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The article discusses voluntary barriers to the development of the European Union which significantly contributed to the deepening of the financial and economic crisis. It also points to the necessary directions of changes in the functioning of the European nion making possible its further development.
Artykuł dotyka zasadniczo problematyki sekurytyzacji i jej roli w kontekście globalnego kryzysu gospodarczego, jak również omawia jej wartość jako produktu. Biorąc pod uwagą fakt, że rolę sekurytyzacji w powstaniu globalnego kryzysu uważa się za kluczową, niezwykle istotne jest, by poczynić rozróżnienie pomiędzy produktem jako takim a sposobem, w jaki została zaprojektowana określona grupa produktów. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The scope of activities used in the active labour market policy in recent years has been substantially altered as a result of the clash of opposing tendencies. On the one hand, the financial crisis limits the availability of financial resources, on the other - the deterioration in the labour market increases the scale of investment required for the implementation of the employment policy. There has been a substantial increase of the demand for financing of passive labour market measures, which is contrary to the achievement of the ambitious goals of employment accepted by the Europe 2020 Strategy. This reduces the evaluation of the effectiveness of labour market policies and the degree of achievement of its objectives for the period 2007-2013.
Financial and economic crisis at the turn of 2007-2008 forced a revision of views on the economic situation of the Member States of the euro area and became a turning point in the way the system of European economic governance. Deteriorating public finances of Member States, increasing the vulnerability of the institutional and structural reforms omission adversely affected the stability of the euro area. This paper analyzes the performance of selected economies, the economic condition of the area and review and characterization of new solutions in the governance of the European economy. The author subscribes to the view that an excessive number and low effectiveness of the regulations may be in conflict with the desire to achieve in the short term fiscal stabilization desired.
Chociaż badanie nierówności ekonomicznych znane jest w historii myśli ekonomicznej, to obecnie problematyka ta stała się ponownie niezwykle aktualna. Z jednej strony w aspekcie przyczyn i skutków kryzysu gospodarczego końca XXI w. powstaje pytanie czy rosnące nierówności były również jedną z przyczyn kryzysu, czy z drugiej strony to zjawiska kryzysowe powodują bardziej nierównomierny rozkład dochodów. Poza tym wątpliwości budzi rola redystrybucji w zmniejszaniu nierówności dochodowych. Głównym celem badawczym jest identyfikacja kierunków zmian w zakresie nierówności dochodowych w okresie pokryzysowym oraz zbadanie związku pomiędzy redystrybucją a poziomem nierówności w badanch krajach.
Although the study of economic inequalities is known in the history of economic thought, nowadays the problem has become extremely new. On the one hand, in the aspect of the causes and effects of the economic crisis of the 21st century, the question arises whether rising inequalities were also one of the causes of the crisis, or on the other hand, the crisis was the reason of a more unequal distribution of income. In addition, doubts are aroused by the role of redistribution in reducing national income. The article attempts to find answers to such research questions. The main research objective is to identify trends in changes in income inequality during the post-crisis period.
The exclusion from access to basic health services, medical examinations, hospital and pharmaceutical care has affected a large number of Greek citizens during the economic crisis. The first aim of this paper is to focus on the analysis of those new vulnerable groups who face access problems to healthcare services. The second aim of the paper is to examine the new stakeholders and to explore the civil society's emerging initiatives. Unfortunately, so far, there have been only a few cross national surveys that analyze and identify new vulnerable groups, new stakeholders and problems of access to healthcare services in times of crisis. This problem is related to the lack of information and data available for these specific groups even during periods of economic florescence. In order to resolve the problem of data, this paper is based on two large scale European projects in Greece during the latest years of the crisis: the Eurofound research project on ‘Access to healthcare in times of crisis’ (2013-2014) and the ongoing Fragmex ‘Fragmentation and Exclusion: Understanding and Overcoming the multiple impacts of European crisis’ research project (2013-2015) using a multi-method approach combining macro and micro perspectives from respectively quantitative official national and international data and qualitative data based on interviews of NGOs and ecclesiastic organizations. The alternative model of civil society's empowerment has not only become one of the most visible symptoms of the crisis but presents, as well, a conceptual construct that attempts to place citizens' synergies in a central place, in a space that emphasizes inter-relationships too often ignored by policymakers.
