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Partia Demokratyczna w midterm elections 2010

The paper presents the election results of the Democratic Party in the midterm elections 2010. The consequences of these elections encompassed the loss of seats in both houses of Congress as well as the much more painful outcome of the Republican Party winning a majority in the House of Representatives. President Obama assumed complete responsibility for this defeat, and the next two years for him will mean cooperation with the GOP, which will be difficult given the financial crisis. Midterm elections traditionally undermine the party of the President in office – power drains from those who wield it. There always are people who are disappointed with the current policy of the administration, however, in 2010 we can talk about a political earthquake. Apart from the ‘midterm elections effect’, the success of the Republican Party partly resulted from the difficult economic situation and the reform of the health care system. A significant feature of this campaign involved the Tea Party movement, which won a considerable support owing to its critical attitude to President Obama’s domestic policy.
The paper focuses on the analysis of wartime Slovak political parties’ views on Slovakia’s status after the World War II. The paper is divided into two main blocks. The first one deals with the shy plans of the Hlinka’s Slovak People’s representatives to maintain Slovak independence on a post-war map. Second one clarifies changing attitudes of resistance and its dialogues with the London and Moscow exile concerning the question of Slovak statehood in the context of expected Czechoslovakia’s rebirth after fall of the Nazi rule and in the very first months of 1945. The authors analyse complicated “behind-curtain” debates, the nature of discourse regarding the face of post-war Slovakia and Slovak question as a serious problem between the Slovak political opposition, Beneš’ exile government in London and communist exile in Moscow that shaped Czechoslovak internal policy even after liberation in May 1945.
The article is devoted to the coverage of the political crisis in Slovakia in 1947, which for the Czech and Slovak communists, became a kind of dress rehearsal for the future nationwide putsch of 1948. The research methodology is based on general scientific and special scientific methods, allowing the authors to avoid inconsistency, imprecision, and detachment from the objective historical process. The article's authors note that the impetus for the political crisis of 1947 was the victory of the Democratic Party in the parliamentary elections of 1946 in Slovakia. This prevented the further strengthening of the position of the communists in the national system of state power by creating the prerequisites for forming an anti-communist bloc of Czech and Slovak parties. The victory of the Democratic Party in Slovakia also stood in the way of the rapid implementation of socialist transformations on the Soviet model. To avoid political isolation and clear the way for the communization of Slovakia, the communist parties of the republic started a struggle against the Democratic Party to remove it from power. The article highlights the communists' accusation against the Democratic Party of supporting the reactionary forces of the state, connections with the people's underground and emigration. The authors did not ignore the influence of external factors and attempts of the communists to use in the fight against the democrats the dissatisfaction of partisans and the left wing of the Resistance movement with the course of “purges” of Slovak national bodies from reactionary elements. The authors of the article state that the DP leadership was not ready for an aggressive communist attack, and the expected help from the Czech democratic parties did not come. The latter believed the claims of the communists that there was a real threat of separatism and a repetition of the events of “March 14, 1939” in Slovakia. As a result, through a discrediting campaign, fabrication of cases of state “enemies”, threats of mass strikes by supporters, and provocation of a government crisis, the communists managed to eliminate the majority of the Democratic Party in the Slovak national bodies, legitimately existing as a result of the 1946 elections, and to strengthen their own positions in Slovakia. The political crisis of 1947 opened the way for Slovakia to slide from democracy to dictatorship
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie sylwetki ubiegającego się o nominację w wyborach prezydenckich z ramienia Partii Demokratycznej polityka – Berniego Sandersa. Sanders samookreśla się jako demokratyczny socjalista, jego wzorem jest Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Polityk ten jest związany z ruchem alterglobalistycznym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ruchu Occupy Wall Street. Sanders uczynił wiele dla propagowania w Ameryce idei socjaldemokratycznych.
Aim of this article is to analyze politician Bernie Sanders, who tried win nomination of the Democratic Party to the White House. Sanders autoidentity is democratic socialist, he is admirer of Franklin Delano Roosevelt presidency. This persona is strictly connected with an alter-globalist movement, especially Occupy Wall Street. Sanders made great effort to promote in America socialdemocratic ideas.
Bernie Sanders became the phenomenon of this year's Presidential Primary campaign in the Democratic Party. In order to analyse his road to success, I have decided to focus on three main factors, that helped him conquer on an equal level with Hillary Clinton: his political background, the social media activity of his campaign staff and the celebrity endorsement. The aim of this article is to show, how in the 21st century, the role of the traditional media during the campaign is weakened by the influence of the Internet 2.0 tools. The work also focuses on the behaviour of the American voters and what impact does the regular internet use have on them.
