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Recenzja omawia książkę Elwiry Jeglińskiej, dotyczącą wątków amerykańskich w twórczości Juliana Ursyna Niemcewicza. Jeglińska prezentuje genezę zainteresowań pisarza Stanami Zjednoczonymi u początków jego działalności publicznej, a następnie analizuje zawarte w licznych tekstach wspomnienia z okresu wieloletniego pobytu w USA, śledząc ewolucję poglądów poety na sprawy młodego państwa. Wyłaniający się ze spuścizny Niemcewicza obraz Ameryki jest malowany przez pryzmat wygnania i prefiguruje – zdaniem Jeglińskiej – postawy oraz środki literackiej ekspresji właściwe romantyzmowi.
The review discusses Elwira Jeglińska’s book on the American threads in Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz’s literary creativity. Jeglińska presents the origin of Niemcewicz’s interests in the United States of America at the beginning of his public activity and follows with analyses of the memories contained in numerous texts from the period of his long standing stay in the USA, in which she traces the evolution of the poet’s views on the new country issues. The image of America which emerges from Niemcewicz’s creativity is built through the prism of exile and it prefigures, in Jeglińska’s opinion, the attitudes and means of literary expression characteristic of romanticism.
The subject of the study is the edition of “Suspicious” (“Podejrzliwy”) by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (Warsaw 1831). This is the late political comedy by the author of “The return of the deputy” (“Powrót posła”), which in artistic way registers events that are a consequence of the tsarist policy of Alexander I towards Poles after 1818. In addition to the main plot intrigue, the comedy brings a picture of extensive espionage network managed by senator Nowosilcow and his supporters. “Suspicious” was written between September 9 and November 5, 1819, but some of the scenes were added only after 1822, after censorship blocked attempts to introduce comedy on the stage of the National Theater. It was then that events related to the Vilnius investigation and Filaret’s process took place (these events are present in the added scenes). The basis for the edition was the first edition of the comedy published in 1831, richer than the other versions due three additional scenes of the first act. It was compared with the autograph of the work preserved in the Raczyński’s Library in Poznań (reference number 41) and a manuscript copy made for the stage and sent to censorship in 1821.
The aim of the study is a re-reading of the contexts of Śpiewy historyczne [Historical Songs], with the assumption that the remarks on the collection made to date seem too often to suppose that it is first and foremost a cycle of patriotic poems for young people. Not arguing with this view (which is true to an extent), the author of the article decides to draw conclusions from the fact that the poet named his lyrics ‘historical’, which, naturally, had to lead to the concept of the collection to be placed within Enlightenment historiography. It is also established that Śpiewy can still be a considerable philological puzzle for the researcher, if one notices the extra-artistic circumstances in which the collection was constructed. To persuade the reader to agree with this outlook, the article presents, in the first instance, the important facts related to the inclusion of Bogurodzica [Mother of God] as an introduction to the text. It then discusses the events that led to this decision. Finally, the article tries to apprehend how the ‘mother of the song’ would be read in the era of Niemcewicz. The conclusions of this part of the article show that some of the opinions repeated in scholarly studies can be replications of a myth, ascribed to his work by Niemcewicz himself. Śpiewy historyczne are, however, worthy of attention, also because of their techniques of constructing a narrative of the past. These include: a tendency to quote respected figures, prevalent throughout the collection, a careful comparative reading of historical sources, and, finally, Niemcewicz’s own idea that the olden days corresponded to Enlightenment principles (as is the case in the song of Piast). The concept of the collection, as shown in the final passages of the article, was gradually evolving. The historiographic and artistic premise of Niemcewicz’s work was also influenced by the politics of the time, as well as by facts previously not connected to Śpiewy, such as the debut of Joachim Lelewel among the scholars associated with the Warsaw Society of Friends of Learning. Historical musings, as well as these contemporary circumstances, seem to have had a significant impact on the final message of Śpiewy historyczne.
J.U. Niemcewicz spent his life travelling around the world not excluding Poland. He saw numerous gardens and described many of them in his diaries, letters and travel journals. Niemcewicz was also familiar with English treatises on designing and planting gardens and he held Delille’s narrative poems in high esteem. Polish gardens are always for Niemcewicz lonely islands emerging from the panorama of ruined, poor and devastated Polish provinces. They are an alien but attractive phenomenon. The creation of gardens is interpreted by Niemcewicz as a way of escaping: the reality of extreme poverty (Helena Radziwiłłowa’s Arkadia), the torment of wasted life (Szczęsny Potocki’s Sofiówka), the history (the Bystry family’s Iwańczyce) and the never-ending patriotic duties (Ludwik Kropiński’s Woroczyn). They are also an attempt at realizing a dream, an attempt doomed to fail (Niemcewicz’s Ursynów).
