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The article discusses a rather obscure aspect of the presence of persons of Hungarian origin in the Pauline monastery in Jasna Góra.
Artykuł omawia mało znany aspekt obecności osób pochodzenia węgierskiego w klasztorze paulińskim na Jasnej Górze.
The publication comprises correspondence between the Abbot of the Jasna Góra Monastery Hilarion Szuffranowicz, and the authorities of the Duchy of Warsaw, represented by the Minister of Interior Jan Paweł Łuszczewski, and the Chief Commander Prince Józef Poniatowski. The correspondence pertains to recovering from in Wiener Stadtbank two deposits made by the Jasna Góra Pauline monastery. The funds were deposited in the Viennese bank at the time of the Bar Confederation (1768–1772), and were taken over by the Austrians in 1798 by virtue of a decree by Emperor Francis II. In 1809, after the victorious campaign and the capture of a large part of Galicia by the Polish army, the Pauline monks of Częstochowa made efforts to recover the two deposits with due interest. In order to obtain the help of the government of the Duchy of Warsaw, they ceded the funds to the Polish state.
Edycja zawiera korespondencję przeora klasztoru jasnogórskiego Hilariona Szuffranowicza z władzami Księstwa Warszawskiego reprezentowanymi przez Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych, Jana Pawła Łuszczewskiego oraz naczelnego wodza, księcia Józefa Poniatowskiego. Korespondencja dotyczy sprawy odzyskania z Wiedeńskiego Banku Miejskiego sum dwóch depozytów złożonych w nim przez klasztor jasnogórski paulinów. Sumy te zostały ulokowane w wiedeńskim banku jeszcze w czasie konfederacji barskiej (1768–1772), a w 1798 r. zostały przejęte przez Austriaków na mocy dekretu cesarza Franciszka II. W 1809 r., po zwycięskiej kampanii i zajęciu znacznej części Galicji przez wojska polskie, częstochowscy paulini podjęli starania o odzyskanie tych dwóch depozytów oraz należnych im odsetek. Aby uzyskać pomoc rządu Księstwa Warszawskiego dokonali ich cesji na rzecz państwa polskiego.
Louis Maader (also known from sources as Ludovico or Lodovico Maader) was a composer acting on Polish territory in the second half of the eighteenth century. He came to Jasna Góra at the end of September 1784, and was appointed as a bandmaster, serving them until the end of 1798. The information about his life and work is scarce. We do not know what exactly were his previous activities. However, it is known that he came to Poland from Moravia, specifically from Dub nad Moravou - a small town near Olomouc, where Maader was employed during the years 1777–1783 as one of the five instrumentalists – probably as violinist. In the archives of Jasna Gora we can find his nineteen works in the form of manuscripts. Most of them were written by the composer himself. These include: Masses, Offertories, antiphons, litanies and other songs in the arias. Arias belong to the most interesting works of the composer. These include: Aria in D (Ave mundi spes Maria), Aria I in G (En tanto quem Labore), Aria de Passione in Dis (and Oh Jesu spinis acerbissimis), Aria II in G (Sexaginta jam sunt anni) Aria III (vidit inter chorus Angelorum).
The aim of the work was to identify patterns in the distribution and generic structure of the institutional space around the Shrine of Our Lady of Jasna Góra in Częstochowa. The spatial scope covered the institutional space of the city of Częstochowa within a radius of 1,100 m from the Shrine. The empirical study was based on the data obtained from the field inventory, as of 2018.The analysis showed a clear relationship between the sacred space and the institutional space of the city. The research allowed distinguishing three of its main dimensions: functional, demand-related and that related to the prestige of the place.
Celem pracy była identyfikacja prawidłowości w rozmieszczeniu i strukturze rodzajowej przestrzeni instytucjonalnej w obszarze wokół Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej na Jasnej Górze. Zakres terytorialny objął przestrzeń instytucjonalną miasta Częstochowy w promieniu 1100 m od sanktuarium. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w końcu 2018 r., a ich podstawą była inwentaryzacja terenowa.Wyniki wskazały na istnienie wyraźnych związków pomiędzy przestrzenią instytucjonalną miasta a przestrzenią sakralną. Badania pozwoliły na wyróżnienie trzech jego zasadniczych wymiarów: funkcjo-nalnego, popytowego oraz związanego z prestiżem miejsca.
