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The article describes the appliance of law in French and Polish legal systems and the role of jurisprudence in both jurisdictions. In France and Poland the functioning of general clauses is completely different and the aim of the paper is the presentation of thinking about law in both states by depiction of literature and judgements. As the example I chose the clause of ordre public due to the vast differences in operation of the institution in both legal systems. It is a general clause being one of foundations of French civil law whereas in Poland it functions only in very limited range. In French law the main regulation is included in Article 6 of Code civil. The further rules refering to ordre public in the field of contract law are placed in art. 1102 and 1162. In 2016 there was the reform of law of obligations in Code civil and the legal status before and after were presented. Ordre public is effectively used by jurisprudence in a number of cases in French civil law. Due to rare changes in Code civil French courts have much more freedom in deciding about legal cases than the Polish ones. French state very deeply interferes into the economy so the courts must be provided with legal instruments in order to deal with the problems and apply the rule of law to each case. In Polish law ordre public existed in art. 55 of Code of obligations (freedom of contract) but nowadays we can find only in Article 7 of international private law. Ordre public is the field of international private law is vital but courts are very cautious in its appliance, limiting its usage only to a few cases, such as denial of registration a homosexual union into civil registry. Why Polish courts are so uneager to use the clause? In our legal culture the judges are wary of general clauses and the operation of ordre public is just one of examples. This proves a different usage of general clauses in both legal systems and difference in legal cultures. French jurisprudence has an immense effect on the shape of law, courts actively apply the clause of ordre public while in Poland the verdicts are cautious. Way of thinking about law differs in both states despite the common heritage of Roman law and belonging to the tradition of civil law. In France the freedom of deciding about the cases in the major value while in Poland this certainty of verdicts is believed to be the most important principle.
Regulation of this matter is based on the specific division of lawmaking powers – in the Fifth Republic, which makes the government superior to the parliament. Although the change in the Constitution in 2008 greatly depleted the government’s prerogatives in the legislative procedure, it also imposed new obligations on the government to draft laws of better quality. The government is still the main actor in the legislative process. It is also responsible for ensuring progress in the implementation of EU legislation in France and for conformity of French national legislation with EU law.
The purpose of the paper is presentation of a French body – Autorité de la concurrence – responsible for protecting competition. The paper will discuss its role, characteristic features and judiciary instruments available to the body. Furthermore, the aim of the paper is to place the above-mentioned body of the French economic administration in the pan-European system for protecting competition and pinpointing the competition policy mechanisms it uses. It is essential to analyse available legislation which applies to the institution.
The article describes a legal solution, which was introduced to French inheritance law in 2006 and which is referred to as the mandat á effet posthume (the power of attorney with posthumous effect). It is a specific contract, under which an agent administers the estate or a part thereof after the death of a principal. The author analyses the provisions of the French civil code on the mandat á effet posthume (offering their translation into Polish), as well as the case law and scholars’ views on this solution and its legal background. In consequence, readers are provided with a complete overview of the mandat á effet posthume, as it was regulated and as it actually operates in France.
A brilliant jurist from Provence, lawyer at the Aix Parliament, Portalis was one of the opponents of the Revolution. An outstanding orator, expert of Roman and canon law, philosopher. A man to whom Napoleon entrusted two monumental works simultaneously – the drawing up of the Civil Code, which was to define the foundations of the new society, and the drafting up of the concordat principles for the co-existence of State and religion. He is widely recognized as the master architect of one of the most famous mainstays of law – he criticised the positivist approach which placed the legal acts on an inviolable pedestal. He held a deep desire for the state of law, and his entire life centered on the law.
The article presents the evolution of the concept of liberative prescription in French law. It outlines the initial regulation of the French Civil Code and then explores its amendments, focusing mainly on the reform of liberative prescription that took place in 2008. The author explores the provisions of French private law (offering their translation into Polish), as well as the case law and jurisprudence on liberative prescription and its legal background.