The subject of the study is the edition of “Suspicious” (Podejrzliwy) by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (Warsaw 1831). This is the late political comedy by the author of “The return of the deputy” (Powrót posła), which in artistic way registers events that are a consequence of the tsarist policy of Alexander I towards Poles after 1818. In addition to the main plot intrigue, the comedy brings a picture of extensive espionage network managed by senator Nowosilcow and his supporters. “Suspicious” was written between September 9 and November 5, 1819, but some of the scenes were added only after 1822, once the censorship blocked attempts to introduce comedy on the stage of the National Theater. It was then that the events related to the Vilnius investigation and Filaret’s process took place (these events are present in the added scenes). The basis for the edition was the first edition of the comedy published in 1831, enriched by three scenes of the first act comparing to other broadcasts. It was compared with the autograph of the work preserved in the Raczyński’s Library in Poznań (reference number 41) and a manuscript copy made for the stage and sent to the censorship in 1821.
vol. 25
issue 2
The success of Daniel Defoe’s novel meant that its protagonist began to live as an emblematic figure for Western culture (especially English culture) expanding beyond the borders of Europe. Robinson epitomised a set of features guaranteeing success in the conquest of the world, a combination of individualism, entrepreneurship and Protestant religiosity. Despite the fact that the Polish mentality of noble origin had an anti-bourgeois bias, Defoe’s novel gained popularity also among Polish readers. Robinson Crusoe was an ally of those Polish writers who first worked to save the state at the end of the 18th century, and when they failed, at least tried to modernize the Polish mentality. One of them, Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, treated Robinson Crusoe as a borderline character between fiction and extra-literary truth. He, like Robinson, travelled to the New World and tried to survive there. In his diary and epistolary notes there are many motifs that are considered in connection with Defoe’s novel: migrations, ethnic conditions of colonisation, the attitude of newcomers to the indigenous inhabitants. It is also worth looking at the novel Jan z Tęczyna by Niemcewicz through the lens of Robinson Crusoe. The protagonist, like Robinson, is shipwrecked on an island. However, he does not manage to settle on the island because of internal obstacles: idealistic ideas about loving a woman and his own status as a Pole of an excellent family.
Opinia Jean-Jacquesa Rousseau o powieści Daniela Defoe (pierwodruk: 1719) wpłynęła na późniejsze przekłady i adaptacje dzieła. W jej następstwie upowszechniło się mocniejsze niż w oryginale eksponowanie doświadczeń wyspiarskich w dziejach Robinsona Crusoe. Sukces powieści sprawił też, że jej bohater zaczął żyć jako postać emblematyczna dla kultury zachodniej (zwłaszcza angielskiej) ekspandującej poza granice Europy. Robinson-rozbitek, który przez wiele lat dawał sobie radę na bezludnej wyspie, uosabiał zespół cech gwarantujących sukces w podboju świata, połączenie indywidualizmu, przedsiębiorczości, protestanckiej religijności. Mimo że polska mentalność o rodowodzie szlacheckim miała charakter antymieszczański, powieść Defoe zdobyła popularność również wśród polskich czytelników. Wydaje się, że Robinson Crusoe był też sojusznikiem tych spośród polskich pisarzy, którzy działali najpierw na rzecz ratowania państwa pod koniec XVIII wieku, a kiedy to się nie udało, próbowali przynajmniej unowocześnić polską mentalność. Określa się ich zresztą niekiedy mianem „rozbitków”, nawiązując do popularnego toposu nawy państwowej jako okrętu. Jeden z nich, Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, traktował Robinsona Crusoe jako postać z pogranicza fikcji i prawdy pozaliterackiej. Sam, jak Robinson, odbywał podróże do Nowego Świata i próbował tam przetrwać. W jego zapiskach dziennikowo-pamiętnikarskich można znaleźć wiele motywów, które rozważa się w związku z powieścią Defoe: migracje, etniczne uwarunkowania kolonizacji, stosunek przybyszów do rdzennych mieszkańców. Przez pryzmat Robinsona Crusoe warto również spojrzeć na powieść Niemcewicza Jan z Tęczyna. Jej bohater, podobnie jak Robinson, trafia na wyspę po katastrofie statku. Nie udaje mu się jednak na niej osiąść z powodu przeszkód natury wewnętrznej: idealistycznych wyobrażeń o miłości do kobiety oraz własnym statusie jako Polaka znakomitego rodu.