Peregrination of a copy of the painting of Our Lady of Częstochowa was one of the key components of a huge programme of Christian ministry, which, in connection with the millennial celebrations of the Christianization of Poland, was planned and implemented by the Polish primate, Cardinal  Stefan Wyszyński. In response, the communist authorities prevented the peregrination of the painting.
Peregrynacja kopii obrazu Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej była jednym z najważniejszych elementów wielkiego programu duszpasterskiego, który w związku z obchodami Tysiąclecia Chrztu Polski, ułożył i realizował prymas Polski kard. Stefan Wyszyński. W reakcji komunistyczne władze zablokowały możliwość peregrynacji obrazu.
The paper focuses on the bibliography concerning the issue of the books and the library in the Jasna Góra Monastery. The author used fifty-eight texts (books, magazine articles and publications included in part-works), which were found in The Polish Bibliography of Bibliology in printed (1937-2007) and electronic (1995-) versions. The material was divided into four thematic groups: The library of the Jasna Góra Monastery, Library Collections in Jasna Góra in Częstochowa, Manuscripts and archive material in Jasna Góra, Printing industry in Jasna Góra. The work also presents the research problems already discussed by the researchers, such as the history of the library in 17th and 18th centuries (Fr. Leander Pietras, Fr. Jarosław Łuniewski), the iconographic program of the library interior (Anna Stępnik, Mariusz Karpowicz), the protection of the collections (Leonard Ogierman), the history of the Pauline copyists and their works (Fr. Janusz Zbudniewek) and the history of the printing house of Jasna Góra and its products (Henryk Czerwień). The existing studies should be regarded as rich but still insufficient.
The author presents the issue of the relationships of the bishops from the Diocese of Kujawy-Kalisz to Jasna Góra in the period after the January Uprising. Negative opinions spread about these bishops were the inspiration for this research. This study was based on a critical use of sources, which are in the Russian State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg, the Archive of Jasna Góra, the Diocesan Archive in Włocławek and the State Archive in Częstochowa. The author attempted to present the situation of the bishops constrained by the requirements of the Russian state law. This law was formulated in such a way as to enslave the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and lead to the extinction of the monastic life. The Pauline monastery was threatened not only by the destructive actions of the Russian authorities but also by deepening internal crisis, which was used by the mentioned authorities. The Jasna Góra Monastery survived and was able to revive after the collapse of the tsarist rule in Częstochowa. Credit for this revival, in large part, goes to the rulers of the Diocese of Kujawy-Kalisz, who defended the monastery and at the same time tried to influence its spiritual rebirth.
The aim of the paper is to present both genesis and origins of the First Pomeranian Pilgrimage from Toruń to Jasna Góra Monastery in the year 1979. The author describes the ideas that motivated its initiators, various organizational (both secular and clerical) preliminary activities, different variants of pilgrimage routs and direct organizational activities just before the marching out of Toruń. He also describes the opening day of the pilgrimage, i.e. 5th August 1979, and presents the list of priests that took part in the pilgrimage. The Pomeranian Pilgrimage from Toruń to Jasna Góra Monastery became an important part of Polish pilgrimage movement and every year it attracted crowds of people who lived not only in Toruń, but also in other Pomeranian cities and villages (also outside the Diocese of Culm). The Pomeranian Walking Pilgrimage was one of the most important manifestations of Catholic religiosity after the II World War. It was also a visible sign of piety and attachment of Poles to their religion that in those days was repressed by the Communist regime. Certainly the Pomeranian Walking Pilgrimage was an important element of Pomeranian religious landscape that was of benefit not only to Toruń, but also the Diocese of Culm, and its influences are still visible, though it last marched out in 1991.
Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die Hintergründe der ersten Pilgerfahrt von Thorn nach Tschenstochau darzustellen, die im Jahre 1979 erstmalig stattfand. Der Autor stellt ihre Genese, die säkulare und geistliche Tätigkeiten, die mit ihr verbunden waren, die Varianten der Routen und die organisatorische Tätigkeiten kurz vor dem Abmarsch, dar. Er beschreibt auch den Tag, wann die Pilgerfahrt begann (den 5. August 1979) und zählt die Priester auf, die in der Pilgerfahrt teil nahmen. Seit 1979 wurde die Pilgerfahrt ein festes Teil Polnischer Pilgerbewegung. Jahr für Jahr nahm in ihr eine Menge von Leuten teil, die nicht nur aus Thorn kamen, sondern auch aus der ganzen Region Kujawien-Pommern (und nicht nur Diözese Culm). Die Pommersche Pilgerfahrt war ein wichtiger Ausdruck der Religiosität in Nachkriegspolen. Sie war auch ein Zeichen der Frömmigkeit und der Bindung an Religion, die damals bekämpft von Kommunisten war. Ohne Zweifel beeinflusste die Pommersche Pilgerfahrt sowohl Thorn, als auch Diözese Culm. Überdies kann man ihren Einfluss noch finden, obwohl sie im Jahr 1991 zum letzten Mal stattfand.
The Vespers attracted the interest of many church composers and were – apart from the Mass – the second most frequently chosen service text. The musical setting of this part of officium divinum became richer in the course of time, especially in the monastic rite. The Vespers of Jasna Góra were of special nature since the prayer of the monks was accompanied by the Pauline monastery music ensemble. Its repertoire included works by composers connected with Częstochowa, who were instrumentalists or kapellmeisters in the monastery.The article presents seven composers connected with Jasna Góra in the 1700’s. The material was analyzed in terms of the relationship between the liturgical text and the musical setting, which was the very core of the 18th century art of composition. The musical works studied show features characteristic for the music of early Classical period, at the same time retaining some elements typical of the Baroque rhetoric. The Vespers of Jasna Góra are valuable evidence of Polish cultural heritage – one of the few preserved works of this kind.
Opracowania tekstów nieszpornych stanowiły drugą, obok mszy, grupę utworów chętnie podejmowanych przez kompozytorów tworzących na potrzeby Kościoła. Celebrowanie tej części officium divinum zyskało w ciągu wieków bogatą oprawę muzyczną, zwłaszcza w rycie monastycznym. Szczególny charakter miały vesperae na Jasnej Górze, gdzie codziennej modlitwie zakonników towarzyszyła paulińska kapela. Repertuar tego zespołu obejmował m.in. kompozycje twórców związanych z Częstochową, pełniących w klasztorze funkcje kapelmistrzów lub instrumentalistów.Artykuł prezentuje dzieła siedmiu kompozytorów związanych z Jasną Górą w XVIII wieku. Materiał przeanalizowano pod względem związków tekstu liturgicznego z oprawą dźwiękową, będącego kluczowym zagadnieniem ówczesnej sztuki kompozycji. Analizowane utwory wykazują cechy znamionujące twórców doby wczesnego klasycyzmu, chociaż nadal obecne są w nich środki charakterystyczne dla barokowych retorów. Jasnogórskie nieszpory są cennym świadectwem kultury dawnej Polski – jednym z nielicznych zabytków, które przetrwały do naszych czasów.
The practice of going on a pilgrimage occurs in almost all religions. People travel to the holy places to fulfill the acts of piety and penance. In Poland, the most important pilgrimage centre is the Jasna Góra Monastery, which is visited every year by 4-5 million pilgrims. Since 1979, a pilgrimage from Halemba – one of Ruda Ślaska's districts – to Częstochowa departs. Every year, several hundred people participate in it (young people, middle generation, parents with children, the disabled in wheelchairs), who go in both directions. The pilgrimage is accompanied by the specific rituals (so-called Halemba's day in Częstochowa, a festival of pilgrimage songs, games by the fire), which cause that it is seen as attractive and satisfying the needs of a modern man, both in the spiritual and worldly sphere.
Praktyka pielgrzymowania występuje we wszystkich prawie religiach. Ludzie pielgrzymują do miejsc świętych, aby spełniać tam określone akty pobożności i pokuty. W Polsce najważniejszym centrum pielgrzymkowym jest Jasna Góra, którą rokrocznie odwiedza 4-5 mln pątników. Od 1979 roku wyrusza do Częstochowy piesza pielgrzymka z Halemby – jednej z dzielnic Rudy Śląskiej. Każdego roku bierze w niej udział kilkaset osób (młodzież, średnie pokolenie, rodzice z dziećmi, niepełnosprawni na wózkach inwalidzkich), które idą pieszo w obie strony. Pielgrzymce towarzyszą charakterystyczne rytuały (tzw. dzień halembski w Częstochowie, festiwal pieśni pielgrzymkowych, wspólna zabawa przy ognisku), które sprawiają, iż jawi się ona jako atrakcyjna, spełniająca potrzeby współczesnego człowieka tak w sferze duchowej, jak i świeckiej.
