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This article presents the beginnings of vocational counselling for school-attending adolescents in Poland. Vocational counselling developed in Poland in the Interwar period as a sub-discipline of applied psychology. The Jewish minority largely contributed to the development of this movement with Lvov at centre of it. Jews established a vocational counselling and psycho-technical institutes, putting the emphasis on school-attending adolescents and apprentices in craft companies, as well as developing new tools for psycho-technical measurements. Zionism was one of the reasons for the development of Jewish vocational counselling for young people. Zionists believed that young Jews should acquire a profession that would allow Jewish settlement in Palestine. This article also presents Zofia Lipszyc, Adolf Berman, Lea Fejgin-Gartensteyg, Jakub Kessler and Józef Weinbaum, unknown Jewish psychologists and psychotechcians.
This article deals with the issue of the economic and trade relations between Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the period between 1918 and 1938. This article is a shortened version of the doctoral thesis defended in June 2016 at Department of History of the Masaryk University in Brno, and it focuses on the issue of trade relations and the overall development of the economic relations between the two countries. In this analysed period, the two countries were close allies and had developed intensive economic relations, and our goal is to thoroughly research the economic relations between Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia as well as the interdependence of political and economic relations between the two countries.
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Dilemata antifašismu: mezi appeasementem a Kominternou

This review article is concerned with the tactics and tools employed by the European Left in the anti-fascist campaigns related to the significant political events of the 1930’s (Reichstag Fire, Spanish Civil War etc.). The relationship among anti-fascism, struggle against anti-Semitism and pro-Soviet sympathies are followed through the case study of Otto Katz (sentenced to death as André Simone in the so called „Slánský process“ 1952), an important figure of the Communist organizational and propaganda network, and the reflection of his intricate career in the recent English historiography.
Following the First World War, many new formed countries emerged on the global stage. Among them were the Republic of Turkey and the Czechoslovak Republic, both established on territories formerly under imperial rule. As these nations sought to solidify their place in the international arena, they recognized the necessity of establishing new diplomatic ties with one another. Consequently, a friendship treaty was negotiated between Turkey and Czechoslovakia during the Lausanne Conference, and on October 11, 1924, the treaty was officially signed. Subsequently, on July 6, 1925, additional diplomatic notes were exchanged, paving the way for the appointment of the first Turkish envoy to Czechoslovakia. This article delves into the historical significance of Turkish diplomats serving in Czechoslovakia between 1925 and 1939. The primary objectives are to introduce these diplomats, shed light on their activities in Prague, ascertain their perspectives on Czechoslovakia, and explore whether their presence had any noticeable impact on the bilateral relations between the two countries. To accomplish these aims, the study draws upon a wide array of primary and secondary sources, including archival documents, articles, books, and newspapers, from both Turkey and the Czech Republic.
The thesis deals with a question of how Czech interwar journalists in the magazine Přítomnost have been viewing Great Britain. Their detailed articles about British topics could be basically divided into two parts. The first, larger one consists of articles about Britain’s domestic and foreign policies. Numerous articles dealing with a wide variety of British topics could be accounted for the second part, especially essays about British national character and cultural phenomena. Considering a low awareness of Czech interwar society about Britain, it does not surprise that articles in the twenties have had mostly informative nature. Britain has been pictured as a cradle of democracy, reason and gentleman behaviour. In the thirties Britain has been described more realistically and — because of its foreign policy towards Czechoslovakia and Hitler’s Germany — more critically, especially during the year 1938.
Studie se zabývá problematikou pohledu české meziválečné žurnalistiky, konkrétně časopisu Přítomnost, na Velkou Británii. Britská témata, jimž se časopis detailně věnoval, mohou být rozdělena v zásadě na dvě části. Nejobsáhlejší okruh představovala otázka vnitřní a zahraniční politiky ostrovního státu. Pod druhý okruh lze potom zahrnout celou řadu článků, věnujících se široké škále témat, spojených s Velkou Británií, zejména národní povaze a kulturním jevům. Vzhledem k poměrně slabému povědomí české veřejnosti o Británii, měla většina článků ve dvacátých letech povahu informativní a Británie zde byla vykreslována spíše pozitivně, jako kolébka demokracie, rozumu či gentlemanského chování. Ve třicátých letech už byla Británie popisována daleko realističtěji a vzhledem k její zahraniční politice vůči Československu a hitlerovskému Německu i kritičtěji, zejména během roku 1938.
W dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym wraz z rozpowszechnieniem kultury masowej pojawiła się w Lublinie prasa sensacyjna, w której najważniejszym tematem były zdarzenia kryminalne, sensacje polityczne i skandale obyczajowe. Rozwojowi takiej prasy sprzyjała różnobarwność pejzażu społecznego miasta oraz nowy model życia codziennego, obyczajowości i sposobów spędzania czasu wolnego. Generalnie na jej łamach można znaleźć wszystkie sprawy żywo interesujące czytelników mało wymagających. Dotykała problematyki politycznej, gospodarczej, ekonomicznej, społecznej, artystycznej, kulturalnej, opisywała ludzkie tragedie, sensację, najnowsze ploteczki, a także reklamę, czyli co warto kupić i gdzie. Niska cena, bogactwo treści, atrakcyjne wiadomości, sugestywna ilustracja i dostosowanie się do gustów masowego czytelnika spowodowały, że w krótkim czasie dzienniki te zdobyły sobie liczne grono odbiorców. Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie lubelskiej prasy informacyjno-sensacyjnej jako ważnego obserwatora rzeczywistości społecznej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego.
During the interwar period, along with popularisation of mass culture, sensational press appeared in Lublin, which focused on criminal events, gossips, scandals and curiosities of sorts. Development of such press was promoted by a diversity of city’s social landscape and a new model of everyday living, customs and ways of spending free time. In general it is filled with events that are interesting for undemanding readers. There is a bit of politics, economy, social issues, art, culture, human drama, sensation, some irrelevant gossip and some simple advertisements regarding what to buy and where. Low price, variety of content, interesting news, suggestive illustration, and adapting to the mass reader demand led to a situation that these journals gathered a vast audience in a short time. The point of this paper is to show Lublin informational/sensational newspapers as an important observer of social reality of the interwar period.
The article presents Romania’s stance on the alliance with Poland in 1918–1921. Bucharest’s interest in concluding such an agreement resulted mainly from the assessment of the Soviet threat to Romania.
Established in 1919, the Poznań Province covered almost entirely the former Prussian Poznań Province (Provinz Posen) and initially comprised 118 cities, which decreased to 101 in 1938. On the eve of World War I, as many as 80 out of 129 cities had gas in Provinz Posen, and nearly 1/4 of them were supplied with gas from miniature gasoline gas plants. In the wake of World War I and immediately after its end, most small gasoline plants and numerous coal gas plants were shut down and eventually permanently closed down. In total, almost all gasoline and one acetylene gas plant (19 in total), as well as five coal plants, went bankrupt in the Interwar period. Of the latter type, there was a plant in Czempiń, which was shut down only around 1938, after the town was electrified. Ujście is another addition to the list, as it ceased to supply gas from Schneidemühl (Piła) in the mid-1930s. Ultimately, in 1939, gas was used in 43 out of 101 cities in the Province, which was also due to the fact that some of the gas-supplied cities had been moved to the Pomeranian Province a year before. In the Interwar period, several key factors influencing the gasworks in Greater Poland can be observed: the aforementioned liquidation of many gas plants and the transition from gas to electricity in many cities; reconstruction and relaunching of some coal gas plants; and – finally – modernization, combined with optimization of technological processes and expansion of existing gas plants. In the case of several cities, i.e. Międzychód, Nakło nad Notecią and Strzelno, the problem of communalization of plants owned by private German companies should also be noted, as well as Polish-German cooperation in terms of gas supply to the Polish Ujście gas plant from Schneidemühl (Piła).
Artykuł jest próbą ukazania sytuacji literatury dla dzieci i młodzieży w pierwszym okresie po zakończeniu II wojny światowej. Na podstawie materiałów Szczecińskiego Plenum Zarządu Głównego Związku Literatów Polskich, które odbyło się w sierpniu 1951 r., zarysowano poglądy władzy politycznej wobec książek adresowanych do młodzieży. Tendencje te, pomimo pewnych zmian i z różnym nasileniem, kontynuowane były przez cały okres Polski Ludowej.