Pamiętnik Literacki
vol. 111
issue 1
Artykuł ukazuje postać Juliana Ursyna Niemcewicza, jedną z osobistości życia literackiego i politycznego końca XVIII wieku i pierwszej połowy XIX stulecia. Obfita twórczość pisarza dopiero od niedawna interesuje historyków literatury w pełnym wymiarze. Spóźniona naukowa recepcja ma źródło w specyfice podejścia do dzieł Niemcewicza w PRL-u, kiedy to „Powrót posła” wprowadzono na listę lektur szkolnych i wydawano w masowych nakładach, a zarazem większą część dorobku pisarza skazano na zapomnienie. Autora „Powrotu posła” włączono do zastępu pisarzy tzw. postępowych, dobrze widzianych w realiach pojałtańskich. Dzieła późniejsze, które po 1795 roku wyszły spod pióra Niemcewicza, cieszącego się autorytetem społecznym, uprawiającego pisarstwo zaangażowane politycznie (akcenty antyrosyjskie), nie poddawały się tego rodzaju manipulacji. Zainteresowanie całym dorobkiem pisarza wzrosło wtedy, kiedy badacze przywrócili cezuralność daty 1795 roku, co nastąpiło dopiero u schyłku PRL-u.
The article presents Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, a figure of the literary and political life of the end of the 18th c. and the first half of the 19th c. The writer’s rich creativity in its full form has only recently arisen interest of literary historians. The belated academic reception has its source in the specific approach to the reading of Niemcewicz’s works in the Polish Peopole’s Republic when “Powrót posła” (“Return of the Deputy)” was introduced into the school canon and published in mass edition, thus consigning the remaining pieces to oblivion. Niemcewicz was included into the group of so-called progressive writers, and welcome in the post-Yalta realities. His later works, written after the year 1795 by an authority who produced socially-committed literature (anti-Russian tones), did not undergo such manipulation. Interest in Niemcewicz’s entire creativity increased when researchers restored the year 1795 as a turning point, and that took place at the decline of the Polish People’s Republic.
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz included in his last will dated 1838 a valuable bequest that involved books and manuscripts. The castellan wished to have them donated to the Polish Library in Paris to which he was closely related. The article provides an analysis of the contributed documents (i.a., regarding their subject, language, and quantity). Moreover, the inheritance distribution process and the resulting issues concerning organisation of the legacy are discussed.
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz swoim testamentem sporządzonym w 1838 r. objął cenne po sobie pamiątki, w tym książki i rękopisy. Kasztelan życzył, by złożyć je w Bibliotece Polskiej w Paryżu, z którą był blisko związany. W artykule dokonano analizy przekazanych dokumentów (m.in. pod względem tematyki, języków czy ilości). Ponadto omówiony został proces przekazywania schedy, a także wynikające z tego problemy z uporządkowaniem spuścizny.
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, a Polish writer and politician, fought for the good of his homeland throughout his life. The knowledge gained at the Knight's School allowed for many years to perform the function of Adam Czartoryski, adjutant general of the army of the Podolia region. During the deliberations of the Great Sejm, he actively joined in the efforts to strengthen the army of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He took an active part in the battles in defense of the Constitution of May 3. Niemcewicz demonstrated the greatest military activity during the Kościuszko Uprising as Tadeusz Kosciuszko's adjutant. His memories of these events seem to be an important source for learning the final act of the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The author with high professionalism and accuracy describes the events that took place then.
