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Vox Patrum
vol. 10
The full approach of St. Irenaeus to the phenomenon of the heretical movements was shaped by his Christian faith. This fact allowed him first to see the nature of every heresy as an opposite reality to the Church's evangelization.
Vox Patrum
vol. 46
Durch die Untersuchung der wichtigsten Ubersetzungen des Adversus haereses III 3, 1-3 versucht man den theołogischen Kommentar und das Verstandnis des Textes aufzudecken. Dazu hilft auch die griechische Riickubersetzung in „Sources Chretiennes" (L. Doutrełeau und A. Rousseau). Die Autoritat der rómischen Kirche besteht auf der Griindungsautoritat (Aposteł Petrus und Paulus) und auf die ałłen Christen bekannte apostołische Lehre gegeniiber der gnostischen, geheimen Meinungen.
Forum Philosophicum
vol. 18
issue 2
The subject of this paper is a specific form of cosmogony—the conception of cosmogonic objectivation, interpreted as a tragedy or cosmogonic fall. This conception is examined on the basis of the evidence furnished by two sets of materials: firstly, the original texts and paraphrases of the Valentinian Gnostics of the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD (Irenaeus Adversus haereses, 1.1.1–1.1.10; Excerpta ex Theodoto, compiled by Clement of Alexandria; and The Gospel of Truth from the Nag Hammadi Library), and secondly, the writings of the Russian philosophers Vladimir Solovyov, Lev Karsavin and Nikolay Berdyaev. The research reveals a series of specific features common to both of these: in particular, the conception of cosmogonic objectivation appears to be connected with the doctrine of the absolute person’s fall, and with the motive of self-alienation.
Vox Patrum
vol. 6
In the present raport I would like to draw attention to two Fathers of the Church - Irenaeus and Eznik of Kolb - whose works contain polemics against Marcion.
Christian tradition has not been consistent with regards to the date of the Book of Revelation. According to ancient sources, the book was written under Claudius, Nero, Domitian, or Trajan. Among these four traditions, the strongest is that associated with Domitian. The first proponent of this view was Irenaeus. He was quoted by Eusebius, Victorinus, Jerome and several other Church Fathers, because they believed he was a disciple of a disciple of John the Apostle, the author of the Book of Revelation. Consequently, Irenaeus was commonly treated as the best source of information on this subject. This view was dominant among Biblical scholars until to the present day. Evidence for the earlier date under Nero is even older, but not as strong. This view was rejected by majority of Church Fathers. At the present time, only some scholars prefer the Neronic date.
Głosy tradycji dotyczące daty Apokalipsy są niejednorodne. Według starożytnych źródeł księga ta została napisana za cesarza Klaudiusza, Nerona, Domicjana oraz Trajana. Wśród tych wskazań najsilniejsze wsparcie uzyskuje cesarz Domicjan. Pierwszym zwolennikiem takiego datowania był Ireneusz. Pogląd Ireneusza był cytowany przez Euzebiusza, Wiktoryna, Hieronima i kilku innych Ojców Kościoła, stał się poglądem dominującym ze względu na przekonanie, że Ireneusz był uczniem ucznia Jana Apostoła, autora Apokalipsy. W rezultacie Ireneusz był powszechnie traktowany jako najlepsze źródło informacji na ten temat. Ten pogląd dominuje wśród biblistów po dzień dzisiejszy. Świadectwa na rzecz powstania Apokalipsy w czasach Nerona są nawet starsze, ale nie mają tak silnego oparcia wśród autorytetów. Pogląd ten był odrzucany przez większość ojców Kościoła. Obecnie jedynie niektórzy bibliści opowiadają się za czasami Nerona, jako datą powstania tej księgi.
NelPinsegnamento di Giovanni Paolo II molto frequenti sono stati i riferimenti all’opera di Ireneo di Lione, per cui questo fatto merita una attenzione particolare, quando vogliamo determinare il ruolo dei Padri della Chiesa nel suo magistero. Durante la visista in Francia, del 1986, questo Papa ha dedicato un discorso particolare a Ireneo, durante Pincontro eon i docenti dell’Universita Cattolica di Lione (il 7 ottobre). Parlando del Vescovo di Lione e delPattualita del suo messaggio, Giovanni Paolo II ha sottolineato particolarmente la sua teologia della Tradizione e la necessita di un confronto creativo della teologia fondata sulla Tradizione eon la cultura attuale che e sempre legata al modo di manfestarsi della fede. Tra le questioni fondamentali e generali ha messo in rilievo la questione della comprensione adegata delPantropologia orientata alla teologia, secondo il noto principio formulato da Ireneo: Gloria Dei vivens homo. Dalia presentazione delPopera del Vescovo di Lione risulta l’impostazione di fondo che permette di chiamarlo: „II teologo di Dio e delPuomo”.
