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The study concerns one of the methods of amicable settlement of consumer disputes i.e. out-of-court settlement of disputes between a client and a financial market entity before the Financial Ombudsman. The Financial Ombudsman is a sectoral entity created to resolve specific disputes in the financial sector. Due to the fact that services provided by financial market entities often require special protection of consumers who are clients of financial market entities it is therefore important to ensure that the consumer has easy and effective access to legal protection measures. One such measure is out-of-court settlement of disputes before the Financial Ombudsman. Disputes regulated by civil law have been additionally regulated by public law. Out-of-court dispute settlement before the Financial Ombudsman is indirectlyan element of the implementation of the European Union legislative package concerning ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) aimed at providing consumers with the possibility of resolving disputes with entrepreneurs before entities offering independent, impartial, transparent, effective and quick methods of alternative disputes solving. In Poland the implementation took place in the Act of September23, 2016 on out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes. However, out-of-court dispute settlement between a customer and a financial market entity was provided by the Polish legislator at an earlier date. It was implemented by the Act of August 5, 2015 on complaints handling by financial market entities and on the Financial Ombudsman. The aim of the study is to analyse the administrative and legal conditions of out-of-court dispute settlement before the Financial Ombudsman and to attempt to verify whether this process does in fact provide clients of financial market entities with quick and effective access to legal protection measures, therein protecting their interests.
Financial Law Review
vol. 22
issue 3
This contribution deals with the protection of consumer rights which must be clear and certain. At the same time, it is not possible to protect the important interests of the stability of the financial market and its actors and, at the same time, to protect those who use the services of these actors. After all, the interests of the parties in a contract are not entirely compatible, the client wants to receive the lowest possible price of capital and the borrower the highest possible price. A body that will protect one party will not be independent with regard to the other interest being protected. The idea of all the Financial Ombudsmen created after 2008 is precisely that of protecting one party, the consumer/customer, who, in his or her own way, is the guarantor of the banks' liquidity security. This idea prevails where the consumer of financial services is effectively protected. The Ombudsman is, in a way, a consequence, but also a guarantor of financial stability and the financing system, and not speculation on consumers.
The subject of this article is the competence of the Financial Ombudsman to impose financial penalties on financial market entities for violations of the provisions of the Act of 5 August 2015 on complaints handling procedures by financial market entities and on the financial Ombudsman. One of the main tasks of the Financial Ombudsman is to enforce the proper performance by financial market entities of their obligations under the Act. For this purpose, Article 32(1) thereof provides that in the event of a breach of the provisions set out in the Act the Financial Ombudsman may, by way of a decision, impose a fine of up to PLN 100 000. The short duration of the new provisions and, consequently, the lack of case law outlining the directions of their interpretation may, particularly in the initial period, give rise to doubts as to their application. The aim of the article is to analyse possible disputable issues and provide proposals for their resolution. In particular, it is necessary to discuss the conditions for imposing a fine on a financial market entity. In this regard it is important to analyse both – the specific torts indicated in Article 32(1) of the said Act, as well as the general rules upon which the imposition of administrative fines by the Financial Ombudsman is possible. Also important is the consideration of the rules for determining the amount of the fine and in this matter the mutual relationship between Article 32 and the provisions of section IVa of the Act of 14 June 1960. Finally, amendments to certain provisions of the exiting laws are being proposed in order to increase the effectiveness of actions undertaken by the Financial Ombudsman and consequently to increase the level of protection of clients of financial market entities.  
