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The author is critical of the proposed amendments, as they – in particular – do not abide by the principles of sound legislation. He also points out that the amended Act establishes an exceptional and one‑sided protection of employees without taking into account the interest of the employer.
This study concerns the ethical problems of personal data protection at work. The aim of this project is the analysis of the law structures, which determine the range of protection personal data of the employee and the candidate to work and the rights of data collecting and processing by the employer. The employee privacy protection at work is the principle of labour law expressed in Article 11 of the Labour Code. However personal data protection problem is directly regulated by Article 22 of the Labour Code, which entitle employers to demand certain personal data from the employees and the candidates to work. The regulation determine the list of data, which may be the subject of legal actions by employer in the field of collecting and processing of personal data. The most important issue is connected with the treatment of sensitive information, such as health data, drug testing and genetic testing, sex life, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership. Personal data protection means the necessity of cooperation between the employee and the employer not only in the field determined by the law but on the basis of ethical values as well. Hence the employer’s obligation to keep from actions which directly interfere in employee’s protected personal effects. But the employee is obliged to give true information about himself in order to protect his health and life at work.
The author is critical about the failure by the authors of the bill to respect the principles of sound legislation, and claims, inter alia, that terms used in the bill is not coherent with that applied in other legislative acts. Additionally, he raises doubts as to whether the proposed amendments are consistent with Article 7 of Annex I to the Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
An analysis of the amendments to the Act is focused on the introduction to the Polish labour law of a prohibition against issuing promissory notes, a declaration of submission to enforcement procedure and acknowledgment of debt as means to secure the claims of the employer against an employee arising from the employment relationship. The author gives a positive opinion on the general direction of changes proposed in the bill, due especially to the need to achieve axiological coherence of the legal system. However, he calls into question the relevance of the choice of instruments to be used for this purpose, According to the author, particularly, the acceptance of the effect in the form of invalidity of a promissory note issued by an employee to secure future claims of the employer would constitute a breach of the Convention, binding the Republic of Poland, providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes.
According to the author, the proposed solutions should be considered in conjunction with other provisions which, within the current legal framework, in many areas favour people who conduct non-agricultural activities versus employees. Otherwise, they could be perceived as increasing an unequal treatment of these groups. In his opinion, the financial effects of the proposed regulations are difficult to estimate. Nevertheless, a slight increase in employers’ expenses may be expected due to the increased seniority bonuses and the need for accelerated payments of jubilee awards.
In the opinion of the author, the implementation of the Directive, which will replace the currently binding Council Directive 2010/18/EU implementing the revised Framework Agreement on parental leave, should consist primarily in the implementation of those of its provisions which extend the existing parental leave rights of employees or introduce new rights. In essential part, this it is possible by amending certain provisions of the Labour Code Act.
The suggested amendment to the Labour Code aims to introduce a provision obliging employers to include periods of non-agricultural activity in the periods on which employee benefits or rights depend. The provision is to be placed in the chapter declaring fundamental principles of labour law. The author states that there is no systemic justification for including this type of norm among the basic principles of labour law, without taking into account the currently used differentiation of the position of employees in specific situations. In her opinion, the proposed regulation raises doubts from the perspective of the constitutional principle of equality, especially in the context of adequacy and proportionality to the assumed goal.
The proposed provisions will affect the legal situation of employees (and job candidates) and employers, with some of the legal effects not sufficiently explained in explanatory statement. The proposed amendment to the Labour Code may affect the content of salary regulations and collective labour agreements; it may also constitute the basis for the application of sanctions provided for in labour law for the underestimating or inflating an individual salary.
The proposed bill contains a new solution regarding “including information on the proposed amount of gross salary” (or indicating the so-called pay range) in the offers of employment for an employee in a given position. Some of the proposed provisions may be controversial or require additional analysis due to their possible effects or possible interpretational problems. The bill will not have direct consequences for public finances, however, it may have social and economic effects as well as financial effects of a microeconomic scope.