Celem podjętej analizy jest ukazanie zjawiska EUROsceptycyzmu (rozumianego jako zespół negatywnych poglądów na temat unii walutowej w Europie) w kontekście kryzysu gospodarczego trawiącego Europę. Artykuł jest poświęcony lepszemu zrozumieniu i doprecyzowaniu relacji pomiędzy unią walutową, kryzysem i zjawiskiem EUROsceptycyzmu. Analiza rozpoczyna się od zdefiniowania zjawiska EUROsceptycyzmu, aby następnie doprecyzować, o co właściwie chodzi w kryzysie gospodarczym i jaki to ma związek ze strefą euro. W podsumowaniu znajdują się konkluzje na temat relacji pomiędzy EUROsceptycyzmem, strefą euro a kryzysem. Główna hipoteza, którą poddano weryfikacji, zawiera się w stwierdzeniu, że argumenty EUROsceptyczne (szczególnie te wyrosłe na fali kryzysu gospodarczego) mają się nijak do unii walutowej w Europie.
The goal of the undertaken analysis is to show the phenomenon of EUROscepticism (understood as a set of ideas and attitudes oriented negatively towards the monetary union in Europe) in the light of the current economic crisis. This text is devoted to understand the complex relations among the monetary union, crisis and EUROscepticism. It starts with the definition of EUROscepticism, then it précises what is the core of the crisis and what are its relations to the Eurozone. In the summary, the reader may find some conclusions on the relation between and among EUROscepticism, Eurozone and crisis. The main hypothesis that is dealt with can be formulated in a statement that the EUROsceptic arguments (especially these that rose on the wave of the economic crisis) are fairly distant from the mechanisms and rules of the monetary union in Europe.
Generally, an economic crisis is a complicated sequence of mutually related circumstances which have causes and effects. The financial crisis which had appeared in the USA in 2008 converted itself into the largest economic crisis and spread to most of developed states. The goal of the paper is examination of effects of the financial crisis and undertaken anti-crisis activities, exemplified by the Federal Republic of Germany and based on the theory of the Keynes and the theory of monetarism. The author tries to prove that the measures undertook by the Germans to overcome the crisis were different from the measures undertook in the United States of America and moreover, that they were more effective.
Years 2008-2012 is the time when the economic policy led by EU members was influenced by the consequences of the world crisis. Many countries decided to undertake revision or to carry out reforms in labour market. Institutional changes applied mainly to employment protection legislation, unemployment benefits and collective bargaining. To some extent it is possible to indicate some main directions of these changes. After year 2008 there was a tendency to reduce the protection of the employees on permanent contracts against layoffs whereas temporary workers were more protected. Payment period of the doles for unemployed was relatively stable, in some countries it was shortened. Financial incentives to employ unemployed retained their drawbacks and weaknesses. In the area of collective negotiations there was a visible real decentralization, in some countries social dialogue resulted in alliances against the effects of the crisis.
The last economic crisis caused in Germany an employment decrease that could be observed mainly in the production sector, whereas the service sector experienced a slight employment increase. A more precise analysis of particular branches of this sector facilitated the formulation of the opinion that most jobs have been created in public services, especially in the areas of health protection, social welfare and education. That means in such areas, where the sensitivity for being affected by economic factors is the lowest. Women benefited the most from the employment increase in the mentioned branches, where their professional activity is traditionally high. Thanks to this advantageous situation it was possible to alleviate the strong tendencies of the employment decrease in the remaining sectors of the German economy, particularly in branches of industry involved in production of export goods.
The state inactivity in the social area during the time of Great Depression provoked a negative social response. As the state was under the pressure of trade unions and political parties, it introduced some reforms and started the projects which aim was to minimize the negative effects of rising unemployment and expanding poverty.
