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The Reverend Hugh Reginald Haweis with his book Music and Morals received an astoundingpopularity in the Victorian England. In his writings, he affirms the moral powerof music, both in temporal and eternal terms, describing carefully its similarity to humanemotions. The link between emotions and music can be found in their formal characteristics. The moral virtue of music is closeness to life when it comes to its emotional content.The moral sin of music is that it expresses false emotions. What is even more important,Haweis asserts that the moral power of music depends on the disposition of a composer,a performer, and a listener. In his considerations one can find a certain ethics outlining theduties of the three to make the moral power of music serve the good. That is the developmentof emotionality and the understanding of feelings in everyday life. The lesson thatwe can learn from Haweis today is to think carefully about the conditions that make thesocial practice of music serve good.
Wielebny Hugh Reginald Haweis i jego książka Music and Morals cieszyli się w wiktoriańskiejAnglii ogromną popularnością. W swoich pismach Haweis przekonuje o moralnymoddziaływaniu muzyki, tak krótko-, jak i długotrwałym, opisując dokładnie jej podobieństwodo ludzkich emocji. Związek pomiędzy muzyką i uczuciami opiera się na podobieństwieich cech formalnych. Cnotą muzyki jest prawdziwe odwzorowanie ludzkichuczuć. Grzechem muzyki jest wyrażanie fałszywych emocji. Co jednak jeszcze ważniejsze,Haweis podkreśla, że moralne oddziaływanie muzyki zależy od postawy kompozytora,wykonawcy i słuchacza. Z jego pracy można wyczytać etykę określającą powinności każdegoz nich, tak by muzyka służyła dobru rozumianemu tutaj jako rozwój uczuciowościi lepsze zrozumienie emocji doświadczanych w codziennym życiu. Dzisiejsza lektura pismHaweisa uczy, że istotną kwestią w rozważaniach o moralności muzyki jest namysł nadwarunkami, w jakich muzyka służy dobru.
Prezentowany artykuł ukazuje biologiczne i emocjonalne podłoże tożsamości na podstawierozważań teoretycznych klasyków symbolicznego interakcjonizmu oraz badań z zakresuneurologii, których autorem jest Antonio Damasio. Zestawienie tych dwóch koncepcjio bardzo różnym rodowodzie prowadzi w przekonaniu autorki do kilku ważnychcelów: po pierwsze przybliża czytelnikom zagadnienie biologicznego podłoża tożsamości,po drugie wskazuje na rolę emocji i uczuć w jej konstruowaniu, po trzecie ukazuje słabepunkty prezentowanych koncepcji.
The article shows the biological and emotional basis of identity based on theoretical considerationsof classics of symbolic interactionism and research in neurology by AntonioDamasio. In the author’s opinion, the confrontation of these two concepts of very differentorigins leads to several important results: firstly, it brings the reader closer to an understandingof the biological basis of identity, and secondly, it points to the role of emotionsand feelings in its construction. Thirdly and lastly, this confrontation shows the weaknessesof both of these concepts.
The aim of the article is to show the socio-cultural conditions influencing the ways of expressing emotions and feelings by mothers. It presents the results of the analysis of the Internet discourse on negative attitudes towards motherhood and/or a child/children. The text is built on the author’s research on the issue of “regretting motherhood” and is based on a qualitative analysis of the content-blog entries/posts: nieperfekcyjnie.pl [notperfect.pl], matkawygodna.pl [slackermom.pl], mamwatpliwosc.pl [ihaveadoubt.pl], and in the group-Internet forum-Żałuję rodzicielstwa [I regret parenthood]. The theoretical basis were the concepts included in the sociology of symbolic interactionism.
