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The article presents the most important values criminally protected in the Catholic Church by CIC/1983 and CCEO/1990. They are: the religion, the unity, the church authorities and the freedom of the Church. About their prime position in the hierarchy of goods legally protected by the provisions of penal canon law testifies that the crimes against them are put in the first and in the second title of CIC/1983, also the threat of severe penal sanctions. These sanctions result from the exceptional social harmfulness of the crimes. In the degree of ailment they are analogical in the canon law of the Latin rite and in the common law of Eastern Catholic Churches.
The article offers a demonstration of the correlation between faith and church law in the catholic perspective. The author stands on the position that faith is of essence for law understood as a phenomenon and as regulations that play an active role in the life of community of believers. It is because faith is a factor in the processes of drafting law, interpreting law, and implementing law. The conclusion is that in the study of church law more attention should be paid to faith especially during the Year of faith.
For centuries, funeral law was not too favourable to suicides. Admittedly, at the dawn of Christianity this group of the deceased was not refused religious funeral celebrations or a burial, yet, the situation changed along with the Catholic religion gaining significance. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, suicides were deprived of the right to a religious funeral. Furthermore, in the 11th century the ecclesiastical legislator forbade burial for suicides in “holy places.” Until modern times, therefore, suicides were buried at a distance from grave- yards. This in practice often indicated a burial insulting human dignity. The monopoly on religious funeral regulations only ended in Europe at the end of the 18th century, when state authorities took an interest in funeral law. On Polish soil, the more enlightened regulations of the Partitioners were enforced in the 19th century. In addition, the Act on burying the de¬ceased passed in 1932 led to the necessary standardization of provisions of national funeral law, while the binding provisions of the Act on cemeteries of 1959 provided equality of rights for the deceased in the access to a place of burial at a cemetery. Finally, in the second half of the 20th century, the ecclesiastical legislator introduced amendments to the Canon Law al- lowing (in certain instances) a Catholic funeral for a suicide. The liberalization of the Canon Law provisions, therefore, exemplifies wider transformations in the spirit of the conciliar aggiornamento
The article contains an analysis of the Polish Concordat of 1993, ratified during the stage of transition from communist totalitarianism to liberal democracy. The key elements of these transformations include the change of the system of relations between the Church and the state which consisted in the transition from an atheistic regime – based on the principle of “hostile separation” – to a democratic secular state – based on the principle of “friendly separation” – referred to as “coordinated separation” due to the application of the instrument known as the concordat. In a speech held in the Vatican on 25 March 1998, Pope John Paul II claimed: “[…] The Concordat is a challenge to everyone to whom the future of Poland is dear and to those who feel a responsibility toward Her fate. It is a great opportunity and a great task for the present and future generations”. The Author employed the phrase “the stabilizing functions of the concordat” to refer to these “opportunities and tasks”. In order to explicate his line of thought he described the following: the concept of the concordat and its function, the position of the concordat in the hierarchy of the sources of law, the extent of issues regulated by this document and the bases of its effectiveness in the Polish system of law. Due to the extent of issues regulated by the Polish Concordat, it is a holistic concordat. The objects of its regulation include: the fundamental principles of the relations between the Church and the state, the confirmation of diplomatic relations, guarantees of respecting religious freedom on institutional and individual levels in public life (Art. 3‑27). The norms inscribed into the Concordat of 1993 are mostly a confirmation of the norms which functioned at the moment when the document was ratified. Due to the ratification of the Concordat the Polish legislator cannot introduce such norms to the system of the law of the country which would be contradictory to the norms inscribed into the Concordat without an agreement with the Holy See or the Polish Bishops’ Conference, the latter acting on the basis of a mandate of the Holy See. An important factor of the stabilizing function of the Concordat is the method of drawing up legal regulations. This has to do with clauses which refer to other normative acts belonging to the system of Polish law, to the system of canon law, or to future bilateral agreements, contracted on the central level (between the Holy See and the supreme organs of the authorities of the State), or on the local level (between the Polish Bishops’ Conference and the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Poland). This Concordat contributed to the increase of the level of stabilization of direct relations between the Catholic Church and the State in Poland. The document also played indirectly the role of promoting other religious associations. According to the principle of equality of Churches and other religious associations (Art. 25, Par. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland), there occurred an extension of guarantees inscribed into the Concordat which had to do with other religious associations. This extension was brought about thanks to the employment of auxiliary concordat agreements consisting of individual acts promulgated on the basis of agreements that were negotiated by the government with the representatives of these associations.