The article is an attempt at showing the situation of literature for children and youth during the first years after the conclusion of World War II. Based on the materials from the Szczecin Plenum of the Principal Board of Polish Writers, which was held in August 1951, the views of the political leadership on the literature for youth were outlined. These tendencies, with certain changes and varying intensity, continued throughout the Polish People’s Republic period.
The study focuses on the importance of the Parliament’s involvement in construction of the Czechoslovak state. With the exception of the German occupation, as the legislature of the Czechoslovak Republic, the National Assembly played an important role in affecting its republican and democratic character. The article discusses two of the most important stages of the formation of the Czechoslovak statehood. First is the Interwar period when the Czechoslovak statehood demonstrated features typical of parliamentary democracy with assumed parliamentary power, followed by the 1960s when the common state of the Czechs and Slovaks developed on a federal level.
Objective: During the interwar period, the healthcare system in Europe experienced a dramatic transformation. It was perceived that preventive medicine was no less important than curative medicine. Moreover, without proper prevention of the so-called social diseases, all later therapeutic measures were expensive and ineffective. The former battle against the consequences was replaced by measures targeting the causes. The fight against social diseases involved a state-owned strategy and a broad arsenal of measures. The University’s scholars also took part in this process. Our study revealed that the significance of the disease prevention in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Stephen Bathory was well understood. Moreover, the treatment was not segregated from hygiene as strictly as it is today. Many hygienists as well as clinicians contributed to the development of preventive mechanisms. The broad specialization of doctors enabled them to see not only biomedical, but also social and economic aspects of a disease. Hygienists and doctors encouraged cooperation and coordination of their activities with the central and local authorities as well as education of the local population.The progress of medical science in Europe and the World, as well as the Soviet ideology in Eastern Europe distracted doctors from the search for the etiology of social illness. Biomedical treatment had become much more effective, and the development of social hygiene research in Eastern Europe had experienced stagnation. For ideological reasons the disease etiology in the Soviet bloc could not be associated with social factors. Social hygiene in the Soviet Union was highly politicized; it could only be interpreted in a frame of Soviet models. The healthcare system that had been created in the Soviet Union was named as the best in the world. The actual medical statistics were concealed from the public, since their logical interpretation could reveal the social causes of illnesses and the disadvantages of the soviet system.Sometimes we must return to basic ideas to improve current public health mechanisms. It is worth reconsidering fundamental questions, i.e. what public health is and how to achieve it. The breadth of the approach of the interwar Vilnius hygienists and doctors, the sensitivity to the social origins of diseases and persistence in combating them by all possible means could serve as an example for today’s doctors. At that time, hygienists approached the idea that the highest goal of prevention was to create a healthy environment, healthy living and working conditions. Although today we live in a much safer environment than those individuals did, new threats are emerging because of changing technology and lifestyle. The broad approach of physicians remains equally important in order not only to combat individual precedents, but also to overcome the preconditions for emerging precedents. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to reveal the theoretical patterns of hygiene and public health established by the hygienists of the Vilnius Hygiene Department as well as the attempts to apply them in practice.Methods: The study was conducted by analyzing the primary and secondary historical sources using the comparative method. A lot of data from the Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas (Lithuanian Central State Archives) that had been used in this research were published for the first time. According to the original archival data, an analysis of the scientific publications of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Stephen Bathory was made to find out the priorities of the research carried out at that time.Conclusions: The complicated economic conditions, the lack of support from the local and central government as well as the imperfections in health legislation of that time hindered the full implementation of the hygienist strategies of the University of Stephen Bathory. However, the activities of the Department of Hygiene of Stephen Bathory University had a significant impact on the development of hygiene science as well as medical practice in the Vilnius region during the Interwar period (1919–1939).