The aim of this article is to present relationship between GDP fluctuations and changes in unemployment rate in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands in times of Global Financial Crisis against the long-term trends. Taking the Okun's Law as a starting point, the first part of the article describes the relationship between GDP and unemployment in developed economies, referring to historical developments and economic literature. The analysis conducted in empirical part proves, that GDP fluctuations in times of Global Economic Crisis exerted a greater influence on unemployment volatility than in periods of moderate or rapid economic growth. It is noticeable that the relative surge in unemployment in the US is considerably higher than in examined EU countries. It appears that the factors underlying the strength of relationship between GDP and unemployment rate in crisis are: the type of shock that caused the recession, the design of labour market institutions and discretionary policies adopted in times of crisis
Jednym z państw, które zostało najmocniej dotknięte następstwami światowego kryzysu gospodarczego, jest Hiszpania. Głównym celem artykułu jest identyfikacja gospodarczych przyczyn i następstw kryzysu w Hiszpanii, zarysowanie podjętych reform mających na celu walkę z jego skutkami oraz próba oceny ich skuteczności, tzn. tego, na ile pozwoliły poprawić podstawowe wskaźniki obrazujące stan gospodarki. W opracowaniu przedstawiono m.in. kilkanaście wskaźników gospodarczych obrazujących sytuację gospodarczą Hiszpanii bezpośrednio przed i po wybuchu kryzysu oraz pozycję tego państwa w rankingach konkurencyjności gospodarczej. W kolejnej części wskazano reformy gospodarcze podjęte przez władze Hiszpanii mające na celu walkę ze skutkami kryzysu. Podsumowanie zawiera najważniejsze wnioski.
One of the states that has been hardest hit by the consequences of the global economic crisis, is Spain. The main aim of the article is to identify the economic causes and consequences of the crisis in Spain, a brief description of reforms undertaken to combat its effects and an attempt to assess their effectiveness that is to what extent they helped to improve the basic economic indicators. The study contains, among others, several economic indicators showing the economic situation of Spain immediately before and after the outbreak of the crisis and the position of the state in economic competitiveness rankings. In the next part the economic reforms undertaken by the Spanish authorities to combat the effects of the crisis have been listed. Summary contains the most important conclusions.
Autor przedstawił zachowania zarządu Zakładu Usług Elektroenergetycznych EL-Chem Sp. z o.o., spowodowane kryzysem gospodarczym, oraz konsekwencje tych działań dla sytuacji ekonomicznej przedsiębiorstwa.
The level of enterprise adaptability in the Podkarpackie voivodeship in the conditions of dynamic economic changes may be in numerous cases the key element deciding upon the further existence of organizations in the period of economic crises. Companies demonstrate various types of activities in this matter, frequently there are to be observed typically preservative strategies, though particular activities of some companies are also to be noticed. (original abstract)
Przykre skutki kryzysów każdorazowo kreują konieczność poszukiwania rozwiązań perspektywicznych w kontekście generowania obronnych reakcji na kryzysy. Trudno jednoznacznie wyrokować, które rozwiązania byłyby najlepsze, niemniej warto podejmować wszelkie działania wzmacniające. Jedną z propozycji może być koncepcja społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (CSR). Stanowi ona rozsądne narzędzie budowania odpornych relacji rynkowych. Tymczasem mimo że zaobserwować można, także w Polsce, wzmożone zainteresowanie koncepcją CSR, to wydaje się to stale niepełnym wyrazem przesłania tej idei. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie części wyników badań określających zaangażowanie mikro-, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw świadczących usługi noclegowe w województwie zachodniopomorskim, w realizację założeń koncepcji CSR.
The adverse effects of crises create the need for prospective solutions in the context of generating defensive and positive responses to economic crises. It is difficult to unambiguously decide which solutions would be the best, but it is worthwhile to undertake any strengthening activities. One of the proposals may be the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which is a sensible tool for building resilient market relationships. In spite of the fact that even in Poland, the increased interest in the concept of CSR has been observed, it seems to be an incomplete expression of the message of this idea. The aim of the article is to present part of the results of the studies on the involvement of micro- and medium-sized enterprises providing accommodation services in the Westpomeranian Voivodeship in the implementation of the assumptions of CSR.
The aim of this paper is to present used by small and medium sized enterprises sources of financing over the years 2005-2011 and to show how crisis has impact on possibilities of raising by SMEs funds. The article is also a trial to capture changes in SMEs preferences for sources of financing their activity. Such a wisdom is an important source of information for financial institutions about new possibilities to create financial innovations, which SMEs find attractive for themselves.