Celem prezentowanego tekstu jest ukazanie specyfiki rodziny adopcyjnej w kontekścieemocji, jakie towarzyszą jej w początkowej fazie kształtowania się rodzicielstwa adopcyjnego.Artykuł powstał w ramach projektu badawczego poświęconego konstruowaniu rodzicielstwaadopcyjnego. Opieram się tu głównie na danych empirycznych pochodzącychz obserwacji uczestniczącej, autoetnografii oraz na analizie literatury zastanej. Odwołującsię do koncepcji brikolażu i rozważając kwestie związane z rodzicielstwem adopcyjnym,poszukiwałam danych empirycznych różnymi ścieżkami – od wywiadów swobodnychprzez autoetnografię i obserwację uczestniczącą w nieformalnej grupie wsparcia dla osóbczekających na adopcję i rodzin adopcyjnych (co było główną inspiracją) po analizę blogówtematycznych związanych z adopcją.
This article focuses on the emotional experiences of adoptive families particularly in theinitial phase of adoptive parenthood. It is part of a research project devoted to the constructionof adoptive parenthood. The argument I develop here is based on empirical datafrom participant observation, autoethnography and an analysis of the existing literature.Employing the concept and method of bricolage, I consider issues related to adoptive parenthoodwhich have merged from two different empirical data sets. On the one hand,I use unstructured interviews conducted after a phase of autoethnography and participantobservation in an informal support group for people waiting for adoption and with adoptivefamilies (which was the main inspiration for this article); on the other hand, I analyseblogs which are dedicated to all issues concerning adoption.
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Consciousness and Evolution

Forum Philosophicum
vol. 14
issue 2
I analyse some of the key evolutionary issues that arise in the study of consciousness from a bio-philosophical point of view. They all seem to be related to the fact that phenomenality has a special status: it is a very complex feature, apparently more than biological, it is hard to define because of the plurality of its displays (cognition, various emotions, other complex functions such as vision) and it is difficult to study with classic evolutionary tools (such as philogenetics or paleoanthropology). Giving an answer to the question “is consciousness an adaptive trait?” thus seems to be very difficult and this paper intends to sketch some of the problems we should be concerned with when studying phenomenality as an adaptation.
Art can help handle difficult experiences. Art therapy sessions (healing through art) have been recognised for years as a well-known and efficient method of treatment. At the same time, one can observe people’s tendencies – apparently inefficient in terms of their well-being (emotions, mood) – to create or experience art (e.g. watching horror movies, listening to sad songs, expressive writing about one’s ordeals). Many authors have described the way negative emotions are regulated. Their research has not, however, exhausted the subject in relation to art. In this paper I discuss the regulation of emotions through art. I am interested in the process of regulating affective experiences, particularly through expressive writing, and in the impact this way of regulation has on task-oriented functioning, especially cognitive functioning.
The emotions’ manifestation in the onyms is not a frequent phenomenon. Although, due to the chrematonymy’s general richness, the main aim of this article is to verify how the emotions manifest themselves in the Italian non-profit organisations’ names. The analysis of more than 100 000 chrematonyms has given the opportunity to decide on which levels the Italians express their (and other’s) emotions in the non-profit organisations’ names. The expression of the emotions is realized on the grammatical, semantic, rhetorical or extralinguistic level. Another goal of this paper is to find out with what kind of linguistic instruments the emotions are expressed. Among those instruments we will observe: affixes, lexemes, metaphors, or graphic symbols that accompany a chrematonym. The research has given the opportunity to prove that the reference to the emotions in the social chrematonyms has pragmatic, social and marketing functions.
La manifestazione delle emozioni negli onimi non è un fenomeno frequente. Vista però la ricchezza generale della crematonimia, l’obiettivo di questo articolo è di verificare come si manifestano le emozioni nei nomi delle organizzazioni non profit italiane. L’analisi di oltre 100 mila voci crematonimiche ha inoltre permesso di stabilire a quali livelli e con quali strumenti linguistici gli italiani esprimono le loro (e altrui) emozioni nei nomi delle organizzazioni non profit. L’espressione delle emozioni viene effettuata a livello grammaticale, semantico, retorico o extralinguistico. Fra gli strumenti, invece, si possono enumerare rispettivamente: affissi, lessemi, metafore, nonché simboli grafici che accompagnano un crematonimo. La ricerca ha dato anche possibilità di constatare che il riferimento alle emozioni nei crematonimi sociali ha una funzione pragmatica, sociale e di marketing.