The article describes the competence of the Financial Ombudsman to submit to the court of law a view (observation) relevant to a case before the court. For long this instrument has been reserved for non-governmental organisations only. In December 2007, the Insurance Ombudsman was vested with such a competence as well. However, the scope of cases in which the Insurance Ombudsman can submit observations is limited to disputes arising from insurance contracts and disputes concerning members of pension funds or participants of occupational pension schemes. With the establishment in October 2015 of the Financial Ombudsman (who is the legal successor of the Insurance Ombudsman), this competence has been extended to cases and disputes regarding all clients of financial market entities. Submitting an observation is intended to enable the transfer of knowledge and experience of the Financial Ombudsman as a specialist in matters concerning financial market services, to the courts of law. In practice however, certain doubts arise in regard to how this instrument should be used properly. In particular, it is not always clear in which cases the Financial Ombudsman may be allowed to submit an observation and in what circumstances such a possibility should be considered as unacceptable or undesirable. Also, the legal character of an observation and its legal nature in regard to the civil procedure is being assessed differently. Thus the question arises on what the content and scope of an observation should be based. In regard to the main task imposed on the Financial Ombudsman, namely the protection of the rights and interests of clients of financial market entities, it seems only reasonable that the content and scope of an observation as well as the decision on whether it will be submitted to the court at all remains in the exclusive judgment of the Financial Ombudsman. The main aim of the article is to analyse these issues based on the experience of the Financial Ombudsman resulting from the use of the instrument in practice.
The purpose of this paper is to present changes in legislation during 2013-2017 in the area of consensual dispute resolution with the participation of consumers-in particular with regard to the emergence of electronic procedures. Various features of the analysis of law in force as well as the analysis of law as has it evolved in history are used in the implementation of this objective. The author addresses model European solutions provided under Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on consumer ODR) and presents two important institutions of consensual dispute resolution with the participation of consumers within the framework of the European ODR platform. The author concludes that the introduction of digital procedures cuts down expenses, the duration of disputes and provides a realistic option of achieving its final result; it is also stressed that this is of particular significance in the resolution of cross-border disputes within 90 days – where we encounter obstacles in the form of different national legal orders or language barriers. The author furthermore indicates that an important advantage of the ODR platform consists in the possibility of going through intuitive steps with the assistance of complaint creators, recording drafts, and checking consumer rights, which is very convenient for consumers, who are not particularly proficient in the operation of mobile devices. However, the author also notes that the various institutions involved in the out-of-court dispute resolution may differ in their legal status or possibilities of resolving a particular dispute (for example, the Financial Ombudsman and the Coordinator for negotiations cannot deliver binding arbitration decisions). By the same token, in selecting an ODR entity, it must be borne in mind that not all of them can resolve a dispute between parties in a binding manner.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest nowa instytucja Rzecznika Finansowego funkcjonująca w polskim porządku prawnym. Autor porusza problematykę kompetencji Rzecznika Finansowego w zakresie ochrony konsumenta. Zwraca uwagę na genezę powstania instytucji, zadania i korzyści dla konsumenta. Jak wynika z zamieszczonych w artykule rozważań, Rzecznik Finansowy stoi na straży ochrony konsumenta, czyli słabszej strony stosunku prawnego w starciu z podmiotami rynku finansowego. W podsumowaniu pracy autor zwrócił uwagę, że bez aktywności konsumenta nie będzie dobrze funkcjonującego Rzecznika Finansowego.
The subject matter of the article is the new institution of the Financial Ombudsman functioning in the Polish legal system. The author raises the issue of the competence of the Financial Ombudsman in the field of consumer protection. The attention is drawn to the origins of the institution, tasks and benefits for the consumer. As it follows from the contents of the article, the Financial Ombudsman upholds protection of a consumer which is the weaker party of a legal relationship against the entities of a financial market. In the conclusion, the author pointed out that without the involvement of the consumer the Financial Ombudsman will not be functioning well.
The subject of this study is the issue of the legal nature of the resolutions of the Financial Education Council containing an addressed to the Financial Ombudsman request about the use of the Financial Education Fund in a specific manner. The resolution has significant legal effects because it binds the Ombudsman in the field of spending the funds. Due to the lack of a detailed regulation devoted to the legislative powers of the Council, the admissibility of judicial review of its resolutions raises doubts.