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Rajmund z Peňafortu: De matrimonio

Studia theologica
vol. 15
issue 4
The article studies the concept of marriage according to Summa on Marriage by Raymond of Penyafort of the first half of the thirteen century. It analyzes and comments on the definition of marriage, biblical institution of marriage, reasons for the institution of marriage, the role of consent, the effects and the goods of marriage and the form of a lawful or clandestine marriage. It concludes that canon law on marriage in this Summa promoted monogamous marriage which is contracted by free consent of a man and a woman and aims at establishing a family.
In this article Author is attempting to answer on question referring to the category and character of liturgical norms embodied in the Code of Canon law of 1983. In the first part of the article Author has outlined the main factors of the development of liturgical legislation since the Apostolic times until the promulgation of the Codex Iuris Canonici 1917. In the second part of his article Author has analysed the rule of law contained in can. 2 of the modern Code of Canon Law of 1983 as well as the vision of liturgical law introduced in this Code. Finally, in the third part of the article Author has discussed the actual examples of the liturgical provisions embodied in the Code. The examination of those provisions enables Author to proclaim that the Code of Canon law contains three types of rules referring to the liturgy: (1) administrative rules that describe the responsibilities of the Church authorities to act in the liturgical matters, (2) provisions that contain cross-references to the liturgical books and (3) provisions that contain “pure” liturgical norms.
Na początku XIII w. nastąpił kryzys Kościoła instytucjonalnego. Papież Innocenty III podczas Soboru Laterańskiego IV, w odpowiedzi na kryzys, wprowadził obowiązek corocznej spowiedzi i podkreślił znaczenie tej praktyki sakramentalnej. Konstytucja Omnis utriusque sexus zawierała zobowiązanie każdego wiernego do spowiedzi przynajmniej raz w roku oraz do przyjmowania Eucharystii w okresie wielkanocnym. Obowiązek ten dotyczył każdego ochrzczonego mężczyzny i kobiety po osiągnięciu wieku rozeznania, który ówcześni komentatorzy Soboru określali na około siedem lat. Choć według średniowiecznych kanonistów obowiązek ten odnosił się do spowiedzi z grzechów śmiertelnych, w praktyce wszyscy wierni byli zachęcani do corocznej spowiedzi. Własny proboszcz miał obowiązek dopilnować wypełnienia tego przykazania przez wiernych powierzonych jego duszpasterskiej pieczy. W odpowiedzi na poważne zobowiązanie wiernych Konstytucja Omnis utriusque sexus nakładała istotne obowiązki także na spowiedników. Spowiednik miał być roztropny wobec spowiedzi penitenta, był porównywany do lekarza, który musi wybrać leczenie odpowiednie dla danej choroby. Wreszcie 21 Konstytucja Soboru Laterańskiego IV podkreśla obowiązek zachowania tajemnicy spowiedzi ze strony spowiednika i jednocześnie wprowadza surowe kary dla kapłana, który ją złamie. Wiele z opisanych przepisów jest nadal aktualnych we współczesnym ustawodawstwie kościelnym. Również dzisiaj, w obliczu kryzysu Kościoła, wydaje się wskazane, aby powrócić do owocnego sprawowania sakramentu pokty, co dotyczy zarówno spowiedników, jak i penitentów.  
