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Vox Patrum
vol. 52
issue 2
Der Aufsatz zeigt die Darstellung der HI. Nonna, der Mutter von Gregor von Nazianz auf Grund seiner dichterischen Schópfung. Nonna war die friihchristliche Mutter, die der Sohn in den ca. 50 ihr gewidmeten Epigrammen verewigt hat. In Anlehnung der Dichtung des Gregors von Nazianz wurde die Aufmerksamkeit auf Vorziige des Charakters und Geistes und auf letzte Momente ihres Lebens gerichtet. Es wurde auch die groBe Rolle des Gebets unterzeichnet, das die Heilige im alltaglichem Leben begleitete.
Vox Patrum
vol. 52
issue 2
Nel presente articolo vengono esaminati degli appelli di Gregorio di Nazianzo indirizzati verso i coniugi - i mariti (i padri) e le mogli (le madri). L’analisi del contenuto di ąuesti richiami rivelano i reali probierni presenti nella vita degli spo-si. Mostrano anche i metodi (che emergono appunto dalie parole del vescovo) di superare gli ostacoli e le difficolta.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 17
issue 2
St. Gregory of Nazianzus was born in a Christian family wherein he re-ceived a Christian education together with his humanities and theology. After the Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.) and that of Constantinople (380 A.D.), the faith in the Triune God was a pillar siblings. Also, thanks to the care of his parents, he obtained a thorough education in of Christian doctrine, which resulted in the care of passing it on in the ecclesial communities of the fourth century. Pastors of the Church in Cappadocia and Asia Minor took care of the correct formation of the faithful who were entrusted to them, and combat any heterodox ideas which were proclaimed in many circles.
: Gregory of Nazianzus valued the educational influence of poetry. He hoped that the recipients of his poetry would be not only delighted, but also educated and convinced by its attractive form. This is the case with the problem of the Holy Trinity as well. A closer study of Gregory’s verses, presenting and introducing the secret of the Holy Trinity, reveals the union of the impersonal view of Gregory the Theologian with the profound personal feeling of Gregory the man. Gregory proposes a clear definition of the mutual relation of the three divine persons, their trinity, and presents the immense secret of the Trinity. In relation to man, he argues for the grace and kindness of the Trinity. These verses, primarily written for the common people, the young without any experience, people from Gregory’s environment, very often unbelievers, could be taken for an alternative to the more thoughtful and more sophisticated theological sermons. In these verses, Gregory offers basic truths, while using poetic means and expressions to make them more attractive. It helps him arouse the interest of listeners or readers, and their willingness to perceive is subsequently transformed into a better understanding and memorization of the presented truths.
Vox Patrum
vol. 58
This article is aimed as an objective description of the character of Gregory of Nazianzus, written in the light of the realities of life and spiritual experience, which may revise the existing opinions about the Author, relating to his perso­nality, attitude and choices, as they are often one-sided, unjust and wrongful. This study presents Gregory as pastor concerned for the Church who grieves for its internal tearing as well as for „his colleagues in episcopacy” self-interest. It treats about personal aspects of his life often marked by suffering and difficult ex­perience. In this context, the article also points to the source of joy and optimism of life, which is support for the needy and those who lost the meaning of life.
Perichoresis is an old theological concept that is eliciting great interest today, but nevertheless it is felt there is still not enough clarity about the very meaning of the word, especially about the semantic connection between the verb περιχωρέω and the noun περιχώρησις. The main goal of this paper is to shed light precisely on this semantic ground of the notion, and for this purpose we have investigated the meaning of the verb περιχωρέω showing that there is a good reason for lexicographic division of περιχωρέω into two separate verbs. Applying the findings of our philological research, we have also expounded the original patristic conception of perichoresis which, in some important aspects, has appeared to differ from the approaches dominant in Western theology from the Middle Ages to our own day.
Vox Patrum
vol. 49
Formula trinitaria mia physis – treis idiotetes, quam Basilius Magnus statuit, in hodiernam scientiam theologicam accepta est. Attamen Gregorius Nazianzenus libentius adhibuit formulam a se introductam in suam institutionem, i.e. pia mia physis – treis idiotetes. Hoc opusculum enodat Gregorium Nazianzenum elencatam formulam saepius ad Trinitatis descriptionem adhibuisse, quia ea in suis operibus octies usus est. Voces physis et hypostasis a saeculis univocas habebant significationes, dum saeculo quarto non dici potest de vocibus ouoia et hypostasis. Qua de causa Gregorius Nazianzenus has ad Trinitatem pertinentas raro adhibebat, praesertim ouoia.