After its defence against the Swedish army (1655) and the vows of Jan Kazimierz (1656), Jasna Góra gradually became a national shrine and the spiritual capital of Poland. The persistence of Marian devotion is an expression of the nation’s symbiosis with the Church in the religious, moral, cultural, social and political fields. The major Marian celebrations were combined with the celebration of the Constitution of 3 May (Our Lady Queen of Poland), and mass walking pilgrimages: 15 August (Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and 26 August (Feast of Our Lady of Jasna Góra), as well as 8 September (Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary). The great Primates of Poland, Cardinal August Hlond and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, were both confrères of the Pauline Order. They also made more important decisions at Jasna Gora during the deliberations of the Polish Episcopal Conference, the Legal Commission or the General Council. The national shrine was the site of the First Plenary Synod of the reborn Poland (1936), the completed central celebration of the Sacrum Poloniae Millenium (1966) and numerous vows and acts of devotion. The aforementioned primates often came to pray before the miraculous image of the Black Madonna both privately, occasionally and officially. During the interwar period, Cardinal A. Hlond mainly participated in pilgrimages of professional groups. After World War II, during the communist period, under the next prime minister, pilgrimage on foot developed on a massive scale. Throughout his Primate’s ministry, Cardinal S. Wyszyński referred in his sermons and speeches to the Marian-themed sentences uttered by his predecessor on his deathbed, which he described as a spiritual testament.
Jasna Góra po obronie przed wojskami szwedzkimi (1655) i ślubach Jana Kazimierza (1656) stawała się sukcesywnie sanktuarium narodowym i duchową stolicą Polski. Trwałość kultu maryjnego jest wyrazem symbiozy narodu z Kościołem w dziedzinie religijno-moralnej, kulturalnej, społecznej i politycznej. Główne uroczystości maryjne łączono z obchodami Konstytucji 3 Maja (Matki Bożej Królowej Polski), masowymi pieszymi pielgrzymkami: 15 sierpnia (uroczystość Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny i 26 sierpnia (uroczystość Matki Boskiej Jasnogórskiej), a także 8 września (święto Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny). Wielcy prymasi Polski: kard. August Hlond i kard. Stefan Wyszyński byli konfratrami zakonu paulinów. Oni też ważniejsze decyzje podejmowali na Jasnej Górze podczas obrad Konferencji Episkopatu Polski, Komisji Prawnej czy Rady Głównej. W sanktuarium narodowym odbył się Pierwszy Synod Plenarny Odrodzonej Polski (1936), zakończone centralne obchody Sacrum Poloniae Millenium (1966) oraz liczne ślubowania i akty oddania. Wymienieni prymasi przybywali często na modlitwę przed cudownym obrazem Czarnej Madonny zarówno prywatnie, okazjonalnie, jak i urzędowo. Kardynał A. Hlond w okresie międzywojennym uczestniczył głównie w pielgrzymkach grup zawodowo-stanowych. Po II wojnie światowej w okresie komunistycznym, za kolejnego prymasa, na masową skalę rozwinął się pieszy ruch pielgrzymkowy. Kardynał S. Wyszyński przez cały okres prymasowskiego posługiwania w kazaniach i przemówieniach powoływał się na zdania o tematyce maryjnej wypowiedziane przez swojego poprzednika na łożu śmierci, które określał jako duchowy testament.
Edward Mąkosza (born on 13th November 1886 in Lisków, died on 25th April 1973 in Częstochowa) was a Polish composer, pedagogue, conductor, organist and ethnomusicologist. He was the main organiser of the musical life in Częstochowa. He is an author of circa 1000 compositions. He received numerous commendations and was a hero of the Jasna Góra Monastery. The article, presenting Edward Mąkosz’s biography, is to serve as an introduction to the comprehensive study of his work. The subsequent periods of his life (childhood, youth, professional work until World War II, professional work after World War II) are discussed. Then, we focus on the composer’s broadly understood activity: social, pedagogical and artistic undertakings. The article aims to show the professor’s entire life.
