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The subject of the assessment contained in the position of the Sejm before the Constitutional Tribunal are provisions of the Civil Code in relation to the doubts of a regional court, whether the application for a court enforcement clause for a bank enforcement title does not interrupt the limitation period for a claim covered by that title against a transferee who is not a bank. In the author’s opinion, the interpretation of the questioned provisions in the process of applying the law, and in particular the limitation of a retroactive effect of interpretation, is vested in courts and it is difficult to conclude that the assessment of the constitutionality of the questioned provisions by the Constitutional Tribunal determined the resolution of the case pending before the court that submitted the question of law. In view of the doubts regarding the admissibility of the question of law, the Sejm should request that the proceedings be discontinued.
The subject of the article is an attempt to define an entity identified as “an entrepreneur who has connected facilities to its network” within various organizational and legal forms, in which services in the field of water supply and sewage disposal are provided. The author recognises some difficulties in judicial practice when it comes to determination of an entity obliged under Article 49 para. 2 of the Civil Code to acquire property of transmission facilities. In the author’s opinion, the determining factor in resolving this matter is the fact which entity owns devices included in the network.
The basis of European communities’ integration is diversified. Some of its aspects are particularly emphasized, like the dynamics of economic development, which creates new quality of life for millions of Europeans. Much attention is devoted to the common historical past and the common democratic political values. The attention is focused, to a lesser extent, on what constitutes the real basis of cultural identity for European societies, namely law and the attitude to it. It is law and values attributed to it as well as legal institutions, which have been the strongest links of cultural chain connecting Europeans. Except for a basic issue, that is the Roman law tradition, one can point at a great common achievement with essential practical qualities. Lex mercatoria in the field of commercial law. Traditions of European constitutionalism, including the second, in the terms of the time of creation, modern constitution which was Polish constitution of 1791. Modern civil law becoming widespread due to the French Napoleonic Civil Code, which at the beginning of the 19th century was binding on the eastern European territory within such borders, which are now the European Union’s borders. The exchange of ideas and legal doctrine from the Middle Ages at European Universities. Promoting in these discussions, starting from the 16th century, modern solutions in the area of law, like the postulate of departing from capital punishment and equal rights. A systematic development of subjective rights, human rights, equal rights for women, rights of minorities and rights of the disabled. Introducing these rights to the positive law and ensuring their international and institutional protection.
A farm may be a subject of fractional joint ownership. Due to the exceptional social and economic importance of this property, separate special provisions concern the abolition of the joint ownership of a farm. The subject matter of the study is an analysis of the institution of rights to continued residence on a farm after the abolition of its joint ownership, i.e. their subject, object, contents, nature, method of acquisition, transferability and encumbrance.
In accordance with the Civil Code, upon death of a testator (inheritance opening), the heir acquires by law all rights and obligations belonging to the inheritance. If several heirs inherit, from the moment of opening of inheritance proceedings the condition of jointly inherited estate arises between them under the law. In the state of affairs analysed in the opinion, assets that have become part of the estate of a deceased should be indicated in a Deputy’s financial statements submitted after the date of opening of the inheritance proceedings (i.e. after the date of the testator’s death).
The author of the opinion assesses that the proposed changes are largely the result of needs reported by the scientific and judicial community. However, the assumptions justifying the bill have not been fully implemented. In the context of the changes concerning the running of the limitation period relating to the motion for a summons to a conciliation session and to mediation, it was stressed that the bill in both cases does not refer to the effects of subsequent requests for summons to the conciliation session and the subsequent initiation of mediation. The author negatively assesses the change consisting in the introduction of a new premise of exploitation. He also does not see the need for changes in excluding from the group of persons liable for rent liabilities and fees for occupying premises adults who are unable to support themselves and who are dependent on their parents.
Neither the Hunting Act provisions, nor the Statutes of the Polish Hunting Association define the legal consequences of the action of the incomplete Hunting Council. Provisions of the Civil Code may apply to Council resolutions of a civil law nature. It is doubtful if jurisprudence developed in relation to commercial companies may be applied to the Association’s bodies, due to the significant differences between such companies and the Polish Hunting Association. When applying the principles developed in jurisprudence, it is important to note that, according to the Supreme Court, formal defects concerning the adoption of resolutions that do not affect the contents of the adopted resolution do not affect its legitimacy.