Due to the world economic crisis many countries, including Europe, carried out changes within the area of employment protection legislation. The majority of them concerned the reduction of employment protection but there were also examples of its improvement such as Denmark and Great Britain. There were also countries, e.g. Austria and Hungary, which implemented both types of correction. From theoretical point of view the importance of employment protection legislation for economic processes, the observed changes may be explained by its tendency to strive for optimum.
The purpose of this study is to identify the patterns of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, in adverse economic circumstances, so as to understand the importance ascribed by the companies to each of their stakeholders. Prior research on stakeholder salience has looked into various issues related to the relative attention given to corporate stakeholders by management, however, none has examined what this relationship looks like following a prolonged economic crisis. We investigate the activities of CSR in Greece, examining how companies spend their CSR resources in a depressed economy, studying the respective activity patterns of the companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). Content analysis is used, thoroughly examining all public data available on the internet from 175 companies. The study includes data reported in 2014, collected at the end of 2015. Our results demonstrate that, the most popular CSR activities related to the human resources and the least practiced were the society and environment related ones. The findings show concern for the employees of the companies and their morale, superseding the interest for the other stakeholder categories in spite of the crisis and the soaring unemployment rate. Moreover, a significant divergence emerged between the CSR programs of the various industries. This indicates that for reasons unbeknownst to us, companies are placing less emphasis on consumers, environment and the society and tend to cater to the needs of their internal constituents. (original abstract)
Relacje pomiędzy koniunkturą gospodarczą a aktywnością branży trans-portowej są bardzo często przytaczane zarówno w literaturze, jak i w kręgach prakty-ków. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie, w jakim stopniu sytuacja gospodarcza w Unii Europejskiej w latach 2008-2014 wpłynęła na sytuację finansową polskich prze-woźników mających swoją siedzibę w województwie zachodniopomorskim, a jednocze-śnie na ich rozwój mający swoje odzwierciedlenie w obszarze majątkowo-finansowym. W ramach badania dokonano analizę wskaźnikową majątku oraz finansów badanych jednostek, a także oszacowano syntetyczny wskaźnik rozwoju. Badane przedsiębiorstwa pomimo występowania kryzysu finansowego w Unii Europejskiej umiały wykorzystać szansę, jaka została im dana dzięki otwarciu rynków przewozów kabotażowych. Pomi-mo spadku wielkości PKB w 2009 r. w krajach Europy Zachodniej sytuacja finansowa badanych podmiotów uległa poprawie, a ogólny wolumen ładunków przewożonych przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa się zwiększył. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że w krótkim okresie przedsiębiorstwa mogą uzyskiwać przewagę dzięki wyższej konkurencyjności, natomiast w długim okresie ich sytuację warunkują czynniki makroekonomiczne.
The relationship between the economic boom and the activity of the transport industry is often quoted both in the literature and in the circles of practitioners. The purpose of this paper was to determine to what extent the economic situation in the European Union in the years 2008-2014 influenced the financial situation of Polish car-riers based in the West Pomeranian voivodship (Zachodniopomorskie) and at the same time their development reflected in the property and financial area. The study hypothe-sized that the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the road transport sector is determined by economic potential, which is related to industrial output, invest-ment dynamics and gross domestic product. The study included an analysis of the assets and finances of the audited entities, as well as a synthetic indicator of development. The companies surveyed in spite of the financial crisis in the European Union were able to take advantage of the opportunity given to them by opening up the markets for cabotage transport. Despite a decrease in GDP in 2009 in Western Europe, the financial situation of the surveyed entities improved and the overall volume of cargoes transported by Polish companies increased. This was due in large part to the price competition that the carriers could achieve with lower labor costs. In subsequent periods, the situation of the examined entities was related to the economic situation in the European Union countries. The results indicate that in the short term, companies can gain advantage through higher competitiveness, while in the long term their situation is determined by macroeconomic factors.
The effects of the global economic crisis also are noticeable on the Polish labor market. The difficult situation of the persons with disabilities who only thanks to financial aid are able to compete with non-disabled people on the labour market in Poland. Increased financial aid, and made provisions to increase of the employment of handicapped people by some employers saved the hardest disabled people from increase his unemployment.
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