard model at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
Strategiczna Karta Wyników opracowana przez Kaplana i Nortona przekłada strategię na wymierne i mierzalne cele pogrupowane w czterech perspektywach: finansowej, klienta, procesów wewnętrznych, wiedzy i rozwoju. Zaproponowane perspektywy mogą być modyfikowane, sukcesywnie rozbudowywane o kolejne oraz dostosowywane do specyfiki konkretnego podmiotu. Popularne narzędzie jakim jest Strategiczna Karta Wyników tłumaczy i ułatwia zrozumienie strategii, a tym samym również misji i wizji. Strategiczna Karta Wyników zyskuje obecnie coraz większą popularność i zainteresowanie. Liczba i obszary jej wdrożeń stale rosną, o czym świadczą jej liczne zastosowania m.in. w benchmarku, budżetowaniu, w zarządzaniu przez jakość czy zarządzaniu kosztami. Uniwersalność Strategicznej Karty Wyników umożliwia również jej przystosowanie do potrzeb szkół wyższych. Artykuł prezentuje implementację modelu Strategicznej Karty Wyników na przykładzie Uniwersytetu Marii Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie.
The aim of the paper is to discuss the concept of the Balanced Scorecard based on some of Morgan’s metaphors. Very popular metaphor that underlines the mainstream way of thinking about organization is the machine metaphor. However, for contemporary organizations facing turbulent environments, such one-sided insight will be insufficient. The BSC offers managers much more complex and comprehensive insight in organizations and reinforce alternative to the mechanistic view images of organizations, namely: organization as organism, organization as information processor and organizations as culture.
Currently, hospital management is increasingly aware of monitoring their unit’s operations. New directives require hospitals to create departments for Managerial Control. These have to boast appropriate achievements. The departments are obliged to provide reports on the completion of the hospital’s objectives and tasks. In the article, the author aims at presenting the application of the Balanced Scorecard tool as an integrated system for hospital management. BSC is a helpful tool for managing a hospital with analysis of the state of financial and non-financial resources. In the paper, attention was brought to practical achievements of hospital directors that use IT tools. As a summary, the article provides a diagram that illustrates the strength of data quality required for the correct functioning of an integrated system, which at the same time shows its strong and weak points.
Many hospital rankings are based on algorithms and weights elicited by experts. The paper attempts to build rankings of Polish district hospitals using the TOPSIS method and to examine the sensitivity of the results to the changes in weights. We considered 11 large and 34 medium-sized hospitals. The criteria set consists of man-days total, profit/loss on sales, contract with the National Health Fund, return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). Because of this, rankings take into account different spheres in which hospitals perform, including the financial aspect and their main goal, i.e. treating patients. The results show that despite the overall high similarity of rankings, the benchmarking based on rankings should be done with care as the positions of some individual hospitals changed to a great degree.
Modern business conditions have led to the development of a large number of different models for strategic performance management, which view performance measurement through the prism of financial and non-financial indicators, from multiple perspectives. Strategic performance management models should enable efficient and effective management, i.e. an adequate response to continuous changes in the business environment. Theory and practice in this area suggest the development and implementation of various integrated frameworks (models) for performance management of companies, in order to achieve business excellence. In addition to the well-known integrated models, such as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Performance Pyramid, SAILS model (Strategy Aligned Integrated Linked Scoring System), GRASP model (Goals-Resources-Actions-Structure-People), and others, Kanji’s Business Excellence Model (KBEM) and Kanji Business Scorecard (KBS) have been developed as well. Kanji’s model was created with the objective of eliminating the weaknesses and shortcomings of previous models, particularly the Balanced Scorecard. The application of multidimensional performance measures should increase the informational power of management in making strategic business decisions. The goal set by this paper is to consider some of the basic features of modern performance measurement and management models of companies that are represented in theory and applied in practice, and, on the basis of comparative analysis, to draw conclusions about their advantages and disadvantages.
W artykule poruszono kwestię zastosowania zrównoważonej karty wyników do pomiaru efektywności zespołu w organizacji. Głównym celem opracowania jest prezentacja idei zrównoważonej karty wyników, przedstawienie celów i ogólnych założeń konstrukcji tego narzędzia oraz omówienie mechanizmu dekompozycji karty wyników, którego działanie skutkuje przełożeniem strategii przedsiębiorstwa na cele zespołowe na poziomie operacyjnym, umożliwiając ocenę efektywności zespołów pracowniczych. Na potrzeby artykułu sformułowano następujące pytania badawcze: − czym jest zrównoważona karta wyników? − jak przebiega proces konstruowania zrównoważonej karty wyników? − jak wykorzystać zrównoważoną kartę wyników w pomiarze efektywności zespołów? Prowadzone w ramach artykułu rozważania zostały oparte na studiach literaturowych, głównie krajowych i zagranicznych czasopism naukowych.