The article addresses the imputed inconsistency with Polish Constitution of the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure which require application of Article 160 of the Code of Administrative Procedure in the wording valid before 30 September 2003 in relation to claims for compensation of damages, including lost benefits as a result of an administrative decision issued before 1 September 2004. The authors claims that the questioned provision of the Code of Civil Procedure is inconsistent with Article 77 (1) in conjunction with Article 2 and Article 32 of the Constitution and is not inconsistent with Article 21 (1) and Article 64 (1) and (2) of the Constitution.
issue 317
123 - 131
The paper presents the institution of disinheritance in Polish civil law by comparing it with a corresponding institution set forth in the law of Louisiana (the USA). The comparative method applied allows the disinheritance examination from a completely different point of view. It is worth mentioning that the mixed legal system is in force in Louisiana, comprising the elements of the continental and common law. The mixed legal systems are nowadays perceived as examples for any codifications in the world. The paper leads to the conclusion that Polish regulation of the disinheritance in the light of rules of proper legislation leaves much to be desired. Polish provisions on disinheritance are misplaced in the Civil Code without separate chapter, their content is insufficient and their application in practice raises many doubts. In this respect, the corresponding provisions of the Louisiana Civil Code outmatch the Polish provisions both in quality and quantity, providing more comprehensive and precise regulation. Comparing these two legal systems, it is desirable to provide a separate chapter in the Civil Code for the institution of disinheritance as well as introduce more detailed and precise provisions— in particular on the reasons for disinheritance.
Język nowego czeskiego kodeksu cywilnego, który wejdzie w życie w styczniu 2014, wywołał w Czechach dyskusję. Niektórzy krytycy twierdzą, że kodeks ten zawiera wiele nowo utworzonych lub wprowadzonych ponownie terminów, które są powszechnie niezrozumiałe i mogą brzmieć archaicznie. Debata ta dała powód do przeprowadzenia badania, w którym poproszono studentów o określenie stopnia znajomości wybranych terminów z nowego kodeksu oraz określenie ich cech stylistycznych. Wszytkie terminy zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem częstotliwości występowania przy użyciu Narodowego Korpusu Języka Czeskiego. Tylko jeden z badanych terminów został oceniony jako zrozumiały przez 40% respondentów. Taka sama liczba badanych określiła sześć terminów jako archaiczne i pięć jako utworzone w dziwny sposób. Wyniki pokazują, że debata na temat sfomułowania nowego kodeksu była uzasadniona.
The article presents the discussion on the wording of the new Civil Code of the Czech Republic which becomes effective on January 1, 2014. Some critics claim that the Code contains many newly coined or re-introduced terms which are unknown to the general public and may even feel archaic. Inspired by this debate, a survey was carried out in which a group of students was asked to assess the perceived familiarity with ten terms selected from the new Code and also mark the terms with respect to their perceived stylistic features. All the terms had been analysed with respect to their relative frequency in various text types using the Czech National Corpus. Only one term was assessed as known by more than 40% of the subjects. The same portion of the subjects marked six terms as archaic and five terms as strangely formed. The results show that the debate on the wording was justified. Nevertheless, the requirement for accessibility of legal documents to the general public should be seen with due consideration to various functions, situations and contexts in which individual genres and text types are used.
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Czech inheritance law and the significance of tradition

The article deals with the importance of the Czech-Austrian legal tradition in Czech inheritance law, particularly with the inter-war recodification (1920–1938) and the contemporary literature. In the first part it analyses the inspirational sources of new inheritance law in general. Next part describes the course of the recodification works in the inter-war era. The third part of the article analyses the scope and particular form of the First Republic inspiration. The last part describes personalities and literature of inheritance law until the middle of the 20th century. The last recodification of Czech private law (2000–2012), finished by issuance of the new Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Sb.), built on the Czech-Austrian legal tradition represented by the interwar proposals from 1931 and 1937. The comparisons suggest that the recodification of inheritance law followed a super revision proposal (1931) even more than the government bill (1937), in some institutes it coincides with the (West) Galician Civil Code (1797), which became the direct precursor of the General Civil Code – ABGB (1811).