Vox Patrum
vol. 42
Gregorius Nazianzenus 245 litteras scripsit. Sunt inter has 58 litterae commendaticiae, quae ad administratores publicos, amicos et episcopos scriptae sunt. Talis numerus litterarum missarum ad homines notos cognitosque in laicorum rebus indicat Gregorium plenum amoris curaeque erga indigentes fuisse. Omnibus semper ad auxilium ferendum promptus erat.
While presenting issues related to virginity devoted to God, this article points to the variety of pastoral elements in the writings of Gregory of Naziansus, addressed to specific persons (apart from the faithful in general) who constituted objects of concern for the Bishop. The discussion, modest as it is within the limits of this article, focuses on one group of recipients, namely virgins, but urges one to deal with other recipients who presented the author addressed with particular concern.
Vox Patrum
vol. 44
Saeculo quarto diversae exp!icationes ad tres personas divinas pertinentes inter Christianos propagatae sunt. Qua ratione scriptores ecclesiastici impulsi sunt ad divinas personas pressius investigandas. Quorum Basitius Magnus formulam trinitariam statuit, i.e. mia ousia kai treis hypostaseis. Vox ousia Trinitatis essentiam significat, et vocabulum hypostasis ad personas divinas attinet indicatque differentiam inter eas. Hanc doctrinam trinitariam suscepit Gregorius Nazianzenus, qui in suis operibus solum quinquies Basilii formulam adhibuit. Saepius ad Trinitatis descriptionem vocibus physis et treis idiotetes usus est. Gregorii attamen institutio de trinitariis appellationibus profundius investiganda est.
Vox Patrum
vol. 40
The article presents the semantic values of physis in reference to the natural world seen in its entirety. Gregory employs physis to describe the material world as a divine reality. It means that it is created by God. Therefore it is perfect and full of beauty, which is manifest in its harmony, creative power, dynamism and ontic coherence.
Vox Patrum
vol. 38
Quia Constantinopoli multi Arii et praesertim Apollinarii sectatores versabantur, Gregorius Nazianzenus tamquam episcopus iilius urbis veram doctrinam de Incarnatione exponere christianis ob retigiosas disputationes confusis voiuit.
Vox Patrum
vol. 67
The text of the article is an analysis of Gregory of Nazianzus’ comments on Christian perfection. They were selected from his letters written in his family regions after returning from Constantinople, where he occupied for two years the position in the episcopal capital. It was a period of almost ten years of his life, until his death in 390, in which he contacted many people mainly through letters, because weak health prevented him from traveling frequently. The analysis of the letters showed that the threads containing recommendations, warnings, cautions, and encouragements were numerous in them. They have been divided in three categories of addresses, i.e. clergy and monks, lay people and family members. Depending on the situation, the needs of addressees, their spiritual disabilities, or even their progress on the path to perfect living, Gregory demonstrated the skills of good spiritual help. His sensitivity to human problems, related to everyday life, triggered his concern for their proper evaluation. All human activity was per­ceived by him in terms of God’s providence and eternal life. He considered the abidance of Christian principles to be the duty of every follower of Jesus Christ, so he had made efforts to ensure that the recipients of his letters were not indiffe­rent to spiritual values.
Vox Patrum
vol. 65
Analysis of approximately 165 letters of Gregory Nazianzen written by him in the last decade of his life revealed a large part of them devoted to his involvement in the current affairs of the ecclesial community. His departure from the position of the bishop of Constantinople, marked by a kind of failure, did not prompt him to react against the Church, but developed just an opposite attitude – increased mobilization of his strenght for the constant concern about the situation of the local Churches. This concern referred to the activities of the pastors of particular ecclesial communities, experiencing a variety of problems, deacons and presby­ters, coming from his surroundings, as well as synods, which were to successfully resolve contentious issues. It should be remembered that Capadocian did not en­joy at that time good health. Despite suffering form various diseases, Gregory did not only focused on the treatment of poor health, but also continuesely appeared as an active member of the Church, especially that having still the bishops ordina­tion, he could not completely withdraw from the pastoral obligations.