The legal status of farmers involved in food marketing is not determined by the EU legislator, however, EU policy encourages farmers’ participation in short food supply chains. The article aims to determine whether a farmer selling his products, both processed and unprocessed is subject to a favourable legal regime intended for the agricultural sector, or whether this activity qualifies him as a commercial entrepreneur. The legislation of three EU Member States and the law of the USA were subject to a comparative legal analysis, based on the dogmatic method. The study found that under the EU Member States’ law, farmers involved in short food supply chains are granted a privileged agricultural status, which certainly strengthens their market position in competition with food businesses and big retailers and is an incentive to undertake and conduct the activity of agri-food marketing. In turn, under American law, agricultural activity and direct marketing are economic activities that cause farmers to operate within a business as an entrepreneur. The main tool to support the participation of US farmers in short food supply chains is financial programmes offering incentives to direct marketing. It was concluded that the systemic legal solutions, as in the presented legislation of the EU countries, in contrast to aid programmes, provides farmers with favourable conditions in the long term, without additional bureaucracy and the need to fill out documents and applications, thus giving them a sense of confidence and stability in engaging in food direct marketing.
This article aims to be a comprehensive presentation of the legal issues related to the French model of civil partnership, „le Pacte civil de solidarité”. It is a detailed study of a singular institution, halfway between marriage and nominate contracts, designed to settle the framework of an interpersonal union. The introduction presents the historical and legal background within which this institution has been conceived. Subsequently, this article gets through the subject with a chronological approach. Its core starts with an exposition of the formal and material requirements imposed by the law upon parties willing to draft the contract of civil partnership. It is followed by an analysis of the various rights and obligations that arise from the performance of this interpersonal agreement. Eventually, this article provides an analysis of all possibilities which lead to the termination of the civil partnership.
The purpose of the discussion presented in the article was to determine the legal status of direct sale of agricultural and food products and its place in the agricultural activity in the legislation of selected EU Member States: Poland, Italy, and France. The considerations show that each legislator has chosen a different way of determining the legal status of this activity, though with a view to a similar ratio legis, which is to support it by enabling and facilitating farmers involvement. In Polish law, “agricultural retail sale” is outside the narrow definition of agricultural activity. It is not, however, subject to the provisions of business law provided it meets the conditions specified in law. Italian law defines the status of direct sales explicitly as agricultural, situating them among connected agricultural activities carried out by the agricultural entrepreneur. The detailed criteria for its connection with the agricultural activity by nature constitute a separate special regulation. In French law, thanks to the broad definition of agricultural activity, the place of direct sale as an agricultural activity par relation which is an extension of the act of production, is defined by case-law.
L’articolo si propone di stabilire lo status giuridico della vendita diretta dei prodotti agricoli e alimentari nella legislazione di alcuni Stati membri scelti, cioè in Polonia, Italia e Francia; compresa la collocazione della stessa nel settore dell'attività agricola. Le considerazioni svolte mettono in rilievo il fatto che ciascun legislatore ha scelto un modo diverso di definire lo status giuridico dell’attività in oggetto, anche se mosso da una ratio legis simile, cioè dal voler sostenerla dando agli agricoltori la possibilità di svolgerla e facilitandone lo svolgimento. Nel diritto polacco, la vendita diretta, definita come un “commercio agricolo al dettaglio”, non rientra nella definizione ristretta di attività agricola. Essa non è soggetta nemmeno al diritto economico, sempre se soddisfa le condizioni stabilite dalla legge. Il diritto italiano, invece, definisce lo status di vendita diretta come agricola in maniera esplicita, collocandola tra le attività agricole connesse, svolte da un imprenditore agricolo, e stabilendo in una regolazione specifica separata i criteri per la connessione con l'attività agricola per sua natura. Nel diritto francese, grazie ad una definizione ampia di attività agricola, il luogo della vendita diretta, in quanto attività agricola par relation, intesa come continuazione dell'atto di produzione, è specificato dalla giurisprudenza.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest zagadnienie tak zwanego character merchandisingu we Francji oraz w Niemczech. Polega ono na swoistym "utowarowieniu" wizerunków postaci w reklamie, które znane są szerszej publiczności z lektury, kina lub telewizji. Chodzi przy tym o dwa ich rodzaje, a mianowicie wizerunki osób fizycznych, przede wszystkim popularnych celebrities albo też o wykorzystanie wizerunków postaci fikcyjnych, przede wszystkim bohaterów bajek, komiksów lub filmów animowanych. Analiza prawnych aspektów ochrony tych wizerunków doprowadziła do wniosku, iż w obydwu krajach prawo wyznacza relatywnie precyzyjnie obszar instytucji character merchandisingu, który określa ochrona dóbr osobistych w odniesieniu do osób fizycznych oraz przez prawo autorskie, prawa znaków towarowych i prawo nieuczciwej konkurencji w przypadku postaci fikcyjnych.