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz polski pisarz, polityk, przez cały okres swojego życia walczył o dobro swojej ojczyzny. Wiedza zdobyta w Szkole Rycerskiej pozwoliła przez długie lata sprawować funkcję adiutanta generała wojsk ziemi podolskiej Adama Czartoryskiego. W trakcie obrad Sejmu Wielkiego włączył się aktywnie w działanie na rzecz wzmocnienia armii Rzeczypospolitej. Brał czynny udział w walkach w obronie Konstytucji 3 maja. Największą aktywność jako wojskowy Niemcewicz wykazał w trakcie Insurekcji Kościuszkowskiej jako adiutant Tadeusza Kościuszki. Jego wspomnienia dotyczące tych zdarzeń zdają się być ważnym źródłem dla poznania aktu końcowego historii Rzeczypospolitej. Autor z dużą fachowością i dokładnością opisuje zdarzenia, jakie miały wtedy miejsce.
Юлиан Урсын Немцевич, польский писатель и политик, на протяжении всей своей жизни боролся за благополучие своей родины. Знания, полученные в Рыцарской школе, позволили ему на протяжении многих лет служить адъютантом сухопутных войск Адама Чарторыйского в регионе Подолье. Во время встреч Великого Сейма он активно участвовал в укреплении армии Польско-Литовского Содружества. Он принимал активное участие в битвах за защиту Конституции от 3 мая. Немцевич продемонстрировал значительную военную деятельность во время восстания Костюшков качестве адъютанта Тадеуша Костюшко. Его воспоминания об этих событиях, похоже, являются важным источником для изучения заключительного акта истории Польско-литовского Содружества. Автор с высоким профессионализмом и точностью описывает события, которые тогда имели место.
Tematy i Konteksty
vol. 18
issue 13
The author of the article analyses the texts of selected eulogies delivered by the most eminent members of the Warsaw Society of Friends of Sciences: Jan Albertrandi, Stanisław Kostka Potocki, Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz and Stanisław Staszic. The subject of his interest is the way each of them approached the problem of freedom, giving laudations (usually in honour of particularly distinguished compatriots) at various moments of the Society’s history – from its beginning, through the period of the Duchy of Warsaw, to the years preceding the outbreak of the November Uprising. However, this is not only about freedom considered in connection with the collapse of the Polish state and the threat to the Polish community, but also about personal freedom,  regarded as something that can be achieved in other spheres of a person’s life than that primarily related to the political situation of the nation they belong to (e.g. in their involvement in the development of science).
The article is interested in following the history of the reception of the exceptional example of fifteenth-century poetry in Polish Pieśń o Wiklefie by Jędrzej Gałka of Dobczyn in the period between the discovery of the text in 1815 and the beginning of the First World War. The author discusses the reception of Pieśń o Wiklefie in later works of the Enlightenment poets as well as in texts by Mickiewicz and Norwid (the latter was friends with the poet Antoni Czajkowski, whose father first published Pieśń o Wiklefie). The article concludes with a discussion of the intellectual contacts between the logician Michał Dziewicki – one of the publishers of Wycliffe’s works – and Wittgenstein, who served in the military in Cracow.
The author aims to look at the mental maps of the Polish world outlined in the beginning of the 19th century in order to stabilize and retain the image of this world after the cataclysm of Napoleonic wars and the ensuing political transformations. The article is an analysis of the works by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841) and Stanisław Plater (1784-1851). The author claims that Niemcewicz undertook the task of sketching not only his personal reminiscences, but also a new mental map of the Polish world as an entity which was somewhat stabilized, if not quite steady and secure. In this vein he wrote a sort of historical reportage entitled ‘Podróże historyczne po ziemiach polskich’ (published in 1858) as well as a series of patriotic poems entitled ‘Śpiewy historyczne’ (1816), the historical treatise ‘Dzieje panowania Zygmunta III’ (1819) and the historical romance ‘Jan z Tęczyna’ (1825). Stanisław Plater (1784-1851), born to a famous Livonia family, wrote his ‘Jeografia wschodniey części Europy’ with the similar aim of portraying the Poles against the background of the ever-changing political geography of Eastern Europe.
The subject of the city is one of under-recognised areas of research in the Polish Enlightenment literature. This issue requires a more careful investigation in order to reveal, as far as possible, the overall picture. The purpose of the sketch is to indicate the need for re-examination of the sources and for complementation of the existing knowledge with the image of urban space and communities which inhabits it depicted in the eighteenth century texts. The fi rst part of the considerations recalls the image based on the negation of the city which dominated in the times of king Stanislaus. The second part provides various perspectives on the issue that refl ect a multiplicity of experiences presented in the social, historical, cultural, political, architectural, aesthetic, sensual, as well as anthropological and existential aspect.
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