The present elaboration is dedicated to the analysis of the Labour Code, which took effect in 1975. Author presents the main directions of the development of the Labour Code within last forty years, especially with regard to adaptation of labour law to new economic circumstances after the breakthrough in 1989 and implementation of the directives of the European Union. He emphasizes qualities and shortcomings of the Labour Code, including its scope, structure, legislative technique and lack of stability. The possibility of enacting the new Labour Code is considered as well.
In the author’s opinion, proposals regarding levelling rights of employees – other members of close family taking maternity leave (or parental one) – with rights of an employee – father raising a child, extending deadline for an employee to apply for correction of a work certificate, and applying to a labour court for correction of this document are justified. Significant doubts are related to introduction of the possibility of issuing by the court a decision replacing the certificate of employment. Finally, a positive opinion concerns the proposed amendment to Article 1050 of the Code of Civil Procedure, consisting introduction of the principle that enforcement of non-pecuniary benefits in the field of labour law, may be carried out before a court of an alternating jurisdiction, what will facilitate a lawyer submission of an application for such enforcement.
The Lawyer Quarterly
vol. 7
issue 4
The article focuses on the financial security of employees in the first 14 calendar days of a temporary sick leave caused by sickness, injury or another specified social situation. The financial security is generally ensured by public system of sickness insurance in the form of sickness benefits. However, the sickness benefit is provided only from the 15th calendar day of a temporary sick leave and the sickness benefits are paid by a bearer of the insurance, i. e. a district social security administration, which is a state authority. In the period of the first 14 calendar days a sick pay is provided by an employer instead of sickness benefits. When determining the amount of this compensation, principles similar to determining sickness benefits are applied. Sickness benefits are calculated based on only a part of an income. Ensuring financial security during a temporary sick leave is thus regulated both by private law in the Labour Code as well as by public law in the Act on Sickness Insurance.
vol. 61
issue 3 (368)
In his article, the author discusses the possibility of court control over various ways of termination of employment and non-contractual employment from the angle of the constitutional right to court trial and protective function of the Labour Code. The article presents the scope of courts’ control in cases when contractual or non-contractual employment is terminated, as well as the legal nature of the ruling on restoration of employment and compensation if legal deficiencies have been found with regard to the termination of employment. The issue of legal measures that courts have at their disposal in cases when the termination of employment has been questioned is also discussed in the article, as well as possibilities to more broadly apply compensation claims instead of restitution claims.
Autor analizuje ustawę o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks pracy oraz niektórych innych ustaw z 25.06.2015 r. Wspólną cechą nowelizacji przepisów Kodeksu pracy w 2015 r. jest zamiar ustawodawcy zagwarantowania równego traktowania pracowników. W przedstawionych w niniejszym opracowaniu zmianach dokonanych w dziale drugim Kodeksu pracy – „stosunek pracy”: umowa o pracę zaakcentowana została tendencja do konwergencji dwóch przeciwstawnych tendencji: stabilizacji i elastyczności zatrudnienia.
The Author describes an amendments introduced in 2015 into the Polish Labour Code in matters of employment contracts for a definite period of time and legal restrictions imposed by the State in 2015 on the freedom of parties (employers and employees/workers) to conclude such labour contracts. He argues that the most current amendment blears an outline between definite and indefinite contracts of employment.
Zasada niedyskryminacji leży u podstaw urzeczywistnianego w jego ramach ładu społeczno-gospodarczego, którego głównymi parametrami są zrównoważony wzrost gospodarczy, stabilność cen, społeczna gospodarka rynkowa o wysokiej konkurencyjności zmierzająca do pełnego zatrudnienia i postępu społecznego, włączenie i spójność społeczna, niedyskryminacja, w tym równość kobiet i mężczyzn oraz sprawiedliwość społeczna (art. 3 ust. 3 TUE). W tej perspektywie zakaz dyskryminacji staje się warunkiem sine qua non osiągnięcia traktatowych celów UE, silnie skorelowanym z teorią ordoliberalizmu. Celem artykułu jest analiza sposobu normatywnego zabezpieczenia zasady niedyskryminacji w prawie UE w perspektywie ordoliberalizmu i wynikających z tego implikacji dla polskiego porządku normatywnego. Autorzy zamierzają odpowiedzieć na pytanie badawcze dotyczące tego, w jakim zakresie teoria ordoliberalizmu wywarła wpływ na rozwój zasady niedyskryminacji, rozumianej jako prawo podmiotowe do równego traktowania bez względu na indywidualne cechy, inne niż przynależność państwowa, przez porównawczą analizę relewantnych przepisów prawa unijnego oraz kodeksu pracy.