Author deals with the legal concept of character merchandising under French and German Laws. The idea is aimed at merchandising images of wider known persons, mainly from literature, cinema and TV. They can be images of real persons, normally so called celebrities, but also of fictisious personalities, popular heroes from comicses, fairy - tales etc. Analysys of the protection of these images allowed to draw the conclusion that in both mentioned countries legal regulations relatively precisely defined the nature and scope of the discussed institution. Laws applicable in this context are moral rights regulated by civil codes if the real persons are concerned, and copyright, trademarks as well as unfair competition laws in case of fictisious personalities.
Przedmiotem analizy w ramach niniejszego artykułu są regulacje prawne zawarte we francuskim kodeksie karnym w zakresie odnoszącym się do przestępstwa szpiegostwa. W ramach niniejszego opracowania, które stanowi jedynie wstępny etap i impuls dla dalszych, poszerzonych badań w tej materii, autor poza zagadnieniami dotyczącymi przestępstwa szpiegostwa przedstawia również systematykę i specyfikę francuskiego kodeksu karnego, co w sposób znaczny wpływa na lepsze zrozumienie charakteru analizowanych regulacji. Waga prowadzenia badań porównawczych w tym zakresie wynika również z sytuacji geopolitycznej, jaka nastąpiła po rozpoczęciu w 2022 roku przez Federację rosyjską inwazji na Ukrainę, która znacznie zwiększyła skalę zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa państw europejskich. Opis i charakterystyka aktualnych regulacji prawnych w zakresie przestępstwa szpiegostwa we Francji, wraz z uwzględnieniem najnowszej francuskojęzycznej literatury przedmiotu, jako element badań nad szeroko rozumianym bezpieczeństwem państwa, mogą być pierwszym etapem i impulsem dla dalszych badań o charakterze porównawczym w tej materii. Niniejsza publikacja może stanowić również interesujący materiał pomocniczy dla szerszej oceny, w ramach odrębnych opracowań, stanu polskich regulacji w tym zakresie.
The subject of the analysis in this article are the legal regulations contained in the French Penal code in the scope relating to the crime of espionage. As part of this study, which is only an initial stage and offers an impulse for further extended research in this matter, the author, apart from issues related to the crime of espionage, also presents the systematics and specificity of the French Penal code that can significantly improve understanding of the nature of the analyzed regulations. The importance of conducting comparative research in this area also results from the geopolitical situation that occurred after the Russian Federation launched its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, which has significantly increased the scale of threats to the security of European countries. The description and characteristics of legal regulations regarding the crime of espionage in French law, together with the latest French language literature on the subject, as an element of research on broadly understood state security, may be the first stage and an incentive to conduct further comparative research in this subject matter. This publication may also be an interesting auxiliary material for a broader assessment, as part of separate studies, of the state of Polish regulations in this area.
The article is devoted to the history of legal regulations concerning the so-called states of emergency in France during the Revolution in the 18th century. For centuries, they have constituted specific legal regimes, which have been applied in various countries during periods of serious danger to public safety. Numerous historians believe that the origins of the modern legal solutions in this area can be found in French public law from the turn of the 18th and the 19th century. The paper follows this path by undertaking an analysis of French normative regulations from the period of the Great French Revolution which were dedicated to the specificity of the concept of l'état de siège. The issue is explored by using a variety of methodological instruments, mainly exegesis of the legal text and comparative law.
Artykuł poświęcony jest dziejom regulacji prawnych dotyczących stanów nadzwyczajnych w XVIII-wiecznej rewolucyjnej Francji. Od stuleci stanowią one specyficzne reżimy prawne stosowane w państwach w okresach poważnego zagrożenia powszechnego bezpieczeństwa. Wielu historyków uznaje, że genezy nowożytnych rozwiązań prawnych w tym zakresie upatrywać należy we francuskim prawie publicznym przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku. Tym właśnie tropem podążył autor, podejmując się analizy francuskich regulacji normatywnych czasów Wielkiej Rewolucji, poświęconych specyfice instytucji określanej jako l'état de siège. Eksplorując problem, korzystał z różnorodnych instrumentów metodologicznych, głównie egzegezy tekstu prawnego oraz komparatystyki prawniczej.