The analytical approach of this article is inspired by C. Wright Mills’ (1959) notion of “the sociological imagination.” Individual experience is viewed through the lens of the wider social context, particularly that of the organization. The socio-organizational context is then viewed through the lens of individual experience. The aim of this bi-directional gaze is to explore the relationship between individual experience and wider society. And in doing so, to identify and reveal the shared motifs-the significant, recurrent themes and patterns-that link and construct personal experience and social world. The aims, findings, and research processes of the original study are rooted in the instrumental epistemology of program evaluation. Specifically, a mixed-method implementation-evaluation of a local non-governmental organization’s Orphans and Vulnerable Children program. The aim of this article is to take the analyses and findings of that evaluation beyond its epistemic roots. Qualitative data were disentangled from the confines of thematic analysis and freed into their original narrative form. This allowed for a deeply reflexive “second reading,” which brings whole narratives into a dialogue with original findings, contextual factors, and sociological discourse. Key conceptual anchors are located in Vanessa May’s ideas on the self and belonging, and in Margaret Wetherell’s writings on affect and emotion. These are important aspects of working with children, particularly orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa, where many fall through the cracks of government’s social services. A second, deeper, qualitative reading of the narratives of children, their parents/caregivers, and the organization’s staff, explores three key pathways of individual and group experience that are inextricably linked to emotions and belonging, and which co-construct the social functioning of the organization itself.
The paper tackles the question of the relevance of emotions in ethics. It argues that emotions are discerning and thus inherent components of morality and they deserve a place in adequate ethical projects. The paper engages into a conversation with Martha C. Nussbaum and Thomas Aquinas. Specifically, it presents accounts of compassion and anger to illustrate the discerning nature of these emotions and the moral value they might signal.
Do lat 70. minionego stulecia obowiązującym paradygmatem analizy decyzji ekonomicznych była racjonalność uczestnika rynku, zakładająca posiadanie przez niego wszystkich niezbędnych informacji, ich bezstronne przetworzenie oraz wybór gwarantujący maksymalną użyteczność. Obserwacje rzeczywistych zachowań inwestorów nie potwierdziły zasadności takiego modelu. Udowodniono natomiast, że immanentnym komponentem większości są emocje, uczucia i stany afektywne oddziałujące na procesy decyzyjne. Teoria perspektywy i teoria ograniczonej racjonalności wytyczyły kierunki dalszych badań. Emocje analizowano z perspektywy neuroprocesów, perspektywy sił napędowych procesów inwestycyjnych, czy też uwarunkowań społecznych. Analiza roli emocji w decyzjach ma szczególne znaczenie w sektorze finansowym ze względu na znaczenie tego sektora w gospodarce. Nowe obszary badań nad zachowaniami w procesach decyzyjnych na rynkach finansowych to „błędne przypisywanie nastroju” (mood misattribution) oraz wpływ „wizerunku” (image).
Until the seventies of the previous century the dominating paradigm of analysis of economic decisions making was that of rationality, which makes an assumption that the investor possesses all the required information, is able to process it in an unbiased way to achieve the maximum utility. The observation of the actual behavior of investors does not support that such model does hold. It has been proven that the immanent component of the majority of decisions are emotions, feelings and affective states. The perspective theory and the theory of bounded rationality mark the direction of future research. Emotions have been then analyzed as neuroprocesses, the driving force behind investment decisions, or the component of social conditioning. The analysis of the role of emotions in decision-making processes is particulary important in the financial sector of the economy. This is due of particular importance of this sector for the economy, The new areas of research of behavior in decision-making in financial markets are mood misattribution and image impact.