Cel badań: W okresie międzywojennym system opieki zdrowotnej przeżył dramatyczną transformację. Uważano, że medycyna zapobiegawcza jest nie mniej ważna niż medycyna lecznicza. Ponadto, bez zapobiegania tzw. chorobom społecznym wszystkie późniejsze działania stawały się kosztowniejsze i nieefektywne. Walkę z konsekwencjami zastąpiono środkami ukierunkowanymi na zapobieganie. Zwalczanie chorób społecznych wymagało odpowiedniej strategii państwowej i obszernego zestawu narzędzi. Uniwersyteccy naukowcy też mieli udział w tej walce. Badanie wykazało, że w okresie międzywojennym, na Wydziale Lekarskim Uniwersytetu Stefana Batorego w Wilnie, wartość – jaką było zapobieganie chorobom – była zrozumiała, a samo leczenie nie było oddzielone od higieny tak wyraźnie, jak to jest dzisiaj. Mechanizmy zapobiegawcze zostały opracowane zarówno przez wielu higienistów, jak i klinicystów. Szeroka wiedza lekarzy pozwoliła im dostrzec nie tylko biomedyczne, ale także społeczne i ekonomiczne aspekty choroby. Higieniści i lekarze zachęcali władze centralne i lokalne do współpracy i koordynacji działań zapobiegających chorobom oraz do edukacji lokalnej ludności.Postęp nauk medycznych w Europie i na świecie, a także ideologia sowiecka w Europie Wschodniej, odwracały uwagę lekarzy od poszukiwań społecznej etiologii chorób. Leczenie biomedyczne było skuteczniejsze i od tego czasu rozwój badań nad higieną społeczną w Europie Wschodniej, bardzo spowolnił. Higiena społeczna w Związku Radzieckim była bardzo upolityczniona, można ją było interpretować tylko w kategoriach sowieckiego modelu pojęciowego. System opieki zdrowotnej stworzony w Związku Radzieckim został uznany za najlepszy na świecie. Dane statystyk medycznych były ukrywane przed opinią publiczną, ponieważ ich logiczna interpretacja mogła ujawnić społeczne przyczyny choroby i wady obecnego systemu.Dzisiaj, aby ulepszyć mechanizmy zdrowia publicznego, czasami musimy powracać do podstawowych idei. Warto zastanowić się nad podstawowymi pytaniami – czym jest zdrowie publiczne i jak je osiągnąć. Szerokie podejście do problemu, wrażliwość na pochodzenie społeczne choroby i wytrwałość w walce z nią, wszelkimi możliwymi środkami, mogłaby być wzorem dla dzisiejszych lekarzy. W tamtym czasie nauka o zdrowiu zbliżyła się do idei, że najwyższym celem zapobiegania chorobom jest stworzenie zdrowego środowiska oraz zapewnienie zdrowych warunków do życia i pracy. Chociaż dzisiaj żyjemy w o wiele bezpieczniejszym środowisku niż ludzie w tamtych czasach, zmiany w technologii i stylu życia, mogą powodować nowe zagrożenia. Szerokie podejście lekarzy pozostaje dziś równie ważne, aby zwalczać nie tylko same precedensy, ale także wstępne warunki ich pojawiania się. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ujawnienie teoretycznych wzorców w zakresie higieny i zdrowia publicznego ustanowionego przez higienistów Zakładu Higieny w Wilnie, a także prób ich zastosowania w praktyce.Metody: Badanie przeprowadzono poprzez analizę pierwotnych i wtórnych źródeł historii. Zastosowano metodę porównawczą. Wiele danych z Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas (Litewskiego Centralnego Archiwum Państwowego) zostanie opublikowanych po raz pierwszy. Zgodnie z oryginalnymi danymi archiwalnymi przeprowadzono analizę publikacji naukowych Wydziału Lekarskiego Uniwersytetu Stefana Batora, aby ustalić priorytetowe kierunki prowadzonych w tym czasie badań.Wnioski: Skomplikowane warunki ekonomiczne, brak poparcia ze strony władz lokalnych i centralnej administracji oraz niedoskonałości ustawodawstwa zdrowotnego w tamtym okresie uniemożliwiły pełne wdrożenie strategii higienistycznych wypracowanych w Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego. Jednakże uważamy, że działania higienistów USB miały znaczący wpływ na rozwój nauki higieny i praktyki lekarskiej na Wileńszczyźnie w okresie międzywojennym (1919–1939).
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