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(Title in Polish - 'O kreowaniu 'parafraz slowotwórczych' w tekstach reklam (w kontekscie uwag o slowotwórstwie jezyków niestandardowych'). The article concerns the ways of understanding the terms of 'non-standard languages' and 'non-standard word formation'. It also concerns one of the non-standard formative means used as a persuasive tool in the texts of advertisements which is the usage of formative paraphrases in the neighbourhood of derivatives or the words created as derivatives. The formative paraphrases created for the needs of advertisements differ mainly from the standard formative paraphrases in the following ways: 1) the choice of improper basic word for a paraphrased word, 2) the lack of concord in the number of formative themes which appear in the paraphrased word and the number of basic words used in its paraphrase, 3) the improper selection of genus proximum.
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