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Dějiny emocí: nové paradigma ve studiu historie

The aim of this article is to present the history of emotions as a thriving and innovative field of historical inquiry. Although the history of emotions has gained momentum only relatively recently, it has been considered as a “star” of contemporary historiography, mainly in its capacity to reconcile poststructuralist approaches with individual agencies of real people. The article focuses on the development of the field, starting with its “father”, the Annales’s historian Lucien Febvre, going through the “emotionology” of American social historians Peter and Carol Stearns to finish with the works of Barbara Rosenwein and William Reddy whose contribution challenged historians’ thinking about emotions in history most considerably. On the other hand, the article emphasizes the interdisciplinary implications of the history of emotions and seeks to explain the motives for “paradigmatic changes” advanced by the history of emotions in broadly shared beliefs in universal and natural character of emotions.
The aim of this article is to elaborate on the reasons behind feeling the emotion of pride within the professional context of actions undertaken by contemporary Polish teachers. The article attempts to answer the question of what role pride plays in teachers’ career building process and their daily work. All considerations focus on the social construction of the meaning of pride, established from teachers’ perspectives. Pride is here referred to as social emotion, in line with an interpretivist approach. The following reflections are based on the data collected due to: 1) multiple observations conducted by the author in the years 2008-2016 in the primary, as well as junior high schools; 2) interviews with teachers, parents, and other school staff. Pride in teachers’ work arises in three main contexts: 1) pride due to prestige, 2) pride due to one’s recognition (appreciation), and 3) pride as a result of diverse interactions, for example, teacher-student. The emotion at hand is, like shame, of a social origin and plays a key role when it comes to interactions, social control, as well as maintaining social order. And yet, most of the researchers would give the lead to emotions such as shame, guilt, or related stigma. Based on the collected data, this article focuses on the emotion of pride in the process of identity building by employees-teachers.
The authors address the issue of motivation in their scientific work. They provide theoretical points regarding the way we understand motivation. The work deals with the context of a relationship between internal motivation and the factors that have the potential to influence internal motivation. The work focuses on the ways to achieve optimal survival and wellbeing through presented psychological techniques.
The analyzing of various emotions expressed via the Internet allows the observer to see the profound divide between discursive strategies of media professionals, especially journalists, and the citizen communication practices.As far as verbalizing emotions is concerned, the journalist uses euphemisms while the opinions voiced by the Internet users are frequently accompanied by dysphemisms. In order to illustrate this situation, we will compare comments made by professional journalists with those of the Internet users regarding the conduct of the French football player Samir Nasri. Nasri, who twice insulted a journalist during the UEFA Euro 2012, aroused strong emotions which each of the two groups in question verbalized in its own way.
L’analyse de différents modes de médiatisation de l’émotion permet d’observer un clivage profond entre les stratégies discursives des professionnels des médias, surtout des journalistes, et les pratiques communicatives citoyennes. Quand il s’agit de verbaliser les émotions, le discours journalistique foisonne d’euphémismes tandis que la prise de parole par les internautes s’accompagne à tout bout de champ, ou presque, de dysphémismes. Pour illustrer cette situation, nous nous sommes proposé de comparer les commentaires de journalistes professionnels et d’internautes (« simples citoyens ») émis en réaction au comportement du footballeur français Samir Nasri lequel, en insultant par deux fois un journaliste lors des championnats Euro 2012, a suscité de vives émotions que chacun des deux groupes a verbalisées à sa façon.