Każdy kandydat na prezydenta w Stanach Zjednoczonych powinien pokazywać się podczas kampanii wyborczej z żoną u boku. Zaangażowanie pierwszych dam takich jak Michelle Obama czy Melania Trump w kampanie prezydenckie ich mężów daje badaczom współczesny obraz przyszłej pierwszej damy i możliwość badania bardziej lub mniej pożądanych zachowań podczas kampanii wyborczych. Celem niniejszego artykułu będzie porównanie obu wymienionych wyżej żon kandydatów na urząd prezydenta w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Porównanie ich działalności i zachowań podczas pierwszych prezydenckich kampanii ich mężów tj. w 2008 roku i 2016 roku unaoczni różnice w traktowaniu żony kandydata podczas kampanii prezydenckiej w obozie Demokratów i Republikanów. Celem badania jest zaobserwowanie pewnych prawidłowości w sposobie traktowania żon kandydatów na prezydenta podczas kampanii wyborczych, jak również odpowiedź na pytanie czy istnieje bardziej lub mniej pożądane zachowanie „pierwszych żon”, które to przysparza kandydatowi jak najwięcej wyborczych głosów. Artykuł oparty jest na jakościowej analizie istniejących danych zgromadzonych podczas wyborów w 2008 roku oraz w 2016 roku, jak również na krytycznej analizie istniejącej literatury przedmiotu. W celu rozwinięcia powyższych metod autor dokona porównania politycznych pozycji przyszłych pierwszych dam – Michelle Obamy i Melanii Trump podczas wspomnianego okresu kampanii prezydenckich, także poprzez zebranie statystyk obrazujących ich obecność w mediach oraz podczas publicznych wystąpień.
Each presidential candidate in modern political campaigns in the United States needs to have a spouse behind their back. The involvement of recent candidates’ spouses like Michelle Obama and Melania Trump provides researchers with a fresh picture of how a future first lady should or should not behave during campaigning. The interesting matter would be in this article to compare those two candidates’ spouses. Their activities and behavior during their first presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016 will show the differences in Democratic and Republican form of campaigning. The study aims to observe certain regularity in the treatment of spouses during presidential campaigns in the United States. Its goal is to answer what kind of future presidential spousal behavior during campaign is more desirable in order to achieve as many votes as possible. The paper is based on qualitative analysis of already existing data compiled during both elections, as well as critical reading of the literature of the subject. To elaborate, the author will mostly compare the political positions of those two future first ladies – Michelle Obama and Melania Trump – during the mentioned campaigning periods, and also by statistics relating to their presence in media and public appearances.
Współczesne kampanie polityczne muszą sprawnie operować zarówno tradycyjnymi środkami przekazu, jak i nowymi mediami, by ich kandydat mógł wygrać. Rozwój social mediów pozwala nawiązać relację z wyborcą, poprzez możliwość udostępniania oraz interakcji kontentu udostępnianego przez kandydata. W dzisiejszych czasach, z pomocą internetu, kandydat może poświęcić mniejszą ilość pieniędzy oraz czasu na kampanię, jednocześnie mając dostęp do szerszej bazy potencjalnych wyborców. Warto jednak pamiętać, że internet jest nowym wynalazkiem, a na początku XXI wieku jedynie odrobinę ponad 50% Amerykanów miało do niego codzienny dostęp. Celem artykułu jest sprawdzenie w jaki sposób kandydaci w wyborach prezydenckich w Stanach Zjednoczonych próbowali zachęcić wyborców do swojej kandydatury poprzez użycie internetu; co więcej, artykuł zadaje pytanie jaki typ wyborcy korzystał z internetu w XX wieku oraz jakiego typu kandydaci mieli największe szanse na zdobycie ich poparcia.
Modern political campaigns in the United States need to combine the use of traditional and new media in order to let the candidate win. The emergement of social media allowed the campaign staffs to create a bond with the voter, through sharing and evaluating the content uploaded by the candidate. Nowadays, with the help of the internet, candidate is able to spend less time and money on the campaign, while interacting with a much bigger number of followers. The internet, however, is a rather new invention and only in the 21st century more than 50% of Americans started to use it on a daily basis. The study aims at determining how did the presidential candidates in the United States try to attract the voter with the help of the World Wide Web – what is more, it’s goal is to answer what kind of voter used the internet back in the 20th century and what kind of candidate would have the biggest chance to attract him.