The obligation to submit preventive vaccination is stipulated in provisions of the Act on Preventing and Combating Infections and Infectious Diseases among People. A producer of a vaccine may be liable for damage caused by a hazardous product. It is possible to claim compensation for damages against a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist or a producer under provisions regarding tort liability. The State Treasury could be liable since the vaccinations are mandatory, and since the State Treasury acts in an authoritative in the sphere of medical service. Determining the scope of legal responsibility of a particular entity requires an analysis of all circumstances of a given caser and may usually require filling a statement of claim.
vol. 5
issue 3
Artykuł zawiera analizę kodeksowej definicji pojęcia „konsument”. W publikacji przedstawiony jest rys historyczny obrazujący rozwój przedmiotowej kategorii prawnej oraz omówienie jej elementów składowych. Artykuł przybliża również orzecznictwo odnoszące się do interpretacji przedstawianej definicji legalnej.
The article contains the analysis of the definition of a consumer in the light of the provisions of the Polish Civil Code. The paper presents the historical development of the legal category in question as well as discusses its components. Included is also an analysis of selected jurisprudential lines that relate to the interpretation of the presented legal definition.
The subject of the article is an analysis of the impact of the constitutional principle of social justice on the understanding of the principle of equity in civil law and, consequently, on the practical application of regulations that contain the general clause governing the principles of social coexistence. Assuming a universal nature of the axiological basis of the legal system in Poland, and the radiation of constitutional principles and values onto statutory law, the author, using a method involving analytical and functional analysis of legal texts and court rulings, comes to the conclusion that adjudication in civil cases should, to some extent, in addition to protection of individual rights and interests, concern the protection of social interests.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza wpływu konstytucyjnej zasady sprawiedliwości społecznej na rozumienie zasady słuszności w prawie cywilnym a w konsekwencji na stosowanie w praktyce przepisów zawierających klauzulę generalną zasad współżycia społecznego. Przyjmując założenia: o uniwersalnym charakterze podstaw aksjologicznych systemu prawa w Polsce i o promieniowaniu zasad i wartości konstytucyjnych na prawo ustawowe - autor, stosując metodę analitycznej i funkcjonalnej analizy tekstów prawnych i orzeczeń sądowych - dochodzi do wniosku, że przy rozstrzyganiu spraw cywilnych uwzględniać należy, oprócz ochrony praw i interesów jednostki, także w pewnym stopniu ochronę interesów społecznych.
The aim of the article is to present the institution of divorce in French law after the 2004 amendment of the Divorce Law. The French Civil Code has been a subject to multiple amendments since 1st January 1976 when the first, contemporary regulation concerning divorce was introduced. The amendment of 2004 has become a foundation for significant reconstruction of the institution. The purpose of the new regulation was to mitigate the conflict of interests between spouses as well as to simplify the proceedings. Also, the ratio legis behind the amendment was to enable the court to decide upon all marital rights and obligations during one divorce action regardless of the grounds for the divorce. The paper consists of four parts. The first section of the article is an introductory part where the author describes evolution of divorce in French law. The second part is divided into subsections where the author presents four separate grounds for the divorce; namely – unanimous petition, the, so called, accepted divorce, irretrievable breakdown of marriage and, last but not least, fault of the marital breakdown. In the third part the author analyzes financial consequences of the divorce. In particular, the author concentrates on the following issues: common place of residence, debts, compensatory payments, damages as well as marital increments. The final, fourth, part of the article is a presentation of the role of a notary public in divorce proceedings.
The amendment to the Polish Civil Code made in 2018 introduced a new regulation on limitations of claims against consumers. The aim was to strengthen the legal position of the consumer debtor. According to the new Article 117 § 2(1) of the Civil Code, after the expiry of the limitation period, satisfaction of such claims cannot be demanded and the lapse of the period is taken into account by the court ex officio. This effect is therefore independent of the will of the consumer debtor. The author of the article argues that the new regulation is flawed, and that the concept of consumer protection has been used to achieve goals that are incompatible with the objectives of such protection. The role of the state is to assist the consumer in recognising and assessing his legal position, not to replace him in that role.