Niniejsze badanie analizuje trzy podstawowe pytania mające na celu określenie jak, kiedy i przez kogo emocje są wykorzystywane w materiałach kampanijnych (propagandzie politycznej). W trakcie wyborów europejskich w 2019 roku przeprowadziliśmy analizę w trzech fazach. Po pierwsze, sprawdziliśmy wykorzystanie treści racjonalnych w zestawieniu z treściami odwołującymi się do emocji wyborców. Po drugie, obserwowaliśmy, które z tych emocji są ukierunkowane na stosowanie strategii negatywnych, a więc sprawdziliśmy, kto jest obiektem tego ataku. I wreszcie, określiliśmy, które rodziny partyjne w największym stopniu wykorzystują treści humorystyczne, ponieważ rozumiemy, że ten zasób jest częścią odwołania się do uczuć wyborcy i dlatego istotne jest, aby wiedzieć, czy istnieją różnice między grupami politycznymi. Uwzględniając tę strategię analityczną, struktura pracy rozpoczyna się od kontekstualizacji wyborów europejskich w 2019 roku, aby później skupić się na podkreśleniu znaczenia kampanii wyborczych jako okresu, w którym nasila się aktywność komunikacyjna. Po zdefiniowaniu i teoretycznym ograniczeniu znaczenia kampanii wyborczych, artykuł odnosi się do tego, w jaki sposób materiały kampanijne, w ogólnym kontekście propagandy politycznej, są jednym z najbardziej determinujących narzędzi. W tym sensie strategia analityczna dotycząca różnych materiałów kampanijnych wykorzystywanych przez partie polityczne koncentruje się wokół wykorzystania emocji. Dane pochodzące z Europejskiego Centrum Monitorowania Wyborów (EEMC) zostały wykorzystane nie tylko do kontekstualizacji teoretycznej, ale także w całym artykule.
This research analyses three fundamental questions to determine how, when and by whom emotions are used in campaign materials (political propaganda). Focusing on the 2019 European elections we carry out a three-phase analysis. Firstly, we check the use of rational content against content that appeals to voters’ emotions. Secondly, we observe which of these emo tions are channelled towards the use of negative strategies and, therefore, identifying who is the object of this attack. And lastly, we determine which party families make the most use of humorous content since this resource is believed to be part of an appeal to voter’s feelings and, therefore, it is essential to know if there are differences between political groups. Considering this analytical strategy, the structure of the work begins with the contextualisation of the 2019 European elections to focus, later, on highlighting the importance of electoral campaigns as a given time when communicative activity intensifies. Once the importance of electoral campaigns has been defined the article analyses how campaign materials, in a general context of political propaganda, are one of the most powerful tools. In this sense, the analytical strategy of political parties’ campaign materials can be said to focus on the use of emotions. Data from the European Elections Monitoring Center (EEMC) has been used not only for theoretical contextualization, but throughout the whole paper.
Artykuł przedstawia koncepcję religii przeżywanej, która odpowiada współczesnym formom przeżywania sacrum. Ponowoczesność kładzie nacisk na doświadczenie religijne, często indywidualne, poza instytucjonalizacją kościołów. Koncepcja religii przeżywanej wychodzi naprzeciw nowym formom sacrum podkreślając m.in. znaczenie ucieleśnienia, dyskursu, materialności i form czuciowych w doświadczeniach religijnych. Koncepcja religii przeżywanej koncentruje się na człowieku praktykującym religię, jednak pomija kwestie transcendencji, prawdy i skutków nadprzyrodzonych.
The article presents the concept of a lived religion, which corresponds to modern forms of experiencing the sacred. Postmodernity emphasizes religious experience, often individual, apart from institutionalization of churches. The concept of a lived religion complies with new forms of the sacred stressing, among others, the meaning of embodiment, discourse, materiality and sensational forms in religious experiences. The concept of a lived religion focuses on a person practicing religion, however, ignoring the issues of transcendence, truth and supernatural effects.
The disturbing power of the passions or affections, collectively known as πάθος, was the subject of a remarkable debate in Graeco-Roman philosophical schools, as well as in Philo of Alexandria and soon among various early Christian authors. This paper contributes to the recent approach to this subject but also explores new contexts. It examines cosmological (myth), anthropological (the mind – emotions relation) and theological (salvation) ways of addressing that problematic supremacy of emotions. Although it summarises earlier philosophical views, it focuses on Christian documents from the second century and their witness to that ancient debate. By comparison with the diversity of Christian views on the passions, the paper highlights the diverse ‘therapies’ proposed by Christian authors. In conclusion, it points out common motifs among Christian responses to the passions, as well as the differences in their remedies.
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