Slovak national (and Czechoslovak state) history, which is typical for the relationship between the Communist Party of Slovakia (CPS) and the Democratic Party (DP) and their struggle for political power. This relationship escalated especially after the loss of the parliamentary elections in May 1946, when the Slovak communists commenced a militant attack with the goal of discrediting their chief political opponent – the Democratic Party – using all possible methods. The purpose of this paper is to point out the causes that provoked the unprecedented actions of the Slovak Communists as early as 1947, to draw attention to the responsibility of western powers for the economic and subsequently also the political situation in the country, whereas this paper also discusses the differences between the CPS and the DP, the cohesiveness of the CPS and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, which was willing to surrender significant restriction of the authority of Slovak national bodies in return for power in the state, and also points out the unjustified therminus historicus, which continues to be declared in Slovak historiography in relation to the period from 1945 to 1948.
The subject of research is the Democratic Party, which was established during the Second Polish Republic. After World War II, it was one of the elements of the Polish party system. The aim of the study is to present the internal and external factors that influenced the political marginalization of SD in the 1990s. Remarks on the subject of the title, which were scattered in various publications by the author, were collected and re-interpreted. The crisis of the leadership in the party, lack of consistency in the actions taken, liquidation of press resources, conflicts in the relations between the SD leadership and field instances, the outflow of members, disintegration of committees and circles, poor knowledge of democratic principles, inability to prepare an attractive program offer, frequent changes of party leaders – this is the most important internal causes that determined the political marginalization of the SD. External considerations were also important here. First of all, functioning in the conditions of the hegemonic party system was not conducive to organizational, personnel and program development, which had to cause various deformations. After 1989, in the conditions of the free formation of the party system, the new groups accused the SD of cooperation with the Polish United Workers’ Party and legitimizing the political system of the People’s Republic of Poland; voters also remembered it. All political activities undertaken by this party under such conditions ended in failure and exacerbated the internal crisis.
Przedmiotem badań jest Stronnictwo Demokratyczne, które powstało jeszcze w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Po II wojnie światowej było jednym z elementów polskiego systemu partyjnego. Celem opracowania jest prezentacja wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych czynników, które miały wpływ na marginalizację polityczną SD w latach 90. XX wieku. Zebrano w jedną całość i uzupełniono rozproszone w różnych opracowaniach autora uwagi dotyczące tytułowej problematyki oraz dokonano ponownej interpretacji. Kryzys przywództwa w partii, brak konsekwencji w podejmowanych działaniach, likwidacja zasobów prasowych, konflikty w relacjach kierownictwa SD z instancjami terenowymi, odpływ członków, rozpad komitetów i kół, słaba znajomość zasad demokracji, niezdolność do przygotowania atrakcyjnej oferty programowej, częste zmiany partyjnych liderów – to najważniejsze przyczyny wewnętrzne, które przesądziły o marginalizacji politycznej SD. Istotne były tu też względy zewnętrzne. Przede wszystkim funkcjonowanie w warunkach systemu partii hegemonicznej nie sprzyjało rozwojowi organizacyjnemu, kadrowemu i programowemu, co musiało powodować różne deformacje. Po 1989 roku, w warunkach swobodnego kształtowania się systemu partyjnego, nowe ugrupowania oskarżały SD o współpracę z PZPR i legitymizowanie systemu politycznego PRL; pamiętali też o tym wyborcy. Wszystkie podejmowane w takich warunkach przez tę partię działania polityczne kończyły się porażką i potęgowały wewnętrzny kryzys.
Latynoamerykanie przez zwiększanie swojej liczebności mają coraz większy wpływ na wyniki wyborów w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Artykuł pokazuje, w jaki sposób Barack Obama wykorzystał poparcie celebrytów latynoskiego pochodzenia, by zdobyć głosy tej grupy społecznej. Jednocześnie rezultat badania porównano z kampanią Donalda Trumpa z 2016 roku, będącego w zupełnie innej sytuacji. Czy Hollywood faktycznie jest w stanie wpłynąć na wynik wyborów przez manipulację zachowaniem wyborczym wybranych grup etnicznych? Czy taki sposób prowadzenia kampanii wyborczej to jedyna droga dla Partii Demokratycznej w XXI wieku? Na te oraz wiele innych pytań autor stara się odpowiedzieć, opierając się na teoriach marketingowych.
The fast-growing Latino community in the United States became one of the most influential voting groups of this decade. The article shows how President Obama used the endorsement of Hispanic celebrities through viral videos and fundraisers to win among this community, while acknowledging and comparing this case to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, during which he could not count on the celebrities of Latin descent. The article tries to answer the question whether Hollywood can or cannot influence the ethnic voting groups and why this way of canvassing is only possible for the Democratic Party.
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