Nell'insegnamento di Giovanni Paolo II molto frequenti sono stati i riferimenti all’opera di Ireneo di Lione, per cui questo fatto merita una attenzione particolare, quando vogliamo determinare il ruolo dei Padri della Chiesa nel suo magistero. Durante la visista in Francia, del 1986, questo Papa ha dedicato un discorso particolare a Ireneo, durante l'incontro con i docenti dell’Universita Cattolica di Lione (il 7 ottobre). Parlando del Vescovo di Lione e dell'attualita del suo messaggio, Giovanni Paolo II ha sottolineato particolarmente la sua teologia della Tradizione e la necessita di un confronto creativo della teologia fondata sulla Tradizione con la cultura attuale che e sempre legata al modo di manfestarsi della fede. Tra le questioni fondamentali e generali ha messo in rilievo la questione della comprensione adegata dell'antropologia orientata alla teologia, secondo il noto principio formulato da Ireneo: Gloria Dei vivens homo. Dalla presentazione dell'opera del Vescovo di Lione risulta l’impostazione di fondo che permette di chiamarlo: „II teologo di Dio e dell'uomo”.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 10
issue 1
The aim of the article is to compare the exegesis of verse 1 Cor 15:50 in early patristic literature on the example of the writings of three authors: Irenaeus of Lyon – rep-resentative of the Asian tradition; Tertullian of Cartage – associated with the North African tradition, similar in many points to Asian; and Origen – originating from the Alexandrian tradition. All these writers used the moral interpretation of the phrase “flesh and blood” as sinful deeds, which should be abandoned to enter the kingdom of heaven. Each of them, however, also allowed the literal explanation of this verse, trying to reconcile it with the truth of faith about the bodily resurrection. Irenaeus emphasized that the body can not be resurrected and reach the kingdom of God with its own strength, but only with the help of the Holy Spirit. Tertullian thought that the body in the earth would resurrect, but it would not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven without accepting features adapted to the new reality. Origen went the farthest, undermining the possibility of returning to earth-shaped bodies. The analysis of early Christian commentary on the Pauline verse proves that pa-tristic exegesis was theologically oriented and depended on the contemporary doctrinal disputes. One may also notice a certain paradox: sometimes in order to justify a particular philosophical and theological stand, a proponent of literalism or moderate allegorisation might attach more importance to the portable meaning of the inspired text than the alleged allegorist, which in turn referred to a far-reaching literal interpretation.
Vox Patrum
vol. 42
L'article presente les questions fondamentales de l'anthropologie patristique aux IIe et IIIe siecles: les traits caracteristiques des notions de l'image de Dieu et de la ressemblance de Dieu, et la relation entre elles. L'auteur compare deux ecrivains majeurs de cette periode: Irenee, lie avec la tradition asiatique (plus „materialiste") et Origene, representant de la tradition alexandrine (plus „spirituelle"). Dans leur doctrines il y a quelques elements presque identiques: le sens christologique de l'image (c'est le Christ qui est vraie et premiere image de Dieu); la difference sementique entre notions de l'image et de la ressemblance; le caractere statique et ontique de l'image, et active et moral de la ressemblance. Mais malgre ces points communs, Irenee et Origene comprennent autrement ces deux notions et en consequence leur doctrines anthropologiques sont differentes.
Vox Patrum
vol. 38
La teologia dell’incarnazione di Ireneo di Lione e essenziale per la cristolgia, escatologia e la teologia della storia. La risposta di Ireneo alla gnosi consiste anzitutto nell'affermazione della realta e storicita del Cristo e dei fatti della sua vita. Ireneo vede l'Incarnazione come un momento preciso della storia. Usando l'espressione biblica „negli ultimi tempi" Ireneo vuole mostrare che gli ultimi tempi sono quelli inaugurati dalia nascita di Cristo e significano in effetti il tempo dell’ncarnazione, non quello della parusia.
La teologia dell’incarnazione di Ireneo di Lione e essenziale per la cristolgia, escatologia e la teologia della storia. La risposta di Ireneo alla gnosi consiste anzitutto nell'affermazione della realta e storicita del Cristo e dei fatti della sua vita. Ireneo vede l'Incarnazione come un momento preciso della storia. Usando l'espressione biblica „negli ultimi tempi" Ireneo vuole mostrare che gli ultimi tempi sono quelli inaugurati dalla nascita di Cristo e significano in effetti il tempo dell’Incarnazione, non quello della parusia.
FROM ONE GOSPEL OF CHRIST TO FOUR GOSPELS OF THE CHURCH (Summary)   The Early Church had to deal with numerous issues while fulfilling Its mission. One of them was the question of formulating the unambiguous list of canonical writings, especially Gospels, which would serve as a foundation for shaping of Its life and Its doctrine. The problem was even more complicated since one Gospel taught by Jesus before long became the source for manifold writings which aspired to become Its authentic testimony. As a result, a lot of Gospels appeared. The question of making the right choice became the source of actions and the subject of debates held by Marcion of Sinope, Justin Martyr, Tatian the Syrian, and finally Saint Irenaeus. The latter, most notably contributed to the codification of all four, now-canonical Gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (one Gospel in four variations) as a rule for Church life. The article includes the attempt to recreate the process which took place in the 2nd century.