The present article raises a question connected with the application of the Balanced Scorecard which can be used in order to assess the effectiveness of the teamwork in the organization. The main aim of the dissertation is to present the idea of the Balanced Scorecard, goals and overall assumptions of this tool, as well as, to discuss the mechanism of the Balanced Scorecard decomposition which leads to the situation when the organization’s strategy is being aimed at the teams goals on the operational level, and allowing the assessment of the effectiveness within corporate teams. The following research questions were defined as the main points of the present article: − what is the Balanced Scorecard? − what is the course of the process of building the Balanced Scorecard, − how can the Balanced Scorecard be used to assess the effectiveness of the corporate teams? The bases of the analyses, which were conducted within this study/article, are literary studies of Polish and foreign science magazines.
In last few years, the concept ofa Balanced Scorecard has been the object ofliteraturę discussions in regards to management. Hus performance management tool becomes an instrument, supporting city management and the process of customizing its strategy. The BSC is a management system which enables city management to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. The ideas presented in this article focused on overall improvement of effective performance in existence of polish cities.
W literaturze z zakresu zarządzania w ostatnich latach przedmiotem dyskusji jest koncepcja Strategicznej Karty Wyników (Balanced Scorecard, BSC), będąca narzędziem wspierającym zarządzanie miastem i proces wdrażania strategii. Stąd zasadne wydaje się przedstawienie propozycji wykorzystania koncepcji BSC jako narzędzia wdrażania strategii dla miasta. W artykule zostanie zaprezentowana idea BSCoraz możliwości wdrożenia tego narzędzia w celu poprawy efektywności funkcjonowania polskich miast.
Wkraczając w nowe tysiąclecie i gospodarkę opartą na wiedzy, niezaprzeczalne stało się to, iż to ludzie, a nie pieniądze, budynki i wyposażenie, są głównym czynnikiem decydującym o jakości przedsiębiorstw i ich przyszłości. Powyższe spowodowało, że jednym z najważniejszym elementów zarządzania współczesnym przedsiębiorstwem jest zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi. W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono elementy BalancedScorecard dostosowanej do zasobów ludzkich oraz sposoby kalkulacji i szacowania kosztów i korzyści tych zasobów.
Entering the new millennium and knowledge-based economy, it became undeniable that people, not money, buildings and equipment are the primary and most important determinant of the quality of companies and their future. This means that one of the most important elements of modern enterprise management is the management of human resources. This paper describes the elements of the Balanced Scorecard adapted to human resources, and methods of calculation and estimation of costs and benefits of these resources.
Balanced Scorecard seems to rise as a solution being used more and more in the process of implementing of local government development strategies. It is most useful as a way of translation from mission and strategy to operating activity. Success of local authorities and government units can be assessed by using of financial and non-financial measures described in BSC. The main goal of this article is to present the conception of issue of local activity measuring and to show how wide is perspective and possibility of Balanced Scorecard if using in measuring of strategy realization based on the example of Inowrocław community.
Strategiczna karta wyników to koncepcja coraz częściej wykorzystywana do wdrażania strategii rozwoju jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. Umożliwia przełożenie misji i strategii na działania operacyjne. Przez ustalone mierniki, finansowe i niefinansowe, staje się systemem mierzenia efektywności dokonań gminy. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie istoty pomiaru dokonań jednostki samorządu terytorialnego oraz zaprezentowanie możliwości zastosowania strategicznej karty wyników do mierzenia realizacji strategii rozwoju gminy Inowrocław.
The aim of the study is to present the Balanced Scorecard as a strategic management tool in public sector organizations. The example presented is based on the strategy of a local government office. The presented strategy map (an integral part of the Scorecard), serves as an example how a strategy can be formulated based on cause-and-effect connections within four interdependent perspectives: customer, financial, internal business processes and learning and growth. The example presented in the paper shows how the Balanced Scorecard works and how the strategy is explained as a strategy map; the goals are grouped in four perspectives and they are presented in the form of cause-and-effect logical chains. The Scorecard is based on groups of goals to serve particular segments of customers in a comprehensive way. Such an approach requires an organization to adjust its structure and redefine its internal processes so that it becomes a truly ‘strategy focused organization’.
Celem niniejszej publikacji jest zaprezentowanie Strategicznej Karty Wyników (SKW) jako narzędzia stosowanego w zarządzaniu strategicznym w sektorze publicznym. Ukazany przykład bazuje na strategii jednej z jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Zaprezentowana mapa strategiczna (integralna część SKW) daje przykład, jak formułowanie strategii może bazować na przyczynowo-skutkowych powiązaniach między czterema współzależnymi perspektywami: perspektywą klienta, finansową, rozwoju oraz perspektywą procesów wewnętrznych. Przykład przedstawiony w artykule pokazuje funkcjonowanie Strategicznej Karty Wyników oraz przełożenie strategii na mapę strategiczną; cele zgrupowane są w czterech perspektywach i zaprezentowane w postaci logicznego łańcucha przyczynowo-skutkowego. Dokument bazuje na grupie celów mających służyć poszczególnym segmentom klientów w sposób kompleksowy. Takie podejście wymaga od organizacji dostosowania jej struktury oraz przeredefiniowania jej wewnętrznych procesów, tak, aby organizacja stała się w pełni „skoncentowana na strategii”.