The obligations of local government employees, including local government employees employed in clerical positions, are mainly determined by the provisions of the Act on Self-Government Employees and the provisions of the Labour Code to an extent not regulated in the Act on Self-Government Employees. Among the basic duties of local government employees, the legislator mentions: care of performing public tasks and public funds, taking into account the public interest and individual interests of citizens. The consequence of a breach of duties by self-government employees may be their liability for maintenance of order, and in the event of a serious breach of basic duties by a self-government employee it may be the termination of the employment contract without notice due to the employee’s fault.
Obowiązki pracowników samorządowych, w tym pracowników samorządowych zatrudnionych na stanowiskach urzędniczych, określają głównie przepisy ustawy o pracownikach samorządowych oraz – w zakresie nieuregulowanym w ustawie o pracownikach samorządowych – przepisy Kodeksu pracy. Wśród podstawowych obowiązków pracowników samorządowych ustawodawca wymienia dbałość o wykonywanie zadań publicznych oraz o środki publiczne, z uwzględnieniem interesu publicznego i indywidualnych interesów obywateli. Konsekwencją naruszenia przez pracowników samorządowych obowiązków pracowniczych może być poniesienie przez nich odpowiedzialności porządkowej, a w przypadku ciężkiego naruszenia przez pracownika samorządowego podstawowych obowiązków pracowniczych – rozwiązanie umowy o pracę bez wypowiedzenia z winy pracownika.
The principle of non-discrimination lies at the heart of the socio-economic order of the EU, the main parameters of which are sustainable economic growth, price stability, a highly competitive social market economy aiming at full employment and social progress, inclusion and social cohesion, non-discrimination, including equality between women and men and social justice (TEU: art. 3.3). Therefore, the prohibition of discrimination becomes a sine qua non condition for achieving EU treaty goals, strongly correlated with the theory of ordoliberalism. The aim of the article is to analyse the normative way of securing the principle of non-discrimination in EU law in the perspective of ordoliberalism and its implications for Polish law. The authors intend to answer the research question about the extent to which ordoliberal theory had an impact on the development of the principle of non-discrimination, understood as a subjective right to equal treatment, regardless of individual characteristics, other than nationality, through the comparison of relevant provision of EU law and the Polish Labour Code.
Zasada niedyskryminacji leży u podstaw urzeczywistnianego w jego ramach ładu społeczno-gospodarczego, którego głównymi parametrami są zrównoważony wzrost gospodarczy, stabilność cen, społeczna gospodarka rynkowa o wysokiej konkurencyjności zmierzająca do pełnego zatrudnienia i postępu społecznego, włączenie i spójność społeczna, niedyskryminacja, w tym równość kobiet i mężczyzn oraz sprawiedliwość społeczna (art. 3 ust. 3 TUE). W tej perspektywie zakaz dyskryminacji staje się warunkiem sine qua non osiągnięcia traktatowych celów UE, silnie skorelowanym z teorią ordoliberalizmu. Celem artykułu jest analiza sposobu normatywnego zabezpieczenia zasady niedyskryminacji w prawie UE w perspektywie ordoliberalizmu i wynikających z tego implikacji dla polskiego porządku normatywnego. Autorzy zamierzają odpowiedzieć na pytanie badawcze dotyczące tego, w jakim zakresie teoria ordoliberalizmu wywarła wpływ na rozwój zasady niedyskryminacji, rozumianej jako prawo podmiotowe do równego traktowania bez względu na indywidualne cechy, inne niż przynależność państwowa, przez porównawczą analizę relewantnych przepisów prawa unijnego oraz kodeksu pracy.