Pośród wielu zagadnień, które musiał podjąć pierwotny Kościół w swojej misji, było także przyjęcie jednoznacznie określonego korpusu pism, a zwłaszcza Ewangelii, aby móc na tym fundamencie kształtować swoje życie i swoją doktrynę. Problem komplikował się z tego powodu, że jedna Ewangelia głoszona przez Chrystusa bardzo szybko stała się źródłem wielu pism, które pretendowały do stania się jej autentycznym świadectwem. Pojawiło się wiele Ewangelii. Kwestia dokonania odpowiedniego wyboru stała się przedmiotem poczynań i sporów, w których uczestniczyli Marcjon, Justyn, Tacjan, a w końcu Ireneusza z Lyonu. Ten ostatni w najwyższym stopniu przyczynił się do skodyfikowania zbioru czterech Ewangelii: Mateusza, Marka Łukasza i Jana (jednej Ewangelii w czterech formach) jako normy życia kościelnego. Artykuł zawiera próbę odtworzenia tego procesu, który dokonał się w II wieku.
Vox Patrum
vol. 64
Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie egzegezy wersetu 1Kor 15, 50 w literaturze wczesnochrześcijańskiej na przykładzie pism trzech autorów, reprezentujących podstawowe tradycje geograficzno-kulturowe funkcjonujące w Kościele pierw­szych wieków: Ireneusza z Lyonu – przedstawiciela tradycji azjatyckiej; Tertu­liana z Kartaginy – związanego z tradycją północnoafrykańską, zbliżoną w wielu punktach do azjatyckiej; oraz Orygenesa – wywodzącego się z tradycji aleksan­dryjskiej. U wszystkich wspomnianych pisarzy przeważała interpretacja moral­na zwrotu „ciało i krew” jako grzesznych uczynków, które należy porzucić, aby wejść do królestwa niebieskiego. Każdy z nich dopuszczał jednak również swo­istą interpretację dosłowną tego wersetu, próbując pogodzić ją z fundamentalną prawdą wiary o cielesnym zmartwychwstaniu: Ireneusz akcentował, że ciało nie może zmartwychwstać i osiągnąć królestwa Bożego o własnych siłach, a jedynie z pomocą Ducha Świętego; Tertulian był przekonany, że ciało w ziemskiej pos­taci zmartwychwstanie, ale nie będzie mogło wejść do królestwa niebieskiego bez przyjęcia nowych cech; Orygenes posunął się najdalej, podając w wątpliwość powrót do życia ciał w ziemskim kształcie. Przeanalizowane komentarze do Paw­łowego wersetu dowodzą, że egzegeza patrystyczna była ukierunkowana teolo­gicznie i zależna od ówczesnych sporów doktrynalnych. Ukazują też pewien pa­radoks: niekiedy w celu uzasadnienia konkretnego stanowiska filozoficzno-teolo­gicznego zwolennik literalizmu lub umiarkowanej alegorezy mógł przywiązywać większą wagę do przenośnego znaczenia tekstu natchnionego niż zdeklarowany alegorysta, który z kolei odwoływał się do daleko idącej interpretacji dosłownej.
Vox Patrum
vol. 63
The article expounds on the groundwork laid by the first Latin treaty De haeresibus by Philastrius, the fourth-century bishop of Brescia, analyzed on the background of writings of Irenaeus, Tertullian and Origen, how the rooted in Gnosticism representatives of early Christian heresies (Carpocratians, Saturninus, Valentinus, Apelles, Marcion, Manicheans) have comprehended the genesis of man’s body. After a general delivery of early Christian doubts regarding the value of human flesh, different varieties of heretical paradox – ensuing from Platonic and Gnostic cosmo-anthropological tendencies – are presented. The paradox could be formulated in the following manner: human body of the first man Adam – and correspondingly all of his descendants – is genetically and ontologically evil as being an elementary constituent of the material world. Hence the flesh of a new Adam, i.e. Christ, must come form another realm and be free of the earthly materiality in order to be good by nature and worthy of Saviour’s person. The presented mode of thinking instigated the rise of theological misconceptions, in particular the eschatological ones denying human body the possibility of resurrec­tion and recognizing – in a Gnostic fashion – the liberation of man from flesh, not his salvation alongside his body.
It is true that the Fathers of the Church before Augustine did not use the term „original sin”. However, in the writings of very many of them, both in the East and in the West, we do find a belief in the solidarity of all people with Adam or even in the unity of entire humanity in Adam. Talking about the first sin the Fathers use the expression „our” sin; they claim that „we” offended God in Adam, they admit that „we all” were in Adam’s loins when he committed the sin, and finally they straightforwardly claim that „all people” sinned in Adam. Some of them feel personally responsible for the offence committed in Paradise. Most of the Fathers, and perhaps even all of them, were convinced of real unity of entire humanity and they considered participation of all people in Adam’s sin as one of the aspects of that unity. The fall of the first man separated not only himself, but also all people from the communion with God, because every man somehow participated in that fall. And that is, after all, the very essence of the original sin.
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