Vox Patrum
vol. 60
The letters of the Cappadocian Fathers serve as part of the evidence that in the early Church correspondence of its leaders played an essential role in ensuring its proper functioning. Among the addresses of the epistles of Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa we find a few women. They came from diverse backgrounds. Some of them devoted their lives to the service of God, others were lay people. This article seeks to present a part of the bishops’ corres­pondence and answer questions concerning its female audience. The letters were divided into three groups: 1) consolatory ones; 2) parenetic ones; 3) and the rest of them, that because of their thematic variety were grouped together.
Vox Patrum
vol. 64
The article presents the thoughts of St. Gregory of Nazianzus on the attitudes of priests in their pastoral work. The bases of this study are selected speeches and works of poetry by St. Gregory. The Bishop of Nazianzus indicates first and fore­most the importance of the spiritual formation of each priest. Without reducing the importance of an intellectual formation, he puts the concern for the development of the inner life in the primary place. The deeply spiritual priest, having a thor­ough theological knowledge, can take up the mission of proclaiming God’s word responsibly. The fruitfulness of this ministry also depends on the discernment of the spiritual, moral and intellectual state of the faithful, whom he is serving. St. Gregory also points out the dangers that threaten every priest. These are above all: pride, which leads to the desire to rule and not to serve, as well as materialism and the use of one’s office to further one’s own private interests.
Vox Patrum
vol. 50
Continet hoc opusculum verba citata de operibus Patrum Cappadociae adhibita ab Ioanne Paulo II in „Angelus Domini”, in institutionibus inter audientias generales dictis, in homiliis in Basilica S. Petri seu Romae habitis et in orationibus ad tempus locutis. Horum Papa pleraąue verba inter audientias generales protulit ea ratione, ąuoniam natura institutionis apud Papam prope actioni pastorali Patrum Ecclesiae est. Nam ut pastores in primis religionis Christianae saeculis, ita Summus Pontifex nostris temporibus, Ioannes Paulus II, eandem doctrinam ad fidem et mores pertinentiam susceperunt.
Vox Patrum
vol. 75
Of the three orations on peace, the first one was delivered by Gregory of Nazianzus most probably in February 364. Its leading theme was the restoration of peace and consensus among the disputing parties in the Nazianzus church community. The reason for the dispute turned out to be the Gregory the Elder’s wrong signature made under the profession of faith, which was disseminated by an Arian representative in this place. For the narrator, the basis for restoring peace was to spread ideas that would join the warring parties, i.e., faith in one God, consistent interpretations of Trinitarian issues and desire for unity. The peace sought by Gregory turned out to be a value unifying all those who formed the church community of Nazianzus and at the same time a dimension introducing unanimity in matters of faith. Thanks to the theological elucidations provided by the young priest at the time, the ecclesial unity and mutual peaceful relations in Nazianzus could be restored.
Spośród trzech mów na temat pokoju pierwszą z nich Grzegorz z Nazjaznu wygłosił najprawdopodobniej w lutym 364 r. Jej wątkiem wiodącym było przywrócenie pokoju i zgody u zwaśnionych stron we wspólnocie kościelnej Nazjanzu. Powodem sporu okazało się opaczne złożenie podpisu przez Grzegorza Starszego pod wyznaniem wiary, które było w tej miejscowości rozpowszechniane przez ariańskiego przedstawiciela. Dla mówcy podłożem do przywrócenia pokoju były wspólne idee łączące zwaśnione strony, czyli wiara w jednego Boga, zgodne interpretacje zagadnień trynitarnych i pragnienie jedności. Pokój, o który zabiegał Grzegorz, okazał się wartością jednoczącą wszystkich tworzących społeczność kościelną w Nazjanzie i jednocześnie płaszczyzną wprowadzającą jednomyślność w sprawach wiary. Dzięki wyjaśnieniom teologicznym młodego wówczas prezbitera mogło nastąpić przywrócenie eklezjalnej jedności i wzajemnej pokojowej relacji w Nazjanzie.
II nome di araldo di Cristo portano tutti quelli che rendono pubblico ii Suo insegnamento (cioe il Vangelo), lo difendono in estremita fino la morte come araldi eroici. Possiamo dire che gia in IV secolo il ministero di araldo funziona come la tromba pubblica. Gregorio Nazianzeno voleva che i cristiani prendessero i propri impegni.
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