At the beginning of the 13th century there was a crisis in the institutional Church, in response to which Pope Innocent III during the Fourth Lateran Council introduced the obligation of annual confession and emphasised the importance of this sacramental practice. The 21st Council Constitution obliged every believer to go to Confession at least once a year and to receive the Eucharist during the Easter season. This obligation applied to every baptised man and woman upon reaching the age of discernment, which the Council’s commentators at the time put at around seven years. Although, according to the medieval canonists, this obligation referred to confession of mortal sins, in practice all the faithful were encouraged to go to confession annually. The own parish priest had the duty to see that this commandment was fulfilled by the faithful entrusted to his pastoral care. In response to the serious obligation of the faithful, the Constitution Omnis utriusque sexus also imposed important duties on confessors. The confessor was to be prudent towards the confession of the penitent; he was compared to a doctor who must choose the treatment appropriate to the illness. Finally, the 21st Constitution of the Fourth Lateran Council emphasises the obligation of confessional secrecy on the part of the confessor and at the same time introduces severe penalties for a priest who breaks it. Many of the provisions described are still relevant in contemporary Church legislation. Even today, in the face of the Church’s crisis, it seems advisable to return to the fruitful celebration of the sacrament of Penance, which concerns both confessors and penitents.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
vol. 30
issue 3
The term of “Mass stipends” have been preserved in the longstanding and venerable tradition of the Church. Their justification can be found in the Apostolic letter Firma in traditione and in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Even so, understanding their meaning is not clear and often confused with buying sacraments or a type of financial payment for a service rendered. From a historical viewpoint, the Mass stipend seems to trace its origin to the offertory of the Mass. It was during the Offertory that the faithful, who were participating in the Eucharistic celebration, offered their gifts. This study explores the concept of the so-called Mass stipend and their evolving form in the practice of Church. For a proper understating of Mass offerings, it is important to point out that they must be coherent with the Eucharistic theology of sacramental sacrifice, of the close connection between the celebrant and the people in their common act of worship, and of the gratuity of this great gift of the Lord to his people. Ultimately, Mass offerings contribute to the good of the Church and share its concern to support its ministers and works.
Ku nowemu rozumieniu stypendiów mszalnych Pojęcie „stypendiów mszalnych” zostało utrwalone w długoletniej tradycji Kościoła. Ich uzasadnienie można znaleźć w liście apostolskim Firma in traditione oraz w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. Mimo to zrozumienie ich znaczenia nie jest jasne i często bywa mylone z kupowaniem sakramentów lub rodzajem opłaty za wykonaną usługę. Z historycznego punktu widzenia stypendium Mszy św. wywodzi się z procesji z darami podczas sprawowania Mszy św. To właśnie podczas offertorium uczestniczący w celebracji Eucharystii składali swoje dary. Niniejsze opracowanie analizuje koncepcję tzw. stypendiów mszalnych i ich ewoluującą formę w praktyce Kościoła. Autor zwraca uwagę na fakt, że ofiary składane z racji Mszy św. muszą być spójne z teologią sakramentu Eucharystii i jego ścisłego związku między celebransem a ludem wiernych. Ostatecznie ofiary te przyczyniają się do dobra Kościoła oraz uczestniczą w jego trosce o utrzymanie szafarzy i dzieł.
All the faithful are called to holiness by observing sacred times, i.e. feast days and days of penance. The catalogue of feast days in Poland comes from the Code of Canon Law, Concordat from 1993, acts of the conference of bishops authorised by the Holy See and the national legislation. The observance of fast and abstinence comes from divine law, whereas the canon law and a acts of the conference of bishops are determining times and forms of its observance.
Wszyscy wierni powołani są dążyć do świętości, którą pomaga im osiągnąć obchodzenie czasów świętych jawiących się jako dni świąteczne i dni pokuty. Katalog świątecznych dni w Polsce został skonstruowany w oparciu o Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego, konkordat z 1993 roku, postanowienia Konferencji Episkopatu Polski zaakceptowane przez Stolicę Apostolską i o prawodawstwo państwowe. Pokuta obowiązuje wiernych na podstawie prawa Bożego, zaś czasy i sposoby jego realizacji określa prawodawstwo powszechne i polskie prawodawstwo partykularne.
Komedie były jedną z najpopularniejszych form rozrywki w epoce angielskiego renesansu. Ich autorzy często odwoływali się do problematyki prawnej. W dwóch sztukach tego okresu – Kupcu Weneckim W. Shakespeare’a oraz Epicoene or the Silent Woman B. Jonsona – odnaleźć można odwołania do działalności doktorów prawa. Ich przedstawienie stanowi ciekawą ilustrację sposobu postrzegania przedstawicieli tej profesji w XVI i XVII-wiecznej Anglii.