Niniejsza publikacja jest częścią badań nad rolą francuskiego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego (Conseil Constitutionnel) w zakresie kontroli regulacji prawa podatkowego. Głównym celem publikacji jest nie tylko opisanie specyfiki francuskiego systemu prawnego w tej dziedzinie, ale wykorzystując podejście funkcjonalne metody prawnoporównawczej, historyczno-opisowej i dogmatycznej, weryfikacja tezy o skuteczności konstytucyjnej kontroli przepisów podatkowych we francuskim systemie prawnym. Niniejszą analizę przeprowadzono na przykładzie podatku od bardzo wysokich dochodów (fr. taxe sur les très hauts revenus), niemniej jednak może ona stanowić asumpt do dalszych pogłębionych badań w tym zakresie.
This publication is a part of the study of the role of French Constitutional Court (Conseil constitutionnel) in the field of control of tax law regulations. The main purpose of this publication is not only to describe the specificity of the French legal system in this field but in the basis of the functional approach of the comparative legal method, the historical-descriptive and the dogmatic method, the verification of the thesis of the effectiveness of constitutional control of tax regulations in French legal system. This study that was done on the example of the high income tax (fr. taxe sur les très hauts revenus) however, it may be an incentive for further in-depth research in this area.
The aim of the study is to present the principles of the functioning of the system of court experts in France in relation to civil proceedings. The article discusses the systemic status of experts, the mechanism of appointing experts in civil proceedings and the role of the parties at this stage. The procedural possibilities of the parties’ participation in the preparation of the expert opinion as well as the possibilities of its assessment and questioning were also presented. The method of financing expert opinions and awarding remuneration to experts was indicated. The rules for entering experts on the list of experts in France and the importance of this list for the system of appointing experts in this country were discussed in detail. The issue of advance payments by the parties for the remuneration of experts and the final method of their settlement was also presented. Attention was also drawn to the method of supervision over experts and the possibilities of disciplinary actions against them. The conclusions indicated those French regulations that could be used in other legal systems, including the one in Poland.
Opracowanie ma na celu przybliżenie zasad funkcjonowania systemu biegłych sądowych we Francji, zwłaszcza w postępowaniach cywilnych. W ramach artykułu omówiono ustrojowy status biegłych, mechanizm powoływania biegłych w postępowaniu cywilnym i rolę stron na tym etapie. Przedstawiono także procesowe możliwości udziału stron w przygotowaniu opinii przez biegłego oraz jej ocenę i kwestionowanie. W szczegółowy sposób ukazano zasady sporządzania listy biegłych we Francji i znaczenie tej listy dla systemu powoływania biegłych w tym kraju. Nakreślono też kwestę uiszczania przez strony zaliczek na wynagrodzenie biegłych oraz ostateczny sposób ich rozliczania. Autor artykułu omawia ponadto nadzór nad biegłymi, a także możliwości ich dyscyplinowania. W konkluzjach wskazuje na te z francuskich uregulowań, które mogłyby być wykorzystane w innych systemach prawnych, w tym w Polsce.
The article presents the legal basis for safeguards of controlled taxpayer’s rights in France comparing with similar solutions introduced in Polish tax law, including basic stands of the French and Polish jurisprudence. Therefore the article describes the application of rights and guarantees due to the division of tax control of enterprises as well as individuals. The author points also to the distinctive differences between Polish and French legal system as far as the protection of controlled taxpayers in both countries is concerned. Consequently, the article proves that the French legislation concerning mentioned rights is generally more beneficial to a controlled taxpayer than this existing in Poland.
Niniejszy artykuł jest krótkim przedstawieniem oraz omówieniem gwarancji prawnych, jakie przysługują podatnikowi we Francji w wypadku prowadzonej kontroli podatkowej w świetle obowiązujących tam przepisów, doktryny oraz orzecznictwa. We Francji oraz w Polsce, czynności kontrolne podejmowane przez organy podatkowe wzbudzają w społeczeństwie wiele obaw, które wynikają przede wszystkim z braku znajomości przepisów lub niejasnej regulacji prawnej. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zatem zachęcenie do podjęcia refleksji nad istotą omawianych instytucji prawnych.
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