There is no uniform model of employment in Polish legislation. The shape of the employment relationship of an academic employee is strongly influenced by the specific normative relationship that exists between the Labour Code and the Law on Higher Education. It should be noted that the Law on Higher Education is not a sufficient regulation. It regulates, in principle, sufficiently those issues that require, due to its nature, a different than regulatory code. The relations between these two acts are diverse, which results from the construction of Article 5 of the Labour Code. The statutory regulations affect the shape of the employment relationship. Each college as part of its autonomy can regulate various issues, creating many different hybrid work relationship models.
W polskim ustawodawstwie nie występuje jednolity model zatrudniania pracowników. Na kształt stosunku pracy pracowników akademickich zdecydowany wpływ ma swoista normatywna relacja, jaka zachodzi pomiędzy kodeksem pracy a ustawą o szkolnictwie wyższym. Wskazać należy, że ustawa o szkolnictwie wyższym nie ma charakteru regulacji wystarczającej. Reguluje w sposób co do zasady wystarczający te kwestie, które wymagają – z uwagi na swój charakter – odmiennej niż kodeksowa regulacji. Relacje zachodzące między tymi dwoma aktami mają charakter zróżnicowany, który wynika z konstrukcji art. 5 Kodeksu pracy. Na kształt stosunku pracy wpływ mają unormowania statutowe. Każda szkoła wyższa w ramach swojej autonomii może dane kwestie uregulować różnie, tworząc wiele hybrydowych modeli stosunku pracy.
Autor przedstawia prawne dysproporcje między przepisami Kodeksu pracy (art. 2  i 22) i Traktatu o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej (art. 45, dawny art. 39 TWE). Tytuł VII Traktatu gwarantuje swobodę przepływu wewnątrz Unii Europejskiej osób, usług i kapitału, natomiast art. 45 TfUE wymienia wyłącznie pracowników w ramach szeroko pojętej kategorii osób aktywnych zawodowo w państwach członkowskich UE. Podstawową tezą sformułowaną w artykule jest objęcie zakresem swobody przemieszczania się osób zatrudnionych na podstawie cywilnoprawnych umów o świadczenie usług, formalnie niemających w świetle przepisów polskiego prawa pracy statusu prawnego pracowników. Zamierzeniem autora jest prewencyjne uniemożliwienie możliwości ograniczenia swobody przemieszczania się wewnątrz Unii Europejskiej osób zawodowo aktywnych, pozostających w zatrudnieniu nie-pracowniczym (cywilnoprawnym). Z tego względu autor proponuje w tekstach właściwych przepisów prawa (polskich i unijnych) zastąpienie terminu „pracownik” określeniem „zatrudniony”, obejmującym osoby świadczące pracę na podstawie przepisów Kodeksu cywilnego.
Author is presenting legal discrepancies between provisions of Polish Labour Code (art.2 and 22) and Treaty for Functioning of the EU (art.45, former art. 39). Title VII of UE Treaty guarantees freedom of movement of individuals, services and capital but art.45 of the above mentioned Treaty lists only employees among broader category of professionally active population of EU Member States which ought to enjoy freedom of movement. therefore, an article published is inspired by the risk which might be created by a national ultra legalistic method of argumentation according to which only individuals defined by the national legislator as an employees may enjoy freedom of movement within EU. In order to prevent such possibility an Author proposes to substitute in both legal texts (Labour Code and Treaty) an oficial definition of an employee by the broader legal term of “labour” which covers also an individuals employed on legal grounds regulated by the Civil Code.
The subject of this article is related to interpretation of the principle of non-discrimination in remuneration. In author’s opinion is essential to carry processes of job and employee evaluation in order to justify legitimacy of employers activities. Correct introduction of these processes will enable suitable estimation of document in the field of remuneration such as a collective labour agreements, pay regulations and employment contracts. 
Temat tego artykułu jest związany z interpretacją zasady niedyskryminacji w wynagrodzeniu. W opinii autora, aby usprawiedliwiać legalność działania pracodawcy, niezbędne jest przeprowadzenie procedur wartościowania stanowisk pracy oraz oceny pracownika. Poprawne wprowadzenie tych procesów umożliwi prawidłową ocenę dokumentów z dziedziny wynagradzania, takich jak układ zbiorowy pracy, regulamin wynagradzania oraz umowa o pracę.
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