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest kwestia charakteru prawnego uchwał Rady Edukacji Finansowej zawierających kierowany do Rzecznika Finansowego wniosek o wykorzystanie środków Funduszu Edukacji Finansowej w określony sposób. Uchwała wywiera doniosłe skutki prawne, bowiem wiąże Rzecznika w zakresie wydatkowania wskazanych środków. Ze względu na brak szczegółowej regulacji poświęconej uchwałodawczym kompetencjom Rady, wątpliwości budzi dopuszczalność ich sądowej kontroli. Tymczasem nie da się wykluczyć podjęcia uchwały naruszającej prawo. W artykule zmierzono się z problematyką sądowej kontroli tego rodzaju uchwał.
The high level of complexity of financial services means that the need to protect the interests of clients of financial market entities is an important social issue. The disproportion in the level of knowledge of products available on the financial market between professionals and their clients and the lack of standardization of detailed rules for examining complaints by financial market entities were the basis for establishing the Office of the Financial Ombudsman. The aim of the study is to present and evaluate the legislative process accompanying the adoption of the Act of August 5, 2015 and to express a position on the legitimacy of establishing and functioning of the Financial Ombudsman institution in the Polish legal system. To achieve the assumed goal, the method of analyzing parliamentary documents was used, illustrating the complexity and detailed nature of parliamentary work aimed at the comprehensive formation of an institution guarding the interests of clients of financial market entities.
Wysoki poziom skomplikowania usług finansowych powoduje, że potrzeba zabezpieczenia interesów klientów podmiotów rynku finansowego stanowi istotne zagadnienie społeczne. Dysproporcja w stopniu znajomości produktów dostępnych na rynku finansowym występująca pomiędzy profesjonalistami a ich klientami oraz brak unormowania szczegółowych zasad rozpatrywania reklamacji przez podmioty rynku finansowego stanęły u podstaw utworzenia urzędu Rzecznika Finansowego. Celem opracowania jest przybliżenie i ocena procesu legislacyjnego towarzyszącego uchwaleniu ustawy z dnia 5 sierpnia 2015 r. oraz wyrażenie stanowiska w sprawie zasadności powołania i funkcjonowania w polskim porządku prawnym instytucji Rzecznika Finansowego. Dla realizacji założonego celu posłużono się metodą analizy dokumentów parlamentarnych, obrazujących złożoność i szczegółowy charakter prac parlamentarnych zmierzających do kompleksowego ukształtowania instytucji stojącej na straży interesów klientów podmiotów rynku finansowego.
Uchwalona w sierpniu 2015 r. ustawa o rozpatrywaniu reklamacji przez podmioty rynku finansowego i o Rzeczniku Finansowym, to kolejny instrument prawny, którego celem jest polepszenie sytuacji klientów, m.in. zakładów ubezpieczeń (ale także banków czy towarzystw emerytalnych). Można zaryzykować stwierdzenie, że ustawa wprowadza zmiany o rewolucyjnym charakterze – nie dość, że zastępuje działającą od lat instytucję Rzecznika Ubezpieczonych Rzecznikiem Finansowym, to przewiduje również ujednolicone zasady wnoszenia reklamacji do podmiotów rynku finansowego, a także nowe postępowanie pozasądowe prowadzone przed Rzecznikiem. Z drugiej strony, ustawa jest stosunkowo krótkim aktem prawnym, charakteryzującym się wysokim stopniem ogólności. Wszystko to sprawia, że konieczna i nieodzowna jest szczegółowa oraz pogłębiona analiza wskazanej ustawy.
The Law on handling complaints by financial market entities and on the Financial Ombudsman adopted in August 2015 is yet another legal instrument aimed at improving the situation of clients of, e.g. insurance companies (but also of banks or pension fund companies). One could risk making a statement that the law introduces revolutionary changes – not only does it replace the long-standing institution of the Insurance Ombudsman with the Financial Ombudsman, but it also provides for standardised rules for making complaints to financial market entities, as well as new out-of-court proceedings conducted before the Ombudsman. On the other hand, the law is a relatively short legal act and quite general in its nature. Due to all these facts, there is a need for a detailed and in-depth analysis of the law in question.
Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o wpływ wejścia w życie ustawy o rozpatrywaniu reklamacji przez podmioty rynku finansowego i o Rzeczniku Finansowym na stosunki ubezpieczeniowe nawiązywane z osobami fizycznymi. Z uwagi na cel regulacji, jakim jest wzmocnienie ochrony tych ostatnich, szczególnie istotne jest jak wprowadzone regulacje wpływają na sytuację ubezpieczycieli. Obszerność regulacji zmusiła Autorkę do dokonania wyboru poddanych analizie zmian. Zamierzeniem było odniesienie się do tych kwestii, które już przed wejściem w życie ustawy wzbudziły wątpliwości interpretacyjne. Jest to wybór subiektywny i temat, niestety, nie został wyczerpany.
The article aims at answering the question about the impact of the entry into force of the Act on complaint handling by financial market operators and the Financial Ombudsman on insurance relations established with natural persons. In view of the purpose of the act, which is to strengthen the protection of the latter, it is particularly important to determine how the introduced regulations affect the situation of insurers. However, the wide range of regulation forced the author to select analysed changes with the intention to refer to those issues, which had already raised interpretative doubts before the law came into effect. This is a subjective choice and, unfortunately, the topic has not been discussed extensively.
The main issue analysed in this article is the topic of consumer protection and instruments that he may use, provided by the legislator. The author analysed, in particular, the issue of out-of-court settlement of a dispute with a financial institution, which was introduced on 1 January 2016. The author’s objective was to conduct a comparative analysis in the area of consumer protection – within the legal framework valid as of before the introduction of the Financial Ombudsman and after said institution was introduced. The author, focusing on out-of-court settlement of a dispute pointed out to advantages and drawbacks of such procedure – basing on the rules and regulations indicated in the so-called Complaint Act. Basing on the analysis carried out, the author presented certain conclusions concerning the assessment of the reasonability of introducing the institution of Financial Ombudsman and out-of-court settlement of disputes.
Tematem rozważań w niniejszym artykule jest problematyka ochrony konsumenta oraz instrumentów mu przysługujących, zapewnionych przez ustawodawcę. Autor zbadał w szczególności problematykę pozasądowego rozwiązywania sporu z instytucją finansową, która została wprowadzona 1 stycznia 2016 r. Celem autora było przeprowadzenie analizy porównawczej w zakresie ochrony konsumenta – w stanie prawnym sprzed wprowadzenia instytucji Rzecznika Finansowego oraz po wprowadzeniu tej instytucji. Autor skupiając się na pozasądowym rozwiązywaniu sporu wskazał wady i zalety tego rodzaju postępowania – w oparciu o zasady i regulacje wskazane w tzw. ustawie reklamacyjnej. Na podstawie dokonanej analizy zostały przedstawione wnioski dotyczące oceny zasadności wprowadzenia instytucji Rzecznika Finansowego oraz pozasądowego rozwiązywania sporów.
Article presents the institution of Financial Ombudsman, who takes actions for benefit of the financial services market’s clients. Author sets out with the aim of presenting complaining procedure and analyzing present activities of Financial Ombudsman and future possible changes in Alternative Dispute Resolution sector.
Artykuł traktuje o stosunkowo nowym podmiocie – Rzeczniku Finansowym – który przede wszystkim podejmuje działania na rzecz ochrony klienta indywidualnego korzystającego z usług podmiotów rynku finansowego. W niniejszej publikacji autor przedstawia, ujętą w ustawie z dnia 5 sierpnia 2015 r. o rozpatrywaniu reklamacji przez podmioty rynku finansowego i o Rzeczniku Finansowym, procedurę postępowania reklamacyjnego, a także podejmuje próbę analizy działalności Rzecznika Finansowego w obszarze alternatywnych metod rozstrzygania sporów oraz przedstawia postulaty w zakresie rozwoju tej instytucji w kolejnych latach. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest porównanie i ukazanie podobieństwa funkcji i zadań Rzecznika Finansowego z Rzecznikiem Ubezpieczonych w kontekście ewolucji instytucji prawnych, a także przedstawienie kompetencji Rzecznika Finansowego w obszarze ADR.
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