Dokonana w 2018 r. nowelizacja Kodeksu cywilnego wprowadziła nowe uregulowanie przedawnienia roszczeń przysługujących przeciwko konsumentom. Jego celem było wzmocnienie sytuacji prawnej dłużnika będącego konsumentem. Zgodnie z nowym art. 117 § 2(1) k. c., po upływie terminu przedawnienia nie można domagać się zaspokojenia takich roszczeń, a upływ terminu sąd uwzględnia z urzędu. Skutek przedawnienia jest więc niezależny od woli dłużnika będącego konsumentem. Autor artykułu wskazuje, że uregulowanie jest wadliwe, a koncepcja ochrony konsumenta została wykorzystana do osiągnięcia celów niezgodnych z założeniami tej ochrony. Zadaniem państwa jest bowiem zapewnienie konsumentowi pomocy w rozpoznaniu i ocenie jego sytuacji prawnej, nie zaś zastępowanie go w tej roli.
It is not an easy task to resolve intertemporal problems. This publication is an attempt to create a theory of solving such concerns, accompanying any changes in legal system, as quickly and correctly. as possible. The author focuses on regulations belonging to the contract law. The starting point of this article was an analysis of transitional provisions contained in amendments to Civil Code and in the introductory regulations of the Civil Code. This procedure leads up to a method of managing intertemporal conflicts between undergone significant changes of the legal system which is used by the legislature itself. Considerations begin with an introduction to the issues of the private intertemporal law by a brief characterization of intertemporal law basic rules approved by literature and jurisdiction. Then, the basic principles of the intertemporal law on the basis of the introductory regulations of the Civil Code have been discussed. At the end of this publication a theory of resolving intertemporal conflicts based on law of contract, which corresponds to the nature of obligations has been indicated.
Autor przedstawia prawne dysproporcje między przepisami Kodeksu pracy (art. 2  i 22) i Traktatu o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej (art. 45, dawny art. 39 TWE). Tytuł VII Traktatu gwarantuje swobodę przepływu wewnątrz Unii Europejskiej osób, usług i kapitału, natomiast art. 45 TfUE wymienia wyłącznie pracowników w ramach szeroko pojętej kategorii osób aktywnych zawodowo w państwach członkowskich UE. Podstawową tezą sformułowaną w artykule jest objęcie zakresem swobody przemieszczania się osób zatrudnionych na podstawie cywilnoprawnych umów o świadczenie usług, formalnie niemających w świetle przepisów polskiego prawa pracy statusu prawnego pracowników. Zamierzeniem autora jest prewencyjne uniemożliwienie możliwości ograniczenia swobody przemieszczania się wewnątrz Unii Europejskiej osób zawodowo aktywnych, pozostających w zatrudnieniu nie-pracowniczym (cywilnoprawnym). Z tego względu autor proponuje w tekstach właściwych przepisów prawa (polskich i unijnych) zastąpienie terminu „pracownik” określeniem „zatrudniony”, obejmującym osoby świadczące pracę na podstawie przepisów Kodeksu cywilnego.
Author is presenting legal discrepancies between provisions of Polish Labour Code (art.2 and 22) and Treaty for Functioning of the EU (art.45, former art. 39). Title VII of UE Treaty guarantees freedom of movement of individuals, services and capital but art.45 of the above mentioned Treaty lists only employees among broader category of professionally active population of EU Member States which ought to enjoy freedom of movement. therefore, an article published is inspired by the risk which might be created by a national ultra legalistic method of argumentation according to which only individuals defined by the national legislator as an employees may enjoy freedom of movement within EU. In order to prevent such possibility an Author proposes to substitute in both legal texts (Labour Code and Treaty) an oficial definition of an employee by the broader legal term of “labour” which covers also an individuals employed on legal grounds regulated by the Civil Code.
This article is focused on describing conditions of the recognition of the civil status of transsexual and transgender people (trans persons) in the Czech Republic, or former Czechoslovakia. It is based on a questionnaire created for the purposes of the XX International Congress of Comparative Law, Japan, Fukuoka, 2018. The Czech Republic' national report aims to be a basic but thorough resource of legal information relating to the civil status of trans persons for future comparative analyses of the International Academy of Comparative Law.