Edward Mąkosza (born on 13 November 1886 in Lisków, died on 25 April 1973 in Częstochowa) was a Polish composer, pedagogue, conductor, organist, and ethnomusicologist. He was the main organiser of musical life in Częstochowa. He wrote approximately a thousand compositions. He received numerous accolades and was hailed as a hero of the Jasna Góra Monastery. The paper presents Edward Mąkosza’s biography and is meant to serve as an introduction to a comprehensive study of his work. The successive periods of his life (childhood, youth, professional work until and after World War Two have been discussed. Subsequently I focus on the composer’s broadly understood professional activity: his teaching, artistic and community work. I thus attempt to present the professor’s entire biography.
vol. 18
issue 18
In 1942 occupation authorities of the General Government took a decision on transfer of the archives outside the municipal buildings of the city of Warsaw. The most valuable records were deposited at the Sokolnicki’s Stronghold in Zoliborz district. Meanwhile, facing the impending offensive against the Soviet army, Dr. Hans Branig decided on deportation of the most valuable archives to the Pauline Monastery of Jasna Góra in Częstochowa. Responsible for preparing storage for them was Dr. Kazimierz Kaczmarczyk, former director of the State Archives in Poznań. List of archives that were transferred was drawn up on July 4th, 1944. Items were packed in 43 chests. Among them were The Crown Metric from The Central Archives of Historical Records and the oldest records from the Municipal Archives and Archives of Historical Records. Transportation could not take place due to threat of uprising in August 1944. This was only possible on November 25th–27th, 1944, when the Soviet offensive was already a fact. Then 59 packs of parchments (279 boxes), 84 packets with the cartographic acts and 117 boxes of the Crown Registers and the oldest land and municipal registers as well as records of guilds from the holdings of The Central Archives of Historical Records were with high probability transported via three cars. Archival materials were deposited in the confessors of the Church. Holder of the keys was Kaczmarczyk, who along with Stanislaw Stojanowski arranged records for the last days of German occupation and after the arrival of the Russians. The archives returned to Warsaw city probably in the late summer of 1946. Then records were deposited temporarily at one of Warsaw’s Palaces (Pod Blachą Palace).
The image of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa, cared for by the Pauline monks at the Jasna Góra monastery for over 600 years, which is of a great religious importance and, in addition, belongs to the most valuable monuments of the Polish history and religious art, has been secured with a new, bulletproof glass and equipped with the specially designed air conditioning system. The system ensures maintaining optimum humidity, temperature and air quality, similarly to air-conditioned museum display cases for particularly valuable exhibits. In the case under consideration, the difference is that, instead of a display case, there is an old, historical safe, which has been protecting the painting for more than 100 years. Now, thanks to the modern air conditioning system of the company “Glasbau Hahn GmbH” from Frankfurt am Main, it will be possible for it to protect the painting for a long time. The safe was built in the historical period most dramatic for Poland and the Pauline monks, when, after the January Uprising, Russian occupant authorities decided on a gradual dissolution of the order and when, in the atmosphere of the upcoming disaster, at night, on 22/23 October 1909, the jewels decorating the painting were stolen. Immediately after the theft, Father Euzebiusz Rejman, the prior of Jasna Góra, decided to secure the painting. He thought that the maximum protection would only be ensured by a safe, similar to strongboxes in banks. He hired Romuald Szymański’s firm for that purpose. The execution of that task, begun in spring 1910, lasted until August that year. A special system for lifting a heavy curtain covering the face of the painting, with counterbalances and gears was developed. Together with the safe itself, it is a valuable example of technology from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Thus, the discussed monument combines the historical values, both those of a technical nature and those which are a testimony of historical events. For that reason, it was resolved to leave the safe unchanged and increase its protective function by ensuring the air conditioning system for the painting. As a result of installing an autonomous air conditioner in combination with the use of gas – nitrogen, the task of protection of the painting from the conservator’s point of view was executed. It required a modification of the entire existing security system. The historical strongbox was carefully sealed and, from the side of the altar, closed with armour glass (sandwiched with PVB interlayers), 24 mm thick, with strong antireflex, fixed permanently in the construction of the frame with various control sensors and bundles of optical fibres which are the basic lighting for the painting.
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