The paper focuses on Balanced Scorecard as a tool to support corporate governance. The authors explain the nature of corporate governance and BSC and its role in enterprises developmental strategy. Basic corporate governance mechanism are also presented in this paper as well as benefits of BSC implementation
Purpose - To do the research of competitiveness, balanced scorecard theoretical aspects, to indicate how balanced scorecard concept can increase competitiveness of private health care companies in Latvia.Design/methodology/approach - Research methodology includes the analysis of theoretical background and two survey data about private health care companies in Latvia.Findings - Globally recognized is the balanced scorecard concept. Latvian health care companies are not using in evaluation all of the main indicators influencing the company’s competitiveness and they do not group them into four perspectives of balanced scorecard for analyzing health care companies, as well as by evaluating the factors which are significant for patients in choosing the health care company. Price level, quality of health care services and the company’s images in Latvia are significant factors that can influence the health care company’s competitiveness not only in the local markets, but in global ones as well.Originality/value - The paper combines the research of competitiveness and balanced scorecard. Competition on value is crucial for health care companies, because they have to take into account the immaterial value - patient’s health.
Doświadczenia ostatnich lat wskazują na głębokie zmiany podejścia do potrzeby rozwoju w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego. Od urzędników wymaga się skupianie nie tylko na miernikach finansowych, ale również na zaangażowaniu w działania prorozwojowe, które to w efekcie decydują o sukcesie tych organizacji. Specyfika funkcjonowania sektora budżetowego wymusza prezentowanie różnorodnych mierników, jednak proces pomiaru nie może być celem samym w sobie. W literaturze przedmiotu wskazuje się zrównoważoną kartę wyników jako narzędzie wykorzystujące wielopłaszczyznowe metody oceny działań rozwojowych. W związku z tym głównym celem artykułu jest uwypuklenie znaczenia prospektywnych mierników badania zdolności rozwojowej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Wykorzystując przegląd literatury, metodę dedukcyjną oraz wnioskowania przez analogię, zaprezentowano koncepcję oceny wkładu urzędników w rozwój jednostki samorządu terytorialnego.
The experience of recent years indicates a profound change in the approach to the need for development in local government units. Officials are required to focus not only on financial measures, but also on involvement in pro-development activities, which in turn determine the success of these organizations. The specificity of the functioning of the budget sector forces the presentation of various measures, but the measurement process cannot be an end in itself. The literature on the subject indicates Balanced Scorecard as a tool that uses multi-faceted methods for assessing development activities. Therefore, the main goal of the article is to emphasize the importance of prospective measures of research on the development capacity of local government units. Using the literature research, the deductive method and the reasoning by analogy, the concept of assessment of the contribution of officials to the development of the local government unit was presented.
W Europie po raz pierwszy zastosowano controlling w dużych firmach niemieckich w latach 50-tych XX wieku. Od kilkunastu lat prowadzi się badania i poszukuje się możliwości zastosowania controlingu w sektorze małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, których liczbę w Niemczech szacuje się na przeszlo3,6 mln i które stanowią 99,7% ogółu podmiotów gospodarczych. W artykule zaprezentowano opracowanie koncepcji controllingu dla prywatnego przedsiębiorstwa branży tekstylnej oraz wdrożenie wybranych narzędzi controllingu w firmie „Danilo Wiehler”.
In Europe, the first time controlling had been used in large German companies in the 50-ies of XX century. For several years, scientists have conducted research and sought the applicability of controlling in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises. The number of them is estimated for over 3, 6 million. They represent 99.7% of all entit ies in Germany. The article presents the development of a concept for a private company controlling in the textile industry and the implementation of the selected controlling tools in the company "Danilo Wiehler".
In recent years the question of measurement of the financial performance of an enterprise has been frequently asked. The current economic environment is characterized by constant change. The development of the business environment has bought a completely new approach to the measurement of the financial performance of enterprises. In a market-oriented economy, enterprises are especially focused on the growth of their market value, based on their corporate strategies. The evaluation of enterprise success in a simple and quick way is one of the most important requirements set by owners and investors. The latest findings from the area of company management clearly show that for the long-term success of enterprises it is not enough to evaluate the history using the financial indicators. Enterprises must be watched and evaluated systematically, whereas the main task of management should be to employ new methodologies and management tools. One of the models used for the management of company performance is the Balanced Scorecard model, also taking into account – besides the traditional financial criteria – non-financial criteria.
Przedsiębiorstwa coraz częściej charakteryzują swojądziałalność, wyodrębniając swój model biznesu. Jednak należy przyjąć optymalny system mierzenia jego efektywności. Artykuł opisuje, w jaki sposób przedsiębiorstwo może monitorować efekty realizacji modelu biznesu i stworzyć spójny system kontroli działalności gospodarczej. W tym celu wykorzystane zostało narzędzie Zrównoważonej Karty Wyników, za pomocą którego zaproponowano przykładową analizę wyników działalności dla firmy YouTube.
Firms are more willing to use business models in a description of their activity. However they need proper effectiveness indicators as well. The paper describes how companies can measure the effectiveness of a business model and create a consistent system of enterprise control. For this purpose the Balanced Scorecard is used in the paper to describe the indicators of YouTube.
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