В статье анализируется, каким образом Директива 2019/771 о несоответствии товара договору была имплементирована в польскую правовую систему, и оценивается влияние этой имплементации на согласованность норм внутреннего права. Основное внимание было уделено соотношению действующих норм Закона о правах потребителей, касающихся несоответствия товара договору, и соответствующих норм Гражданского кодекса, касающихся законной гарантии. На основе проведенного анализа автор приходит к выводу, что внесенная поправка приводит к декомпозиции и нарушению внутренней согласованности норм гражданского права. Несмотря на имплементацию Директивы 2019/771 в Закон о правах потребителей, в Гражданский кодекс не были внесены соответствующие изменения, которые позволили бы обеспечить согласованность в рамках защиты, предоставляемой польским законодательством отдельным категориям потребителей (потребителям, приобретающим движимое имущество, и потребителям, приобретающим недвижимое имущество). Кроме того, нарушен принцип более высокого уровня защиты прав потребителей по сравнению с двусторонней профессиональной (B2B) и общей коммерческой (C2C) торговлей.
У статті проаналізовано спосіб імплементації Директиви 2019/771 до польського законодавства в плані невідповідності товару договорy та оцінено вплив цієї імплементації на узгодженість внутрішньодержавного правового регулювання. Основна увага приділяється взаємозв’язку між чинними положеннями Закону про права споживачів щодо невідповідності товару договору та відповідними положеннями Цивільного кодексу щодо гарантійних зобов’язань. На основі проведеного аналізу автор доходить висновку, що запроваджена зміна призводить до декомпозиції та порушення внутрішньої узгодженості цивільного права. Незважаючи на імплементацію Директиви 2019/771 в Законі про права споживачів, до Цивільного кодексу не було внесено відповідних змін, які б забезпечили узгодженість захисту, що надається польським законодавством окремим категоріям споживачів (споживачам, які купують рухомі товари, і споживачам, які купують нерухомість). Крім того, було порушено принцип вищого рівня захисту прав споживачів порівняно з двосторонньою професійною торгівлею (B2B) та загальною торгівлею (C2C).
The paper analyzes the method of implementation of Directive 2019/771 with regard to the non-conformity of goods with the contract to the Polish legal order and assesses the impact of this implementation on the consistency of national law regulations. The article focuses on the relationships between the current regulations of the Act on Consumer Rights on the non-conformity of goods with the contract and the corresponding regulations of the Civil Code on warranty. The analysis is carried out using the formal-dogmatic method and legal-comparative method. The author comes to the conclusion that the amendment leads to the disruption of the internal consistency of civil law. Despite the implementation of Directive 2019/771 in the Act on Consumer Rights, the regulations of the Civil Code have not been correctly adjusted in order to maintain consistency within the protection granted by Polish law to the various categories of consumers (consumers purchasing movable goods and consumers purchasing real estate). Moreover, the principle of a higher level of consumer protection compared to bilateral professional trade (B2B) and general trade (C2C) has been disrupted.
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę sposobu implementacji dyrektywy 2019/771 w zakresie niezgodności towaru z umową do polskiego porządku prawnego oraz dokonano oceny wpływu tej implementacji na spójność regulacji prawa wewnętrznego. Skoncentrowano się na relacjach pomiędzy obowiązującymi obecnie regulacjami ustawy o prawach konsumenta dotyczącymi niezgodności towaru z umową oraz odpowiadającymi im regulacjami Kodeksu cywilnego dotyczącymi rękojmi. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy autor dochodzi do wniosku, że wprowadzona nowelizacja prowadzi do dekompozycji i zaburzenia wewnętrznej spójności prawa cywilnego. Pomimo implementacji dyrektywy 2019/771 do ustawy o prawach konsumenta, nie wprowadzono odpowiednich nowelizacji w Kodeksie cywilnym, które umożliwiłyby zacho-wanie spójności w ramach ochrony przyznanej przez polskie prawo poszczególnym kategoriom konsumentów (konsumenci nabywający rzeczy ruchome i konsumenci nabywający nieruchomości). Ponadto doprowadzono do zaburzenia zasady wyższego poziomu ochrony konsumentów w porównaniu z obrotem dwustronnie profesjonalnym (B2B) i obrotem powszechnym (C2C).
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