The comedies were one of the most popular form of entertainment in the period of English Renaissance. Their authors refereed to legal issues quite frequently. In two plays from the epoch – Merchant of Venice by W. Shakespeare and Epicoene, or the Silent Woman by B. Jonson – it is possible to discover references to the personages of the doctors of laws. Their depiction is an interesting illustration of the way in which those professionals were treated in 16th and 17th centuries in England.
Комедии были одним из самых популярных видов развлечений в эпоху английского Возрождения. Их авторы часто прибегали к правовым вопросам. В двух пьесах этого периода – Венецианском купце У.Шекспира и Epicoene или Спокойная девушка Б. Джонсона – можно найти ссылки на деятельности докторов права. Их представление – это интересная иллюстрация восприятия представителями этой профессии в XVI и XVII-вечней Англии.
Prawo Kanoniczne
vol. 60
issue 3
This work is a conference in the Faculty of Law of the University of Bari (Taranto office, Italy) that consider the historical-juridical evolution of the “ecclesiastical institution” model with respect to the welfare activity carried out by the Church and to the ecclesiastical hospital institution.
Il presente lavoro è il frutto di una conferenza tenuta presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Bari (sede di Taranto, Italia) che prende in considerazione l’evoluzione storico-giuridica del modello “ente ecclesiastico” rispetto all’attività assistenziale svolta dalla Chiesa e all’ente ecclesiastico ospedaliero.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, że prawo Kościoła Anglii stanowi część systemu prawa Anglii. Tezę tę potwierdza proces stanowienia tego prawa, komentarze doktryny, wyroki sądów angielskich, a nawet orzecznictwo Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu. Najbardziej charakterystyczny rodzaj aktu prawnego, measure, jest omówiony na przykładach pod kątem procesu stanowienia prawa i zakresu obowiązywania.
The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the law of the Church of England constitutes a part of the English legal system. This thesis is confirmed by the way this law is adopted, by the commentaries and by the jurisprudence of the English courts, and even of the European Court of Human Rights. The most characteristic legal act, the measure, is presented in terms of the legislative process and the scope of application, on the examples given.
vol. XXIV
issue 24
Concordats are a specific type of agreements between the Holy See and sovereign states which function in different legal orders: state and church canon law. The fact that concordats are the conventions between two subjects of international law they are also recognized as international treaties. The history of concordats is almost one thousand years old, dates from 1098 and they are still used by both sides to regulate the matters in common interests. In meantime it have been changed the names, forms, matters and language of concordats, but it did not changed the legal nature and essence of concordats. The history of Polish statehood is closely interrelated with different forms of agreements between Catholic Church and state authorities. Concordats were the consequences of Christianity adoption by Poland having impact on its close cultural relations with Western Europe. The interpretation and execution of concordats in Poland have been sometimes the cause of conflicts but both the Holy See and the state authorities recognized them through the history as important for State, Church and Nation. The article focuses on description of legal nature of concordats and the history of them in Poland until the Third Partition of country in 1795.
Konkordaty są specyficznymi umowami funkcjonującymi w różnych porządkach prawnych: państwowym i kościelnym, a z racji tego, że są zawierane przez dwa podmioty prawa międzynarodowego, Stolicę Apostolską i państwo, są także umowami międzynarodowymi. Umowy konkordatowe zawierane są od niemal tysiąca lat, od roku 1098, i w międzyczasie zmieniały się ich elementy, w tym ich nazwa, przedmiot, treści i język. Różnie interpretowana była w historii natura prawna konkordatów, w zależności kto – państwo czy strona kościelna – jej dokonywał. Umowy konkordatowe towarzyszyły rozwojowi państwowości w Polsce od samych jej początków. Były konsekwencją chrystianizacji Polski i czynnikiem umacniania porządku państwowego, jedną z podstaw sytuowania Polski w orbicie państw zachodnich i cywilizacji zachodniej. Bywały przedmiotem sporów politycznych w różnych okresach historii. Mimo to Stolica Apostolska i państwo polskie uznawały je w każdej epoce politycznej – także współcześnie – za ważne dla państwa, Kościoła i narodu. Założeniem artykułu jest przedstawienie zarysu prawnej i historycznej problematyki konkordatów, ich istoty i roli w kształtowaniu stosunków państwo – Kościół w różnych okresach państwowości aż do III rozbioru i utraty przez Polskę bytu państwowego.
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